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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Ignorance

  2. Heartmind

  3. Heartmind

  4. Not if all humans had equal power,...by disrobing their beliefs. Buddhism, according to Buddhism, is currently in a dark Age,...haven't seen where another is predicted. Nor did I predict the Holy War to make Shambhala accessable. I didn't write the Kalachakra, not give the Kalachakra Initiation to thousands, as HH Dalai Lama has. HH Dalai Lama is quite a character,...he personally feels that anyone who believes in a god is suffering from mass delusion,...but most Americans believe he believes in god. LOL I did not predict the Future Buddha, Maitreya, who will usher in an era of peace through the obliteration of beliefs, thus liberating sentient beings from their suffering. Unfortunately, people believe that they are their beliefs. I wouldn't blame Buddhists for shinning the light of truth on them. Which in no way implies another belief system. Vajrayana Buddhism, from which Maitreya is to be born, is not a religion, nor suppose to have any beliefs. Vajrayana instructs, wherever their is a belief, their is a barrier to Vajra. No sure what you mean by "using Buddha in my label." My avatar is Kuan Yin, the bodhisattva once known as the monk Avalokiteshvara. Bodhisattvas advocate the liberation of all sentient beings. To liberate them from their beliefs. Know god, no Peace; gnow Peace, no god. V
  5. No,...I did not realize that. If they do,...subscribe to religion,...I would be certain that they are not authentic Bodhisattvas. Religion (sets of belief) obscures the Heart Mind. A Bodhisattva has thinned the veils of beliefs obscuring Heart Mind to such an extent that there would be absolutely no attachment to religion. V
  6. Thanks for that excellent post.
  7. Ignorance

  8. What is the best religion?

    It could be argued that Shakyamuni was not self-lit,...considering the instruction from Sujata, which was needed for Siddhartha to unlearn the meditation techniques received by his Hindu teachers. According to Tilopa, a key to awakening in a single lifetime, is non-meditation. Basically, Short Path meditation is an activity that "tags" thoughts as thoughts so to gain access into thoughtlessness, which only occurs through effortlessness,...kind of like the "don't think of a pink elephant." To me, nothing is ineffible. Those who speak of things as being ineffible, are simply ignorant,...first, because they haven't uncovered the threshold, and two, apparently don't wish for others to uncover it. Maitreya, the Coming Buddha, born within a Red Hat family, is said to realize enlightenment (uncover her Light) in a single day. I generally agree with much of what you wrote. And no, I do not read Tibetan. However, I did translate Tilopa's Mahamudra about 30 years ago. The Ultimate Teaching - a translation by Vicente Marco 1.The Ultimate Teaching cannot be taught through the senses, however, by metamorphesizing a winged inner sense, metasensory Gnowing can reveal, this mystery to the Heart of our Essence. 2.Space is not understood, but merely perceived as That, which is filled and unfilled with form; the Ultimate Teaching is not dependent on object-ivity, the Whole can only be realized through Wholeness. 3.can a hole be defined by what's around it? that's not describing the hole; likewise, Wholeness is unrecognized outside itself, concepts and forms obscured through illusion. 4.to have a center there must be an edge, as the ambits dissolve, the center disperses with it; the here becomes meaningless without a there, then the truth of Mind is no longer unfamiliar. 5.what shape and colour is a banana? absorbing all spectral light and reflecting yellow doesn't make it yellow, while under a microscope, neither has it a shape, until we think one is there; the Mind's essence is beyond shape and form. 6.the predispositions of a thousand eons is incapable of concealing the Still HeartLight of Life; similiarly, the self-imposed cycle of suffering has no power to cloak the HeartLight of Mind's Essence. 7.there is no void nor vaccum in space, it is either defined or undefined; although the true essence of Mind is Light, that StillCauselessLight cannot be seen, only gnown. 8.the essence of Mind resembles space, in that it embraces all that is perceived; Rest, and Be a Silent Witness, for through Love's Stillness, all worlds dissolve. 9.look at the body/form through a microscope, the Mind which you do not see, transcends that Duality; Rest Effortlessly upon the hidden jewel that's you, Letting Go of object-iveness uncovers the Ultimate Teaching. 10.the HeartLight of the Ultimate Teaching cannot be revealed through New Age discourses or preceptual Scriptures, neither from the Mantravada, Paramitas or Tripitaka; the HeartLight of Mind is shrouded by concepts and whimsy's. 11.attachment to morals or immorals cloaks HeartLight's resplendence, yet by holding ones tongue still, the intellect quiets its fears and hopes; then the Causeless fulcrum is embraced, and the efforts of Duality's struggling seesaw vanish. 12.free from the bondage of beliefs, the fiction of discourse and Scripture become apparent; the Ultimate Teaching unbounds the bonds of self-repression, useless suffering and useless pleasure fad away, and the DiamondLight of the Ultimate Teaching glistens authentically. 13.ancestral fear driven zealots deride the Ultimate Teaching, theirs is a life not experienced directly, always viewed from a predisposed past and anticipatory future; Real Compassion and Teachers do not avoid, when either touches your Heart, ecstasy will unfurl. 14.Joy is realized only by Letting Go of the desire for Joy; desires arise from ordinary knowledge, they want for things which are not; In Reality, everything already is. 15.transcending the effects of Duality, all struggle ceases, the Still Nowness of Life reveals the HeartLight of Mind; embraced by zero, the origin of ecstasy where fear filled pasts and hope laden futures never existed. 16.Mind and Truth are synonymous to seek truth is to believe there is a lie; the intent of a path is to get, not to Let Go. 17.Enslaved to illusion and its transient conditions, Duality, is like a projection on a theaters screen; belief in the dream entanges the believer in a space-time construct, yet nature's melody does not exist outside of things. 18.renouncing all social and moral rules, liking nothing, hating nothing, and repiring in amoral innocense; aware of Effortlessness is the Sly Man's way to uncovering who we are; walking without footprints, the Ultimate Teaching is realized. 19.we divide life into self and not self, the here and there, subject and object; and then try to intregrate illusion with reality; Enlightenment is the awareness that there is no Duality. 20.Light is not seen, only the conditions which keep it obscure are seen; the Light at the Heart of Essence has no beginning nor end; zero dimension, razer of logic, is the Holder of the Whole, through Original Mind, the illusion of motion is evident. 21.Truth is not a path, but a Stillness, a passivity not realized through concepts; concepts are derived and inferred from perception, perception validates only illusion, not Truth. 22.there is nothing to discover, but only to uncover, positive and negative do not exist outside intellect; all situations are neutral and impersonal, in CauselessNowness the Ultimate Teaching becomes clear. 23.Perception sees itself as the center of the universe blindly seeking a complete unification with separation; identification with the universe is an attachment to the dream. 24.Divested cogitation can gaze upon the Original Thought, divesting useless suffering invites Peace, divesting useless happiness welcomes Love; fear clings to past as hope clings to future. 25.The nature of a river meanders, reposes, curves and winds, yet because Nowness is believed to be useless, predisposition demands that the current follow you, instead of you flow-ing with it, through that behavior, fulfillment remains elusive. 26.Triggering transformational experience is not difficult; Connected Breathing, when activated, can jump-start an atrophied thymus, Fixed Gazes, with auric vision, can open time to be seen as one, holding the tongue still, can bring Stillnes to thought. 27.Through unfeigned surrender, HeartLight itself, resplendently springs its metanoia; clear rapture coalesces from tranquility and insight, a continuum of awakenings dawn real Compassion, thus Birthing Human Beingness; Ascension is merely the Letting Go of the descension. 28.Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon, Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion, You will quickly gain mundane power and suprem enlightenment. May this Ultimate Teaching, Remain in the hearts of fortunate beings. V
  9. What is the best religion?

    From the vajrayana point of view, all religion is a distraction, because there is no religion through which Awakening can occur. As Osho said, "certainly it has given consulation, but consulation is not the right thing,...consulation is opium,...it keeps you unaware of reality..."
  10. Transcendental God. A belief in no god is about the same as a belief in god,...both are beliefs. All dictionary definitions of god are conditions,...the transcendent is not. God defined by Webster's: 1. A being (condition) conceived as the omnipotent (condition), omniscient (condition) originator and ruler (condition) of the universe (condition), the principal object (condition) of faith and worship (conditions) in monotheistic religions (conditions). 2. The force (condition), effect (condition), or a manifestation or aspect (conditions) of this being (condition). 3. A being of supernatural powers (condition) or attributes (conditions), believed in and worshiped (conditions) by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality (conditions). 4. An image of a supernatural being; an idol (conditions). 5. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed (conditioned). A very handsome man (condition). A powerful ruler or despot (conditions). In the 9 dimensions of Vajrayana and Bon, the belief in theism ends at the lower 5th density of consciousness,...what researcher Robert Monroe called 'Religious Terminus.' Although the transcendental can be experienced in lower levels, the transcendental itself begins at the middle 5th density. The 6th is the nirvana level,...7th and 8th, the Vajra and Buddhic fields,....while the 9th is actually a non-dimension, that is, Source. Source is a synonym for Undivided Light. Undivided Light is proof that no god exists. Here and Now. To have a 'here' there must be a 'there' (subject-object, center-boundary, yin-yang). There is no "now" is the "here," just as there is no present in time. Here and Now is thus an important oxymoron for those who wish a more intimate understanding of the first absolute bodhichitta, which is, to see all one perceives as a dream. The 'here', like thought, is always in the past. Anyone wishing to Gnow Thyself (gnothi seauton) must uncover the present. Before one can gnow Who they are, one must realize When they are. The permanent, unchanging Self is not in the past. Individual Wholeness. Individual and Other are delusions of duality, just as One and Many. There is no Individual without an other, nor a One without a Many. In another post I mentioned,...Visualize a keyhole for a moment, one of those slotted holes that can be peeped through, as in old Colonial and Victorian homes. Now, describe that hole. Some may say that it has the shape of a circle with a rectangle whose width is smaller than the diameter of the circle aligned on the bottom; others could respond that the hole is surrounded by a brass plate that is attached to the door, which is connected to the wall, etc. Perhaps the hole could be looked through, so one could remark about what is seen on the other side. However, none of that actually describes the hole; all of the preceding descriptions are narratives about what is around or can be seen through the hole. Nevertheless, that is how most persons, especially Westerners and scientists, perceive their own wholeness: by what is around it. If that didn't satisfy, please continue for clarifications. V
  11. I don't get the feeling that Rappers have any desire to Wake-Up
  12. Yes,...most are unfamiliar with real compassion, that is, the compassion of a Bodhisattva. To understand the compassion of a Bodhisattva, one would probably have a grasp of the Heart sutra,...that is, to comprehend Who's Who in Duality. For Christian's, much of their idea of compassion is derived from their scriptures,...for example, they contrive that their definition of love is a synonym for compassion. Corinthians 13:7 says "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things". And they agree that this conditional form of love, that is, bearing, believing, hoping and enduring is Unconditional Love,... but in truth, it is the submission, devotion, expectation and suffering to the conditions of their religions brewed beliefs. The compassion of a Bodhisattva is fully compatible with her vow,...to be engage in life for the liberation of all sentient beings,...to obliviate the clinging to skandhas for one's identity. The liberation from all hope and fear. The liberation from all bearing and beliefs. The liberation from all faith and enduring. And when all hope and fear has dissolved,...there is love,...effortlessly present. A first century (Christian calendar) text said,...,..."when you can disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments (beliefs) and place them under your feet like little child and tread on them, then you will no longer be afraid." V
  13. A question to the Buddhist schollars.

    Thoughts are not "Mind" as I define Mind, they're ego. Your post brings up an important subject seldom addressed,...the sciential mind, brain, psyche, which produces knowledge and thought, is not the sapiential Mind, heart, thymos, which manifests gnowledge and wisdom. Those who know, do not gnow. Wisdom does not arise through knowledge (period). What do you know,...and what do you gnow. When there is a direct awareness of the 6th density or higher, there is no "know." Knowledge arises from the impermanent, the cerebral-centricness that dreamers cherish. ACIM said, "the ego uses the body to conspire against your Mind (in this context the Mind has no relation to the impermanent brain), and because the ego realizes that its 'enemy' (the Mind) can end them both (ego and body) merely by recognizing they are not part of You (the Mind), they join in the attack together. This is perhaps the strangest perception of all, if you consider what it really involves. The ego, which is not real, attempts to persuade the Mind, which is real, that the Mind is ego's learning device; and further, that the body is more real then the Mind is. No one in their right Mind could possibly believe this, and no one in Their 'right Mind' does believe it" I do enjoy Ken Wilber, although certainly do not see him as enlightened,...in fact, as of late, he appears to have regressed back into theism; which suggests that he may have never tasted truth to begin with. V
  14. A Higher Love

    There would be no opposition from me. Seems that this subject is coming up in many places, for example, check out minute 17:10 - 17:44 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWNgSa7GvA&feature=related Even New Agers have been talking about it,...Eckhart Tolle wrote, "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Feel free to open your thread with those. The bottom line is this,...belief denies, suppresses, disconnects, and disempowers. As Osho said, "Anyone Who Gives You a Belief System is your Enemy" V