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Everything posted by templetao

  1. Well ill try to relate some of what I know about the MCO When of the first things that the mco taught me was that with reverse breathing the mco flows form ldt up the back to the bai hui then back down to the ldt. But with normal breathing it flows backwards. I also felt it flowing in both directions at the sametime but the major flow is by the breath pattern(reverse or normal). What it felt like for me the first time my MCO opened? Well I first felt a jolt go up my spine to the base of the neck. Then it went up to my head and went back to my ldt. When it went to my lower dantian i could actually see the ball of my dantian like the mco found it. I didnt have to imagine in the general area I felt and seen the ball of my ldt. As my mco flowed my ldt got hot as well. I also felt very magentic. It felt like electrcity going up my spine and thru my body. I felt like i was getting electrocuted. The mco is very important when it opens it spins all the the time. When the mco flows it increases the amount of chi that your system can hold and supplies a steady signal of inner power to every cell in your body. Then the true cultivation happens naturally. Now it was about another 2 months till I seen a flash of brilliant light and some of the other stuff started to happen. Like I remember that at a certain point when i was condensing the chi in my ldt in my third eye I saw like a vacuum and an x whenever I did that meditation. The macrocosmic orbit was like experiencing the electrocution in the spine but thru out the whole body. it really cant be compared to WLP its 2 different types of training. All i can tell you is the body that it left me with. But the mco and macro orbits isnt all there is or the goal. The real goal is to tap into the orignal signal/power of the ldt. The mco and marco cosmic orbits is just the path that chi followed when you were being created in your mom's womb. once you have tapped into the true signal in the ldt it broadcast the orignal message of who are suppose to be in body in mind and the great perfection is attained. This signal heals you to such an extent that your internal power illuminates like it never has before. Now that you tapped into that original signal the real alchemy begins. For alchemy to happen you must first tap into this. Here is the truth. When you do the mco your circulating chi in the path that your body developed to and from the ldt by doing this the signal going to and from your ldt is increasing this is done so it can wake up the real power of the original signal of the ldt so that it is awakened. Once this power is tapped into you are healed from all the damage that you have acquired in your life. The dantian was the first cell created in the body and in this cell holds the memory of what you are suppose to be. Once this happens you are considered a real human for you are as you should be. The truth is you are no where near as strong as you should be. No one is we lost the connection to the real power of our ldt. Now you train to increase this signal. I hope this is understood.
  2. Ummm... thats bs my orbits opened as well as others after 2 months of Temple style training... I mean mine is flowing right now as I type it flows all the time... The Temple style as Master Waysun Liao teaches it works heavily with yin and yang chi, spiritual cultivation, and internal power.
  3. First of all how is this guy not banned?!!? Second what are you mad that a round eye reached the 3rd level? its gotta hurt. Jim gave over a decade of intense training to the the mo pai then got kicked out due to race. Dont forget a student has rights too. Jim is no longer apart of the mo pai so he has no obligation to it and i think that was made clear when he got kicked out for the color of his skin. So he is free to write about it. What makes Jim qualified to teach chikung hmm lets think...OH YEAH HE'S 1 STEP AWAY FROM BEING A TAOIST IMMORTAL! HE WAS ALSO JOHN CHANG'S FIRST STUDENT TO REACH THE 3RD LEVEL! Now compare Jim to any any other chikung teacher out there and Jim is still more powerful. Infact despite the mo pai's racist rules I think they shouldnt have kicked Jim out because now he is free from their hold. Just some thoughts but then again what do i know im just some guy who practices chikung all day long
  4. Any other Anime fans out there?

    Shura No toki is pretty good. its about some guy who descends from this badass style of martial art
  5. Golden Dragon Body

    Sky Magi, Could you elaborate on this please? Thank you.
  6. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    Sloppy, No I have not read his other book as I am not into magic. How do you become a badass? Well I think that is different for everyone but for me I think its learning a subject in its entirety then being really skilled in its application.
  7. Doo Family 690 A.D. Healing Meditations

    Thats cool i do a fire very practice that gets me pretty hot. 18 levels thats pretty cool. Do you practice the 72 Sunn Yee Gong system as well and what are the levels like?
  8. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    The group that Bardon most likely was a part of was Fraternity of Saturn. Franz Bardon was all apart of the Nazi movement. The below quotes were taken from here http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/secretsoc_20century/secretsoc_20century06.htm "According to Franz Bardon, Adolf Hitler was also a member of a “F.O.G.C. Lodge” (Freimaurerischer Orden der Goldenen Centurie, Dresden, Germany = Masonic Order of the Golden Century) which is actually know as the “99 Lodges”. There are 99 of these “99 Lodges” in many places of the world, all with 99 members. Each lodge is presided by a demon, and each member has his personal demon. The deal is that the demon helps his person gain money and power, but his soul is after death committed to serve the demon. In addition one member is sacrificed every year to the lodge demon. It will be replaced by a new member. The members of the “99 Lodges” are also industrialists and bankers of the highest caliber and today are more important than ever. The “F.O.G.C.” or “99 Lodges” are in my opinion the most dangerous, compared to which the “Church of Satan” of Anton LaVey that the media write about is harmless. Franz Bardon confirmed that Hitler and the Thule order were the outer tool of a group of Tibetan magicians. Only [one] who knows about those circumstances will understand this sentence from a speech by Hitler held on January 30, 1945: “In this battle again inner Asia will not win, but Europe – led by that nation that for one and a half thousand years has represented Europe as vanguard towards the East and will continue to do so in all eternity: Our great German Reich, the German nation! (Max Domarus: Hitler – Speeches and Declarations 1932-1945). There are also many myths about the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler after the War. According to Franz Bardon and Miguel Serranos (former Chilean ambassador to Germany) Hitler escaped with the help of the “99 Lodge”. This is perhaps easier to understand if one knows that Hitler used up to five doubles during his tenure. A large German newspaper wrote on March 5, 1979 that Hitler’s private plane had been found in the jungle in South America." Oh yeah I found a little something about the black order "The SS, also called the “Black Order”, was everything but a police troop. It was a proper religious order of a hierarchical makeup. The brutal Nazi party as a holy order? In hindsight this seems ridiculous, until one notices that it wouldn’t be the first time in history that a holy order was responsible for the most monstrous atrocities. The Jesuits, but also the Dominicans who ruled the Catholic Inquisition in the Middle Ages, are prime examples. The BLACK ORDER was the practical realization of the esoteric and occult belief system of the Thule-Gesellschaft and the later SS “Schwarze Sonne” (Black Sun) not only worked closely together with the Tibetan colony in Berlin but also with a Tibetan order of black magic." Now back to the elements after reviewing bardon's book on it I can tell you 1 of the 2 things he left out when it comes to element application. 1. You have to be conjuring the element at the same time that you are trying to use it like projecting it. 2. He doesnt teach you how to conjure the elemental chi that you stored and if this isnt taught you will never be able to use the elements. 3. Im not sure if he really knows what he is talking about I mean lets say you mastered the fire practice your pretty dangerous with just that alone..... not counting the other elements. Then rest of the book with be filled with application and use. In my opinion the culture that he stole this from never taught him this so he couldnt go around hurting people and using this for evil purposes. To be blunt the way he teaches it will bring you a greater sense of balance but you wont be a badass.
  9. Doo Family 690 A.D. Healing Meditations

    WBBM, I am intrigued by your posts but I have a few questions out of curiosity. 1.I heard that your system has 72 levels is that correct? and if so what is the final achievement of this practice? and what level are you? 2.You previously said that your burning palm has levels my questions is how many levels does it have and what is possible ability wise at the final level?
  10. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    I almost forgot about your request yes i can help you. To make the element training that bardon describes work there are 2 missing things that is absolutely required to manifesting and using the elements that you collected. Once i seen that this wasnt in the book then I knew that he really didnt know what he was talking about and was never mastered the elements. For it is impossible to do so without properly manifesting them. But before i give you the missing keys i want to know if you could help find what culture he stole this info from.
  11. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    Well on this im not arguing the validity of the golden dawn. I am pursuing the claims of bardon's knowledge. Everything about him seems fabricated from his history to his works. I think he did write the books but the knowledge was taken and his funding and his publishing was backed by the illuminati. What I found more interesting was the group of powerful Tibetan black magicians as mentioned here http://www.armory.com/~mortoj/magick/newfiles/bardon.html Does anyone know about this?
  12. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    What I said about Bardon stands.
  13. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    Well its obvious to anyone that Bardon was not the originator of this material. i wonder what culture he stole this from. Its apparent to me that this culture that he learned from didnt teach him how to manifest it. For this is clearly missing from his material. In my personal opinion bardon was part of the Golden Dawn(the head of the mystical branch of the illuminati) and he used their money to find and learn the mystical arts of the world under their direction. This also explains Bardon's obviously fictional beginnings as well. In my initial (starting last nite) research into bardon I came across this and this confirmed what i was already thinking http://www.armory.com/~mortoj/magick/newfiles/bardon.html The Tibetan culture showed him a lot about the elements except how to properly conjure them after collecting them.
  14. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    Never mind I found his whole book on scribd. http://www.scribd.com/doc/55857071/Franz-Bardon-Initiation-Into-Hermetics#page=25 and its incorrect in a lot of places.
  15. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    Sloppy, Can you tell me what Bardon said about the elements and their use? Also if you know it his elemental magic could you explain to me how it is invoked like how do you conjure it?
  16. The Guts

    No everyone that trains doesnt become a master even if they train their whole life.
  17. Burning Palm - Nomad Fighting System (clips)

    Warrior Body Buddha Mind, What elemental forces does this practice connect you to? Thank you.
  18. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    So just to confirm no one here knows anything about this or if such a thing is possible?
  19. The Source...

    its when you connect to the real source of inner power inside your body and reconnect that power with the tao. So then your inner power comes directly from the tao itself.
  20. Being Honest with Myself

    no enlightenment is power in a sense. heaven has power god has power. The problem is with the notion of power as the ability to destroy few think of it as it really is and that is the power of life, healing, and forgiveness. Without that all things will destroy themselves and die.
  21. ...

    Kickass wasnt bad.
  22. ...

    The vampire thing was kind of a joke given the season but i dont know what to make of the pic in all honesty. But I know that is what the name of the article is going to be called.
  23. ...

    I agree but there is an article written from what i told it will have a bloodline and other evidence. So if its not him it is a crazy look alike...lol