Green Tiger

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Posts posted by Green Tiger

  1. Okay, so maybe someone can fill me in on some of this?


    1. What is the primary purpose of this thread, what is ejaculation in relation to Tao?


    2. Is this pertaining to any specific type of practice or energy work, in which case, ejaculation can be draining on energies, so i might have a better understanding than i think/thought.


    3. hi.


    4. everything works in fours; spring, summer, autum, winter; inhale, relax, exhale, hold; extend, relax, contract, hold; north, south, east, west.


    Build energy, flow with it, expend/expell it, endure the absence (of it) to grow and change.


    Yang-yang, yang-yin, yin-yin, yin-yang, etc.


    So what are the 4 (on this particular topic)?



    Stroke, stroke, stroke, SPURT!!!!




    I dunno, man, I didn't think it was that important of an issue. The only teacher or book I can remember even discussing the topic was Deng Ming-Dao's Scholar Warrior, and he basically just said, [paraphrasing] "Don't ejaculate too much, especially as you get older. And don't masturbate at all."


    I think he did mention certain amounts for certain age groups, but, com'n, my willy is not billy's willy, you know what I mean?


    Anyway, I get the impression Mantak Chia is filling people with a lot of "tai chi to make you a super lover" sensationalism. Whatever. I don't need tai chi to be a super lover. :wub:

  2. Did you ever listen to the Hunatrainer (formerly Jeditrainer) podcast? It was around c.2004-2005. I don't know if it is still around, but it was pretty awesome. The guy who made the podcast called himself Pohaku. He described Huna as Hawaiian shamanism and taught the principles and techniques of the system through the podcast. Pretty great stuff.

    • Like 1

  3. i think somethings up. one tropical storm in canada alone wouldn't be a warning (or would it?), but the last few years are definitely a call from the planet to be ready for anything. now i don't have a degree in eschatology, but the mayan "long count" ends on approximately 12.21.12, and history as we know it has been described by the mayan calendar most elegantly. from the emergence of cellular life, to the start of the industrial revolution, to the internet and global connectivity, its all there, neatly encoded.


    right now its the midpoint of the 5th night of the universal cycle, each cycle being marked by a progression of 7 days and 6 nights, each day and night being a period of yang and yin of varying lenght (depending on the cycle). the universal cycle is marked by universal consciousness (as opposed to nationalist or global consciousness for example) but the 5th night usually marks a period where destruction occurs to make way for the new. if it were vedic calendrical science it would be ruled by shiva, but the maya/aztec ascribed the 5th night to tezcatlipoca, the dark twin brother of quetzacoatl, lord of light. those two are like a lucifer/michael pair to form a christian analogy. annnyway, the 6th day begins sept 5th, and is marked by flowering of the energies of that cycle (universal consciousness).

  - website of the message of don alejandro cirilo perez AKA wandering wolf, grand elder of the maya


    there are some really good videos on that site under "wandering wolf's messages" that i turn to whenever i get worried about the eschaton. or anything "bad". he is one of the most beautiful people on the face of the planet, and his messages are full of hope and inspiration.


    Didn't Terrence McKenna also find some connection between the Mayan calendar and the I-Ching? I'm almost certain I read that somewhere. The reference escapes me for now.


    Then my shoulder joints turned to balsa wood.


    Six months following surgery, I am once again training with my beloved kettlebells and regular sets of push-ups. Sadly, benching and deadlifting are history. :(



    Really great post! Thanks for sharing.


    I'm curious, what do you think caused the problem with your shoulders? I have an issue with my right shoulder/back that I'm pretty sure was caused by overtraining and/or incorrectly training with free weights.


    I also went through physical therapy with little result, then discovered Tai Chi and Chi Kung, which seem to have helped me much more. I also added yoga to my regimine recently. I tried yoga a few years ago but gave it up when I started getting into Tai Chi. At the time I thought it wasn't doing much for me, but I'm really enjoying it this time around. I've been seeing amazing results after only a few sessions. I think it has something to do with my Chi Kung practice. A stronger root perhaps. Anyway, here's to a healthy mind and body!



  5. LOL


    Well, I have been chasing after tail pretty steadily, I've been preoccupied.


    I can't decide whether something weird really is happening this month or whether it's just a freaky transit. Eris is transiting my Jupiter/Neptune quincunx and making a yod, so basically every 45-year-old in the world is probably freaking out right now.


    But my gut is telling me it's more than a transit. I suppose time will tell! I will follow up at next new moon to see if I have egg on my face or not. :D At any rate, it feels like a good thing, good things are coming, but MAJOR CHANGE.


    I love chasing tail, so long as it is catch and release ;)


    Is this a feeling or a 'vibe', or did this suspicion originally arise from some form of divination?


    I've had a sort of transormational 'vibe' for a while now (like . . . since 2006), but that could be due to personal transformations and upheavals. I am hesitant to make predictions about the world at large, but it doesn't take a psychic to see that things on a global scale are changing and are likely to continue to change drastically. For better or for worse? Only mama miky way knows for sure.

  6. The higher one can take the weight, the better (so long as you can keep relaxed).

    Now, supposedly this area of the body, the upper thigh, has the the largest amount of mitochondria. Mitochondria is one of the closest suspected links to the concept of Qi. So, we might make the assumption that holding and using this part of the body in this kind of way is a surefire method of boosting your energy/tonifying your Qi!


    I've also heard that strengthening the thighs will increase the amount of testosterone released in the body.

  7. What would be really awesome is if tigers grew wings and developed the ability to have like . . . 2 dozen offspring per year . . . and rhino skin!


    That would be something to compare to, or get eaten by.


    Probably the latter. Your social insecurities would seem pretty f*%king pointless when the flying tiger rhinos coming swooping down out of the sky.


    Maybe they should breathe fire to . . . too much?

  8. Has anyone used Jerry Alan Johnson's meditation CDs? Volume One is Life Force Breathing and Volume Two is the Eight Direction Meditation. I've been using them for the past six months or so and I really like them. Probably more of an exercise for beginners, but certainly a really useful one.


    The Life Force Breathing is an especially simple meditation, focusing on the dan tien and the expansion and contraction of the energy along with the breath.


    Eight Direction Meditation is what my taiji instructor would call a "scanning" exercise, where you scan the body from top to bottom along each side (front, back, right side, left side, upside, and downside).


    Like I said, simple but useful exercises.


    Dr. Johnson has a nice smooth, soothing voice as well. I don't know much about the guy, but he seems to have quite the resume. If his books weren't so expensive, I would probably have one or two of them as well.

  9. Hey Bums,


    I know I haven't been around long and many of you are probably not very familiar with me, but I am an avid Taiji/Qigong practitioner (approx. 3 years exp)located in Des Moines, IA. I will be visiting Los Angeles (staying in Culver City) this next week (Aug. 13-19). My schedule is already filling up, but I have some spare time and would be interested in meeting any of you who are also taiji/qigong practitioners from South Cali. This could include practicing together, playing push hands (so long as you promise not to brutalize me ;) ) or just hanging out and chatting.


    If that sounds like fun, please do reply or PM me.


    Much love,


    Green Tiger

  10. The shortening of your post is not meant to diminish anything you wrote. Although I do not seek an audience, it would be great if more were open to the topics I discuss, would be indicative of an evolving human-ness; as a reduced population of Pit Bulls and vicious dog breeds would be indicative of subsiding fear.



    You win the random-analogy-of-the-day award! :lol::excl: :excl: :excl:


    I have no idea what Qi is really. I've not seen anything to convince me that anyone can classify, categorize, measure, or capture it in any way. So I don't approach it from a perspective of what it is but what it is that I feel and experience. I don't experience QI as stuff. It doesn't seem to be a quantity of anything per se and then again you could equally say that it's everything. It's not something that I think can be held or stored like many like to describe it. Maybe it can, maybe not, it's irrelevant.


    Working with QI first involves becoming aware of it, feeling it. This is done by "tuning," if you will, the Yi 意 or mind intent to "feel" inside the body (and eventually outside as well). So the practitioner develops skill in sensing the body (and eventually beyond) using something other than sight, hearing, taste, tactile sensation, or smell. At first it's very subtle, difficult, and vague. Daoist techniques allow one to develop considerable clarity and precision in this. The feeling is something like sexual sensation but very subtle in the beginning, and it is often easiest to feel it low in the pelvis, just above the perineum in the area of the prostate. For some, it's easier to feel in the lower dan tian. It's not coincidental that Daoist neigong involves converting Jing (sexual or reproductive essence) to Qi and that the sensation of Jing and Qi is related to sexual sensation.


    Exactly what is doing the sensing and what is being sensed is not something I can say that I know for sure or can express well. From one perspective, it just is. It is not subject and object but just non-dual experience but the Chinese are nothing if not practical so let's get away from metaphysics. To me, it seems that it is the intersection or interaction of mind 心 and "form" or manifestation. Where mind (xin) interacts with form, this interface for me is Qi. And the human capacity to guide this interaction is Yi. This is nothing more than a description of what I feel and how I interpret it. Words are always lacking in this arena.



    Thanks for the post, Steve. I especially appreciate "Words are always lacking in this arena." I've found that to be true as well. And my instructor is also reluctant to discuss Qi. He is more of a "show don't tell" kind of guy. Unfortunately, I do have an urge to discuss it and I don't know many other people who have the right frame of reference for these topics. I tried to discuss it with a friend and just got some incredulous looks.


    I've only been practicing taiji a few years and my first undeniable sensation of qi occurred this year, so I'm still very new to the subject but my interest is still growing. I have had the same experience as you thus far: I feel that, while my sensitivity to qi is growing, I don't know that there is a quantity to change. It could be that it is more of an intensity than a quantity. I also feel that, as the sensation becomes stronger, my body reacts by aligning itself . . . or perhaps as I relax more and become more aligned, the sensation becomes stronger. It is hard to say which is the more accurate assessment.


    At first I thought the sensations were some sort of balancing between tensions in the body--between left and right arms, upper and lower body, ect.--but that doesn't seem to be quite right either. And then there's the breathing . . . how does that factor in, exactly? The expansion and contraction of the diaphram, in coordination with proper spinal alignment and . . . bleh! It all falls apart.


    Lately I've started to dig the bioelectricity concept, but certainly don't think it is heat, as chidragon suggested. I could also be wrong.


    I do really appreciate an open honest discussion of the phenomena, though. Even if it doesn't enhance my practice, it keeps me sane. :D