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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Business Opportunities

    I agree with breast stimulation leading to orgasm,...for both females and males. But this "study" appeared to be focused on the vagina and clitoris,...suggesting that without an engaged or engorged clitoris, female orgasm is lessoned or unlikely. So, a question could be,...do females with larger, stimuatable clits, have more breast sourced orgasms. From my experiences, with more females than the study used, the larger the clitoris, the more intense her orgasms, and subsequently, the more self-confident she expressed herself in her life. Keep in mind though,...sexology is not my field of study.
  2. Business Opportunities

    Good points. Didn't consider that subjective views (international groupthink) would argue with the results in a way whereby the story got squashed,...or that certain media sources would reduce credibility of a journal abstract http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.22471/abstract Most people today are self-centered,....whether they be male or female,...for example, Reuters reported that 59% of women in North America have tattoos. Is body art anything other than self-centered? Likewise, at least that percentage would be interested in improving their sexual orgasms,...not only in North America, but around the world. Women, like males, follow trends. It is a current trend for women to be fully shaven, which can be ascertained from any porn site,...whereas 20 years ago, shaved pubics were rare,...thus another example of the self-centeredness of sheeple. Trends are business opportunities for people who see the trend before the sheeple are swayed. A few people have known for many years that the more aroused the clitoris, the more pronounced the female orgasm. Of course you are correct that saturating oneself with testosterone has some consequences not approved but current "trends," like bodily hair growth and male pattern baldness. But a new testosterone suppliment aimed at just clitoral growth, without the unwanted side effects as experience by female body builders and F2M's, would be a huge market, propelled by social media.
  3. Business Opportunities

    Of course, women seeking a more fuller orgasm through clitoris enlargement, will need to be cautious with dosage,...as 95% of F2M transgender folks taking high dosages of testosterone report constant, nymphomaniac feelings.
  4. Business Opportunities

    Is there a problem with women temporarily taking a testosterone supplement to enlarge their clitoris? If Viagra has made billions,...a testosterone supplement for women will make tens of billions,...because unlike an occasional Viagra, women will have to use the testosterone supplement continually for 3-6 months to get the enlargement needed for a fuller female orgasm. Unfortunately, heaven has failed a billion women world wide, by giving then a small, hardly orgasmable clitoris.
  5. Magnetic Shift?

    Magnetic Shift? First, review the linked article,...then the C&P below from the "what if the universe end" thread. The question,....is anyone genuinely interested in waking up? http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-s-impending-magnetic-flip/   In the mid-90's, Gregg Braden, a New Age purveyor and accredited geophysist described the Hopi traditions Great Purification as a "shift" that will bring a zeroing-out of the electrodynamic fields on Earth for near 3 days. This temporary voidance of the EMF will bring great fear and panic to the majority of Earths human population, for the EMF is like a glue that holds together most of our beliefs. Articulating the Hopi prophesy with contemporary themes, Braden likened this Great Purification/Shift to the original computers which did not have internal batteries as our PC's now have. At the Shift, when the EMF zeros-out, will be similar to an older computer "crashing", which meant, it would lose all existing information, and would have to be reprogramed. At the Shift, most people will literally "pass out" due to the exposure of being removed from identification with their beliefs. The one's who remain awake however, their Collective Consciousness, will be the reprogram when the EMF restarts. For those who passed out, when they arise, their past will be erased, and all they will know is what those who remained awake, reprogramed them to know. Under this 2012 paradigm, those who realize and dissolve their belief patterns before 2012, thus being as immune to the shock of zero Electrodynamic field, will be the one's to set the agenda for the next cycle. The original teachings mentioned in the Hopi Prophesy appear to go much further back, to the time before the Kali Yuga, when the "world turned another way". Those Original Teachings include the Ways of the Feminine,...not the patriarchial feminine of today,...but the authentic feminine, as in Mother Sky. They called it the time of the Blue Star Kachina,...the Birthing of HumanBeingness. (see the discussion "the Other Feminine"). There are stories of ancient temples where Initiates would be shielded from what is called electromagnetic energy; the motion of duality. Reduction in the EM field that surrounds us is said to reduce the EMF around the brain which activates and processes sensory inputs. Perception functions through an energy field. Yet consciousness is not energy. Authentic consciousness is "connected with" when we shutdown brain lobes and senses as experiments with Freethought Meditators have shown. Turning down the EMF of brain lobes uncovers the consciousness that energy has obscured. Science believes that the EM field around the brain is a byproduct of that brain,...but what if brain function arises from the EM field? Some temples in Central Asia, Egypt and Mesoamerica, through an awareness of sacred design, are said to have lowered the natural EMF in a particular area within the structure. It is said that the King's Chamber of the Great Giza pyramid, which is not commonly considered a temple, had such a sacred space. One would have to admit that the facts of its architecture is intriguing. First, there is no doubt of the sacred geometric measurements. In addition, there is no evidence that anyone ever occupied the chambers worn down, unremarkable, red granite coffer; which appears too large to have been introduced after construction. That is interesting considering coffins were the most important purchase for a tomb, often ornately decorated, with among other things, false door facades. The 5 chambered anatomy above the King's chamber is also a puzzling, especially for today's object-ive minded sciences. What was the need for such a 51 foot complex above the red granite coffer? Neither the Queens chamber, nor any known tomb appears to have no such construction. Could the King's chamber of Great Giza pyramid, when it was fully intact, have been a sacred space where Initiates could experience their conscious core by decreasing the EMF? We know today that neuroscientists (Persinger's Helmet) can envelop someone with particular wavelength patterns and have them witness Jesus, Mohammed, or a ghost. But what occurs if we enter a deep relaxation and turn down the wavelength patterns? Would we be free to witness reality through a very thin, marginal EMF filter? Could a sacred space or vehicle liberate us from the accumulated iconography of complex brain activity, and encourage a direct, wave-free experience with non-duality? Collapsing the energy supported wave function and entering a Ki point, guiding our attention towards the motionless Now and the still Light of our Source.
  6. Magnetic Shift?

    Sure,...there is nothing but the Present (the absolute present),...but there is no present in time,....and all phenomena is in time. That is the punch-line of the whole prajnaparamita.
  7. Magnetic Shift?

    If you want to wake up, you must realize something that is absolutely true,...however, truth realization is usually not uncovered through seeking for truth, but removing the barriers built against truth. Someone once said, "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Prajnaparamita says the same,....neti-neti,....not this, not that. So yes,...there are many enlightened egos wanting to tell folks how to wake up,...how to chase ideas through endless rabbit holes. Jed McKenna said, "99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it." So what is the .1% that is useful? I would put the Heart Sutra in that .1% category,...even though nearly all commentaries on the Heart Sutra are trash. The only Heart Sutra commentary that I've seen which was not trash, is the Heart Attack Sutra by Brunnholzl. PJ Merola said, "The biggest crux to the evolution of humanity is breaking through your own indoctrination. It is very, very difficult to overcome emotional elements that have become so engrained in you, that you have an immediate reaction, an immediate suffering and pain, if something interfers with [your idea of the status quo]. It's a very, very complex problem. We have to learn how to identify and break our own indoctrination if we expect to move forward at all as a civilization" For some other hints: “Truth lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it.” Goethe "Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold." ~Leo Tolstoy (Nice quote, but doubt Tolstoy ever uncovered a truth). “Geometry is not true, it is advantageous.” — Henri Poincare. That's a most valuable quote,...because like geometry, mathematics is not true,...in the absolute sense. "The real seeker of truth never seeks truth. On the contrary, he tries to clean himself of all that is untrue, inauthentic, insincere - and when his heart is ready, purified, the guest comes. You cannot find the guest, you cannot go after him. He comes to you; you just have to be prepared. Osho
  8. Magnetic Shift?

    Everything you see and think, is in the past. The 6 senses cannot observe the Present,...it is impossible. The past is illusory,...even one millionth of 1 second in the past. Jed McKenna correctly said, "One millionth of 1% false is completely false" As for belief,...a belief is always false,...that's why it's a belief. Belief denies, suppress, disempower. Belief makes delusion palatable.
  9. Magnetic Shift?

    Yes,...belief that nothing is real, would be right up there with the belief that objects are,...neither the commentaries associated to Lao Tzu (and the speculated authors of the DDJ and HHJ), or Sakyamuni, to my understanding, preached either nothing is real, nor that objects are real. Experience for most goes something like this,...experience born of belief can only be experienced through the condition of that belief. All conditions are a product of sleep. One could say that most of humanity's experience is no more real than a nightly dream. Of course, people often have happy dreams. However, "on the off-chance it turns out to all be an illusion," you will have missed the opportunity to have had a direct experience.
  10. Magnetic Shift?

    How do you know that you are part of this Planet? Certainly, the you that you think you are, is part of this Planet,...but are you really the you that you think you are? Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth." One could accurately say that ego and the 5 Skandhas are "as much as the iron core, the ocean, or the ozone layer,"....but what about the you that you are? Without waking up,...it's just a guess,...but a guess does not guarantee one will be around for a "climatic event" like the Hopi day mentioned in Post #1....a guess will only have a front row seat for the coma.
  11. Magnetic Shift?

    Impersonal suggests that the question is about waking up,...not who is awake. However, is one is awake, this cannot contradict with another who is awake. "Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" Taranatha Or as Galileo Galilei said, "Two truths cannot contradict one another." Of course, there are two kinds of truths,....relative and absolute. In the context of waking up or truth realization, we must address absolute truth. For example,...the absolute truth is that there is no present in time. Thus, anything that contradicts that statement is not true. New Agers often believe that there is a now, instant, or present in time,....that they are somehow part of the delusory fabric of time. That would be called asleep. Yes,....the World could be said to be a marvel,...from both a relative and absolute point of view. However, to the absolute, the World is not part of the Whole, but a perception arising from an imagined separation of the Whole,...a recorded idea on a 9 dimensional holographic screen (see Walter Russell's New Concept of the Universe) kept in apparent motion, not by the fulcrum. but by an illusory lever,...as a playground see-saw.
  12. Magnetic Shift?

    Yes,....impersonal responses are preferable. Until you wake up, from what both Lao Tzu and Sakyamuni suggested to be an attachment sentience,...how do you know/gnow there's nothing to wake up to? If you would enjoy the drama of experiencing an EMF shift,...which may be improbable if you're not awake,...at what level of attention would be necessary to uncover truth realization? As for "the whole,"...what if the whole was beyond the sum of opposites? In other words, beyond everything that accumulated knowledge believes. I used to put it like this,....Visualize a keyhole for a moment, one of those slotted holes that can be peeped through, as in old Colonial and Victorian houses. Now, describe that hole. Some may say that it has the shape of a circle with a rectangle whose width is smaller than the diameter of the circle aligned on the bottom; others could respond that the hole is surrounded by a brass plate that is attached to the door, which is connected to the wall, etc. Perhaps the hole could be looked through, so one could remark about what is seen on the other side. However, none of that actually describes the hole; all of the preceding descriptions are narratives about what is around or can be seen through the hole. Nevertheless, that is how most persons, especially Westerners and scientists, perceive their own wholeness: by what is around it. Let's consider the word "around." Someone who is awake will understand that the World they perceive does not surround them, but surrounded them.
  13. Magnetic Shift?

    Thus,...for you, a discussion of an imminent EMF shift, and the possibility of two scenarios,...1) collapse into a coma when all you thought was meaningful is meaningless, or 2. let go of beliefs beforehand, so that there is collapsing into a coma,...does not trigger an urge to wake up. This is quite OK,...so is the thinking about, "oh well, I'll just be born again,"...confident that such a belief is true. If one was entertaining the Hopi Day of Purification,...then about +98% will collapse into a coma,....while -2% will remain conscious. In today's consciousness, it is likely that .-04% would be capable of remaining conscious during a shift that lowered the EMF. While the rest chant, as it has been said, "the meek will inherent the Earth; so they turn and pretend." Pretend that salvation is a built-in given for everyone. Thus,...the Day of Purification, or EMF Shift, are unlikely motivators for truth realization,...likely because the threat is no "real" enough,...or perhaps because it was not on TV,...or FB. As a Taoist,...I do not believe in a "one." One is a concept that arises from the illusion of a Many. To have a Here, there must be a There,...to have a Center, there must be a Boundary. As for Spirituality,...it is not some I believe, but observe,...the illusory in-breath and out-breath of all phenomena.
  14. Magnetic Shift?

    That is a question. Is the EMF like a container for delusion? IMO, Persinger's research indicates yes. Interpretations of the Hopi Prophesy, as in the top post, suggest that when the EMF is low, the beliefs that people thought to be meaningful, are seen as meaningless,...so much so,....that most will collapse into a coma out of fear and shock. How many members of TTB would collapse if their beliefs,...everything they clung to for their identity,...were quickly pulled from under them? Could this Hopi Day of Purification have some factual basis?
  15. Magnetic Shift?

    As the last shift was 780,000 years ago,...it could be said that we are 280,000 years over due. Will they (science) know the when before hand,...perhaps not. What occurs between the shift itself? Is the EMF "off line for awhile? What does "science" know about how the EMF affects sentience? Neuroscientist Michael Persinger has shown that almost anyone can meet God, just by wearing his special EMF helmet. Since the late 80's Persinger has been using a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation to induce all sorts of surreal experiences in ordinary people (New Scientist, 19 November 1994, p 29). Michael Persinger (and others) have shown through their EMF research that “religion and its mystical experiences are a creation of the brain, and only the brain, thus having little to do with what is out there.” The recognition of divinity arising from the brain is not new. Look at Michelangelo’s so-called “Creation of Adam,” a scene from the Sistine Chapel usually shown in the narrow context of two fingers extending from God the Father in a pink tunic. However, there is something more profound about the full scene, something beyond the religionist focus on a reduced scene that only shows two fingers almost touching, which is a false-light perception technique that religionists often use while proselytizing. Michelangelo is known to have had extensive knowledge of the human anatomy, and in fact had drawn many dissections of the human body. When one sees the fresco of the Sistine Chapel in its entirety, the perspective is much different. Adam’s God is lying inside a dissected human brain, the mid-sagittal. Michelangelo isn’t showing a god creating Adam, but a brain-conceived god interacting with Adam. So now,....back to the top post,...what occurs if the EMF is lowered? Instead of Persinger altering the field, and having you "see" things,...what if the EMF is removed? Did the Hopi understand?
  16. Magnetic Shift?

    Would love to know how you missed the point. A shift is imminent,..maybe tomorrow,...the "thousand years without power lines" is irrelevant.
  17. What if the universe was to end in 2 weeks, and all who were not awake (truth realized), would pass away like the characters of a dream,...no continuation, no Jesus to save them, no rebirth. So here you are,...two weeks to wake up, or forever end in an instant. What would you do? Most would likely go on as they been going on,...others may go on sex or drug binge,...some would pray or meditate, but what good is that, except to hide.
  18. What if the universe was to end?

    Moved to a new thread.....Magnetic Shift.
  19. Scottish Independence

    The official name of Mexico is the United States of Mexico,...there are 31 States in their union.
  20. Scottish Independence

    Can't imagine Texas seceding,...the Mexicans there would, within a generation, make Mexican the first language, and redneck Baptists a minority. And then yes,...it would become the 32nd State of Mexico.
  21. Scottish Independence

    "Unions based on enlightened self interest." Yes,...I agree, it takes a certain level of enlightenment to form a union. Today's America could not do it,...no way,...because their are so few enlightened people in America,...and none that I'm aware of in politics. The majority of America's Founders either had a level enlightenment, or were open to it,...and surprisingly, they triumphed over the Christocratic Federalists. Fortunately, at that time, the Federalists were in the minority. For those unaware, the Federals were against things like the Louisiana Purchase, etc. If the evolving hate throughout the World is not smothered soon, I'd suspect various Unions will be divided into numerous City-states. America divided into at least 8 sub-countries. Instead of 257 Countries, there could be thousands (with hundreds acquiring nuc's) . Even Thailand is on the verge of breaking up,...the North, the Northeast, and the Bangkok elite of the South,...with the southern most Muslim providences looking for their own 4th.
  22. Scottish Independence

    This is a very discussable point about the democratic process. In Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra won by a landslide,...but the Bangkok Elitist hated her populist programs, and removed her government in a coup. The Bangkok Elite now are attempting to initiate an undemocratic democracy,...that is, the right to vote, but all powers of a populist candidate will be removed. In Thailand, the Bangkok Elite have enjoyed, according to the World Bank, 14 times more of Thailand's revenue, than the rest of the Country,...which the Shinawatra governments rejected,...and which the Bangkok despised. So in Thailand today, the majority are now under control of a minority. Appears as unfair,...right? But what about the view of a majority government,...that the majority dictates the standards? Does a majority rule offer any "freedom" to the minority? In America,...although most believe in a majority rule system,...America is in fact, one nation under a Constitution. Although the Constitution sets up a representative democracy, it specifically was amended with the Bill of Rights in 1791 to uphold individual and minority rights. On constitutional matters we do not have majority rule. The majority has no right to tyrannize the minority on matters such as race, gender, or religion. Thus, IMO,...a constitution must be approved by 100%,...not just a majority,...and, it should be re-approved by 100% for each generation,...or at least every third generation,...which in today's hateful society is probably not possible.
  23. Scottish Independence

    It would have been much messier than that. I heard that it would have taken no less then 5 years to be a Euro member,...the Spanish already condemning any "fast tract." Anyway,...by rejecting independence, they may actually be acquiring greater independence, considering the concessions that the British PM offered.
  24. the Other Heart

    Someone wrote, "I don't follow any religion only my heart. Being human...." This post is strictly for open-minded conversation,...the prajnaparamita, the greatest of which is Avalokiteshvara's (Guan Yin) Heart Sutra,...suggests that human-ness or sentience, is part of the ego complex, and fully obscures the heart. Thus, following the "heart" of sentience can be called Ego Enlightenment,..which is one of today's most difficult delusions to awake from. The wish of authentic bodhisattva's is for the liberation from sentience. Consider what René Descartes articulated, “All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once.” In Buddhism, there are 6 senses of humanness that the ego uses,...seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, and thinking. Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion) said that the senses obscure the heart from being recognized. However, She also said in the Shurangama sutra, “As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." So there is a way to the Heart,...that is, to recognize humanness for what it is, and not cling to it for one's identity,...or imagine that the conditions of humanness can ever access Heart-Mind. Realizing Heart-Mind is the heart of Prajnaparamita, and explaned very elegantly in the one page Heart Sutra. So,...there are two Heart's,...the relative and absolute. Most see the relative, that which arises from ego, as Heart, when in fact, that is the sentient heart,...not the Heart of Compassion the Guan Yin spoke to.
  25. the Other Heart

    For the most part, that is quite correct. As Jed McKenna correctly said, "99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it." The Hua Hu Ching, Heart Sutra, Tilopa's Mahamudra, etc., would be examples of the .1% worth reading, if the criteria is Waking Up. Whatever does not expand upon those 3 short writings, is of the 99.9%