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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    That is correct,...for you, there is not yet any proof that what I've been pointing to is proof of anything. Quite bluntly, this is because you are not aware of a single truth. Once you become aware of a single truth, this conversation will shift exponentially. A truth is that which points to a non-condition, non-concept, to something, so to say, that never changes,...for example, that There is No Present in Time. Within my posts here is a consistant striving to use pointers. Hui Neng,...he became enlightened after hearing one sentence (of words)from a Master,..."Depending upon no-thing, you must find your own mind." That is a pointer to uncover barriers of seeing. My wish is to commune on levels beyond what many consider ineffible. There is nothing that is ineffible,...but to embrace that, means letting go of alot of beliefs. "Your own Mind" is not the thinking mind, the so-called mind of ego,...it is the Mind of Unborn Awareness. You do not lack this Unborn Awareness,...you do not lack anything,...it's merely obscured by an attachment to the senses and skandhas. There is no Present in time. The dream is fully within time,...there is no present in the dream. "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists." And yet, as Osho said "We condemn the real and we enforce the unreal, because the unreal is going to be helpful in an unreal society and the unreal is going to be convenient…A child is born in a society, and a society is already there with its fixed rules, regulations, behaviors and moralities which the child has to learn. When he/she will grow he/she will become false. Then children will be born to him/her, and he/she will help make them false, and this goes on and on." V
  2. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    As others have commented on the particular part of Shurangama Sutra you mentioned, I'll bring up another point,....the Shurangama Sutra is an awesome text,...specifically Chapter 6,...Avalokitesvara's Dharma-Gate, an Enlightenment through the gateway of ear. This is a most important chapter for anyone on the Short Path,...."Once the hearing was ended, there was nothing to rely on, and both awareness and its objects became empty. When the emptiness of awareness was ultimately perfected, emptiness and what was being emptied then also ceased to be. With arising and ceasing gone, tranquility was revealed." I agree with Avalokitesvara, that hearing is a great point of entry to Heart-Mind. "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated....The entire illusion was never really there. The six sense-organs are also thus. At first there was one essential brightness. Which split into a six-fold combination. If but one part ceases and returns, All six functions will stop as well." Keep in mind,..an interesting point about Bardo Thodol,...Liberation Through Hearing During The Intermediate State,...or the spiritual observation that people can hear 49 days after the physical form expires, is that some feel that hearing is the first recognizable sense before birth,...hearing the heart beat of the mother. V
  3. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    YES!!!! The language of Heart-Mind is more different than the language of Physicians, Astrologers, or Accountants. I certainly attempt to use the most accurate, current dictionary definitions. For example, god. God (god), n., 1. A being (condition) conceived as the omnipotent (condition), omniscient (condition) originator and ruler (condition) of the universe (condition), the principal object (condition) of faith and worship (conditions) in monotheistic religions (conditions). 2. The force (condition), effect (condition), or a manifestation or aspect (conditions) of this being (condition). 3. A being of supernatural powers (condition) or attributes (conditions), believed in and worshiped (conditions) by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality (conditions). 4. An image of a supernatural being; an idol (conditions). 5. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed (conditioned). 6. A very handsome man (condition). 7. A powerful ruler or despot (conditions). 8. Used to express disappointment, disbelief, frustration, annoyance (conditions). The goods news is,...I'm willing to go as far as anyone wishes to go in the discussion. V
  4. Yes, that was an interesting video. Sure, I agree with Wilber, that Descartes was extraordinarily profound in his insights,...just the fact that René Descartes observed that, All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once is extraordinary. Even on this Tao Forum, there are many who still don't get that, and believe everything the senses tell them as if it were real. Wilber suggests "the fundamental thing is the Three Step process,...the World is illusory, Brahman alone is real, Brahman is the World; and you can say the samething, form is illusory, emptiness alone is real, emptiness is form..." That's BS! Neither Brahman nor Emptiness is real. Yes, Brahman is the World,...yes, Empty is Form. I agree that for Hindus, Brahman is the one supreme, universal Spirit. The key word there is "universal." However, neither Brahman nor Emptiness exists beyond the sum of their parts,...nor can their parts ever merge. An in-breath and out-breath never merge,...a positive and negative never merge,...that's cerebral-centric fiction. Freethought Buddhism says, attachment to anything, even universal oneness, is an egoic illusion. Wilber asked, "where was Spirit prior to the big bang?...was there no Spirit?...that doesn't quite make sense." Yes,...it makes perfect sense from the point of view of Undivided Light. Sure, Spirit is an intimate dance between the interdependent reality of emptiness and form through which duality, and the things of duality, are perceived to move. Sure, Spiritual bliss is an awesome gateway to ultimate bliss, through the awareness of its connected in-breath and out-breath. Sure, Spirit is an impersonal condition,...but not unconditional,... just impersonal. Spirit is Movement, as Brahman is the World, and Emptiness is Form. Spirit is the moving, vital force of duality. To understand Spirit, necessitates an understanding of Who's Who in duality. Spirit,...the in-breath and outbreath of duality,...does not exist beyond duality, just as the Tai chi Tu does not exist in Wu Chi,...although Wu Chi is the fulcrum upon which Tai chi Tu effects its motion. Because most of our society is asleep, everything is viewed upside down and inside out. For example, the Tai chi Tu symbol is often displayed arbitrarily. The Tai chi Tu, or yin-yang, is a well-known symbol that shows dualities two primal forces that is simultaneously opposing and complimentary. Although this symbol represents the rhythm of duality within the universe and thus can be viewed in motion, there is a correct, meaningful way to display it statically. The yin, or dark, feminine energy should be located on the left, with its bright eye upward at the top, whereas yang, the bright, masculine energy, should be on the right, downward with its dark eye at the bottom of the pattern. Viewing or displaying the Tai chi Tu any other way obscures the correct nature of duality. Dualitys reality is not a personal reality based upon personal the sensory groupthink of a culture. V
  5. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    What if, everything you thought was meaningful, is actually meaningless? Would you nevertheless cling to your beliefs Are you're opinions about Buddha just regurgitations from the interpretations of those who don't even understand what a Tathagata is. Did I ever say "There [was] a single permanent Self of all." Did I ever say that anyone "merges with an all encompassing light." Actually, Clear Light tantra is quite valuable, even if one cannot uncover bodhi in this lifetime. Clear Light is synonymous with, and can be better understood today, by the term Undivided Light,...the Light beyond all form and emptiness,...or, even more accurate, the Light that is beyond the sum of all form and emptiness. What if you're viewing Buddhism as an cerebral-centric archeologist views old cultures like the Maya or Naga,...who, without grasping what form is empty, and empty is form actually means, is just making guesses filtered through concepts of knowledge. I do find it comical how Buddhists often talk about Buddha like Christians talk about Jesus,...as if they personally know them. Much of what I mention is not meant to be dogma, but merely to ease any anxiety in taking the next steps. Of course, it is quite difficult having discussions with dogmatic persons from any belief system. Take yourself for example,...I mention Undivided Light, and instead of any inquiry about it, that may trouble you, you out of hand deny it, and say that's sacrilege, you're advocating "monistic idealism." However, the Second Transmission says, "the clear light cannot be revealed, by the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises, of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka; the clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals." Of course, if your path is focused on the Rainbow Body, then that's where your attention is,...which is no reason to argue that others should not be interested in Clear Light,...the Light beyond the sum of all form and emptiness. Do I feel that the Tantra of Clear Light is more valuable than Rainbow Bodies, Walking on Water, being Saved by Jesus, or acquiring 32 virgins,...sure,...just as Christocratic Fascists think a world under the Laws of the God of Jacob is the most valuable thing. My ideal would be a world where honesty was important,...and in such a world, I feel that understanding light would be a noble pursuit. V
  6. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Curious,...what makes a path valid? Christianity is a valid path for what? Theraveda is a valid path for what? Sufism is a valid path for what? Perhaps they're all valid for what that path leads to. Theraveda Buddhism might be into "no self.....no mind... blah blah blah" but certainly not all Buddhism. Short Path or Freethought Buddhism is about the Permanent Self (mahaparinirvana sutra), the Heart-Mind (bodhicitta), and bliss, bliss, bliss. To me, "robotic, boring, repetitive and suffocating" would all be belief systems,...which are also useless. Thus I ask myself,...what would someone called Lifeforce be interested in? It can't be "robotic, boring, repetitive and suffocating"....a Lifeforce would share some compelling, interesting stories and insights, stories beyond belief and boredom. Looking forward to reading some. V
  7. Charisma & Women

    So you're talking about sex appeal, facial symmetry, self-confidence,....more subjective characteristics,...my post above was bringing up a different type of charisma; the kind from fully open chakras, flowing chi that radiate the mood of real emotions. V
  8. Charisma & Women

    How many women with, as you say, "real charisma" would be actors? So, using Film Folk for the discussion depends as you said, what was the film cast for. Films like Under the Tuscan Sun, What a Girl Wants, the Good Witch, etc., are positive leading roles. But what is "real charisma?" In 'Practical Work on Self' by EJ Gold, he writes: "Real emotions are communicated by outward radiation of the mood, and originate through an awakened emotional center, which has no reverberational effects in other parts of the body, and is not necessary to verbally communicate the emotion. Positive and negative emotion are subjective mental states occuring in reflex, and must be verbalized and elaborately described, explained, rationalized and mentally communicated and understood. Those who can produce real emotions in themselves never communicate about emotional states in mental language; they just radiate the emotions, allowing the emotion to speak for itself. In the presence of someone who is able to produce real emotion, we experience feelings - perhaps for the first time. Very often, someone who has awakened the higher Emotional Body and who has learned to radiate emotions becomes a celebrity-guru, and people gather like cattle to bathe in the higher emotions. These higher emotions are often mistaken for some mysterious cosmic force or interpreted in some pseudo-religious way, but really they are just emotions. What a pity that human beings are so unaccustomed to emotion that they feel compelled to submissively huddle together in the warmth of the emotional radiation of someone just as mechanical as they are, but who happened to have activated, by accident, the higher Emotional Body."
  9. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    In my opinion there are many so-called cultish Buddhists sects, I personally see Theraveda, the largest Buddhist sect as one. However, not all Buddhists belong to a religious path,...keep in mind, that religion is "a set of beliefs." Shakyamuni Buddha may have been the first to define freethought when he said in the Kalama Sutra, "Do not accept anything by mere tradition. . . Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures. . . Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions." Buddha taught irreligion. This Freethought Buddhism,...that is,Buddhism unrestrained by difference to authority, tradition or established beliefs is often called the Short Path. http://wisdomsgolden.../notebooks/23/1 The Short Path doesn't discount all other Paths, but simply calls them what they are, Long Paths. Authentic Vajrayana Buddhism is a Short Path. Gurdjieff's (not Ouspensky's) 'Fourth Way' is a Short Path. Freethought Buddhism is a Short Path. A Short Path is a path to awakening in a fraction of a single lifetime. That surely will upset 'savior' and 'book' cults, etc.,...but then Savior and Book cults are not so interested in things like Unborn Awareness,...their paths allow them to take their conditions along with them. The Short Path feels that to enter the Unconditional, one must be Unconditional,...that is, through their Unconditioned Awareness. Does that make Vajrayana more "holier" than other paths,...absolutely not,...because Freethought Buddhism is directly opposite of any definition of "holy." The word "holy" arises from the Savior and Book religions,...it is somewhat a fascist construct, and has no place in the Short Path, except as a belief hinderence to be let go of. http://barsalona.es/...tics-of-fascism V
  10. Many, if not most people today despise the discussion of levels. Ken Wilber calls it the Conspiracy of Mediocrity Wilber said, "To dare to even speak about radical transformation, let alone call other people to a higher level, is against the unstated rules. And of course, one's definitely going to be put in one's place for doing something like that. But unless the possibility of genuine transformation is actually declared, unless one is willing to demonstrate it publically and to call other people to the same, no one is even going to know that it's possible. And than unknowingly, everybody's going to be participating in the conspiracy of mediocrity. The conspiracy of mediocrity is basically the conspiracy to express your own ego instead of transcending it or letting go of it. The idea has become "if I can really emote and express my self-contriction with sincerity, I'm somehow spiritual". Actually, people who are involved in this boomeritis even deny the importance of Enlightenment or Awakening, because that's saying some states are higher than others - and we shouldn't be so judgemental. But guess what? Some states are higher. And so the entire raison d'etre gets tossed out because it offends the pluralistist ego. The spiritual experience, which ideally should be a stepping stone to less ego and greater transparency, has become a victim of our therapeutic culture, where we don't make judgements because that would hurt egoic self-esteem, and so all we do is embrace, console, and celebrate the personal self. Spiritual practice has become nothing more than a form of therapy where self-acceptance rather than ego-transcendence is the goal. And the problem is that therapists are basically pimps for samsara. They want to hold onto the egoic self-contraction and make it feel good about itself. This conspiracy of mediocrity is very unfortunate. The great promise of the human potential movement was very straightforward - there are higher human potentials. Now, from the therapeutic culture, people say, "wait a minute. you're saying there are higher potentials, so does that mean I'm lower? because that can't be right". All of a sudden it implied a judgement, and nobody's allowed to be higher because that means someone else is going to be lower. And you're not allowed to call anybody lower; therefore nobody's allowed to be higher. So the Human Potential movement got derailed and was replaced by this therapeutic self-expression, self-acceptence movement, which catastrophically prevents higher transformation and mystical breakthroughs. What is missing in the New Age Community is real intellectual vigor. Under the therapeutic culture, if you feel good, you're enlightened. That is mediocrity, and a conspiracy toward mediocrity." In our current therapeutic society people don't want to see that what they thought was meaningful may actually be meaningless. The dimensions within Divided Light are not inventions like a geographers meridians. Naropa said,...and this is rather important,..."everyone experiences the Clear Light of the Void shortly after death. Its brilliance, however, is so overwhelming that the departing consciousness usually recoils in fear and is drawn instead into another samsaric rebirth. By learning to recognize the transcendent Light of the Nirvanic Buddha Consciousness during his lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient him." Light is not a meridian that comes up periodically to think about,...everything you think you are, and that you are, is intimately connected with light (24/7). Everything you see in the universe, every condition, whether a belief, an element from the Periodic Table of the Elements, or a huge planet in orbit within our solar system, all mass–matter is a slowed-down, crystallized form of divided, simulated light. And until you stand on the fulcrum of it all, YOU ARE AT A LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS "All matter is frozen or slowed down light" Physicist David Bohm V
  11. In the older Bon and Vajrayana (dakini) perspectives on the universe (before the Islamic invasions), and with some Egyptian, Maya, and Naga philosophies, which by the way, are compatible with String Theory physics,...there are 9 dimensions or densities of consciousness. Although I've studied these cultures as thoroughly as possible under the conditions of current society,...I have not penetrated how they actually viewed them,...which was not from a cerebral-centric viewpoint. Although the nature (and architecture) of reality is not linear, a linear-type model is useful in a word-orientated density such as our existence. The nine densities or levels of consciousness (which by the way, perfectly mirror the geometry of the Holographic matrix from within this reality operates) can be summarized as the following: The ninth or highest plane is not a density, but a nondensity, a zero-dimension beyond space–time that is synonymous with still, unconditional light. This is analogous to the light bulb within a projector. The eighth and seventh densities are the first pair, or split, out of the ninth, yet are intimately connected with the ninth, just as the three points of an equilateral triangle are intimately connected with each other. The dakini would describe these two densities as the oceans that hold the highest levels of consciousness—the dimensions of Buddhic and Vajradharic consciousness. The eighth and seventh densities are octaves in which the laws and structure of space–time do not apply as it does it the lower densties. Within these levels dwell our very highest selves (as in the little beings over the Buddha's in thangka art). There is a direct connection with pure ecstasy, love, and Undivied light, yet these densities also comprise the initial levels of energy. Remember, however: Undivided light itself is zero energy, zero space–time, and zero mass. The sixth density is the first level of fully enlightened consciousness. It is the nirvana plane. Although the threshold of truth is within the fifth density, the sixth conscious plane is wholly in truth. Falsity cannot penetrate this plane of consciousness. The full, luminous understanding of compassion can be accessed through this vibrational level. No religious person can rise to this level of consciousness. The fifth density occurs between the higher and lower densities of consciousness and appears to be the most populated of all the dimensions. At the upper level of this density, there are no limits to our desires,...because these desires are always in harmony with the way things are,...whereas suffering is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are. John Davies said, that whatever we wish in the fifth is instantly manifest. The middle of the fifth density is the gateway or transition between arrita (untruth) and satya (truth), at which the beliefs cloaking the heart-mind have dropped away. A conscious connection with the middle fifth plane gives birth to the beginning of true compassion. Everything above this vibrational level of consciousness exists in honesty. The 1998 film What Dreams May Come is loosely based on the middle fifth density. On the low end of the fifth plane is the highest level to which beliefs can ascend. This would be the heaven or hell for those who cling to the Abrahamic religions for their identity. The lower fifth density is not only the uppermost level of beliefs, such as the Christianized concept of Christ Consciousness, but also the highest level for the sciential-minded and believers in atheism. Falsity cannot go above this level. In the film What Dreams May Come, Robin Williams ventures to the lower fifth dimension to retrieve his partner, Annabella Sciorra, who is stuck there within a moral delusion. Researcher Robert Monroe has called the lower fifth density religious terminus. In the fourth density, vibration is experienced intuitively, as in the higher frequencies, rather than through mental thought or the sensory languages in the lower frequencies. This intuitive communication can be either positive or negative. Through the higher levels of this density, we can draw on information from our higher selves through intuitive language. The lower ones are denser versions of the lower fifth and thus block higher intuition. Intuitive language is "heard" through the heart or Hridaya experience not fully available to the religious or the sciential-minded. An important thing to note is that occasionally, those who cling to faith-based constructs do have experiences projected from levels above the religious terminus. Afterwards, however, these occurrences get labeled such things as "being born again, or faith-based experiences" and as soon as the experience is over, the people who have had these experiences begin to define their adventure through belief filters, and thus they close off the connection to their higher self and remain in religious terminus. A few so-called channelers appear to have connected with levels above the lower fifth density and retrieved information from higher consciousness, but then typically filter it through faith-based "Jesus" constructs. The product for their listeners is then an unfortunate blend of true and false, which keeps the faith-based continually chained to that which suppresses, denies, disempowers, and disconnects. A rule of thumb is: Anyone who begins to spew theism as something valuable either hasn't gone beyond the lower level of the fifth density or is distorting reality. The third density is the level of dense physical consciousness that has become dominated by the sciential-minded. This is a dimension of limitation, suffering, and illusion—what Gurdjieff called a very unfortunate place to be. The third density is more than the tip of the iceberg, yet in this age of ignorance, the construct of object-ive conscious rules. Although the subconscious portion of self overlaps into the four lower densities and easily communicates through images and emotions that can be downloaded into the conscious mind as insights, such as occurs through night dreaming or meditation, this larger part of self is generally viewed as fantasy. Actually, dreams have literally saved my life more than once. Sometimes this has been specific, while at other times, it has been more like a déjà vu moment. The second density includes the consciousness of animals, plants, and even viruses and bacteria, although their consciousness isn't as sensory or emotional as that of larger animals. The first density includes minerals and basic elements. All have some level of consciousness. Nothing is below these two densities, just as nothing is above the ninth. All matter is generated through the compression of unmanifested spectra or light to record an idea, just as film is a record of an idea on a theater's screen from a light that passes through celluloid. All phenomena are part of a matrix of energy projected within a nine-planed holographic screen. Imagine Undivided light (the ninth level or prime consciousness) in a projector. That light divides, and passes through the film stock, which is an idea at x density of consciousness, and projects that image of idea, which then appears on the screen. For people with thick belief systems to which they cling to for their identity, not only is the film stock poorly defined, but also the light reaching the film stock weakens in luminosity as it passes through multiple densities. The projection at the upper 5th density is much clearer than the 3rd. It is said that the universe must rearrange itself to accommodate your picture of reality. The time it takes to do that is determined by your clarity. The still light of unconditional consciousness is equally divided at densities seven and eight. Even at the fifth density, divided light is mostly unimpeded and we can manifest instantaneously. At the lower fifth density, belief systems muck up the film stock, which in turn dilutes the luminosity of light or life force that reaches lower levels of density. Thus, as the way of ascension is the reverse of descension, we must clear the mud of beliefs so that the intensity of luminosity can flow more expeditiously upon our ideas, and be recorded as the idea occurs. To open a path for greater intensities of luminosity that penetrate the third density and subsequently our ideas into reality more quickly, we must fully grasp the who's who of duality. Understanding duality, such as the laws of attraction and the nature of electrodynamics, will encourage a better recognition of how life force animates both our individual desires and the world around us. Very little information is available on this subject. I spent two years in Mexico studying zero and nine among the Maya, anthropologists, naguals, etc., just to get a foundation. The book 'Secret of Light' by walter Russell is a helpful primer, but is saturated with theist crap, as if Undivided light is God. In truth, Undivided Light is proof that no god exists,...which is a punch-line of the book ACIM, although only a few, like Tara Singh get it. V
  12. Who are you?

    Surely,...understanding time is not required for anything,...anymore than understanding anything that is part of the illusion. I never said understanding time is important,...I said, There is no Present in Time,...which is more irrefutable than saying the Earth revolves the Sun. To critique your post further,...there is nothing to discover, only to uncover,...which I feel you could agree with. There is nothing to learn,...but to unlearn,...although a minimum of re-training is necessary to bridge the massive amounts of conditioning that cerebral-centric entities are weighed down by. Although "notions" are better than no notions, the realization of 'When' you are is not a concept. Shakyamuni himself did not breakthrough to Who he was, until he realized the Middle Way,...that is, When he is was. When you hear Middle Way, picture standing on the fulcrum of a see-saw. You are not who you think you are,...thinking can NEVER uncover who you are. The Heart-Mind can uncover it,...but first you need to uncover the Heart-Mind. No one, that I've ever heard of, who has a fully open Heart-Mind, is unaware of When they are,...again,...not the you that you think you are, but the you that you are. Just as "hope" can keep you from ever uncovering anything meaningful,....the attention or looking as to 'When' you are, can by itself, invite more and more of the Permanent Self into this dream, so that this dream of 3D reality is seen more and more lucidly. Recognition of Heart-Mind does indeed depend on realizing 'When' you are,...they are inseparatable. You are obviously having difficulty understanding that. The you that you think you are does want such a thing as accepting a non-condition (that is, When), for to see 'When' will kill the idea of the 'i Think.' The Heart-Mind isn't like inventing a god,...which humanity usually contrives to be like themselves, or some attributes to admire, from a cerebral-centric point of view. The Heart-Mind is about the Unconditional,...the conditions of the 'i Think' cannot enter. Wasn't it Voltaire that said, if cockroaches had a god, he'd be a big and powerful cockroach. You can fight my posts all you wish,...but that is not going to enable you to "put the 'i think' before the I Am, and let the you that you think you are into the Heart-Mind. The 'i Think' belongs to time, and can only witness time,...like the senses can only see movement. Understanding the "nature of thought and [sensory] experience" is as helpful as understanding time,...from an ego point of view. Realizing 'When" you are however, is as a quantum leap onto a wholly different dimension. From reading your posts, I'm quite confident you'll be noticing the When of you, pretty soon,...in this lifetime. V
  13. No questions,...looks like you summed up the nature of the universe quite well and befitting. "All through the night in the cold the monkey squats scheming how to capture the moon"
  14. Chakra Nutrition

    He Shou Wu He Shou Wu has been found to enhance fundamental immunological functions in mammals. It increases the weight of mouse thymus gland, delays the glands atrophy process, and rejuvenates the thymus. Through shamatha the thymus can also be strengthened and its rejuvenating nectar released. The thymus is a double-lobed, butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that overlaps the upper portion of the heart. In ancient Greece, before Christianity, the thymus was reported to have been larger than the heart. In today's cerebral-centric cultures, the thymus atrophies (around puberty) to the size of a quarter, or less. No wonder Heart-Mind is so elusive,...if the vibrational field around the thymos is unable to flutter. Anyway,...He Shou Wu has worked for me. In the second month of use (1500mg twice a day), I began to feel rushes of oxytocin-like hormones from my chest several times per day. I attribute that to the rejuvenation,...but have not yet convinced my Endocrinologist to order a test. V
  15. Who are you?

    The practice of 'looking for Who', is an admirable goal. The next step may be a doozy from your current point of view, however it must eventually come up before Who is uncovered. For example, every Buddha is a Tathagata,...and a Tathagata implies the realization of When. Imagine it's 1811,...you were born and raised on a farm near St Louis,...and decide to go to San Francisco. I meet you in Kansas, and tell you about the Rocky Mountains,...you could think I'm pulling your leg, or you could take note that this may be something to occur before you reach san Francisco.. I agree,..that the past has no existence except as it is recorded in the perceived present,...but the perceived present is in the past. Agsin,...the object-ive minded do not see the world that surrounds them, but only the one that surrounded them. What if, David Bohm, and other physicists aree correct,...that all matter is frozen or slowed down light. How would that affect the understanding of the vessel used in perceived existence, and the Five Skandhas which we are not? Who one is, cannot be accessed in time, which is part of the skandhas. Consider As Above, So Below. Look at a star at night (or in the daytime from a deep hole, like the Maya did),...the light you're seeing, depending on the distance, could be thousands of years in the past. Likewise, every object you see around you is in the past, albeit a shorter past,...but the past, nevertherless. This will become even more apparent when you start practicing the first Ultimate Bodhichitta,..."look at everything you perceive as a dream." Walter Russell wrote,..."Change is an illusion of the senses due to motion. There is no change whatsoever in the universe. There is only an illusion of change set up by the two interchanging lights (positive and negative) that divide and multiply within moving matter and mass. The senses are the audience for [divided] light's pulsations. The senses are a part of this illusion. Senses are electric. They belong to the universe of motion and do not respond to stillness. As motion itself is non-existent, so also are senses non-existent. The senses are but the imagined records of imagined motion, matter and change. The senses have no knowledge of what they sense. They merely record motion. The senses respond to motion in only one direction. They sense the forward flow of time but not its back-ward flow. If they could register both directions, they would become aware of the stillness of this zero universe of seeming motion." The awareness of the backward flow of forward moving things is the consciousness of a Tathagata. When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses. V
  16. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Think Internet! Think the 100th Monkey! Have you ever read Colin Wilson's "Mind Parasites" It really wouldn't take very many honest people to initiate the world on a path to a higher vibration and love. I feel there are many people desireous for something like that,...even if they had to let go of a few beliefs. Ever see a fireman or anyone rush into a flaming car to rescue someone? I think humanity is ready for a quantum leap beyond the mental viruses that maintain suffering, dispair, disconnectedness, etc. Remember,..."love waits only on welcome." Yes,...welcome is a HUGE step,...but do-able this very year. V
  17. Who are you?

    I guarentee this,...you will never understand Who you are, until you realize When you are. V