Green Tiger

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Posts posted by Green Tiger

  1. Discussions such as these are not really all that fruitful, and can possibly lead to confusion of someone potentially able to reckognize and start the practice.


    In my experience, and probably I am not alone in this, reading Nei Dan texts is as informative as reading notes while not being trained jn music. 


    I´ve practiced internal alchemy for a decade, yet haven´t started to grasp the initial subtleties yet. The only thing I have learnt is that fundamentally what you call it, and what text you read is totally irrellevant, as much as having a degree in geology can harness the heat in a volcano.


    When the Daoist canon states that the subtleties must be intuited, it´s an understatement. 


    If you want to practice, find a teacher. It takes fire to start a fire.


    Don´t waste your time.




    This should probably be pinned somewhere.  Sums up a lot of discussions.


    It is nice to TRY and have discussions about these things, but it can be difficult and misunderstandings abound.  I feel for the people who are trying to go it alone and I suppose an online community is better than no community at all, but you really need (not just a good teacher) but a good community of students for support.

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  2. I thought this seemed like it was bordering on an example of empty force, but not quite.  He is at least making contact, however light.  I think Yi Chuan practitioners have some creepy-strong root strength, but I've never met anyone who could apply it like this.  I've met some Aikido practitioners who could throw you with small movements, but this looks like almost no movement.  

  3. It's really hard to find legitimate liuhebafa and Wu Yihui may well have changed it throughout his life and the "history" may be largely hagiographical similar to the Zhang Sanfeng debate in taiji. So far my favorites have been from those who learned from Chan Yik Yan. Choi Wai Lun and Mok Kei Fei are the two I like most mainly because they have students that are willing to demonstrate and have the ability to speak about their art without referring back to other neijia arts like xingyi, bagua, or taiji.


    Student of Choi Wai Lun in Chicago as there don't seem to be any full form demos of Choi himself.


    Hey!  Thanks for posting the videos.  I study with a student of Master Choi, but I have never had the pleasure to meet him or see him demonstrate the form.  It's frustrating that you can't find a full demonstration video either, but he does demonstrate the second half of the form in this video: 



    Lineage is easy to check, the world of LHBF is small comparing to Taijiquan, for example. Never heard about anybody serious in Australia though... 


    LHBF is VERY specific and, in my humble opinion, has little in common with other internal arts. Wu Yi Hui has published a book. Chen Yi Ren too. To decide genuine or not, you need to learn the forms (not just the main one), and compare, compare, compare... Tedious process, and very confusing. At least for me. I see very little in common of what very respected teachers do now and Wu Yi Hui's postures in the book... I know the history of the book, but still, I see a different type of skills. Same about Chen Yi Ren: I've been very fortunate to see his rare video, so I'm sure it's different from what we can find on youtube. 


    Shortly speaking: if a person looks like he cannot fight, but in reality he wins, then probably this person knows genuine Liuhebafa and can apply it  :lol:

    Are the Wu Yi Hui and Chen Yi Ren books only available in Chinese or are there English translations, do you know?



  4. For refrence, the yellow captions appear at the following times:


    0:01 - I think this is the name of the form, possibly also the name of the performer, Master Lu Gui-Yao.


    0:25 - 停車問路 ting che wen lu, stop the cart, ask the way


    1:05 - 臨崖勒馬 lin ya le ma, rein in the horse at the edge of the cliff


    1:22 - 閉門推月 bi men tui yue, close the door, push the moon


    1:36 - 撥雲見日 bo yun jian ri , brush aside the clouds to see the sun


    2:00 - 臨崖勒馬 lin ya le ma, rein in the horse at the edge of the cliff


    2:20 - 摘星換斗 zhai xing huan dou, pluck the stars and rearrange them


    2:36 - 鴻雁雙飛 hong yan shuang fei, pair of wild geese fly together


    3:07 - 閉門推月 bi men tui yue, close the door, push the moon


    3:20 - 孤雁出群 gu yan chu qun, single goose leaves the flock


    3:56 - 野馬追風 ye ma zhui feng, wild horse chases the wind


    4:27 - 川流不息 chuan liu bu xi, rivers flow without end


    4:45 - 伏虎聽風 fu hu ting feng, crouching tiger listens to the wind


    5:06 - 聲東擊西 sheng dong ji xi, feint to the east but attack to the west


    5:15 - 青龍探爪 qing long tan zhua, green dragon stretches its claws


    5:23 - 丹成九轉 dan cheng jiu zhuan, miracle pill is formed after nine turns


    5:38 - 撥雲見日 bo yun jian ri , brush aside the clouds to see the sun


    5:51 - 順水推舟 shun shui tui zhou, push the boat with the current


    6:03 - 怒馬回頭 nu ma hui tou, angry horse turns around


    6:14 - 瓶花落硯 ping hua luo yan, flower falls from the vase onto the ink stone


    6:33 - 高山流水 gao shan liu shui, water falls from high mountains


    7:01 - 兒童送書 er tong song shu, page boy brings books


    7:24 - 樵夫擔柴 qiao fu dan chai, woodcutter carries firewood


    7:40 - 天官指星 tian guan zhi xing, celestial officer points at the stars


    7:47 - 五雲捧月 wu yun peng yue, five clouds cradle the moon


    8:00 - 托天蓋地 tuo tian gai di, support the heavens and cover the earth


    8:12 - 燕子抄水 yan zi chao shui, swallow skims across the water


    8:25 - 朝陽貫耳 zhao yang guan er, morning sun pierces the ears


    8:31 - 截手雙推 jie shou shuang tui, intercept the hands and push out


    8:39 - 薰風掃葉 xun feng sao ye, breeze sweeps away the leaves


    9:04 - 燕子啣泥 yan zi xian ni swallow holds clay in its beak


    9:19 - 靈猿摘菓 ling yuan zhai guo wise monkey plucks fruit


    9:27 - 猛虎回頭 meng hu hui tou fierce tiger turns around


    9:47 - 旋轉乾坤 xuan zhuan qian kun turn the universe around and around


    9:54 - 風擺荷葉 feng bai he ye, lotus leaves sway in the wind


    10:00 - 掩手衝拳 yan shou chong quan, conceal the hand and punch out


    10:06 - 琵琶遮面 pi pa zhe mian, shield the face with a lute


    10:10 - 流星趕月 liu xing gan yue, shooting star chases away the moon


    10:18 - 燕子斜飛 yan zi xie fei, swallow flies obliquely


    10:29 - 丹鳳朝陽 dan feng zhao yang, phoenix looks up at the morning sun


    10:33 - 翻江攪海 fan jiang jiao hai, overturn the river and stir up the sea


    10:42 - 倒騎龍背 dao qi long bei, ride backwards on the dragon's back


    10:46 - 狸貓撲蝶 li mao pu die, sly cat pounces on the butterfly


    10:51 - 抽梁換柱 chou liang huan zhu, pull out the beam and exchange the pillar


    11:06 - 風卷殘雲 feng juan can yun , wind rolls up and scatters the clouds


    11:17 - 蟄龍現身 zhi long xian shen, hibernating dragon reappears


    11:24 - 烏龍擺尾 wu long bai wei, black dragon swings its tail


    11:31 - 平分秋色 ping fen qiu se , split evenly the autumn colors


    11:39 - 走馬觀花 zou ma guan hua, look at the flowers while riding on horseback


    11:46 - 魁星獻斗 kui xing xian dou, Kui-Xing presents the constellation


    12:04 - 燕子穿雲 yan zi chuan yun, swallow flies through the clouds


    12:11 - 提手七星 ti shou qi xing, lift the hands in the form of the seven stars


    12:19 - 雁子橫斜 yan zi heng xie, line of wild geese fly obliquely


    12:28 - 龍轉身黃 huang long zhuan shen, yellow dragon turns around


    12:37 - 五聖朝天 wu sheng zhao tian, five saints salute the heavens


    12:47 - 葉底藏蓮 ye di cang lian, lotus flower is concealed underneath leaves


    12:50 - 鳳凰展翅 feng huang zhan chi, phoenix stretches its wings


    12:53 - 白鸛啄食 bai guan zhuo shi, white stork pecks at its food


    12:57 - 月掛松梢 yue gua song shao, moon hangs at the end of the pine


    13:00 - 倒揭牛尾 dao jie niu wei, topple the ox by its tail


    13:08 - 童子抱琴 tong zi bao qin , boy embraces a zither


    13:14 - 犀牛望月 xi niu wang yue, rhinoceros looks at the moon


    13:25 - 鷂子穿林 yao zi chuan lin, hawk darts into the woods


    13:38 - 赤龍攪水 chi long jiao shui , red dragon stirs the water


    13:45 - 風動浮萍 feng dong fu ping, drifting duckweed is blown by the wind


    13:53 - 氣升崑崙 qi sheng kun lun, Qi rises to the Kun-Lun mountains


    14:04 - 存氣開關 cun qi kai guan, keep the Qi ready


    14:10 - Matches up almost perfectly. I think this one is "closing" added in the video.


    14:25 - There are a few lines at the end. I assume they are credits of some sort.



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    This is a Liu He Ba Fa form I've been working on.  This isn't maybe the best video demonstration of the form, but it has captions in Chinese throughout the video and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they say. 


    I'm assuming they are the names for the movements, but I'm not sure.  My instructor seems to be using his own made-up names for the movements.

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  6. Lots of interesting thoughts in this thread.


    Last year I read Michael Newton's book, Journey of Souls.  He hypnotizes people and claims he can regress them into past lives and also into the time between lives.  Hypnosis is a shaky foundation for this sort of investigation, but his findings are intriguing. 


    Most of his subjects report very similar experiences, some of which are familiar.  There is a sense of floating out of the body at the time of death and traveling through a tunnel into a bright light.  Many souls are met by someone they knew in their life, they meet with their spiritual guide, and reunite with their spiritual 'family'.  A life review takes place at some point and then preparation for the next life.


    It's interesting.  I can't say I necessarily believe it, but I think it reinforces some basic ideas that I've believed for a long time--that we are connected to another level of existence.


    I suspect that no one can really KNOW what happens after death, because knowing is something unique to this life (I suspect).  Any attempt at describing it would be like trying to paint the scenes of a movie.  You're operating in a completely different medium with different tools. 

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  7. I agree 100% with what John stated:  "Weight liftring is what you make it."


    When I was in high school, the football coach set us up on a weightlifting program but spent very little time teaching us proper form and technique, so it resulted in creating more injuries than it prevented. 


    There are a lot of ways to heal abused and misused tissue, and qigong is one, but I've got to say that I think rolling it out with a foam roller or massage ball is probably your best bet.  Kelly Starrett of also recommends "flossing" joints with big rubber bands.  I can't comment on that, as I don't do it, but it might be worth looking into. 


    Combine that with your movement practices and I think you'll start to see results quickly.

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  8. Rudolf Steiner books are free on internet, but if you like one you can buy a paper print from amazon. He has a book on Akashic records, please check it here:



    Also Edgar Cayce is a famous prophet who was reading the Akashic Records:



    I love Rudolf Steiner but he is such a dry read. I don't know if it's just the translation from German, but it isn't something the average wife with a curiosity in the akashic record would appreciate. I would think she'd like Edgar Cayce stuff better. I've also seen a book called Science and the Akashic Field that looked interesting. (you can get it on Kindle here)

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  9. Breathing has changed, but also how I relate to it. Now it´s soft and not intentional, and I only use concious breathing when I reach the final "hell" realms at the end =) Then I do deep breathing and sounds too. It is getting more and more subtle and still. In the beginnig I felt stressed in the stance. Now it´s more familiar, and also I feel more moisture in the hands and feet when I stand.


    Tortoise; hmm. Have to ask my teacher. Maybe a different form. I am aware of the traditional "tiger" stances. The clawing the ground though is pretty tiger-spesific.


    I use it as a stand alone practice, but it flows pretty effortlessly into the spontaneous tiger form.




    Yeah, forget what I said about tortoise. It's definitely different from what you're doing. In the posture I'm thinking of, the hands were tucked into fists at the sides, and the elbows were pressed into the ribs.


    Sounds like you're progressing well. :)

  10. Great video Hagar! I've practiced a similar stance, but with the back more straight. How does your breathing feel in that posture? Has it changed since you started? Do you feel like you can take a deeper breath now than when you began practicing the posture?


    I think the instructor called it turtle stance, or Golden Tortoise--something like that. Not tiger. I've seen a lot of stances called 'tiger' stance. I think the posture shown below is the most deserving of the title.





    Also, I'm curious, do you treat this as a standalone practice or part of a routine? Do you practice other postures before and after this one?

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  11. Feedback ranged from far too much sexism, disembodied eggheadism, racism, or its a sheltered workshop for sexually maladjusted little boys..


    Ohhh . . . the disembodied eggheadism. Can we get a thread about how to curb that? That's the one that grinds my gears.


    Don't fear the man who had written posts about a thousand kicks, fear the man who reads those posts while practicing his horse stance. ;-)


    Maybe everyone should be allowed 1000 posts and no more. As soon as you reach 1000, you're suspended from posting for a year, then the count resets. Maybe that would make people be more selective about what they say.

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  12. I've often wondered why there appears to be a woman in the banner, hiding behind a tree. The figure in 'crane spreads wings' posture seems male to me (although could be female).


    The figure hiding behind the tree and the pack of wolves looks like she's wearing a skirt (although it could be a Scottish dude). And she looks like maybe she's hiding from the wolves.


    Is there something subliminal going on in the banner, or what?

  13. I was thinking, if the intent was in fact to stir a discussion on the topic, then it may well be suitable for GD. But in that case, GT, you could have, like, started a dialogue in the OP or something. So, what's your feeling on subject?


    I feel like I should watch less hardcore porn and read more erotic fiction after listening to her poem. Seriously though, it's shocking to see some of the stuff that is popular on porn sites. Most of the hardcore stuff is terrible. Violent, degrading, and not even remotely romantic. They've sucked all of the soul out of sex and all you're left with is some bouncing genitals.

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  14. After some of the stuff I've seen pop up in General Discussion lately, I thought this would be okay. If it was a dude performing a slam poem about semen retention it would fit in perfectly.


    *runs off to write a slam poem about semen retention*

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