the truth

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Posts posted by the truth

  1. Hello 'the truth'


    The 'fa' has been sent to you to help you. It may make you feel instantly different or it may work much slower. Let me know how you feel after a few weeks.


    Many years ago I did the same for someone else who had a similar problem, but they didn't know that I had done it. Within two weeks they were completely different. So I know it will work for you eventually.

    i enter here after 3 months just to tell you that it doesn't work,Mr flowing hands

    and i enter also to thank you for your great effort trying to help me,


    i don't feel that i'm a person who can go further in this life,it stops me every time and bring me a lot of problems (what a shame) :(

  2. Hello 'the truth'


    The 'fa' has been sent to you to help you. It may make you feel instantly different or it may work much slower. Let me know how you feel after a few weeks.


    Many years ago I did the same for someone else who had a similar problem, but they didn't know that I had done it. Within two weeks they were completely different. So I know it will work for you eventually.

    i'm very happy to hear that ,thanks a lot sir..........

    and i will tell you if it will work........thank u again for your effort and help.

  3. i guess i was comparing us directly without really meaning to do that! Sorry about that! Yes a phobia is a difficult thing to overcome, while anxiety is not so tough. I did not intend to diminish the difficulty of what you deal with by saying "oh i dealt with something like that".... just wanted to share my experience and that time and perseverance and realization helped me to change!


    I hope you overcome your phobia the truth, even if it is very difficult to see now, things can change. Bless you!

    no problem bro,

    happy to share with me your experience........

    thank u very much...........

  4. You may think you eat healthy food but you still may be eating too much or not enough of something.

    Many people think they are eating healthy when in fact they are eating crap.


    I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and agoraphobia - lot of trouble functioning

    Luckily I was recommended to a nutritionist and within a month or so i was out there and haven't looked back.

    I thought i was eating healthfully but ya never know. :)


    and again blood work is important.


    I am finished with this thread.

    well bro, thank u very much.......

    and bye bye :D

  5. hi guys....


    i wonder if anyone from u has an invitation to the tracker torrent (

    I will be thankful if someone give it to me cause i really really need it.......


    hope from my heart to find this person.......

    i think this is the right place to search....


    waiting you guys


  6. i used to be really shy, i could hardly speak up. Now i can talk normally to just about anyone.


    When i get socially anxious i think "whats the worst that could happen? These people might not accept me, they might even laugh at me, and I will leave and go somewhere else, or for a walk in the woods or something. Who cares what these people think of me in the first place?"


    my favorite thing about life is that its not a popularity contest. So if people don't like me, that's their right and i try to respect it. Sometimes people are cruel, and that comes from insecurity and pain, so i try to have compassion for that if thats the case.


    Beyond that, most of the social anxieties we feel are of our own creation so lets stop creating them! :)

    right mate.........u right.......

    but u know it's a little difficult to overcome the disease...but i'll do my best...

    and anxiety is different than social phobia.......wherever i would thank you bro for help..... ^_^:)

  7. My suggestion, just as a starting point, would be to try and integrate yourself psychically with the outside world. By psychically, I mean look at the relationship between You and Them (outside world). The little 'I' that lives deep inside you is the same little 'I' that lives deep inside me or anyone else. To realize that makes things not so scary.


    I would throw Love into the mix too. Realizing that your 'I' is the same as everyone else's 'I' makes it positive for us to actually feel a Love toward strangers; knowing that their exterior is merely a series of contortions and twists since their moment of birth, done to them by false information from others, as false information was given to you by others from the moment of birth. As children, we easily take on the opinions and attitudes of those closest to us.


    Is there any part of you that can see, smell, and feel the Oneness of all life? Can you go outside and lay face down in the grass and smell the earth, knowing that this is your mother and of her you are a part? We are all made from stardust, that's all - merely ants on the globe from a distant perspective.


    We all have the same needs, which manifest as wants and fears. You fear others because you consider yourself separate from others. In actuality there is an Essence deep within you that is immortal, and we all share it whether we know it or not. It just takes work to get down to it.


    There is something that happens to a person when they've been earnestly walking the upward path for a very long time. There is a subtle shift in perspective that awaits you in which things are seen very clearly. Fear and isolation will be removed, as you will Know that all things work in concert; even those things seemingly unreconcilable.


    Very best wishes to you on your path. Your sincerity and earnestness is the open door inward.

    thank you manitou for your beautiful and helpful words.......



    edit: On the other hand, yes, if you want to work with Kundalini, be sure to work with a proper instructor. Susan, username: Shakti Mama, does a skype class, and she is very experienced. She may suggest some preparatory things first though, if you're coming down from K syndrome..


    hahhh..... :)

    Well let me tell you another story :D .......since you mentioned susan

    you know bro, before i was searching in the net ...................

    searching deep and deep about teachers, i was searching for the teacher who is a true one,and i found the truth about many many false teachers, their contains are just certification and the same information in their mind.......... and some teachers are creating styles and exercises from their imagination and so on.......(and there are many many of types....some of them ______)

    and maybe i have a Sixth Sense in what concern people (their inside).....cause i had a lot of Random experiences in that.....


    and finally i found the teacher that i was looking for (and it's not time to talk about him or about his great great qualities ).......

    and seriously i love this guru very very much.....

    and i was very frustrated when i found that he Stopped entering the forum from a long time ago .......

    and i have a lot a lot of questions to him but my respect for him makes me stop.....

    (cause i don't wanna disturb anyone,especially who is very charged and helping people ).





    i told you this story .......cause

    If I had the chance, first of all and without looking left and right, I would have gone to Guru and the great teacher satiago dobles and be his personal student all the time......

    what a shame that i can't meet this kind of people( cause i have a lot of obstacles in this moment) ......

    but maybe some day i will (i'm very sure)


    and please guys what i said doesn't mean that teacher susan is not good or like that.......(i don't mean anything of that,.....susan is good).....

    ....and it's doesn't mean that all the teachers are the same.....(no, there are a lot of great teachers there are whom i know and whom i don't)

    i just said what was in my heart (that's all).


    thank u all, god bless u......

  9. thanks all guys who posted a reply trying to help ...thank you

    and what concern meditation and qigong practices........i am going to tell you another story and another problem......

    before 2 months i was meditating on the belly or the lower dantian in order to increase the chi in the dantian and have a goood amounts of chi to be able to circulate it around the mco points.....(open it)

    to open the reservoir channels(ren mai and du mai) in the body and go further in the internal alchemy......and i think most of u know the practises that i am talking about.....

    so when i was practising mantak chia system(exactly).......

    i felt chi around my body in a lot of places but just falsh and sometimes in my dantian too.......

    but the problem or the big problem that stops me, is that i had a chi raising and a bloking energy in my head......or some call it kundalini syndrome.....

    and i was always feeling my head tingling and always (all the day seiing white flashes in my eye)......

    and The more PRACTISED the more IT'S INCREASED .......

    in the first i thought i'm going to be blind or some kind of a sore eyes but after i discovered what i have......

    so......i stopped practise till now cause haven't find a solution........besides my big problem that u know it....






    but in the moment i'm going to start practising eight pieces of procade and six healing sounds......and i'll see the results after 2 or 3 months(i wish it'll be good )

  10. Hello the truth,


    send me a personal email with your full name, address and birthday if you want to. I will see if it is possible that I can help you, even from a great distance.


    Best wishes,


    Holyman Flowing Hands


    thank you very much, I appreciate what you are trying to do for me Holyman Flowing Hands.......

    i'll send to u what u reported

    no problem.....

  11. Hi The Truth,


    I think the advice above is excellent.


    All I can do is wish you the best and talk with you when you need someone to talk with. There are many others here who will do that as well.


    Dear Truth, within you is some small openness and sincerity to come from, so that you don't even have to open the door to a life full of self-confidence and comfort and sophistication to be whole from within.


    In spite of your extreme situation, the inner space you come from will be there before, during and after. As you make the effort to meet your life-challenge, also strive to maintain an intimate awareness with what requires only subtle constant reflection to radiate from within. With that, you can take steps toward your goal as Encephalon has suggested.❤


    thanks guys........ :)

  12. Greetings -

    I'm sorry to hear about your suffering. Even with specific details about your medical history, online options are limited. It sounds as if you were deeply traumatized at a critical juncture of your development. The good news is that there are bodywork practitioners who have had much success healing trauma on the somatic level. I would find a somatic practitioner, take your prescribed meds, and get yourself started on a Taoist healing path. I would investigate Nei Kung first - - and accept that healing takes time. There are support groups that can assist you in gradually learning to feel comfortable in wider social circles. Please know that all of us are wounded to some degree and empathize with you. For years I couldn't speak or read in front of people because my eyes would uncontrollably seal shut, as if someone had sprinkled a few grains of salt into each one. But it eventually subsided with practice.


    All the best,


    thank u very much for your reply.....





    I am suffering from Psychological illness probably is a well known illness for a lot of you

    wich is social phobia

    And perhaps, as it is well known to many of you,... its pain doesn't.....,just in case (only those who passed it)and I don't wish this to anyone ..

    the pain that is caused to us in some casestakes u to suicide

    .......Psychological problems are too many many times stronger than organic or physical problems

    Of course, those who try (the only one who know this pain) :(

    Well, I will not write to you here the definition of the social phobia or something like that....

    ..... I'm here to ask you help me to get rid of this dreaded disease that is destroying my life day after day and miss on a lot of great things

    and i am a man who has very high capacity(inwardly) and I like everyone i have dreams and projects to do and .. and .................. and to have a successful life.....

    But it's always standing in my face and makes me hate life ........

    And let me tell you the most difficult problems i face :

    * I can not face the others and even if They took my right.............. and I can not give my opinion even if i was right......

    and if someone hit me or trespass me .....i lose control of my muscles and become useless powers and become very shivery (in my hand and my leg)and more than that i Become totally frustrated....(feel fear inside)

    Imagine with me the pain caused........ and without talking about the other symptoms ......Which are not less important than reported

    And what concern drug therapy is not a great thing to talk about...

    it's makes you live a certain period feel good and when you stop taking it you return like you were before......... or u will take the drug all your life and become (unnatural human)and without talking about Symptoms of drug side effects ....

    i live a hard hard life because of this illness........

    and I am here hoping to find the right solution ..........from you, in order to change my life and open the door to a life full of self-confidence and comfort and sophistication


    thanks all ....for your time reading this and trying help me....

    waiting u...

    peace and god bless u all....

  14. Here we go again!


    Since your post demonstrates that you are still stuck in the realm of ego, Verdesi is your man. His masters will demonstrate some neat parlor tricks, and if you practice really hard and vampirize enough life force from other beings... who knows! You may cultivate your way to becoming the demon your ego lusts after. Then you can spend the next few incarnations sorting out the mess you have created.


    Tell me this please: how did you determine that Verdesi's system is "the best to acheive the maximum human potential"(sounds like you got that right out of his sales pitch). What is your criteria? How does his system meet it?


    P.S. Dr. Verdesi? What is his doctorate in? Bullshitology?

    thanks for your reply....

    maybe i'm wrong about this guy

    so what about sifu jiang or wang liping..

  15. till now i found that dr.verdesi system is the best to acheive the maximum human potential and to go deeper and deeper......

    but i am still confused and i don't have any information about the fees, the study, and so on(the basic informations to go to study)......

    help me please....

    and if you know a master has a more powerful system and a good teaching than him ......tell me please...

    Do not be stingy on what you know....please.

    thanks all ,god bless you. :)