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Everything posted by 三江源

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  3. Help My Penis, This Is Not A Joke

    *nods sagely feigning detached interest*
  4. Six months of standing

    Iaaaaaan is the duuude. eggsellaant. xxx
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  8. Hi DanC - any chance of you telling us a little more about what the 'good info ' in the book is? I'm interested. Also - have you tried the self healing techniques? Would be glad to hear.
  9. will somebody please fill me in on this story about mantak? how come I never know anything like this...
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  11. PUA

    It is easy to believe that people who have a different point of view from your own merely "miss the point". It is a simple way of reinforcing your own belief system and discounting others. In order to be fluid with your construct of self, you must first have a profoundly strong ego container. otherwise all game playing is simply game playing, and to call it anything else, to inflate it to something fancier sounding, is naieve sophistry.
  12. PUA

    What is 'a real man'? I think all this stuff is desperate. If you read The Game by Neil Strauss you'll get the inside story on what happens to these people and what it's really all about. I agree it is fascinating, and the people evolving it got creative with it. But from a healthful, respectful of our common humanity perspective, it's very very sad stuff. It made me feel that humanity was going down the pan utterly, reading about all these young guys getting sucked into all these power games. The level of sexuality operational here is rock bottom.
  13. How do you keep cool in summer? Ideas?

    Lozen - I am informed that : There are three points which you can self massage for cooling. 1.renzhong, (philtrum) 2. neiguan (inner gate - wrist) 3.zusanli.( On the leg, 3 body-inches below the lower edge of the kneecap and 1 body-inch to the outside of the shinbone.) otherwise, eat coriander and mint in your cucumber salads and drink aloe vera juice and room temperature chamomile tea and avoid iced drinks /ice cream as it generates internal heat in a compensation mode. and absorb some moonlight whilst dressed in flowing white cotton with silver jewellery, having taken a cool bath with sandalwood oil in it. rub the soles of your feet with coconut oil and go walk in the forest! just writing that makes me feel cooler...
  14. How do you keep cool in summer? Ideas?

    karen, yes. that's what I am aware of - ayurveda is lovely on this topic as well as the herbs/dietary su ggestions, it has suggestions about wearing white clothes and silver jewellery and walking in the moonlight, which I love. I have to pacify my own pitta most augusts, so I'm very grateful to ayurvedic wisdom. I know that the triple warmer excercise excercise in m. chia system 'cools' the system. But I'd be unsure of putting an excercise like that in a short piece for wide consumption. Thaddeus, that is about facilitating sweating, I believe? And I feel very sceptical about it!
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  18. Hi Hi Hi

    Ho Ho Ho snowmon. freeform, I'm reading it as geordie...
  19. heads & the chat

    there are two types of people : those that classify others, and those that dont.