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Everything posted by Mudryah


    Yes!!!! JustBHappy said it well. I lose students because they want a quick fix of practicing taichi but I refuse. it takes years to really understand the basics and learn internal arts. but how do you go slow?

    Yes!!!! JustBHappy said it well. I lose students because they want a quick fix of practicing taichi but I refuse. it takes years to really understand the basics and learn internal arts. but how do you go slow?
  3. TAICHI SPEED... Sorry, forum police. I forgot to show the link. Lol.

    This is an article I found.

    Most of the posts I make are from Longmen sect teachings. We must share the knowledge. but other groups have the same teachings just different philosophies or vice versa.
  6. They always take out clips from the American movies. I never saw this.
  7. 道家秘法脾胃汤对输卵管阻塞引起的不孕所产生的功效案解 Explanation of a record concerning the effect of infertility raised by the Spleen/Stomach DecoctionTCM powder) secret Taoist formula for treating the obstruction of the Fallopian tube. 台湾朋友陈先生的妻子两年来因输卵管阻塞问题一直不能怀孕偶然机会相遇相识后本人见其妻子脸黄肌瘦问是否有脾胃之病答曰有胃病多年且常手脚冰凉食欲很差。 The wife of my Taiwanese friend Mr. Chen already has a problem of obstruction of the Fallopian tube permanently preventing her from having a child for two years . After we had the opportunity to meet and got to know each other, I noticed her yellow complexion and emaciated body. I asked her if she had a Spleen/stomach disease. She replied: I have been suffering a stomach disease for years and my hands and feet are cold , feeding myself in little quantities. 我与其脉诊发现其脉微沉舌头厚腻且有牙齿印且回答平时喜欢喝热水。分析为脾胃病导致不喜纳食脾不运化导致水湿停滞从而气血微弱不能通达四末以致手脚长期冰凉胃寒营养不够导致脸黄肌瘦。 I went on with the pulse diagnosis and discovered her pulse was weak (wei) and deep (chen). Her tongue had a thin greasy cover with marks of teeth on its edges. She told me that she liked drinking hot water. My differential diagnosis was: spleen/stomach disease leading to a poor appetite, the transportation function of the spleen was impaired leading to a stagnation of water humidity, energy(Qi) and blood were weak, unable to reach the four extremities to the point where hands and feet always felt cold; Cold in stomach; Insufficiency of the nourishing function leading to the yellow complexion and emaciated body. 本只是想必须先健其脾胃增强其后天之本。于是提议她服用我云南师父所传我的200多年历史的脾胃汤一个月以此改善提高其脾胃之功能。 I originally thought that I needed only to reinforce her spleen and stomach, thus strengthening the root of Posterior Heaven. As a result, I suggested her to take for one month the TCM powder for her spleen and stomach that my Master from Yunnan transmitted me and which has a history of over 200 years. 服用脾胃汤一个月中其同时间中服用已经服用了两年之久的广东省中医院开的活血祛瘀之中药用于疏通输卵管之用。 She took that TCM powder for one month and at the same time she was taking for the medicines for dispelling blood stasis prescribed by the Guangdong Hospital in order to clear away the Fallopian tube obstruction. 一个多月后到朋友处朋友问我他老婆的月经好像没有按期而至问我是否可以搭脉看看 After more than one month, I went to see my friend, who asked me about her wife who seemed to have her periods not coming on schedule, if I could take her pulse. 我欣然答应。因为云南师父曾教过我的双手诊脉测孕脉的方法我终于可以验证了。于是认真地用师父所传方法同时体会朋友妻子的双手之脉有所验证。为了保险又仔细地诊验了她的神门脉。果然她平时非常微弱的脉象此时变得有力强劲尤其神门之脉。 I immediately agreed, because my Master from Yunnan taught me how to detect pregnancy by taking both pulses, I was finally able to confirm. I used my Master method with great care in both friends wifes pulses and I carefully examined her Vitality Gate pulse too. As expected, her normally weak and feeble pulse aspect transformed into strong and powerful, especially the Vital Gate pulse. 于是对朋友说明天去医院验证是否如我所诊断一样已经有孕。结果果然如此。 Then I told my friend: go tomorrow to the hospital to check if I diagnosed correctly the pregnancy. And the hostipal checking fit my diagnosis, she was pregnant! 朋友和我总结能够怀孕的原因讨论后我总结如下造成朋友妻子两年不能怀孕的原因是双侧输卵管的阻塞。我用中医的理论分析造成输卵管阻塞的主要原因是由于脾胃功能的衰弱导致营养和气血的不良和微弱脾无运化导致水冷的停滞寒水的停滞造成肌肉经络的挛缩导致输卵管的收缩而阻塞。 I summed up with my friend the reasons why she was able to get pregnant. After talking over , here is what we got: to cause the two years long infertility of my friends wife, the two Fallopian tubes needed to be obstructed. I used the traditional Chinese medicine theories and differential diagnosis to detect that the problem was caused by the weakness of spleen and stomach functions, leading to the nourishing and energy(Qi)-blood weakness and insufficiency. The spleen was unable to transport and transform, leading to stagnation of cold water; the cold water stagnation created the contraction of the meridians, leading to the retraction of the Fallopian tubes. 当服用脾胃汤后脾胃由于药物的对口从而得到改善因为期 间她的脸色有所红晕光泽而且晚上睡觉手脚也温暖了功能的恢复使得气血增加。脾能运化水湿减少寒气消失肌肉和经络恢复正常弹性。加上持续服用针 对性的省中医活血化瘀的药物双管齐下输卵管得以恢复畅通因此得以怀孕。从这一案例总结得出古代先贤将脾胃作为后天之本是非常的正确之理的。 After taking the spleen/stomach TCM powder, the right medicine managed to improve the condition of the spleen and stomach (because during that time her complexion was reddish and brilliant, and in addition the hands and feet became warm at night and during sleep). Their functions were reinstated increasing the amount of energy(Qi) and blood. The spleen was able to transport and transform, the water dampness decreased; the cold energy was reduced, the flesh and the meridians recovered their normal elasticity. In addition, she continued to take the remedy to counteract the provincial medicine for eliminating blood stasis, both tubes recovered their unimpeded flow, therefore allowing her to become pregnant. To conclude this record, we can summarize that past sages theories claiming spleen and stomach to be the root of Posterior Heaven were confirmed to be correct.

    Written by one of my former teacher's disciples from China.

    Written by one of my former teacher's disciples from China.
  10. QI GONG: What is Possessed by the Devil?

    Written by one of my former teacher's disciples from China.
  11. Sup Taoist Homies

    No ego, control desires, don't let them control you, slow your mind (way of thinking), deal with all issues and move on. Then focus on living in Love, peace, and harmony with nature, universe, God, yourself, and others. Think happy, live happy. Overcome and deal with negativity and never let it invade your space. Watch what you eat, listen to, see (movies, tv), speak with love and not hate. Practice daily these things along with exercises you will merge well the spirit/mind and body. There you will find yourself. Peace to you. _/|\_
  12. ...

  13. Donnie Yen new movie!

    Just to let you know also, this movie is not a wushu kungu based film. This is real street fight situations type of scenes and some wire stuff but I repeat this is not a wushu kungu film. It's similar to Flashpoint.

    This guy molested little girls and no one did anything but his ex assistant coach. Mike was not a real fighter.

    I always knew something wasn't right about him as I watched his fights. This is a real shame.
  18. Donnie Yen new movie!
  19. Donnie Yen new movie!

    Just to let you know Special ID with Donnie Yen can be bought online and I think you can download it now.

    Man of Tai Chi

    I'm excited to know that the Shaolin monk that resides in London has done a movie!