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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    The point of view of light would be as if you stepped into light shoes,...that isn't necessarily an "awareness." If you realized the so-called speed of light,...from that point of view,...you would travel no distance, in no time, and have no need for speed. My overall point was,...no attention is more worthwhile than that of understanding Light,...that fact is well recognized in Vajrayana Buddhism (Naropa's 6 Yoga's),...and all historical enlightened beings, as Buddha, the Light of Asia. The Light of Asia is not in reference to an particular narrow band in the electrodynamic field. Amusingly,...on a forum that espouses great insights about the nature of life,...the thread "What is Light" falls into the back pages of the archives,...and attentions focus on mostly useless diversions, and trolling. As I mentioned before,...NO ONE can understand WHO they are, before realizing WHEN they are,...and that problem is understood through Light. Doesn't matter how many lifetimes you try,...you will NEVER understand WHO you are, without realizing WHEN you are. "all matter is frozen or slowed down light" physicist David Bohm "For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what light is". Albert Einstein "clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals" Tilopa "by recognizing the Clear Light of the Void his lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient him." Naropa V
  2. Your ridiculous PARROTING of what I say, is right out of a kindergarten class. This continuous Trolling, and that of YOUR TROLL GROUPIES (or sock puppets), is the only "seriously delusional" thing in this thread. Even Wiki uses your photo for their POSTERBOY (trollface). http://en.wikipedia....roll_(Internet) This is my thread XXXXXX'S ...how can I be a troll? No, Aaron,...only you and sockpuppet groupies post inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages, spew hatred, inappropriate harassment, intimidation, suggestions to mame, mental/emotional assault, stalking, etc Not only that, your TROLL behavior goes to the other pathetic extreme also,...like seen Sunya's response to your diatribe on post #66 below, with his #67 response,..."troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted"." http://www.thetaobum...sm/page__st__64 The truth is, that neurotic people like you and your TROLL GROUPIES, are as 6 year old bullies,..ruining anything and everything you can. You and your TROLL GROUPIES came on here with the sole intention to pollute this thread,...the thread verifies it. An investigation is becoming likely. Internet laws allowing redress from people like you are becoming more popular, and the Government are looking for more cases to prosecute. People all over are getting fed-up with bullies like you. At the moment you feel you have the upper hand with your TROLL GROUPIES backing you up, giving the impression that I somehow sabbotaged my own thread, and all you decent Trolls had to save the TB forum from such debauchery. You are simply BULLIES,...and BULLIES like to travel in gangs. BULLIES like to destroy things. Right from your first post on this thread, it was all about destroying,...ad hominem and diatribe, progressing to inappropriate harassment, intimidation, suggestions to mame, mental/emotional assault, stalking, etc. You're flirting with serious crimes boys. Haven't your heard the term IP address. V
  3. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Yes,...and like all people of faith,...deny the facts long enough, people believe them. Does it matter that not a single Religious Studies scholar in the World would dispute anything I mentioned?,...no,...all that really matters is that Scotty declares it lies, ridiculous, heretical,...and thus it should be so for everyone. After all,..."Facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
  4. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "I could not in good conscience, vote for someone who honestly thinks that the other 95% of us (who believe in god) suffer from some sort of mass delusion." Palmer Joss (actor Matthew McConaughey) in the 1997 film 'Contact'.
  5. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    What a great World that would be,...but it is not anywhere near the World of today. It world be great if all Christians were as Liberal Christians,...picking-n-choosing the cool quotes that they feel a their fantasy of a great world would be,...as long as they kept it to themselves. The relative truth is that there are many Conservative Christians who do not play pick-n-choose. As a comparison, just check out some Buddhists on this forum who argue about their scriptures,...for example, "oh, you can't do that, my Pali scripture says so.". The reality is this,....John C. Green, director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron in Ohio, said that despite many variations, Christians generally adhere to four core beliefs: the Bible is without error, salvation comes through faith in Jesus and not good deeds, individuals must accept Jesus as adults and all Christians must evangelize. Those Christians are not going to look for insights they find in the words,...they're not interested in insights. Don't you know what Conservative Christians are interested in? "I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good . . . our goal is a Christian nation. We have the biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism..." Randall Terry "The inability or unwillingness to hate makes a person worthless. If we do not hate detestable things, the quality of our character is suspect. The Bible commands that we hate". H. A. (Buster) Dobbs, Church of Christ. "the solution to Islam is for the United States to invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." Ann Coulter 2001 "I am fighting for the work of the lord", George W Bush April 11, 2002 "I am fighting for the work of the lord", Adolph Hitler, the Mein Kampf And what about the Liberal Christians? Because they are not instructed about the dishonesty, fiction, invention, and lies within their Bibles and belief system, they enable their Christian Fascist brothers. http://atheistexperience.blogspot.com/2009/03/do-moderate-christians-enable.html A link which most people will not read because it appears on an atheist blog. SO, WHO CARES? Any decent person that wishes to live in a World where the potential Human Beingness is recognized. Do Christians, as-a-whole care,....absolutely not. As the Washington Journal paraphrased Secretary of the Interior James Watt on Global Warming "We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand....after the last tree is felled, Christ will come back." SILENCE is COMPLICITY! V
  6. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Actually, what you see as "devolves into paranoid rambling" is nearly word for word, content from a 2007 International Christian Writing Competition, that won First Place, and which was reviewed by many Religious scholars, without a single negative comment. V
  7. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Yes, evil must be a horrific experience to observe. Perhaps post #27 could help with some stategies to subdue them. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19746-does-the-reincarnated-lao-tzu-or-lord-buddha-need-an-energy-transmission/page__st__16__p__282113__hl__persinger__fromsearch__1entry282113 Wish you the best also.
  8. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    I reviewed the particular zeitgeist link posted (specifically on religion), and as a credentialed Religious Studies scholar, can attest to its accuracy. If you're total argument is in reference to the source,...that's your problem. It appeared to be the quickest way to show a point,...that there are hundreds of people said to have died a martyrs death and resurrected, usually after 3 days. On the other hand, when you say you're a theist,...that is an alarming (really r u f'ing with me) statement. It is impossible for any theist to access Heart-Mind. No matter how much your ego wants to bring your conditions into the Uncoditional, it will never happen. Am I anti-Christian,...absolutely not. However, I am quite intolerant of the Christian religion (meme or virus), in those instances where it steps between sentient beings and their direct experience,...ie., your experiences. Regardless of what people "think"...they are not their beliefs. I too, very much "admire all spiritual paths",...the truth is however, no spiritual path can lead one to a god. But hey,...whatever floats your boat. Any authentic spiritual path is one of honesty. http://www.buddhanet.net/ans73.htm V
  9. Dude,...I was referring to you as a Troll Groupie. LMFAO
  10. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    I see your point, but mine is regarding True Balance,...stasis is a state of stability, in which all forces are equal and opposing, therefore they cancel out each other. Again,...every object perceived in the universe must be in motion to be an object,...no non-motion objects exist, anywhere. As for light, energy, etc,...that has been discussed in the 'What is Light' thread. However, to summarize,...there is no energy at the so-call speed of light. From Light's point of view, it travels no distance, in no time, and has no need for speed. From Light's point of view, ANY subject that disregards light, is mental masterbation without possibility of orgasm. V
  11. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Here's another thought,...there are hundreds of cases in history of resurrection, and virgin births. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZgT1SRcrKE Moses? In my Country, the Father of the American Revolution, said, "Among the most detestable villains in history, you could not find one worse than Moses, who gave an order to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers and then rape the daughters. One of the most horrible atrocities found in the literature of any nation. I would not dishonor my Creator's name by attaching it to this filthy book." Thomas Paine Unfortunately, Christian's took control of America in the 1950's, changing its motto E Pluribus Unum to In God We Trust, theologizing it Pledge, and changing the Father of the American Revolution to Christ Sam adams. But the is,..."Washington's sword would have been yielded in vain had it not been supported by the pen of Paine" James Monroe V
  13. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    This is interesting,...but what is "Spiritual Reality?" People use the term Spirit like they understand what they're talking about. John Davies, in 1989 said, "follow Spirit without hesitation,...If you don't follow your spirit without hesitation, then you'll end up following your hesitation without spirit." I agree 100% Someone else could agree, 100%, but have a fully different notion of what Spirit is. Does that mean they follow Spirit any less,...absolutely! How do follow Spirit if you're not following Spirit? In reality, they're following Belief without hesitation. To me, the term Spirit is the underlaying breath, within all Form and Emptiness,...as I mentioned in post #10 in the Fear of Death thread: Spirit is the underlying dynamic that reflects back to us the suffering, fear, denial, and hope that obscure who we really are, which keep our true selves from being seen, so that we can let go of those garments and express ourselves at higher and higher, less filtered frequencies. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19891-the-problem-with-people-is-that-they-fear-death-and-loss/ So, when you say those "who actually embody the path",... begs the question what path, whose path, what view of Spirit. From my observations, someone on a true spiritual path, would be on a path of Spirit,...from Spirit's point of view,...not a belief engendered point of view of what Spirit is believed to be. From my observations, beliefs obscure Spirit. So is, or can, a person of belief, even be on a Spiritual path, let alone embody it? V
  14. Yes, that is so true,...but I'm not an appeaser, moderate, or enabler of faith-based coddling. I doubt he'll go away,...neo-fascists like him maintain a hidden agenda and purpose. Just observe him on other threads, where he stalkes and "pretends" to respond to someone else, while slipping in slights and insults. For example,...check out post #66 in the link below, which was more than obviously, an insultive attack, parroting my posts, which even sucked Sunya into his psychotic agenda, as per the #67 response. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19858-christianity-buddhsim-religious-taoism/page__st__64 Yeap! What troll. And how easily manipulative trolls like that gather groupies. "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Elie Wiesel V