Cat Pillar

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Everything posted by Cat Pillar

  1. How did you start?

    I had a passing familiarity with energy work via Robert Bruce's material. From his forum, I somehow got linked to Half Past Human, and that page has a link to this forum. I was interested in Taoism and had read the TTC, so I followed the link and started reading the forums here. And from there, I started learning about qigong, neigong, and all the various flavors of Taoism that exist. I found two neigong practices that really seemed to call to me - the first one I tried was Kunlun, which I don't think I was really ready for. The second is my current practice, Stillness-Movement, which I've almost finished my first 100 days of.
  2. I may have to give it a try. I've heard of it before, but never really practiced it.
  3. Colorado Sage

    It's exactly the same for me. That's why I can listen to some things I would otherwise never listen to. The story is in the music, not in the words. Sometimes, even when the words are vile, the story told by the music is beautiful.
  4. There can't be Global Warming because...

    It took me a second to get it. And then my brain broke.
  5. Colorado Sage

    I have a similar experience with music. It's a very emotional experience for me - well written music to me is like a story, it has something wordless to say that can't be expressed in any other way than the music itself. Music is often the determining factor in whether or not I like a movie, show, or (back when I played them) video game.
  6. how do unicorns do there magic? mlp fim

    Pinkie Pie is an eldritch abomination from the edges of space and time. If one saw deeply into her nature it would drive them mad. I'm certain she knows the location of R'lyeh, and dances to the flute of Azathoth.
  7. Learn Tai Chi Online eBook Project

    Thanks for clearing that up! Looks like there's still 26 days to claim a perk...I'm probably going to get in on it just out of sheer curiosity about your revolutionary new teaching methods. In any case, I wish you good fortune with your venture!

    It's not really about reasoning, though. It's more about looking at the pillars of your worldview and picking away at them. I can't really make sense of my own personal issues in a rational way, but I can rob them of their power by recognizing that I don't have to "resolve" them in the conventional sense of coming up with solutions or explanations. I guess that's the hard part about it...instead of using another thought or concept to mitigate the problem thoughts/concepts, there's a recognition that the problem thought itself doesn't have an objective basis in reality (i.e., your current direct experience) - denying it a foothold in your reality, it is free to float through your being like a cloud. I hear what you're saying about romance, that's a tough one that I struggle with a lot too. All I can say is don't believe everything you think or feel - accept that these feelings or thoughts are there, allow them space to breathe, recognize that RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, those things only have the reality you allow them in your mind. Whatever concepts you have about yourself are just that; concepts. Concepts don't dictate the truth. Truth dictates the truth. My best wishes to you.

    I would say that it is not your "self" that is in conflict, but rather ideas and concepts about/inside yourself are in conflict. I've had some good results lately in handling personal problems by investigating the assumptions that underlie them, and questioning whether those assumptions are objectively true. I haven't found a single objectively true assumption underlying my personal problems yet. Doesn't mean I'm completely rid of them, but it does help to take the sting out and undermines the perpetual energy the conflicting thought patterns get through repression. If your thoughts don't have space to breathe, they don't have space to leave. Just my opinion.
  10. there is no god but thats ok.

    That's an interesting article; thanks for sharing, Vmarco. Regarding my thoughts on the OP... "There is no god" and "There is a god" are both the same thing - concepts that inaccurately portray reality. Direct experience is the only way to go. And since experience is always changing, you can never completely codify "experience" into a concept, since once codified it loses the essential nature of experience and becomes static.
  11. Learn Tai Chi Online eBook Project

    Hey Stig, I only skimmed so maybe I missed it, but I couldn't find what style you teach. I know you talk about all the different styles on your main site, but I don't recall seeing specific mention of what you teach and practice. Edit: Has anyone told you that you resemble a dashing young version of John De Lancie?
  12. Max vs Sifu Lum (Rare Old Footage)

    I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.
  13. ...

    I've heard about cold drinks before, but never really tried abstaining from them for an extended period. Think I might try that, especially with meals. See if it improves my digestion.
  14. Has TTB's had an effect on you?

    I never would have found Max Christenson or Michael Lomax as teachers, for one. I definitely would not have learned as much about all the different schools of Taoism, esoteric and otherwise. I also have learned a lot about other spiritual traditions like Buddhism, Advaita, etc. TTB's is also a great sounding board/reality check. I never would have seen just how distorted my world view is without my interactions here. Definitely gotta say "thanks for that." I also like and respect a lot of the members.
  15. ...

    I dunno, I think there are some things that are pretty unhealthy, and some things that are pretty healthy, but in general I agree with you. I'm getting better at listening to what my body likes and doesn't like (which is why I quit the sodas).
  16. Changing the world

    You just described much of my life.
  17. ...

    That's an interesting possiblity. I know some raw veggies would probably do wonders for my digestive tract. And I do like salads.
  18. ...

    My diet is horrible, but I am making minor dietary changes as of late - drinking a lot more water, I don't drink soda anymore. Working on portion control, which is my biggest issue. Trying to start with small stuff, build up momentum for bigger changes later. I'm already trying to change a lot of things in my life, don't want to get overloaded and fail at them all. Eating healthy is a huge pain in the ass, as far as I see it. Tons of effort required to look for healthy food stores, have to buy every couple of days because fresh food goes bad really fast, and it takes forever to prepare to eat. I can barely make enough time for my practices, let alone acquiring and preparing healthy food. I know that's something I'm going to have to get over sooner rather than later, but right now I just don't have the time.
  19. Bagua and Taoism

    Welcome to the forum!
  20. Hello from the Northeast

    Welcome to the forum, Gene! I hope you find the inspiration and motivation you're looking for here.
  21. Greetings, Bums!

    Welcome to the forum! I've heard great things about Flying Phoenix. There's a really long thread about it here, I'm sure you've seen it.
  22. Learn Tai Chi Online eBook Project

    Interesting. Once my money troubles are over I may look into that. Too bad you don't teach bagua.
  23. G'day folks ! :D

    Nice to see you again, Stig!
  24. Found out I can't edit the titles of me own topics, sadness. I'd like "Progress on the Path" to be changed to "Practice Journal" please, when a mod gets a chance. Edit: Thanks, Cat! Also, since Sean is the only one who can grant mod rights for the PPJ's, is a request here sufficient? Not expecting a quick response from him, just want to make sure a request for mod rights in my practice forum will be heard here eventually.