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Everything posted by aridus

  1. The Cambrian Explosion

    A problem with the fossil record does not entirely refute the theories. It just gives them some problems. Casual thought may say "The fossil record is inconsistent! Theory is wrong!" which is exactly why the casual do not get very far in this. Evolution is not equal to abiogenesis. They are entirely different, one does not depend on the other at all.
  2. Critical Thinking and Creativity

    Handling unknown? We don't. We guess, and estimate. We can handle known possibilities by using past experiences, but other wise, if unknown, what are you handling? We make our best guess, and when something comes to be known, we find out how good the guess was. I don't think it can work the other way around.
  3. go is to taoism as chess is to?

    Xiangqi, I find it to be a fun and entertaining game, like chess, but more straightforward. The way the cannons work, and the fact that the general and advisors can't leave the palace makes for interesting and straightforward yet subtle play. I also like the fact that it's symmetrical, unlike chess which has the king side and queen side.
  4. go is to taoism as chess is to?

    Probably not much about Go meditation for westerners because it takes a lot to master. I find that people here in the west don't realize it, they are deceived by its simplicity, and don't realize all of the many many mistakes they make while playing that would allow a true master to trounce them in unbelievable ways that they couldn't even foresee coming. I think it is starting to gain some popularity though.
  5. This may seem a bit silly (or maybe not) but IMO just changing your environment and opening to the boundless energy around you can greatly amplify any practice you do.
  6. Jinx's?

    Excitement heightens awareness and opens you to possibilities. When you are open, just about anything can get in. Who didn't jinx the pitcher? Find this person, and ask them what happened from their perspective.
  7. 再见, Bums. . .

    That's great, even though I don't know you. If I could drop things I think I would come and visit. But alas... Best to you, anyway.
  8. Some times, when we make concessions for others, things work a lot better for everyone involved.
  9. . .

    Flea leaps long way. Nice. Flea leaps half way, twice. Flea leaps third of way, thrice! Is the flea that leaps once twice the nice of the flea that leaps thrice?
  10. go is to taoism as chess is to?

    Go - complexity hidden by simplicity. Chess - simplicity hidden by complexity.
  11. Depends on the non-word meaning of the words, I'd say. If your non-word meaning is different from my non-word meaning, and we use the same words, that is a large discrepancy.
  12. I solved my Rubik's cube for you just now. Was it worth it for you? Then I drank some water. Was it refreshing? Some things you can't do for other people. And I apologize for being a little facetious. I'm just in a funny mood. I mean no harm by it.
  13. Yeah I guess a brain doesn't last that long.
  14. Will this help me while I'm out walking? Out in the world? If I'm attacked by a dog, does it help me or the dog, to know who the dog's ancient ancestor is? I'd like to know, because I'm about to go out walking right now. Seems like we think this is very important. Well?
  15. Zhan Zhuang Rocking

    I don't know Zhan Zhuang, but I do this in my own 'brand' of standing. I don't know about this as a practice for other people, hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in soon. But I do find it to be very soothing, relaxing, creates interesting flows, and it also has allowed me to stand for very long periods of time. I don't think about it, or try to do it, it just seems to get going by itself and I let it. Edit: I just realized what Zhan Zhuang is. Embarrassing jargon mixup. Anyway, yeah I do that in mine.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Let the green shoots show All the things that green shoots know Shoots know spring, and grow (around my big toe. but not in the snow. and not all the time, but why do I rhyme? I feel funny and fine, just forget this last line. )
  17. My electronic music (it's free)

    I use FL Studio 8, and some times Audacity and Milky Tracker for engineering my unique sounds. Mostly do it in FL Studio though.
  18. Ego-less?

    Very good way of putting it, Otis.
  19. Goose Loves Man :D

    Be nice, don't bite the dog!
  20. Seems conspicuous. If it were wide beam microwave, it would seem that more than the TV presenter would be effected. If it were narrow beam, they could avoid conspicuously having it effect four presenters live on TV. So my question is the same. Are they?
  21. Working With Photographs

    I'm sure it depends on the person and the subject. Since we are capable of "free association", I don't think that the picture has to be a perfect one. In fact, old, faded, black and white might even work better for some people, because for some that might produce a connection of 'nostalgia'. That's my theory, anyway.
  22. We cooked hamburger last night

    Whoa whoa... peace! I've learned very hard and painful lessons. One of them is "slow down". If you feel you have to fight, slow down. If you feel you need to accuse, slow down. If you have something to prove, slow down. And please, don't take my word for it... I'm not trying to be righteous. I just don't like to see people stabbing at each other like this. Painful to watch.
  23. Ego-less?

    I once asked some people this: "If a human mind could perceive everything in the universe, would it go insane?" I've messed myself up by forcing things at the wrong time. Getting answers that I was not ready for. It gave me psychosis, defined as "losing sense of reality". It made me afraid, but only because I wasn't ready for it. I had a problem with what I thought was "reality" not being "real". I had a problem with the fact that I could even end up questioning it at all. It blew my mind. I think our mind places limits on us for good reason. Some things we really aren't ready for.
  24. I was just wondering this. I just caught myself recommending an advanced and ancient neigong to somebody. Some even call it shengong. I caught myself. I didn't think the person was very serious, so I didn't give a very serious answer. I think maybe I was wrong somehow. Maybe I should have just said nothing. I said what I said and figured a few things: a. they might find someone who halfway teaches a beginner course, maybe it will help, maybe they will get bored. b. they might seriously look into it and open up to new info or c. they end up finding the serious ones who don't teach it unless you have a lot of experience, and either they leave it, or again take it seriously and open to something new by looking into more beginner forms. What should we do in such cases? Maybe I'm over thinking it. But it just got to me a bit.
  25. Ego-less?

    I find, that when I speak of ego, or even think of it, I latch onto it, and it blocks me. I've spent considerable time in my life trying to deal with this block. Only recently have I begun to make significant progress. I have learned, that since I when think of ego, I try to hold onto it for dear life, when I purposely try to get out of it, the exact opposite happens. I try to hold onto it for dear life. Why? Because I thought of ego by thinking about removing it.