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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Enlightened movies

    I somewhat agree with the Darwinian theory, but not from a beginning to end way,...because time is one,...thus the Darwinian view is better understood from an end to a beginning point of view,....like a screenwriter coming up with an end idea, and devising a beginning to make the story plausible.
  2. Enlightened movies

    Powder was second on my list....still not on Netflix stream. There's a new film, that may have some spiritual content, like the Matrix or Limitless,...however, it does not appear to be coming to Thailand. Too bad,...as they have awesome theaters here.
  3. Ebola coming to the USA

    The report is,...he walked into the hospital,...which as I mentioned above, should be considered very frightening.
  4. Ebola coming to the USA

    Interesting comment,...although suppressing the information as a "not significant risk" could also have unintended consequences. Ebola is certainly not a doomsday virus, like the plague in 1918,...but although unable to be airborne, it does appear to be transmitted through bodily fluids such as tears, vomit, sweat, blood, seman, urine, spit, nasal release, which necessitates significant protection, not only from full blown patients for Healthcare workers, but moreso, from pre-symptom infectee's, like possibly the person sitting next to you on an airplane. The biggest problem as I see it, are inconsiderate, individualistic people who do not self-quarantine, and even see working while sick "a badge of honor." If, as was reported, the ebola patient in Atlanta "walked" into the hospital, to me, that signals grave consequences for the inconsiderate Christian Nation of America (since 1956),...perhaps not doomsday,...but certainly significant caution for prudent folks. Just because your paranoid, does not mean they (ebola) are not out to get you.
  5. Ebola coming to the USA

    Reuters reports that more than 100 healthcare workers are infected with the virus,...guess they didn't get the memo from the US that there is "no significant risk." http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/01/us-health-ebola-healthworkers-idUSKBN0G14FR20140801
  6. Ebola coming to the USA

    Seems to be much difference in news stories,...this CNN report says that WHO suggest the ebola thing could have 'catastrophic' consequences http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/01/health/ebola-outbreak-questions/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 To say that there is "no significant risk" is very irresponsible. Look at it this way,...it can take up to 3 weeks to show symptoms of ebola. So, lets say you're in West Africa, working on the oil fields, and have been infected by a bus driver on your way to the airport for a trip to Heathrow. On the plane you sneeze,...infecting the person next to you, and the 3 seated in front of you from the fluid you expressed. You ask for a water from the attendant, who also catches it from a mixture of condensation and sweat on the cup when she removes it. Ok,...counting you, there are now 6 infected people on the plane. Before it lands, you go in and out of a few low level fevers, the sweat of which is on a few seats as you made your way to the WC. But hey,...if Professor Peter Piot, as you quoted, feels no need for meticulous infection control for personal safety while on a flight with people from the infected region, because in his mind there is "no significant risk," I hope his will is in order. In finishing,...I like to add that my factual comments regarding Christianity could viewed as unnecessary,... however, having studied that meme for many years, I can say in all honesty that Christianity poses a significant risk to the spiritual evolution of humankind.
  7. No,...not about oil. http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/24/world/iraq-violence/index.html It was not Islamic enough.
  8. To butt in,...I didn't find it to be a misunderstanding at all,...for example, IMO,...I only know of Mr Trump for his hair do, Ivana, and Wrestle Mania type personal promotions for his capitalistic books. IMO, Mr Trump is devoid of having ever contributed to human evolution.
  9. Yes,...seems that is the way things are,...I had a post put into THE PIT ,...still don't know why "they" wanted it out-of-sight, out-of-mind. http://thetaobums.com/topic/28638-vulture-peak/?hl=%2Bvulture+%2Bpeak As for a post about you being "pitted," as you said,..."just basic moderating of a discussion forum."
  10. Was blown up by the Mods of ISIL last week.
  11. Hard to keep track of a conversation when they are removed to the Pit and Locked http://thetaobums.com/topic/35793-to-that-pissy-pants-mod/ Kind of mirrors American political life,...like when Bush silenced Scott Ritter, Valerie Plame, Bill Maher and others, so he could illegally invade Iraq. Kind of the like ISIL blowing up the tomb of Jonah. Out of sight,...out of mind.
  12. Ebola coming to the USA

    Actually,...ebola is extremely contagious,...and these Christians should remain in Africa,...in fact, there should be a 3 week quarantine on all persons wanting to exit Africa. One miniscule droplet from a sneeze, the slightest amount of sweat from a handshake, a service worker wiping a tear away and then coming in contact with you, etc....in ignorant America, where folks think it is a Badge of Honor to go to work sick, this virus will likely spread quickly. In fact, I think more Christian missionary's should go to Africa. Let all go and accept Jesus’ litmus test for determining the true christian faithful, as published in the canonized text,…Mark 16:16-18. A true Christian, “the man who accepts baptism,…will be able to drink deadly poison without harm”. Go to Africa Mr and Mrs Christian,...go mission to those with ebola,...and prove your faith. Your Bible says “prove all things” 1 Thess 5:21. So here's your opportunity. PROVE that you are not False Christians. To protect oneself from ebola necessitates METICULOUS INFECTION CONTROL,...if it reached the streets of individualist America,...the death toll would likely be in the tens of thousands. http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/health/2014/07/31/erin-foreman-ebola-patient-transport.cnn.html
  13. What a mess!

    How exactly does that work? In America for example, the "middle" of the political spectrum is further right, then the far right of the Reagan era. Absolute balance would be somethings dissolution,...as in +1 + -1 = 0. In the Taoist point of view, there seems to be a harmonic balanced interchange, that is, things are only equally balanced in a relative sense,...like the political spectrum,...which doesn't imply that illiberalism will ever swing back to a somewhat liberal way of seeing things. Liberalism may disappear altogether,...as illiberalism pushes further and further to the right,...towards a full fledged, individualistic Ayn Rand Dreamscape. Liberal literal means "someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties..." John F Kennedy September 14, 1960 Basically,...the term Liberal Christian is an oxymoron. How could a real Christian even possibly be Liberal? As John C. Green, director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron in Ohio said, that despite many variations, Christians generally adhere to four core beliefs: 1. the Bible is without error, 2. salvation comes through faith in Jesus and not good deeds, 3. individuals must accept Jesus as adults and 4. all Christians must evangelize.
  14. What a mess!

    Interesting goings on in Australia. In America, it became a fascist country circa 1956 with the changing of the National Motto from E Pluribus Unum, to "in god we trust." In America there is also "freedom of the press" unless it threatens the Christocratic Fascist flow of things. In the Christian scheme of things, the enacting of cruelty upon others is inherent. They like to emulate their Patriarch, who is clearly a murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional God. And amazingly, a God who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed and prayed to. I can agree,..."Everything you Love and Everything you Hate, come from the Same Source,"...the 5 skandhas.
  15. MH17...

    Or,...as PJ said in minute 15:54 "academia is a detriment to advancing social progress" PJ Merola Speaking of which.....Watched a humorous video last night,...the last part was especially amusing,...about how the "constant" changes periodically,...but dogmatic science has trouble discussing it. Academia is quite invested in itself.
  16. MH17...

    I'm not an economist...LOL...I agree with PJ Merola, that economics is a parasitic paradigm. From the little I understand, the US cannot undervalue its currency for the benefit of its people like China,...because of the USA's responsibility being the World Currency. "Getting a degree in economics is the wasteful thing you could possibly do..." Minute 14:00 - 15:30
  17. MH17...

    My sympathy for the disturbance this tragedy. Two critiques however,...1. IMO the media are simply looking to sensationalize for profit,...that's what they do,...actual news is so muddied with speculation these days, perhaps there should be law of false advertising in calling it news. 2. IMO the US really wants to be released from the responsibility of being in charge of the World Currency,...but Countries like China won't allow it. If the US was not the organizer of the World Currency, they could manipulate the dollar as China manipulates the Yen, and have a near zero unemployment percentage. Many feel it would be in the best US interest to let go of its overseas commitments,...decrease military spending by 80%,...and start funding North Americans. Unfortunately, the EU Countries, following the D-Day invasion of WW2,...pleaded with America to make numerous commitments to assure to safety of Europe. If a Rand Paul, or Libertarian candidates gets the nod for the next election cycles, those who wish America out of Europe will get their wish. Should be interesting. There are many different styles of leadership. For example, if I won the US Presidential election of 1860, I would have let the South have the South. Of course,...Germany would likely have won the Big War 55 years later,...and thus Hitler would have been a nobody.
  18. MH17...

    In 2000, Gore was involved in a serious intelligence taskforce to take down Bin Laden and AlQaeda,...the week Bush took office, it was trashed,...to the puzzlement of many intelligence people. Only later was it made public that Bush was focused on the already contained Iraq situation, and did not want to shift resources to AlQaeda. Anyway....too much ancient history for my memory. Maybe this will help: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/001120
  19. MH17...

    Posted twice
  20. MH17...

    I agree with the puppet theory,...not that a Secret Government is controlling things,...but something more akin to Colin Wilson's Mind Parasites. I stand by my comment however,...that if Gore was President, 9-11 would not have occurred,...but 9-11did occur, and thus Gore wasn't suppose to be President,...even though he actually won. We cannot changed the past,...and every perceived moment is in the past. To look at it another way,...the beginning is intimately connected to the end,...just like film at a theater. We may not yet know the end, but just as in the theater, nothing you do during the middle is going to change the ending,...because in actuality, everything occurs at one time. If you could listen to all the frequencies on your radio tuner at the sametime, you'd have a better grasp of the whole dream.
  21. MH17...

    Who can really put in 100%? Reminds me of a Jed McKenna quote. "One millionth of 1% false is completely false" Jed McKenna
  22. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." Buddha said, "the Tathagata doesn't come and go." Undivided Light, that is, light which does not exhibit wave-particle duality, neither emits nor absorbs.
  23. MH17...

    Does not matter if Gore is a wonk, a dweeve, or dishonest...to me he's a pathetic Christian,...nevertheless, if he waited until the count was complete, thus becoming President, it is unlikely the hijackings that led to 9-11 would have occurred. Gore was not looking for an excuse to start a war with Iraq. If Gore took the Presidency,...thousands of Americans, and tens of thousands of others, would still be alive.
  24. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Ashame that video wasn’t available during the thread on “What is Light.” http://thetaobums.com/topic/19803-what-is-light/?hl=%22what+is+light%22 Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." Buddha said, "the Tathagata doesn't come and go." Now, consider that with minute 53:30 – 54:00 of the video. From Undivided Light's point of view,...it does not come and go.
  25. MH17...

    Haven't had a TV for many years,...actually, the last TV series I watched was the Monkey's....although in the 80's would purposely visit a friend to watch a sitcom about Alaska, called Northern Exposure,... however, do have a computer,...so I still watch,...just can pick what I want now. Not sitcoms, but nice knowing that there are plenty on www.cucirca.com if I ever get the urge. The new way to watch series is much more fun,...you wait for it to be finished,...then watch them all back-to-back without commercials. Rome was my favorite,...what an ingenious idea for a story. Not many spiritually orientated programs available though, like What Dreams May Come, or The Man Who Could Work Miracles, with Roland Young. I may check out this new film Lucy. Haven't been to the theater in Chiang Mai,...but I know The Maya SFX has reclining lazy-boy seating w/popcorn table.