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Posts posted by Sonhoffman

  1. In moderation, good. Too much, bad. None, neutral. :)


    All bitter taste is cleansing according to both ayurvedic and tcm theory. I read about a study on alcoholics, where those who drank coffee had less liver disease than those who didn't. Of course I don't know if that was really true :D

  2. Yea!

    It was something I have never experienced before. The first day was so-so, but the second day for me was like a psychedelic trip. Because my studies began on monday I had to leave after the second thay. And you know what? A miracle has happened. You see before the workshop I could not do sitting or standing meditation. It took me 50 minutes to get the movements going and because I have cronic fatique syndrome, my body could not handle keeping up the posture. After the workshop, I woke up 7am went straight to sitting meditation, did it for 1hour no side-effects whatsoever. Next day same thing, except that today I also did 1 hour of standing meditation later. Now I can access the movements right away and when they get going its not taxing for the body, infact I feel more energetic afterwards. So the workshop changed everything for me :) Come weekend I will start experimenting with Gift of the Tao..

    This is beyond awesome, doing spiritual practice has always been my greatest dream. Thnx to Michael and Brion, who projected their chi into me my life has started to turn around. I'll certainly hold on to this chi and build it up with practice :)

    Words are not enough to describe how happy I am :)


    Superb! This alone makes arranging the event worth my while. Not to mention all the other awesomity.


    I was surprised by how effective the water fu and other healings (done by people who never did this kind of things before) were.

    When my friend charged the water and I drank it gave me similar effects as a local analgesic would have, a relaxing of tension that lasted quite a while. Taoist medicine was another mind-blower.


    What I look forward the most is how this will affect my practice from now on, as the information in the energy unfolds..




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  3. Virtue, awareness, qi...these are a light. They are your protection. If your mind is focused on mercy and helping others, it isn't focused on the dark forces that harm us. Those dark forces are literally gone at such times. Also, if you know who you are...say for instance, you like watching soccer. That (or any other example) may be a part of who you are, who you've become. Who you are, what you love doing, that's another boundary that these things can't cross. But when you try to dissolve yourself completely, as spiritual people try to do sometimes, then that obliterates the boundaries that were there and opens up your field to the dark things.

    When you become really angry, maybe act out on it, then you can see them flying around...if you go out at dusk, you can see them appearing here and there, literally appearing to your eyes. So try to cultivate yourself to the point where that isn't happening. This is just my experience.

    People have used sage smudge wands to kinda clear their field, but the protection really comes from a loving heart, I think. Don't just take my word for it, I barely know anything.


    Sage and rosemary are good for cleansing the external qi. Essential oils are handy, just rub a drop into palms and sweep the energy field. A loving heart is a great thing, too! :)

  4. Is there a Stillness Movement DVD or Book??


    Check out


    There can be no dvd on Stillness-Movement since it's an internal practice and you wont't learn much from watching someone do it. There are Dvd's on the movement system "Gift of the Tao" which is a system based on the energetics of Stillness-Movement.


    There is a digital book on Stillness-Movement, the physical copy of which is sold out. Even this book is not really a manual but an introduction to the concepts of this system and a reference book, a very interesting and useful one as such.

  5. I will remind you of the getting serious comment when Brion has you laughing in continuous waves.


    I was asked if this class has made yet. Both Brion and I already have our tickets. Join us for neigong in Billnas if you wish; this workshop will be highly energetic!


    This reminds me, the only time I've been projected Qi at by a person of power, I had a hard time trying not to laugh uncontrollably.. But if this happens in Billnas I won't even try :D

  6. The simple answer to Keeney's "Shaking medicine" = Ya Mu's "Stillness-Movement" is no.


    The experience of SM neigong is unique to YOU, and where YOU are when you engage with it. Expectation and presumption about what it is, what it does etc can often get in the way of that. This is why Ya Mu does not have a bullet point explanation of it. And if my teacher says it can't be put into words, who am I to do so?


    It is easier to point out misunderstanding regarding what it is not. But then when this is done, it can be assumed this is simply tribalism or marketting :blink:


    So you have a question to ask. If I ask a question about SM neigong, who am I going to believe? Words easily cause confusion.


    Ya Mu doesn't ask anyone to believe him, he asks that you experience and see for yourself and go from there whatever you find. Seek your own understanding and answers.






    RV knows whereof she speaks.




    This is the only post of mine that I think you could have gotten the impression that,




    It may simply be a word thing, but 'incorporate' sounds intentional and an aim. What I am talking about is that just because some have been 'shaken' in SM neigong, people see that or read that description and assume it is about shaking, or you are meant to shake, or that it is the same as "shaking medicine". Additionally my point is what is causing the expression? So many expressions can occur. So I will repeat Ya Mu's advice;






    Yes there are zifagong's where you learn to induce spontaneous movement and or 'shaking'. There are also 'shaking' qigong's where you simply "shake" the soft tissue around the bones, either whole bodily or limbs. The latter is a conscious intended movement although you can find a rhythm and momentum within that. They are not secret qigongs.




    No I don't. I have varying experience with different practices. After being introduced to one, and then being inspired by talking with others about what they do I sought other methods out. But be aware that they have their own reasons and purposes. For example one of the shaking qigong's I know ties directly into bodywork applications, that is its purpose. If I practice it am I trying to get more bang for my buck out of SM neigong? No it is done for its own sake and has nothing to do with it.


    I may regret this, but one of my early experiences with SM neigong was of my awareness and mind dropping into and through my dantian, it then expanded into the stars while I remained aware of my dantian as a star that felt like an anchor between the heavens and where my body was. It was how I know I could come back. Now, it only happened once. It provided several insights into various things. But to take this and think or state that this is what SM neigong 'is' or 'does' would not do me or anyone else any favours.


    Some appear to keep focussing on the idea of moving spontaneously or whatever else because it is called Stillness-Movement. What about all the other phenomena, expressions, and experiences that occur?? SM neigong cannot be summed up or explained as ......... fill in the blank.


    The only reason I contributed to this thread is BECAUSE I have done various practices that people keep equating with SM neigong. Bottom line, the assumption they are the same will get in the way. I have had to drop and let go of many of these, and listen to Ya Mu to realise and see through my expectations. I am still doing this.




    My experience from about a year of practice is that Stillness-Movement changes constantly, it has dynamics that are indeed all about the energetics and none about expectations, just as I get used to having muscle twitches in the belly/psoases when practicing they suddenly don't appear anymore but my neck wants to turn left, left, no right, then left again... Then stop, no movement but an overpowering rush of energy.. Shoulder twitches, supposedly QI opening gates there. And in the beginning it all started with just a little bit of circling of the waist, I actually wasn't sure if I was making it happen or if it just happened.


    :D So yeah I suspect we won't find a way to put it into words accurately, neither a comparison with other types of Qigong.

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  7. We now have Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, UK, US, and Romania represented in attending the workshop.


    Some may find this interesting. The song, Sea of Light, that was released on both the Taoist Medicine and Gift of the Tao II DVDs, is one of my songs recorded as a collaboration between Jukka and I. In addition to being our host for this workshop, Jukka is a top 20 recording and performing artist in Finland.


    One Russian guy who lives in Finland told me he is attending.



    Actually, I've been top 3 for the last 3 months ;)

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  8. My Qigong schedule has definitely been more erratic in the past as well. I used to do random Gift of the Tao's during the day and try to fit my sitting practice in at night, though many times things would come up and I wouldn't always get the chance to do it. I find it best to get the meat of my qigong practice done with in the morning so that I don't have to worry about trying to cram long sessions late at night. After this last workshop I really want to make the effort to truly embrace the system to the best of my ability.


    BTW, I've also found that after having been doing qigong, I feel more refreshed with less sleep than when before I practiced.


    Erratic or not, you've obviously managed to make great progress in your practice. This gives more hope for erratics like me :)

  9. Bears.


    Did I mention bears?


    I've scoped out an out-of-the-way spot at work, on the edge of a remote parking lot with grass and trees and some shade, etc. Little traffic there, especially in the summer, so I often will practice my GoT there at lunchtime. Today, about 45 minutes into it, I hear a little rustling in the bushes off to my right. Expecting a squirrel (I seem to be on squirrel-frequency), I was surprised to see a baby bear coming into the clearing!


    Startled, I stopped. A moment later, I heard a little grunt and both baby bear & I turned to see mama bear. Baby bear pranced over to mam's feet and was joined by a second cub. I had just started "salute to Master Wang" so I started again and kept the bears in my peripheral vision. Mama stood on her back legs and watched me until I stopped several minutes later, sniffing the air constantly.


    They then started lumbering off. I reached in my pocket and snapped a phone-pic but it's rather lousy -- they are the black blobs in the middle of the screen.


    I was never between mama & cubs and never less than 15 feet or so from them so no one seemed in danger. Kinda cool, though! :)







    I think you are quite brave, although I suppose it does no good to run in that situation :)