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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Sorry,...thinking, will never, can never reach the so-called-speed-of-light. Not only is thought always, irrefutably in the past,...thinking arises from the skandhas, and that mass, as was posted in the "What is Light" thread, dissolves before ever entering the so-call-speed-of-light. The idea that mass achieves infinity, is romantic nonsense, which is also stated and explained in the "what is Light" thread. Heart-Mind, on the other hand, does have a relationship with Undivided Light. V
  2. Honesty

    That's awesome. I fully missed all of that in the "Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings" thread. I easily recall my own emancipation from the god meme,...the exact date and time,...and how afterwards there was this near unexpressable beauty seeing myself in the mirror, as so much baggage was lifted from observing that one core issue, through which it all effortlessly dissolved. Although you could possibly contribute some great insights to this discussion, my communication style is not going to change. More and more I find that Heart-Mind vocabulary is very, very specific,...and very different from what people think it should be. So, in your own words, you'll uncover no liberation through any dialogue I offer, no matter has wise or heretical it is. I'm not a proper communicator. But I am, as Vajrayogini shares, radically honest. Speaking of which, did you catch the post where I link the Vajrayogini song? Just click on this homepage and listen. http://www.diamondbodyyoga.com/ Is that you I've been waiting for you Quietly, comes the Buddha wake up all along awake in your dreams wake up quietly she watches you sleep gently,...sweetly In your lucid dreams awake Quietly, comes the buddha all along inside of me Suddenly I wake from the dream lucid reality yes she's smiling at me Singing laughing at me dancing with me ...singing I had a dream oh my dream finally, I've become the buddha All along awake in this dream finally compassion is real it's lessening the open-hearted reign Laughter reigns laughter sings glistening Your heart, it sings written and sung by Jenn Howey V
  3. Honesty

  4. What is Light?

    Some critique: What isn't light",...everything is light, and light is even beyond that. Yes, divided light is One frequency, and simultaneously Many frequencies. All phenomena is a "harmonic balanced interchange" of waves (tori/yin) and particles (spheres/yang). Neither Yang nor Yin is ever still,...neither Yang nor Yin can never be still without the other being still, which doesn't make One, but Their dissolution. It is correct that there is always yang in yin, and yin in yang,...just as form is empty, and empty is form. If yin ever separated from yang, even slightly, it would seem to expand into infinity, and yang would contract into a mass greater than any elements capability, and,...the universe as we know it would instantly collapse,... thus any further expansion or contraction would never actually occur. However, what is really absent in any real intellectual vigor about light, is looking at light from Light's point of view, and not just our human-centric one. Humanism, our 6 senses, can only perceive divided light,...but we need to gnow Undivided Light,...if for anything, to return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient us, as Naropa said. There are basically two ways of looking at light,...from our personal, sentient, individualized point of view, or from the point of view of Light. Not only do I prefer the latter, I usually discount personal views,...just because the world looks flat, or the Sun looks like it moves around the Earth, or Pluto is insignicant because its physical mass is small, are ridiculous human-centric points of view. V
  5. What is Light?

    It is interesting how people come to their own ideas about light.,...even more interesting that people have their own ideas about light. My own inquiry into light arose from an "empty mind" meditation. Observing without thought is a whole discussion in itself, and so is the non-physical experience, although whenever I'd experience light in that way, there was first an event of expansion, as if the body becomes infinite. I've wondered if that was where the mistake was assumed, that when enteing the so-called speed-of-light that mass becomes infinite,... I cannot believe that Einstein just dream up relativity, he somehow experienced it. My own research into light, predominately from a Freethought Vajrayana perspective mixed with a strong sacred geometry (incl. holography and enneagram) background, mirrored the book 'Secret of Light' which I recommended for this thread. That's pretty much been a life-pattern of mine,...have an experience, draft it out on paper, and then find that someone else has pioneered the samething, although coming to the same conclusions in a different way. As for Walter Russell, I was, and still am, amazed with how far such a Christian came. Anyway,...yes, it is great to "hear more from other people" about their ideas of light,...but I'd also like to hear from those whom light has given ideas. V
  6. Honesty

  7. Honesty

    You should invite him to the thread. V
  8. Honesty

    I don't know if I found the correct thread, but I found post #501 in the 'Nature of Women.' This is the unfortunate misunderstanding which has taken place the entire time in these topics. No one was ever discussing ALL women, and no matter how many times it was spelled out, those who took offense simply didn't care to listen...both male and female. This same dynamic occurs in discussions about Conservative Christians with Moderated Christians. http://atheistexperience.blogspot.com/2009/03/do-moderate-christians-enable.html These are times of High Toxicity. In the US, Christian Fascists are on a warpath to alter the social structure of the Country,...they preach Less Government,...but just in the past year, have made hundreds of Laws on the States level, against women, laws to humiliate women who have an abortion, laws against LGBT's, and Freethinkers, laws trashing the first phrase of our First Amendment which guarentees Freedom FROM Religion,...only second does it say Freedom OF Religion. This is off topic,...but ever hear of Peter Russell's "Global Brain" theory. I think he was pretty insightful, but perhaps underestimated by 20 years. Check out the film,...especially the overcrowding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_73aFQGLcgQ I saw it when it first came out,...amazing how perennial it is. V
  9. Honesty

    You crack me up! Yes, I agree with your assessment,...although I'm not familiar with a femininism thread or the pit. Actually, I'm very much a feminist,..although not the traditional kind,...sort of a heretical feminist, LOL Are you aware of EJ Gold's observations on Real Emotions? In 'Practical Work on Self', EJ writes: "Real emotions are communicated by outward radiation of the mood, and originate through an awakened emotional center, which has no reverberational effects in other parts of the body, and is not necessary to verbally communicate the emotion. Positive and negative emotion are subjective mental states occuring in reflex, and must be verbalized and elaborately described, explained, rationalized and mentally communicated and understood. Those who can produce real emotions in themselves never communicate about emotional states in mental language; they just radiate the emotions, allowing the emotion to speak for itself. In the presence of someone who is able to produce real emotion, we experience feelings - perhaps for the first time. Very often, someone who has awakened the higher Emotional Body and who has learned to radiate emotions becomes a celebrity-guru, and people gather like cattle to bathe in the higher emotions. These higher emotions are often mistaken for some mysterious cosmic force or interpreted in some pseudo-religious way, but really they are just emotions. What a pity that human beings are so unaccustomed to emotion that they feel compelled to submissively huddle together in the warmth of the emotional radiation of someone just as mechanical as they are, but who happened to have activated, by accident, the higher Emotional Body." pg28 V
  10. Honesty

    So, in your experience, some spiritual occurrance brought about a shift in you to challenge your religious indoctrination, and begin a journey to understand truth. As for what kind of honesty I was wishing for in this thread? Partially as you implied,..."I don't know", but continue to be open to ideas that haven't "honestly" been found untrue. Beyond that, if we consider the many who have already traversed further than the ordinary person,...(by ordinary, meaning those whose focus is predominately in Maslow's Lower-archy of Needs), we should be able to understand the essence of real honesty rather quickly,...compared to those who come before us. These are accelerated times. I agree, there's no need to reject what cannot be proven,...this is especially important in today's empirically-minded world, where although something is not proven false, it is generally disregarded because experiments have a null result, which means neither true nor false. For the sciential-minded, if something is factually neither true nor false, through their object-ive evaluations, it is considered false. So, "can someone be honest and also be silent? IMO, that is something that honesty will have to reveal. The other question could be, if we are not honest, what effect does that have on us. "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." Thomas Jefferson V
  11. Honesty

  12. Honesty

    For one, that response could be called trolling. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet) Second, the thread is intended to about real honesty, not ad hominem. Ad hominem is when one attacks someones character, rather than dialoguing on the question/argument,subject. Seth does present a good example of dishonesty, that of predisposition. He exclaims, "I have not seen you exhibit the slightest trace of any of these qualities in all your boring and Illogical dialogues here." Fair enough. For a different point of view, I have purposefully used highly researched and peer reviewed material throughout my posts,...some by well known figures, like Ki Master Koichi Tohei, Justin Stone, and various PhD's from Harvard, MSU, and Stanford. So, I'm quite comfortable with the accuracy. I was wishful that this thread could be troll free,...but already got at least 3 post on the first page. It would be so awesome if Seth really was "deeply Interested or even obsessed with 'Truth'" Really, really awesome. But he appears to have bowed-out,...prey to his predispositions. It takes a certain amount of waking up to seriously inquire about truth. Jetsun seems to have broke through, but most (speaking of people in the world) don't even want to know. For them, they merely desire dependable descriptions of an objective world that they consider intelligible. Waking up is not necessarily pleasant: you get to see why all this time, you chose to sleep. When you wake up the first thing you will see is Reality does not exist for you, you exist for it. Shocking as it is when you let it in, there is rest. You do not have to labor anymore to hold together a reality that does not exist; forcing something to be real that is not real. You and this life you have been living are not real ... In letting it in, even through the shock... pain... shattering, there is rest. Reality is when all you want to know is what is true ... just so that you can let it in and be true. Reality is not a safe place for you - the you that you have created. It is the only place where you would die; where there is no room for your hopes, your dreams. Once you have let it in, once you begin to re-awaken; to let Reality wake you up, nothing can get it out. That is the beginning of your end. Waking up can be much more painful than the agony of your dream, but waking up is real ... RdeR
  13. Honesty

    To me, you have surely realized a level of awareness which would welcome honesty. Dzogchen Buddhists say that "being honest with ourselves is the most important virtue,...Without honesty, we will find that true compassion, caring and kindness are beyond our reach." Although the word honesty often characterized by truth, not falsity,...my intention was to see if there was interest just in the term "honest." Getting into the subject of truth really ruffles peoples beliefs. In Buddhism and the Wisdom Traditions, real honesty means being willing to see things as they are, without having any motive or intention whatsoever to change them. I am curious how persons like yourself, who have already uncovered the dishonesty of who we "think" we are, flow with such awareness. For example, have you considered the posibility that honesty can occur,...and if so, do you have a process or practice, like neti-neti, to at least be able to recognize the false as the false? V
  14. Honesty

  15. Honesty

  16. Honesty

  17. Honesty

    Sorry I missed that thread. Coming up with a vocabulary to discuss honesty in an honest way is certainly of interest to me. V
  18. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    First, very little of the world as a whole observes through the message of Tao,...second, why is that? I would say that if I was asked to describe Tao in a word other than Tao, that word would be WELCOME. It's all about welcome. Seeing or not seeing beauty is about Welcome. But perhaps, if the word Welcome is not in one's dogma, then it is rejected out of hand, and the user of such a word hung,...like the Greeks hung Hippasus for mentioning something other than a Natural Number. I found that ACIM nicely articulated how to see beauty: "what about the beauty and goodness in the world? We can see that the so-called positive aspects of our world are equally as illusory as the negative ones. They are both aspects of a dualistic perceptual universe, which but reflect the dualistic split in the mind of Man. The famous statement "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' is also applicable here, since what one deems as beauty, another may find to be aesthetically displeasing, and vice versa. Similarly, what one society judges as good, another may judge as bad and against the common good. This can be evidenced by a careful study of history, sociology, and cultural anthropology. Therefore, using the criterion for reality of eternal changelessness that is employed in the Course, we can conclude that nothing that the world deems beautiful or good is real, and so it cannot have been created by Reality." Now,...did I say "bad people stop us from love",....how could anyone read what I wrote and come away with a thought like that? The answer is an irrationality to allow Welcome. To truly Welcome is to let go of all beliefs. Ah, but you could come back and say I'm neck deep in beliefs. After all, you somehow consider my description of love as someone selling snakeoil. Well, vsaluki,...although I certainly Welcome you, it is obvious you will take what ever I say both out of context, and added to,...that's what people do when they don't understand something, they make things up, so its more palatable. Nothing personal,...I'm simply mentioning a documented communication tactic of ego. So, I will not respond to you post further. On the other hand, you're always Welcome to respond to my posts,...and if its meaningful, that is, without all the superficial stuff, I'll respond. V
  19. Was actually having some instructive dialogues with Vajrahridaya, sereneBlue, Ralis, etc when Twinner jumped in with: "I don't mean to be offensive or diminish you (well maybe I do....you come off as pompous in many of your posts and I can't see how someone who claims to have achieved the enlightened awareness that you have, could operate on such a callous level?" Twinner #112 "Perhaps you are the one eyed girl in the valley of the blind, except you don't understand that your one eye is keeping you from understanding the truth, so you cling to it fearful of what the world might be without your precious gift of sight..... I would recommend you use that edge to cut out your one remaining eye, then perhaps you will see as you are intended to see, rather than see things how you want to see them." Twinner #221 Frankly, I should have left the forum a week ago. I've seen this before,...bullies ganging up on someone,...the thrill of destroying someone. I don't put up with it,...and mirror back to them what they sling. Like #208 or #219 where I wrote: "The only "greedy, ugly, crude, and viciousness" (using his words) going on is you continual attacks. Did I respond to one of your posts in this way? No,...you attacked me,...first with pridefulness nonsense, and then your responses to each time I mirrored back what you mirrored, it gets more and more ridiculous." I wish this stuff wouldn't occur, but it did. I sit pondering if I should apologize,...but I have nothing to apologize for. I responded in-kind. V
  20. I was indeed harassed, requested to mame myself, hatefully ridiculed, etc. The evidence is in the posts. I asked in post #211: "I will confine myself to a few threads,...and since you find nothing I say relevant anyway, there's no reason to continue your serial XXXX of hopes that I will one day be like you." And you and Twinner persisted on this thread, and stalked and trolled me on other threads. I didn't just happen upon this form, but was invited. As a published author on subjects related to this forum, and having Religious Studies credentials, I can engage in nearly any meaningful discussion on Tao. Because that somehow offends you, does not give you the right to harass me. Several people on this forum are interested in my imput,...because you are not among them, gives you no right to attack. V
  21. Of course,...could you ask that the diatribe to to mame, injure, etc., that prompted those replies be also removed? Thanks V
  22. The real crap, which you appear to have missed, is that I didn't start this. Go back and read through the threads. Why aren't you chastizing the TROLLS? Were has my responses been insults? Any judicious moderator would be able see clearly what is occurring here,...I'm being harassed. V
  23. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Jingles, susses, sissies,...you do love trolling, don't you?. So, how and why does one spin,...what you agree to be an "absolutely correct, simple spiritual legacy",..into a diatribe about pot-luck, self-absorbed, upsidedown, entrepeneurialship? Talk about convenient. NOW THAT"S CONVENIENT! If you are AFRAID to discuss Light, just say, I'm AFRAID to discuss Light,...or better yet, say nothing at all,..WHICH ULTIMATELY, is what your saying anyway,...NOTHING. Devoid of any meaningful contribution, and out to make certain that no one else can engage in a topic of meaningful contribution,...least you're uncovered for your meaninglessness. The thing I'm not aware of is,...are you Twinners Troll Groupie, or is he yours? He states that you are the Second Greatest Buddhist on TB, which is obviously untrue, because you will not engage in any meaningful discussion on Buddhism beyond the fundamentalist dogmatic quotes from your Lineages point of view. So,...once again,...you show youself as all mouthy diatribe, and no substance. Too bad. If you "think" Naropa's Clear Light Yoga is absolutely true, why not discuss it,...or have you been indoctrinated that it's an ineffable legacy that can only be shared by way of special transmissions of the head of your lineage? Freethought Buddhism is much more simple,...relate with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave,...that includes so-called life or death. V