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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Disinformation campaign

    Not impressive at all,...TTB has a quick search engine,...simply recall a word, in this case, Hadrian,...and there are posts I submitted on Christianity. They wouldn't meet with David Barton's approval either,...but then I'm only interested in facts, not fiction,...which doesn't suggest that facts are truth,...just not disproven. V "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Eckhart Tolle
  2. Disinformation campaign

    I cannot reciprocate,...I will always respect you,...but I will never respect beliefs,...beliefs deny, suppress, disconnect, and disempower. Beliefs are never true,...if a belief was true, it would not be a belief. Maybe a belief could someday be recognized as a truth,...and on that day I would honor it as a truth. Perhaps we can have a honest discourse,...I love honesty. If you can ever bring to my attention something that may even appear dishonest about a post of mine, I would be most appreciative. I also welcome any honest conversation on love. Love waits only on welcome. V
  3. Disinformation campaign

    Yes, you already inferred that about posts #19 #23 #24 http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19964-jesus-is-the-way/page__hl__notzri__st__16 The irony is that I'm unaware of anyone with Religious Studies credentials who would, or could, disagree with anything mentioned in those posts. Yes, I understand that you prefer to cling to your beliefs, and as such, the facts in those posts are upsetting. Another facts is, contrary to Justinian or Theodosius times, smothering messengers is no longer to stop the message from the light of day. Honesty is the only way to enlightenment. V
  4. Disinformation campaign

    Although there are numerous examples within other threads, let's just look at this one, starting at page one. I post, you respond with an insultive remark,...then someone challenges it, and you go off on a rant about me,...none of which have anything to do with the topic,...and then I followup by responding to your challenger as some reasons why you got a charge. I edited my post above, and Xed out your name as you requested,...so let's see if you'll cease stalking me, as you promised. V
  5. A Tantra Master said: "The very qualities of being a disciple are the qualities which are feminine -- receptivity, openness, trust, love, a deep surrender. And if a man becomes a disciple, he will automatically grow qualities which are female. There is nothing wrong in it. Qualities are qualities, and all beautiful qualities are feminine -- love and trust and compassion and gratitude and surrender. All beautiful qualities are feminine. It is not a question concerned with your sexuality; your being a male or female has many dimensions. One of the dimensions is that there are qualities intrinsic to females which make them easily disciples. There are men who have those qualities -- those qualities are not the monopoly of anybody. There are men who are more soft than any woman, more loving than any woman, more grateful than any woman -- but the qualities are feminine."
  6. What is Light?

  7. What is Light?

    The incandescent light and dark light of duality (Yang-Yin) is the moving electrodynamic field which is Divided Light. Undivided Light is the fulcrum upon which Divided Light effects its motion. A book has been repeatedly mentioned in this thread, which offers a summary of the basics. Look forward to discussing Light with you after you grasp some of the preliminaries. V
  8. Disinformation campaign

    Having received an e-mail a few days ago asking if I would return to TTB,...I responded: "I had a most excellent time on TTB,...both the inquisitiveness and the combativeness has been very helpful for my writing. Sure, there's a possibility of returning,....was especially interested in the 'What is Light' thread." Obviously, there are many, including moderators, who allowed themselves to get quite "charged" over my posts. And equally as obvious, there is a double standard,...for example I was called: Sissy, troll, frenzied, pompous, great God complex, attacker, monotonous, hateful, sissified boy, jingles, dramatic reactionary, whacked out!, one eyed girl who should pluck out her remaining eye, and even "a repetitive placard of outdated and/or irrelevant postulations", etc.,etc., and not so much as a warning to those who stalked, trolled, and attacked my posts. But no big deal, that's the nature of today's society. In response to Sunya's statement, "Why don't you rely on your own experience instead of vague scientific theories which are purely conjecture. You rely too much on abstractions..." and a broader dialogues,...I responded, "Ah,...you're a conservative. http://www.thirdworl...econstruct.html A link based on "88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries" And for that I was suspended. Anyone who followed my posts from the beginning of any thread I engaged in, can easily see that my responses were follow-ups, and not launched attacks. Sunya was personally asked to cease stalking and attacking my posts on 12 Aug #239 in the oxymoron thread,....the above comment about Conservatives (obviously to the disdain of Conservatives) was two days later on 14 Aug. I feel I kept the rule. Of course, if I shone some light on Christianity (a subject which I'm internationally known to be proficent on), or attempt to explain the Freethought Buddhist practice of the Short Path, I'm ganged on, disrespected and stomped upon as an attacker of someones beliefs. Well, believe it or not,...people are not their beliefs,...although they think that they are. Conservatism is not a belief,...it's an inability to think in an abstract, open-minded, unrigid way, according to many in the Mental Health field. Conservatism has been shown to be detectable in children that are 3 - 4 years old. I don't attack people,...I critique their beliefs. I did not attack Sunya because of his conservatism. In empathy, I did however mentioned that he shouldn't be ashamed of it. The rule I was given was "Treat other members with respect. No personal attacks" There was even a post that I was in receipt of the TTB rules: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19943-disinformation-campaign/ Post #12 "Tao bums is a moderated, privately owned, web site; all who agree with our guiding principals are welcome to join our discussions: Treat other members with respect. No personal attacks." Yet, even before that post, I requested that XxxXxx and Sunya cease stalking and attacking my posts,...for example: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19563-oxymorons-that-hinder-awakening/page__hl__oxymoron__st__240 Personally, I've gained much insight being an active member here. I've posted to the unremitting trolls stalking me that I would gladly limit the threads I engage in,...and have no intention of threatening their expert positions on the forum. They instead grouped up, and continued. Again I ask,...if you cannot be respectful in responding to my posts, please don't respond. I'm aware you dispise me, and feel threatened by my membership. I understand that your seniority obviously has weight with the moderators, but just because you're privileged to get away with attacking others is no reason to do it. I would like to engage in discussions on a limited number of threads,...IMO it would be unfair, disrespectful, and rude to post on those threads just to bash a poster. Not once, in 375 posts have I posted solely to bash a poster,....whereas nearly a third of all responses to my posts were ad hominem. V
  9. Disinformation campaign

    A conservative,...perhaps some PhD is working on a cure. In the meantime, here's that link of 88 different psychological studies on conservatives, so perhaps others here could better understand you. http://www.thirdworl...econstruct.html Sorry that this doesn't relate to disinformation,...but since you insisted on talking about it........I in no way indorse that article on Conservatives,...I am not a psychologist. PS, V
  10. Disinformation campaign

    Yes,...I can understand that. "Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their beliefs".
  11. Disinformation campaign

    And we should also recognize that Sunya has been shown to be part of your gang. Thus, I would refer you to post #12,...with special consideration given to the word "respect" And remember,..."the whole world is a stage." How you wish to play it is up to you. V


  14. Disinformation campaign

    No,...you labled yourself as someone who "shuns new, stimulating experiences and to avoid situations where the outcome is uncertain,...someone with little tolerance for ambiguity." You shouldn't be ashamed if you have an illness like conservativism,...by admitting it, I can adjust my posts to you,...just as I would speak differently to someone who was an alcoholic,...surely was not meant as an insult. Didn't you read the link,...based on 88 different psychological studies. Could there be anything, from a non-conservatives point of view, vague about mc² < c Energy is equal to the mass times the square of the so-called speed of light, which is always less than c, which is energy-less, mass-less and timeless. In other words, as simple as I can say it,..."you" are 186k mps, relatively speaking, slower than the Stillness of Undivided Light. This not a theory, a hypothesis, conjecture, etc,...it is what it is,...it is the changeless principal of duality, for as long as duality is view as duality. All aspects of Duality are perceived, slowed down, crystallized divided light,...a dream which effects its apparent motion upon the fulcrum of Undivided Light. Anything contrary to that is disinformation. "Matter is not made of matter." Hans-Peter Dürr "all matter is frozen or slowed down light" physicist David Bohm V

    But,...has any of those mystics actually realized enlightenment? Or just found new ways to play within the dream? Has any theist ever ascended beyond what Robert Monroe called "religious terminus?' It is said, that only honesty can transcend above that dimension. V


  18. Disinformation campaign

    As it's your "honest belief",...yes, I could understand the level of seriousness involved. As for my post and the earlier poster,...the comment about parroting was established in a continuing dialogue from another thread. Honestly,...don't know if it's intentual or subconscious. Sorry you came in at the end of a lengthy dialogue,...this often happens on forums,...when there's a history between two or more posters. But your use of "honest belief" certainly qualifies as on-topic for this thread. V
  19. Yes, I certainly understand that it is difficult to accept that something we were indoctrinated to believe is meaningful, may be meaningless. It appears that you may have arrived at the end of an attempt to discuss what is the INTENTION of SENDING,...I would refer you to posts #248 and #212. As for any difference if hope was removed,...yes, I surely see a difference,...not in the intrusion of SENDING, but that hope is a pernicious word, whereas Love, that is, the Love beyond duality's concepts of Love, is something else. V
  20. If you ever develop an interest in the Fourth Stream of Buddhism, you should consider: "The highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear. When all hopes and fears have died, the Goal is reached." Tilopa That goal, in this context, is called Mahamudra. "The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka; The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals." V
  21. Disinformation campaign

    When a wise person confronts a pile of shit, the shit is only the mud that covers the diamond, while neither the shit nor the diamond are objects to the wise, to the shit covered diamond all three are objects. The wise, in her compassion, which only comes through wisdom (bodhi, a feminine noun) does not appease or avoid the shit, like humble men, but shines her light upon what's not real, so the real can be seen. I have no problem with the continual plagarism or parroting of my posts,...but rearranging those words to point to something else,...to things quite neurotic,...is disinformation. V