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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    I wouldn't say it's all the same,...not for Mahayana or Vajrayana Buddhism for example. According to the Tantric tradition, "everyone experiences the Clear Light of the Void shortly after death. Its brilliance, however, is so overwhelming that the departing consciousness usually recoils in fear and is drawn instead into another samsaric rebirth. By learning to recognize the transcendent Light of the Nirvanic Buddha Consciousness during his lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient him." Naropa For Christians, Muslems, and Jews, they are said to remain in samsara: the ordinary reality of fear and hope, and an identification with the cyclic existence of birth, death, and rebirth,...being stuck in the lower Fifth Density of consciousness,...what researcher Robert Monroe called religious terminus. People of the Abrahamic beliefs remain in samsara, until they can let go of their beliefs. Only honesty can rise above the lower fifth density,...and no one attached to a beliefs system for their identity is honest. As Osho said, "Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don't know. Somebody asks you. "Is there a God?" and you say, "Yes, God is." Remember: Do you really know? If you don't know, please don't say that you do. Say, "I don't know.". . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge." V
  2. What is Light?

    For some critique,...Physics would not say that the electrodynamic field can be seen with the naked eye,...but only a narrow part of the field can be seen with the naked eye. In physics, the electrodynamic field is light. "all matter is frozen or slowed down light" physicist David Bohm Yes,...the "light with good and darkness with evil" is a common primitive belief. I commented on that in #4. As for light being consciousness,...that is something everyone should strive to be intimate with. I would love to see some consensus about a Light vocabulary to evolve from this thread. If light is a reason why all things exist, then it has some relationship with who we are, and necessitates inquiry. That may need to be conceptual at first,...but the subject goes way beyond concepts. That the level I wish to be engaged in. V
  3. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    I would say most people who study the Abrahamic religions, that is, discern the holy books of theo-belief systems critically, rather than deliberating on them solely for display and devotion (Devotional reading is not Bible study), would agree with Gore Vidal, who said "I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam." Christians and the Inter-faith supporters of Christianity may find that harsh,...but the facts show it to be true. So, I'll mention just a few facts regarding Christianity, and the reader can decide if that looks even vaguely like a path to enlightenment. John C. Green, director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron in Ohio, said that despite many variations, Christians generally adhere to four core beliefs: the Bible is without error, salvation comes through faith in Jesus and not good deeds, individuals must accept Jesus as adults and all Christians must evangelize. Oops! don't see anything about enlightenment there. Most Christians believe the God they invoke while spreading their faith, is love. However, in the whole of their Holy Book, the Bible, it only suggests the idea that their God is love at the very end, in the late 2nd Century apology 1John. In fact, when viewing the full length and breadth of the Bible, their Patriarch is clearly a murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional God. And amazingly, a God who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed and prayed to. Christian love is often considered the highest love, but that too is merely a conditional love. To better understand this type of love, simply consider the Great Love Chapter of Christendom, Corinthians 13; for example, "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things", 1 Cor 13:7. Although this form of love, that is, bearing, believing, hoping and enduring is more commitment orientated then fleeting, it isn't Unconditional Love, but the submission, devotion, expectation and suffering to the conditions of their religions brewed beliefs. Oops! don't see anything about enlightenment there either. And I have to comment on the statement that a "true Christian....happily serve their... fellow woman" Whereas in Wisdom Cultures, women are held in great esteem,...not so with Christianity. "For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does..." 1Corinthians 7:4 "For man was not made from woman, but woman from man." 1 Corinthians, 11:8 "Girls begin to talk and to stand on their feet sooner than boys because weeds always grow up more quickly than good crops." Martin Luther "Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman." Clement of Alexandria "For woman is not the image of God. Man alone is the image of God." Augustine Oops! don't see anything about enlightenment in those! Christianity is about faith. Nietzsche was correct when he said, "When people say 'I have faith', what they really mean is 'I don't want to know the truth'." What do at least some Buddhists think about Christianity? Click on the below link,...go to Chapter 8 ....scroll down to the last couple paragraphs. http://www.uq.net.au...udchr0.htm#cont V
  4. I need some help with that post,...is it in reference to #171 of this thread. When who emerges from what void? Who said there was a void? What is a void? What does regain individuality mean? What is a soul? What's interesting? Is gate referring to a passage or door,...or sanskrit to come? V
  5. What is Light?

  6. What is Light?

  7. Wow,...your response to my post is right out of Fox Fictions talking points on truth suppression,...create strawmen, make up rumors, use heavily loaded verbs, dismiss everything as nonsense, etc. Although your path, some defensive combination of Long Paths, must devote a long time of study and meticulous development,...the Short Path isn't about learning, but unlearning,...isn't about indoctrination, but removing all that step between one and their direct experience,...isn't about pride of years of service to a particular belief system, but see's all belief systems as distractions. Sure, it is probable a noble thing in your sentient mind to be concerned for those "less firm in their steps" than you. The patriarchial views from all belief systems hold that same idea. Your posts clarify your fear of anything that threatens this self-appointed position of great Tao Bum mentor,...your fear of discussing 'Present Time', your fear of discussing 'Light', in fact, your apparent fear of Light itself, your fear of the Short Path. The list goes on and on,...your fear that what I will say "to undermine people's regard" for Traditions and Lineages. To you it doesn't that Buddha said: "Do not accept anything by mere tradition. . . Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures. . . Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions." To you it doesn't matter that Vajrayana says: "The clear light cannot be revealed by the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises, of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka; The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals." No,...those things disagree with your years of study, that everyone must follow exactly as you did. Thus, your post clearly indicates that you are not an authentic Buddhist, but a pick-n-choose Lineage devotee. I was a householder in Yogaville once, where Satchidananda would come hang out in my garden to escape devotees like you,...students afraid to take crap without the teachers permission,...never open to anything delightful and heart arousing. No CowTao,...I've been emancipated from god and theism years ago. You should try it,...but obviously you won't,...your the protector of "the less firm" to make certain Lineage remains between them and their direct experience, ...and of course, so no one dare get ahead of you by a shorter path,...that cannot be allowed. Too bad your afraid to discuss the subject of this thread,...or any other meaningful subject. But, what ever floats your boat. V
  8. What is Light?

    Yeap,...things nearly always happen to me that way too.
  9. Exactly! I won't agrue that. Have I said something to the contrary? Or was what I may have previously said misinterpreted or miswritten? V
  10. Interesting,...those who do not agree with you are on "deviant paths",...because in your predisposed opinion those "less fortunate" are "fixated" on "ideas...not in accord with the "dharma" as seen by your Tradition and Lineage,...and through which you fail to ever mention any specifics, but instead just attack the messenger through ad hominem. Now Vajrahridaya on the other hand, at least attempts to address different point of views, even though it's still pretty much his way or the highway. Nevertheless, as I've mentioned to Vajrahridaya before,...I find his dialogue most valuable, and am exceedingly grateful for his insights. With you (CowTao), once again,...there is still no reasonable, let alone considerate dialogue on where you see disagreement,...it is you who appear "fixated" upon your indoctrinated beliefs. As for me,...if I showed your posts towards me to anyone I know, they would laugh. Even my kids know I'm not fixed, and if they can present a better argument for something, anything...they get it,...always. Your posts remind of a priest who spent years in a seminary studying texts to the expectations of his indoctrinator,...who gets caught up in a public debate with a mere non-priest, who unbeknownst to him, is as an Einstein after Relativity, but before he was recognize,...the priest becomes unraveled, and attacks the non-priests lack of credentials, clothes, manners, vocabulary. People simply don't want to know that what they think is meaningful, that which they pivot upon for their identity, that which they devoted a lifetime of study, may be meaningless. Speaking of meaningless,...you go ahead and have the last word. V
  11. What is Light?

  12. No,...you decided to interpret it the way you wanted to. And yes, I am quite far removed from the reality of Traditions and Lineages. Just sort of happened. I began with Tilopa's Mahamudra,...pondered upon it for thousands of hours,...and sort of becamed entrained into that view point. That viewpoint is quite alien to society-at-large,...and I accept that. Doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else,...just different. Most people fear different,...like the near violence in May 2002, when the 9th US District Court said that the "The Pledge, as currently codified, is an impermissible government endorsement of religion because it sends a message to unbelievers that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community." I was surprised those judges were not killed. "Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their [belief]." Our light is all the same,...it's the clothing we put over it that's different. So, as you love noticing regurgated ideas....here's another,... a 1st Century Gnostic text says,..."when you can disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments (beliefs) and place them under your feet like little child and tread on them, then you will no longer be afraid". We're just wearing different clothes,...and in that difference, some are dressed for spring, some for summer, but most are dressed for Siberia. Just an observation. V
  13. What is Light?

  14. What is Light?

    1. Why are you in no position? Have you ever asked, why are you stating what hasn't been examined? 2. Yes, science does not understand electricty, nor light, mass, matter, or energy. As I mentioned in post #8, it is unlikely they ever will. 3. Although, from a romantic notion, unity can be changeless, in reality this is not so, or could ever be so. Oneness is a condition. To clarify,...there is no changelessness within a concept,...concepts are imagined conditions,...inspired from hopes and dreams of Oneness,...a primal memory and fear of being separate from source. Source is not Oneness. The concept of unity ends where freethought reason begins. There is a profound quote that suggests, "Seek not love, but seek and find all the barriers you have built against it." In other words, seek not source, but seek and find all the barriers you have built against it. Attain the ability to discern a condition as a condition, and eventually, the Unconditional will become gnown. V
  15. What is Light?

    The pineal acts as lens (it is a lens) bringing light into the bio-emotional body, and yes, through various pathways, enlivening the glands,...however, to slow aging, and regain youthful vitality, the thymus must be considered. The thymus is a huge subject, and thus should have its own thread. Nevertheless, here are some key words to associate with the thymus,...Fountain of Youth, Heart-Mind, Highest chakra, gnowledge, thymos, the Chakra without a twin, the interlacing of David's Star, He Shou Wu, theshold of wisdom, impersonal consciousness, Center of the swastika/dorje, the consciousness that sees not objects, but the way things are, etc. "The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals.... And the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear.... Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon, Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion, You will quickly gain mundane power and supreme enlightenment. May this pith instruction in Mahamudra Remain in the hearts of fortunate beings." Tilopa V
  16. Hmmm,...considering post #153, I would say that Buddhism is surely not being served. Thus, as I'm more interested in Buddha, dharma, sangha, bodhi, and welcome, my only option is to dismiss his concepts, and be very wakeful as to your own motives. And to CowTao,...for one to get slapped for opposing, one must first oppose. I don't recall you opposing any message, although you certainly used ad hominem on the messenger,...which according to Aaron is a noble, unprideful quality to be admired. Go figure! "in the valley of the blind, the one-eyed girl is treated for her illness" V
  17. What is Light?

  18. To begin,...you (CowTao)clipped the statement that "Thirty-seven years ago I had an experience that suggested to me that I was already enlightened,.." This statement implied, as I reinforced with a quote from Saraha, that we are all already enlightened,...that there is nothing to discover, but to uncover. And from that you spew "perhaps you will not allow your esteemed position to be tarnished by associating with lesser lights." That alone says alot about you. There are no high paths or low paths,...there are simple Long Paths, for those looking or not looking to learn and earn their way out of here over many life times,...and the Short Path, for those who want to step out of the prison a bit sooner, in a single lifetime. Obvious this disturbs you to the point that you need post your scathing remarks about some presumed lack of fresh perspectives and other things you find threatening. For me however, I'm very much enjoying the forum, and the different perspectives, from both the honest and dishonest. As for your misinterpretations of my posts,...if you actually read any, I'm not into "beliefs", nor share fresh perspectives to perpetuate Lineages, and am certainly not into "hope" or its polar twin, fear. My suggestion to you, and your emotional reaction to my posts, would be to focus more on those "quality posts" from the long time contributors that you admire,...because what I write will just continue to dissappoint you over and over. In fact, I've notice several members here with whom you could be quite kindred spirits with,...as they too love the ad hominem approach, rather than discussing anything meaningful, or at least have the courtesy that if they do respond to a post, address the some of message, instead of their full attention on their disdain of the messenger. Buddha, dharma, sangha,....in essence, implies that wisdom waits only on welcome. Of course, with the CowTao, I must assume you're not into Buddhist thought, and perhaps no comprehensive on what "waits on welcome" is pointing to. In Buddhism it is said that the dharma of man (female/male) is to welcome. Your post seemed more like something devoid of any meaningful contribution to anything, except feeding your emotional reaction. V
  19. Tradition and Lineages

    As I guessed, the analogy with Tea Party was totally correct. Since the Tea Party ascended to power, socially consevative government intrusions are up over 300%,...especially laws regulating public and private abortion, LGBT Rights, Union Rights, Freethinker Rights, new voter restrictions in more than 40 States, and a lessening of Freedom from Religion. Although the Tea Party fronts themselves as "small government", their actions show them to be anti-American obstructionists with a Christian Fascist agenda. Thus, I get the last LOL. And no,...."here and now" is not Buddhism. To be 'here' in the skandhas, is dependent on the illusion of a 'there'. There is no 'here' in the Now. Perhaps you need a lesson regarding Dependent Origination from someone other than Vajrahridaya. No matter how much you desire to do so, you cannot bring your conditions into the Unconditional. As for me, this thread appears to have lost the seriousness and openness to make it worthwhile. So, I wish you all the wishes you wish for. V
  20. What is Light?

    Tao Te Ching....Chapter One...the Light verson The Light that can be told is not the essential Light The name that can be named is not the essential name The essential name is Undivided Light. The Undivided Light is the source of existence Naming is the origin of all things and distinctions The source is not its origination. If you have no desires, you will see the mystery If you have desires, you will see the manifestation. For to see beyond desire, is to see beyond the skandhas. Divided Light come from the same source, but they have different names This is difficult to see But Form is Empty, and Empty is Form. Darkness within darkness The gateway to all mystery Through the Empty cycle of Form, wisdom is gnown. V