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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    As I said, Although you shorten the context of my quote, "Every enlightened person that I'm aware of,....Shakyamuni, Saraha, Tilopa, Nagarjuna, Vajrayogini, etc., understood that to dissolve pride one must simultaneously dissolve humility,....to dissolve fear, one must simultaneously dissolve hope." Of course, if want a quote from a sutra that says, "Harmonious Emptiness, who posts in the Tao Bum form, in the summer of the Christian year 2011, should understand that pride is the polar opposite of humility"....no,...I haven't seen it. One does not necessarily prove how an Enlightened Being would have "understood" something, soley through a quote,....but understanding their overall sharings, one can come to a reasonable conclusion as to how they would have "understood" by way of consistencies throught their sharings. HUMILITY ARISES FROM THE SKANDHAS! All Skandhas are instructed to be at least tamed,...to dissolve or tame anything, is dependent on its relationship with its opposite. Any two opposites added together equals their dissolution. One cannot keep or holdon to a so-called positive, without also keeping or holding on to its negative. Although I did attempt to share how the Humility/Pride polar skandha would apply, I see you need an exact, scholar authenticated quote,...even though Asian scholars would be inclined to share my view without hesitation. Nevertheless,...your "out" is perfectly acceptable,...no problem. You purposefully combed through all I posted on this thread, looking for one thing, that if you worded to your satifaction, may not be available, and thus debunk all my posts,...posts #6 #7 #9 etc. You should be a lawyer. Bye V
  2. Apparently you are seeking some sort of rise,...as for rapist,...as I spent a few lines to explain,...is something quite common among those "sending" various prayers and hopes to others whom they feel are somehow lacking. So,...in other words,...if I cut out my remaining eye, I can rejoin your valley of the blind,...for only in your blind world are things seen as they are intended to be seen. Interesting paradigm. If you could offer housing and an allowance with that, you may get a few takers. Sorry though,...I'm not available. I much prefer the truth. That's why you doubt what I post,...and rather spin off with your wild distractions and diversions. The truth is quite ...frightening for those as yourself, the fear of loss,...the loss of who you "think" you are. Does that mean I'm better or worse than anyone else,...of course not,...except in yours and CowTao's prideful eyes,...I simply lucked out,...I love truth more than anything else. Waking up is not necessarily pleasant: you get to see why all this time, you chose to sleep. When you wake up the first thing you will see is Reality does not exist for you, you exist for it. Shocking as it is when you let it in, there is rest. You do not have to labor anymore to hold together a reality that does not exist; forcing something to be real that is not real. You and this life you have been living are not real ... In letting it in, even through the shock... pain... shattering, there is rest. Reality is when all you want to know is what is true ... just so that you can let it in and be true. Reality is not a safe place for you - the you that you have created. It is the only place where you would die; where there is no room for your hopes, your dreams. Once you have let it in, once you begin to re-awaken; to let Reality wake you up, nothing can get it out. That is the beginning of your end. Waking up can be much more painful than the agony of your dream, but waking up is real ...JdeR
  3. The barycenter of your body is not the barycenter of your intellect, and neither of those are the barycenter of you emotions. Centering the Heart only, is a vibrant green,...but to find the threshold, the two other colors must spin as three. Red, violet and green light spun together makes white light,...you enetered this delusion through white light, and that is the only way back out. Ascension is the reverse of the descension. The three can only be spun together at the Heart,...as an understanding of light will show. V
  4. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Silly boy,...the Present hasn't changed, even slightly, in all of your imagined time. V
  5. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    That's insane! How are there conditions beyond conditions? If there were, they wouldn't be beyond conditions. For some reason, you're stuck on a notion that there is no Uncondition,...and from that stuckness, you will never experience the Unconditional. It's like Jim Walker said, Aristotle believed in a prime mover, a god that moves the sun and moon and objects through space, and that with such a belief, one cannot possibly understand the laws of gravitation or inertia. Isaac Newton saw through that and developed a workable gravitational theory; however, his belief in absolute time prevented him from formulating a theory of relativity. Einstein, however, saw through that and thought in terms of relative time. Therefore, he formulated his famous theory of general relativity, yet his own beliefs could not accept pure randomness in subatomic physics and thus barred him from understanding the consequences of quantum mechanics. On on another hand,...it is surely fruitless to "believe" in any Unconditionality,...even though there is an Unconditional,...a belief in the Unconditional is a barrier that WILL prevent that Unconditional from ever being experienced. Thus many have alot lot of problems with this subject,...but there is no problem. V
  6. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    I would say that the Absolute Bodhichitta might disagree with that,....for example,...the lojong says, find the consciousness you had before you were born. Can that be found without detachment to the conditions that were indoctrinated since birth? Would seem to me, that detachment from all conditions would expose what is beyond conditions. V
  7. Yes,....the upper dantien, or barycenter of the Yin chakras is an important understanding towards uncovering the Heart. Here's another way to look at it,...color. The color that a healthy upper dantien vibrates at, and the color of a healthy lower dantein, spun together (interlaced) with the Green of a healthy Heart, is white light,..which has direct contact with the Clear Light, upon which all duality effects its motion. V
  8. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    If one would break that down however,...an embarking on a "genuine and sincere journey of self-discovery." Considering that, I disagree that all paths lead to the same place. The intention of "genuine and sincere journey of self-discovery" would quickly unfold a sense of honesty, and honesty would quickly reject all Long Paths due to their inherent dishonesty. As Eckhart Tolle said "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Any "genuine and sincere journey of self-discovery" would abandon every falsity as a distraction of the "genuine and sincere journey of self-discovery."
  9. What is important for the process? Both. However, enlightenment is unattainable without Heart-Mind. Imagine the two triangles of David's Star,...one pointing up (the upper 3 chakras of Yin), and one triangle pointing down (the 3 chakras of Yang),...the key is at the interlacing point,...the Heart. Understanding light,...how spectra manifests into form,...is quite helpful,...in fact essential,...in realizing what you seek. So far, the 'What is Light' thread has not penetrated deeply enough yet. However, a book was mentioned as a primer for discussion,...this book has serveral graphics, the 0 in the middle, in all the graphics, is the Heart. As one is pointed to finding the 0 or source in the book, one will also uncover Heart-Mind. Ascension is simply the reverse of descension,...both through the Heart,...it is how light manifests into form. I understand that this can upset the logic of many who have been told the Crown Chakra is the greatest chakra,....however, all those that I'm aware of, who have realized enlightenment, said the Heart was higher. If you investigate the book (written before I was born) in the "What is Light" thread,...imagine the horizonatal graphs as the chakras of a reclining person,....no longer is the Crown chakra highest,...and the Heart, resting upon the fulcrum in the center, will open up a new way of understanding,...an understanding you already gnow within your Unborn Awareness. V
  10. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Would you think that the Abrahamic belief systems are in any way nonattached, or seek unattachment? Did you ask if someone who doesn't believe in Traditions or the supernatural, can reach enlightenment? http://www.buddhanet.net/ans73.htm
  11. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    The devoid in support of the devoid? Although I have not said I was enlightened (and in fact posted that I do not see myself as enlightened, more than once), in addition, I do not even seek enlightenment. Buddha did not seek enlightenment, he sought the problem of suffering. So why would someone like yourself, responding to an honest statement, "why would such a person, obviously devoid of any meaningful contribution to the evolution of sentient beings, be here rudely attacking those whose message he obviously fears" assume that is indicative of someone not enlightened, when neither the message, nor messenger declared such? The reality is that posts #6 #7 and #9 are informative and on-message with the Thread,...what do you have to offer? That anyone who doesn't agree with you is unenlightened and must be rudely beat up? That you're just a "mere mortal" disturbed because your friend (or sock-puppet) gets called on his ad hominem? Come on,...honestly,...if you're this mild, humbled "mere mortal" what right have you to challenge anyone as you did? Many "mere mortals" at least have some common decency and respect to address what they find offensive in a message before judging and condemning another. A respectful Buddhist for example, may have read some comment responding to his friend, but wouldn't then react and attack the victim just because his friend did,...but go back, read posts #6 #7 and #9 fully, and attempt to uncover what his obviously upset friend was attacking the messenger about in the first place. Since you've done none of that, I would suggest that your post is simply a meaningless "echo rant", similar to many mob mentalities. Wouldn't you agree? V
  12. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Here you go again,...what is your problem? Again, you rudely attack a messenger, and TOTALLY ignore the message. I have not shared a single dishonest thing in this thread,...so I must conclude that your intention is that the ad hominem will play well with other ignorants. Just amazing! Not even a single remark about the content of the message/posts,...just attack the messenger. As for me, I'd love to discuss some message with you, but your only message is ad hominem,...and thus that is the only message I can respond too. And the only response such a message/post as yours brings to mind, is why would such a person, obviously devoid of any meaningful contribution to the evolution of sentient beings, be here rudely attacking those whose message he obviously fears. Go figure! V
  13. I never thought that enlightenment was the goal of Buddhism,...it was not Buddha's goal,...his goal was figuring out the problem of suffering. "there are no solutions at all, only problems. If others have said the same thing I am saying, why are you asking questions and searching for solutions here? You are merely looking for new, better methods. I am not going to help you. I am saying, "Don't bother about solutions; try to find out what the problem is." The problem is the solution; solutions just don't solve your problem. Why in the hell are you looking for another solution? Don't come to me for solutions. That is all I am saying. You will make out of what I am saying another solution, to be added to your list of solutions, which are all useless when it comes to actually solving your problems." UG
  14. You posed an interesting question,...if you dare look at it closely,...does an honest teacher teach concepts? V
  15. Your posts are getting more and more bizarre,...now you're lifting various comments I've made over the past week, and tossing them back as if you just discovered the sun appears to set in the evening, after I pointed it out to you several times. Yes, I'm quite certain I expressed the 1st Century Gnostic saying,..."when you can disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments (beliefs) and place them under your feet like little child and tread on them, then you will no longer be afraid" thousands of times since 1969. It's like a motto of the Short Path. We all know it, and understand it. The Short Path is not my clothing, and I for one wouldn't presume that any Short Pather had such clothing,...a clothed Short Pather is surely an oxymoron. There is no need to get rid of the Short Path,...because the Short Path doesn't exist,...every Short Pather would understand that. Thus your comments sound more like an irritating (clothed) kid repeating what someone else said. I'd also agree that your amusing rhetoric does not fit the definition of malice. However, your use of "hopes" implies someone quite unfamiliar with the pathless path of the Short Way. As Tilopa said, "And when all hopes and fears have died...", even those "rape hopes" for others. Short Pathers resolve the problem of hope and fear early on,...many probably understand before they reach the Short Path. Yes, that might be your Chief Feature,...being a rapist. Like those people who have a personal agenda to send love and light. Those who send Send Love and Light,...surely unaware of the ignorance of their reactions,...are in actuality, psychically attacking others,...XXXXX,...psychic rape,...the violation of another with one's personal neurotic desires,...as in,..."I hope you will one day open heart and mind. These "sending" XXXXXXs are in it for one thing, and one thing only,...TO GET. These agendas,...these unsolicited invasions on others,...is something I really don't understand. Perhaps it's a guy thing. Anyway,...sending love to someone is one of the most ignorant things,...for some reason, those XXXXXXs who do it, must feel that love is somehow lacking,...that light is somehow lacking,...go figure! Why "go figure?" Because there is nothing to "get." Finally,...another amusing parroting statement,..."There is no such thing as pride or humility" a line I've been mentioning since you started accusing me of pridefulness,...and quoting Wei Wu Wei to boot. So,...looks like you starting paying attention,...however, I would not recommend the Short Path for you. By the way,...the correct quote for your last sentence is, "the love that you withhold is the pain that you carry" Alex Collier Senders of love,...those who believe love is lacking,...are usually incorrigible. V
  16. "absolute concepts"....hey, great oxymoron! The Long Path is simply a path about concepts,...whereas the Short Path is a path that is engaged in dissolving all concepts necessary to remove the barriers built against uncovering our light. V