Green Tiger

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Posts posted by Green Tiger


    Thanks for sharing. Good read. A lot of actors and actresses have said very kind things about Robin Williams. I think Norm MacDonald's tweets have been my favorite so far.


    I actually cried a little bit yesterday while reading about him. I don't think I've ever been emotional about a celebrity death before, but Robin Williams was a big part of my childhood. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen Hook, Aladdin, or Mrs. Doubtfire. I feel like an important part of my childhood has died.


    Maybe that's an indication that I watched too much television as a kid, but it still makes me a little sad.

    • Like 3

  2. It sort of reminds me of an interpretative dance or something. I dunno. I don't know much about art, but I know what I like.




    I honestly don't just watch yoga videos to see hot bodies. I get a lot of inspiration and ideas for my own practice. Occasionally though, I just sit in awe of what someone can do with their body. And it doesn't hurt that most of those bodies tend to be beautiful.

    • Like 3

  3. Hmmm ... just as well this isnt the Sex Thread , otherwise you might get all sorts of details about the


    'Kavorka ! ' That my GF was .


    Was? She 'was' a kavorka, or she 'was' your girlfriend?

    • Like 1

  4. [ Dick head kids came back next saturday and mocked us from a distance, tore up the grass some more ... I pointed at them and told them I was going to get them ... next saturday I get there early ... all over our training spot has been torn up by tyre marks ... including a big sliding one that goes towards the river .... and the car is upside down in the river.


    Haha! That's amazing! I kind of wish Marga would have gotten hold of them though. :)


    I used to carry nunchucks in my car, not so much because I thought they would be good protection, but because they look pretty intimidating when you swing them around quickly. Of course the only times I got them out were to impress my friends.


    I've managed to get through most of my adult life so far without needing to defend myself physically. Maybe when I'm an old man I'll start carrying one of the sword canes. That would be cool.

    • Like 1

  5. Not wishing to put words into Ken's mouth, I think he is on record as saying "There are only 10 people on Earth who have achieved something more. Pretty much everyone else is going nowhere". Therefore, I can see from Ken's perspective no-one on this forum will effect his mindset as they are not within that 10. Likewise, from Ken's perspective, I can see why he is so devoted to the MoPai path, because he is so certain that is the only valid path. If I also believed that - I don't - I am sure I would prefer to feast on the few crumbs that fall off the MoPai table.


    Oh, that's right, because John Chang said he 'sensed' there were something like ten people of HIS LEVEL in China. That doesn't say anything about the rest of the world, nor does it mean everyone else on Earth is at Ken's level. Really, it doesn't mean anything. It means JC had a feeling.


    And since MPG (Ken by proxy) reads Magus of Java like a fanatic Christian reads the bible, they take it as the absolute whole truth.


    Like Jetsun said, that book is being misused. The author had a clear agenda, and it was definitely NOT to teach people about energy cultivation.

    • Like 2

  6. This is my first attempt at a garden of my own. The dirt seems good. Pretty sure there was a garden on the spot before I moved in.


    Problem is I'm near a creek with a small wooded area surrounding it. I've had all sorts of issues with deer, raccoons, and rabbits.


    I planted 6 cabbages and the rabbits got after them when they were small. I put up a fence, but apparently I need to use chicken wire, as I've watched fully grown rabbits dive through the wire of my current fence as I chased them out.


    I ended up getting 2 good cabbages. Ate one the other night, Indian stir-fry style and it was great. I got one tiny head of cabbage that I ended up using to bait a live trap. I thought I would catch some rabbits, but instead I caught a raccoon.




    He lives on the other side of town now.


    I've only dug up one row of potatoes but they look good. Many are small but very good for mashing.


    Tomatoes are big and green. They're waiting for rain, I think, to ripen. Same with the peppers. We just got rain today for the first time in nearly a month. I probably should have been watering. I planted 20 pepper plants and 5 tomato plants. So far I've picked one banana pepper . . . hopefully this rain gets them producing.


    The sweet potatoes . . . don't have tops. Something ate them. I'm hoping there are some potatoes underneath.


    The onions were a complete loss. I think I planted them too close together to begin with and then the rain washed some of them out when they were small and the weeds overtook the rest.


    Not a bad first year. Next year: better fence, better weed control, kill the rabbits. :)

    • Like 2

  7. This may have been better posted as a new thread, but there are









    I thought I would revive an old one. I chose this thread because it mentioned trauma therapy.


    Last night I practiced some stillness-movment spiral qiqong. This practice, for me, started off as something relaxing, but not particularly energetic. Something for me to fall asleep doing. I would sometimes fall asleep doing my tai chi form in my head. Both were calming and really just something for me to focus on and relax with.


    Sprial qigong has become something much more powerful.


    Last night I felt like I had some powerful energy collecting in my energy centers and working its way through the channels. This practice that used to be so calming has now become quite invigorating. I used to fall asleep after getting through the first three or four centers, but now I'm finding myself spiraling through the whole sequence wide awake, and then laying there afterward just basking in the glow of the energy.


    I'm starting to think I might need to start practicing in the morning instead of the evening.


    Also, I've noticed the centers at the back of my knees and the bottoms of my feet are much harder to connect with than any of the other centers. When the energy does start flowing through them more easily, I get a lot of tension releases in the muscles of my back and adjustments in my spine.


    Pretty powerful self-healing, ya'll

    • Like 1

  8. In my experience, group seminars and retreats should be around $20 an hour. 1-on-1 instruction will be more like $60-$100 per hour.


    I'm not so sure about festivals. I haven't been to the renaissance festival here in years. I would guess admission will be $20 and they'll probably charge something outrageous for beer, but you shouldn't have to pay more than $4 for a cheeseburger or $7 for a turkey leg.


    Speaking of which, I am never buying one of those disgusting turkey legs again!

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    Hi Green Tiger, yes! those who see easily recognize the ____ within everyone. I leave it to others to explore and debate the delightful manifested differences between people and their ideas; I play down in the roots. (-:


    warm regards



    p.s..RV - nice to see you too!


    I like that you use ___ instead of saying 'God'. Words are symbols and ___ really cannot be adequately symbolized.


    The ___ that can be called 'God' is not the true ___. :)

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  10. Great review, Adrian. I didn't realize you and your Australian compatriot didn't know each other prior to coming here! What a nice surprise that must have been.


    I can definitely relate to that feeling when you get home and the energy isn't quite as palpable as it was in the seminar. It can be a bit discouraging, and it also makes the draw to attend seminars even stronger. Glad to hear you were able to find an energetically powerful place to practice! :)


    Hope to see you again some day.

  11. The first two videos show the simplified 48 and 24 posture forms, respectively. If you would like more resources to help you learn them, I would recommend this book and this video.


    If you like traditional, 108 posture forms, cool. If you want to learn taiji-style movement in the most efficient way available, practice these two simplified forms. They are simplified, but they are not simple.

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