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Posts posted by Taoist81

  1. Where was the question, and how did I dismiss it?

    Chill out, man, you assume way too much of me.

    I read your last post, there was no question in it.

    And since you asked clearly just now, the book is, as you said, ToS.

    : )

    No assumptions made about you, and no need to "chill", just a failure of clarity due to the limits of "text-talk". Thanks for your answer.

  2. Perineum power is a part of Dear Exercise, yes.


    It's interesting how, when you want to climb the ladder of spiritual evolution, you have specifical trials that are the same on every spiritual path you choose.

    There's no way around them.

    If you take the mild approach, you fail the trial.

    One is sex, two is food, three is money, four is power.... five maybe fame.

    'cuz after you master the first three or four, you're not just anybody.

    You're the Real McCoy.


    But me, I'm just here for the fun in it.

    And at least to me there's no fun in taking things the easy way.

    Either you put your mind in it, your soul in it, your spirit in it, and you try until you get it right.... or you just skip it and go ahead living a happy life, with no worries about spiritual cultivation and such.


    Bye now






    What is under discussion here is not "right" or "wrong" or even "spiritual cultivation". You made a claim about Stephen T Chang's exercises, which he presents in a physical/mental health perspective more than a spiritual perspective (the distinction or lack thereof between these two is a wholly different discussion). You gave a page number for a supposed external locking method advocated by him, akin to the "million dollar point" of Mantak Chia. Then you claimed that the Deer Exercise was "not an anal clinch". But when asked for your sourcese on this (ie what book the pg 64 was in or what book you were getting the claim about the Deer Exercise from) you simply dismiss the question? Perhaps you felt that this was a challenge of the silly sort that go on often on the internet. All it was is what was stated, a request for where you were getting the information from. It is entirely possible that Chang gave contradictory information in his different books, or that a translation error exists in one of the versions.

  3. Look again. Page 64, to be more exact.

    And Deer Exercise is not anal clinch.

    Interesting that Chinese masters seem to agree on these matters.


    You must mean pg 64 of the ToS book, that one isn't on hand so we'll have to take your word. As for the Deer Exercise, while there are different "instructions" given by people all over the net (and maybe even in the Tao of Sexology), in the Internal Exercises book Chang specifically says contract the muscles around the anal sphincter. He even repeats it in step 3 by saying to "repeat the anal contraction". So, one version, at least, of the Deer Exercise is an "anal contraction".


    Stephen T. Chang teaches the same method of external locking, and it adds something interesting to it. So it's not just MC. My thought is, you should take into consideration that maybe you didn't understand something about this practice...


    Where did you see Chang advocating an external lock? His Internal Exercises and Tao of Sexology both (from memory) only suggest the Deer Exercise (anal clinch) as a method for retention.

  5. Amazing. I wish there would be someone with this knowledge around here too...

    I used to visit an acupuncture therapist but he couldn't cure me. I also had advantages for a short time, like a day or so, but eventually my previous state came back.

    However, knowing that the solution exists, and many people are already cured, gives some hope for the future...


    Why do American newsreaders have to speak like football commentators? It's quite annoying...


    Often times the treatment is cumulative. If you were getting treatment every few days (as you would in many places in China) then gradually the length of time the relief lasted (in most cases) would grow until it was either managed or cured. It is not uncommone for some conditions to see improvement for only a few days then return. Over time you space out your visits until you no longer have to come in at all.

  6. Yeah, I use Nike Free shoes which are supposed to stimulate running barefoot. They have pretty much no sole or support and really strengthen your feet.




    That is the recommendation that this thread brought to mind here, barefoot running. The Vibram FiveFingers are also great (speaking from experience) both for general running and Parkour. They only take a few minutes to get used to (though your feet take a bit longer to adjust to "proper" running) then they feel great.

  7. Thoth was the "pilot" of the solar barge that carried Ra (and therefore Hathor) across the sky in addition to being a god of the moon. God of magick and writing as well as everything covered by Mercury and Hermes. You may want to take a look at Liber Israfel, an invocation of Thoth that was passed through the Golden Dawn (there are versions included in Crowley's Liber ABA and Equinox as well as Regardie's Golden Dawn, though in the latter it may have a different title). In the end all the gods, be they Eastern or Western, are aspects of the One, whatever that means.

  8. That's a young man's game... I'll bet none of them will be able to do that when they're 60...whereas the Tarahumara...


    One of the (volunteer) instructors at a Parkour workshop here in Houston on Saturday told us about how he has instructed people from 2 to 50. The whole basis of Parkour is learning to move "efficiently" with YOUR body. And, safety is prime (landing safely without impact on the knees is one of the first things you learn). So, you end up doing less damage to your body than most other "sports".

  9. There is nothing magic about the choice of a crystal ball -- it's just an object that lacks any features that could distract your mind. (It has nothing to do "scrying", divination, John Dee etc as has been bizarrely suggested here)


    All "skrying" is (did someone mention divination or Dee?) is staring into an object that "lacks any features that could distract your ming". Some people now confuse it with "remote viewing" or the like, and at times people will talk about "skrying" an object (meaning the unproven "art" of "tactil telekenesis"), but that is not the traditional use. Some would traditionally skry for divination, but that was not the only use for skrying. Either way the act of "skrying" is simply the staring at the object. Whether it results in an (so called) "astral vision" or a (supposed) vision of the "future" is a result of the skrying, not the skrying itself.

  10. I recently started reading "Taoist Yoga" by Charles Luk.

    I have never studied "tao" before, so all of this is very new to me and I'm still confused by a lot of it.


    I have a few questions that I hope Tao Bum members will be able to answer.


    Chapter Five discusses Quick and Slow Fires.


    My question is in regards to Quick Fire. The author says to use a hypnotist's crystal ball. "Place it in front of you and sit in the usual meditative posture."


    The author writes: "After gazing at the ball for some time tears will flow."


    I didn't try it yet, because I don't have a crystal ball. But the instruction seems overly simple.


    My questions: 1. Does simply staring a crystal ball actually make tears flow?


    2. Is there anything that I can substitute that works just as well? If not, what type of crystal ball do other taoists use?


    3. When do I practice this? and How frequently?


    I encourage you to answer because I really need any advice you might have.


    Thanks, folks


    Without reference to Taoist Yoga, staring at a crystal ball, glass of ink or coffee, a black mirror, etc. is in the West commonly called "Skrying" and yes, you will tear, just by staring (you end up "distracting" your physical eyes basically and looking "without looking"). And, in most traditions, the different methods are closely equivalent in their effectiveness (though in some systems like the A.'.A.'. they are considered inferior in effectiveness to astral travel and "skrying" without any object to focus on, a la Liber O).

  11. It is highly unlikely that the simple act of "retention" "caused" his "insanity". You specified that he hardly practiced the MO etc. so it sounds like he was doing little more than many, many men do who just have sex or masturbate and don't get off. Many, many people have done this (from the Oneida community to modern swinger types) without the internal exercises that are prescribed by Chia and the like with no "insanity" to show for it. It seems the only groups that do have problems are those that do internal work. Just refraining from ejaculation (aside from not being the full definition of "retention" as used in most cases here) is not likly the cause.

    More likly he was already started on the road toward bipolar and this influenced his sexual behavior. Not to mention if he was on medication, some medication can cause anorgasmia. So the the causes may be the exact opposite of what you suggest.

    Still, acupuncture and a good psychotherapist can probably do your friend a world of good.

  12. Wow.... When I had the chance to learn the total cost was around 12k for a 3 year program. That was in the late 80s but unfortunately I wasn't able to start.


    I can't believe how much people pay today for TCM education.


    The price listed above is also a California school. It seems that everything is overpriced there. Most schools (with an equivilant program) are closer to the $40-50,000 range. Like most post-graduate level schools now.

  13. As I am practicing as a nursing practitioner in a hospital I have to check pulses a few dozen times every day. I originally thought that this was a good way to gain some experience but it is a lot harder than I thought. Maybe I someone who is versed in TCM could help me out. I would like to know whether the principles of TCM diagnosis would prove to be true when compared with the clinical diagnosis. I see a lot of different diseases every day, from alcoholism to pneumonia and late state cancer. One of the most interesting but also frightening experiences is the transition to death. The way the patients change a few days or hours before death is an oddly interesting phenomena, sometimes I feel their energetic signature changing and then a few hours later they die. Sadly a lot of patients die on my station without being given a proper way to make their peace with this world and themselves. I do not want to know how many sad or aggressive spirits I would see there if I were able to see into the spirit world. On a side note, how can one help people die without so much pain that is going to bind them to this earth? Perhaps some of the Bums that have experience with this (Vavrasattva, Yamu, fiveelementtao...) could enlighten me.






    The signs and symptoms in TCM do relate to clinical diseases, but not in a one to one kind of way. For example, with alcoholism, you may see Liver/Gallbladder signs, or Heart or Spleen etc. depending on how the disease has affected that particular person with thier constitution, diet, etc. If you studied TCM (in a school) then, yes, your job would give you an excellent opportunity. Without that training, it is unlikely that you would be able to grasp all of the subtle differences, though, if you study enough on your own, who knows. Either way, watching and learning couldn't hurt.

    On the point of spirits etc. The fact that you care enough to think about these things probably helps the people in their "transition" more than you could ever know.

  14. This presumes that biomechanical integrity is evenly distributed amongst the population. It ain't. My skeletal system has always been my weak link; I've got osteoarthritis (wear and tear) throughout my body. But I'm sure that running DOWN Colorado mountain trails was the source of most of the damage.


    There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Some people simply cannot run without pain/damage because of genetic problems (ex. a woman who has the same joint deformity as her father, neither of them can do certain exercises without problems). But, there again, as you point out, the problem is the other ailment. IN your case, osteoarthritis, which could be exacerbated by certain exercises, but is most likely genetic. Over the general population though, running with good form would solve many health problems. So, in a list that people are generalizing, the correction is still valid, even if your inherited "weak link" makes it possibly less applicable to you (and only "possibly" because it is possible that "bad form" in your running worsened the inflammation, not running itself).

  15. Avatar tells people what they want to hear. Does that make it a great film? Or propaganda?


    The planet's pagan natives are simple and pure. Yeah, they are kinda spiritual in a non-specific, non-threatening way. Yet they possess neither sufficient wisdom nor power to repel a tiny army.


    And Lo! A lone Caucasian appears, to lead them to victory! He sacrifices himself for the people, only to rise from the dead at the closing credits!


    It's a story we've never heard before!




    Really it seemed like a tale of the need for balance. They had the spiritual side down, very well, but had not advanced in their abilities to protect themselves from outside threats.












    Skip to the end and they were escorting the Humans off the planet, so they could continue with their nature based lives. BUT, they were well armed to defend against the non-natural threats the humans represented.

    The Na'vi, now can learn to balance their connection with nature with the real ability to protect it. As the latin phrase goes "Si vis pacem, para bellum". Also, he only nearly sacrificed himself, if you recall, he survived. It was the Na'vi that sacrificed themselves (and a couple of the other humans). He didn't die, nor was he wounded right before his transition to his avatar body.

  16. Traditionally speaking, AP is not even a practice in itself. It is one of the fruits culminating from years of formally practicing the basic sadhanas of one's chosen path.


    I may be mistaken, but I do question if AP serves any practical purpose in terms of spiritual evolvement.



    This depends greatly on what "tradition" you are speaking of. In the A.'.A.'., the first Grade of the Outer Order is mostly occupied with the "mastery" of the Astral Plane. The basic text for this is a book called Liber O that recommends using what basically amounts to visualization to induce Astral Projection. Mind you, this is not the OBE that many talk about, but it is a practice (necessary for progression) that allows the visiting of other "realms". In the A.'.A.'. one must learn to utilize this ability in order to visit specific "willed" "locations". It allows the immersion of oneself in various elements, signs, aspects of consciousness etc.. Not to say there is no danger, only that if one properly guards oneself, eg. a banishing ritual, it is relatively safe and important, at least in this tradition, to development.

  17. Aleister Crowley on Tao Te Ching? Anyone read his translation? If so, what is everyones thoughts. I have not, but downloaded it. Will be reading it soon. It is quite short, if anyone wants it, I can email it to them. [email protected]. If anyone is interested. Thanks!


    Skimmed through it before. It has some interesting insights, though it is clearly done through the "lense" of Thelema. "Will" is emphasized there and some of his meanings may not be clear without a bit of understanding the system he established.

    Also, it is worth noting that it is not actually a "translation". He took what he learned in his own mystic and magickal experiences and blended it with what he learned reading some other translations (ex. the Legge translation is required reading when preparing to test for entry into the A.'.A.'.) and then wrote an "inspired" version. The same method could be said to be used for many "translations" out there, though.

    What format is the version you have in?

  18. Oh hell...


    Looks like I'm surfacing again to answer this.


    Yes...this would be ideal but in reality it's not going to happen. My BF ridicules Yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, etc as being "gay" and "queer". He wants no part of any of it and has told me so. Not even to humor me. I asked about the anal because he doesn't care for 'regular' sex. Has little to no interest in it. His thing is anal (well that and fellatio). I'm not a fan of anal but since that's pretty much what he's into that's why I asked.


    If one person cultivates but the other doesn't - is there a way to safeguard things so I don't unintentionally hurt him. Because as it now stands from what you're saying...I've got 2 choices. A) Either stop cultivating permanently [which of course means dumping KAP and meditation practice ] or B ) dump him.




    The above sounds like someone who doesn't care enough to "humor" you. If you don't mind the question, what do you get out of this relationship? Based on your posts here, you seem very interested in cultivation, yoga etc., by ridiculing these, he ridicules you, he should know this. If he doesn't, tell him. Open communication can work wonders for couples, and guys can, for some reason, be really dense when it comes to understanding what their partners want/need.


    I don't know. I only get to see him once or twice a year if I'm lucky. I don't know how to project Chi although the one time I did a quick Inner Smile meditation (when he got up to get a drink while we were skyping) I think I may have inadvertently caused him to black out. I was feeling sick that day but to cheer myself up did the Inner Smile (this was before I had ever heard of Secret Smile) and thoughts turned to him. The moment they did - he passed out on the floor for a few seconds. I know because he told me the exact time when he passed out and it corresponded with when I directed my Inner Smile-Love thoughts toward him. I've never done that again because I got the sense I was like a toddler waving a gun around not realizing the danger of what she is doing.


    But when I remember that incident....maybe he can feel my Qi energy? Except that was unconscious Qi projection I think. I don't know how to consciously direct it.


    Edit: Or...now that I think about it...maybe I was unconsciously TAKING energy from him and that's why he passed out? Because I sucked up so much of his Chi he literally blacked out?


    DO NOT blame yourself for him "blacking out" while skyping with you. It is more likely that he was on something or just sick. There are things called coincidences. This sounds like a prime example of one.

  19. 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'


    Wasn't Australia founded as a prison colony?

  20. Okay, shit just got worse and I really don't appreciate it :angry:


    I'm seeing shit without that looks like chameleon-type stuff from the first Predator movie.


    I HATE NEGS!!!


    Sounds like someone needs to do a banishing ritual. (Google: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Very effective ritual for clearing negative influences and connecting with the divine while simultaniously rooting.)