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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Cultivators and Kultivators

    hhmmmmmmmm. puffmonsters is a good word for them, imo.
  2. How to stop frequent ejaculation?

    Yes, I think the offical number of ideas about how not to ejaculate when you want to, on this board, in the past year, is fifty five million , three thousand, and one billion two hundred triliion.
  3. How to stop frequent ejaculation?

    dont know wether you have done any searches on this topic here. It might have been discussed once or twice before if you have a little look.
  4. Christian Mysticism

  5. Christian Mysticism

  6. The Philosopher's Tao

  7. Christian Mysticism

  8. ...

  9. The Philosopher's Tao

  10. Getting sick and cultivation

    Do you think it was a detox/purification, Vaina?
  11. Christian Mysticism

  12. I am that i am.

    skyler, here are the healing sounds... here you are taught the physical movement to use alongside the sound, and internal looking.. once youhave internalised the practice, the sounds can be done with intent, and the movement can be purely subtle energy movement.. this video is a nice thorough introduction to the qualities of the organs, also. With regard to extending field of awareness, I mean deepening your subtle awareness by integrating awareness that your energy field is much larger than your physical body.. like this explains at the start: