heaven chi

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Posts posted by heaven chi

  1. Hello,


    When I read books by Master Nan Huai Chin, I get the impression that to get really enlightened is very hard.

    Even if you realise the dharmakaya the sambhogakaya is also to be cultivated.


    Master Nan can show you how small your efforts and accomplishments are and make you more realistic.


    Master Nan says he can "tear anyone to pieces" when it comes to real cultivation and carrying out vows.


    He says he doesn't teach the real advanced path because then "the grass in front of his door would be several metres high" nobody would come to listen, as it would be too hard for people.


    He says most of you don't understand. He says Buddhism is by far the most difficult thing one can pursue.


    And the material in those books mentioned above is very advanced, not for beginners. But there is also material suitable for beginners in these books too.


    I like Master Nan, but he makes the path seem so hard.

  2. From my experience as a beginner, good visualisation is very important. Of course I too had trouble visualising, but with practice you become somewhat better, not completely perfect though.


    Some times you'll visualise better than others, I suppose if done in retreat it is more easy to progress in visualising.


    Also if you have a conscious dream you can meditate and visualise in your dream very very clear. However I don't know how to purposely cause such dreams.


    It is important to keep trying even though it seems hopeless at first.


    I hope others more knowledgable will tell you more.

  3. Thank you for your input. I will talk things with one of my teachers who is also member of this forum. After all he has actually helped me in one occasion.


    The reason I continued this conversation was because I didn't understand Hundun's viewpoint.


    Anyway I'm going to ask one of my teachers. Should ask a Rinpoche too. Will see.

  4. What do you actually mean?


    If you think that the black magic attack has been made up by my mind I assure you it's not this case.


    Nonduality is another matter.


    When you're dealing with a foreign spirit you feel it is different from you, and I'm not talking about merely hearing voices I'm talking about feeling. feeling it go out from your body and scream at an exorcism.


    So if you tell me this spirit is me I must be crazy to believe it. If you tell me its all my imagination I still must be crazy to believe it.

    Non duality is a different matter and how can non duality help in case you're attacked by this spirit?



  5. I don't understand such theories. Things are simple.

    You have the karma that's the cause and then there is your insane enemy who acts from the outside. No theory of me deciding I'm not victim and suddenly problems ceasing. That's ridiculous.

  6. heaven-chi, I'm sure you know already some people believe in magic and others dont.


    The fact is you have been given enough material here to work with. Plus you have a teacher.


    That's it. It's up to you now to utilise with pure intent what tools you have.



    Doing these practises, taking these measures, will still your mind.


    Good Luck.


    It's ok cat. You are right. I need not continue posting on this matter.

  7. Nothing can harm you spiritually without your conscious or unconscious cooperation. If you are being attacked, it is because you (knowingly or unknowingly) have attracted it to you. Moving will not solve the real core issue. Because wherever you go, you will go with you.

    Spiritual attacks are merely external manifestations of your internal state.


    IME, spiritual and psychological counseling will stop any spiritual attacks once you are able to face your own unresolved emotional issues and accept that you create your external reality. This is simple but not easy. It means you will have to face alot of pain and fear within.


    Besides, based on what I read, you have no proof that anyone is doing black magic on you. You don't know what is causing the attacks...


    But I agree with what was said earlier. You are not a victim.



    The thing you are refering to here is not my case. There are two sorts of "attacks". The first one is related to your own emotional issues the second one is unrelated.


    I have no unresolved emotional issues. It doesn't have to do with my internal state.


    You shouldn't make the cart behind close doors and proclaim yourselves king.


    As for proof that it is black magic I have plenty but it is only for myself. I cannot convince you or anyone because its my personal clairaudient experiences which I trust because I have cross tested it with the real world.


    I'd be a real super foolish person if I still doubted whether it is black magic or not.


    Do not think that because you know one phenomenon everything is like it.


    While I don't doubt your advanced spiritually you don't necessarily know everything.

  8. Dear Everything,


    If you want to get warm, practice bhastrika pranayama for 15 minutes. The more you do the warmer.

    However one must do it correctly


    exhale strongly by contracting the abdomen and drawing it in then relax it and let the air come back in.

    Do this in rapid succession of around 2 expulsions per second and keep up for at least one whole minute.

    Then inhale and hold breath for a while (not much needed).

    Then rest and do another round.


    It takes practice but if you do it well you'll get warm.

  9. Hello,


    As you know from the thread about Black magic I'm having this sort of attacks and I suspect they have to do with my neighborhood.


    Does anyone here know, if I relocate more than 50 kilometers away will it help with the problem?


    Hundun do you know?




    Thank you

  10. Heaven Chi,


    I sent you an e-mail to someone who provides FU talismans for a small donation. I hope it helps. Alternatively visit this forum and ask for help there, surely someone with direct experience with negative entity attacks will be able to provide you with a Thai barang (amulet). It's likely that you have to purchase it but I can't guarantee you that it will work since you are a farang (foreigner) and it'd an online purchase. Gee, if you were living in Thailand things would be much easier as you could request this sort of help from a Theravadin monk, I have good friends in northern Thailand.


    Blessings anyway,


    Gerard :)


    I found someone who has visited various Tibetan Rinpoches including Chatral Rinpoche and he will sell me a special protection cord. He has shown me a photo and it looks genuine.

  11. There is another avenue you could try, heaven chi. Islam.


    The most effective practices I do in terms of protection are of islamic origin. The names of Allah are used in a practice called dhikr or zikr, the purpose of which is remembrance of God.


    Also, I have heard of sheikhs who use particular verses of the Holy Qu'ran to get rid of black magic.


    If it is your wish, I have permission from my teacher to share a simplyified but certainly no less powerful version. Send a PM if you're interested.





    Thank you. I have tried a few islamic bits with a degree of success but it wasn't very satisfactory and I wasn't consistent in my practice. I am interested if you want please give me the practice.


    Actually I used to have 4 genies spirit helpers from the islamic tradition. They solved all problems while I had them but then they left me and didn't return and the problems returned. Perhaps they didn't like the food and they didn't like that they couldn't communicate with me as I haven't opened my third eye. They were expensive to aquire, and didn't stay with me long.

  12. Black magic is one thing, being attacked by non-locatable spirits, poltergeists and nameless entities is another.


    Both are quite distressing, to say the least.



    All the best to you. Prayers are with you, my friend.


    Thank you CowTao. I am already practicing Sengdongma or Simhamukha and it has literally saved my life especially in one occassion. However, reciting once or twice a day does not offer complete protection 24/7.


    I need to learn to create protection cords, shields, armor and boundaries.


    Also for some things Simhamukha didn't help whereas another thing given by my teacher helped.

    Simhamukha is not the end all be all.


    I have already bought a Simhamukha chakra from elsewhere and it helped more than the protection cord of that Rinpoche which seemed useless unfortunately. But the Sengdongma chakra lost its power some time after, plus it was only partially effective I think.


    I have also done 500,000 vajrapani which didn't help as much as what my teacher gave me.


    But still there are attacks and they keep coming every now and then so I guess it's not random spirits.


    HOWEVER, a member of this forum, HELPED me very much because he put a shield around me yesterday and I immediately felt its benefit. He is a professional and good friend. But I need to learn to shield myself.


    In comparison to his shield my protection methods are amateurish.

  13. I know someone who had black magic from past lives removed by a very high level guru.It can be done, the karma can be cleared.


    If in this case it was you initiating the black magic then you have an issue here of needing to offer remorse and intent to rescind past actions. Sounds as though your teacher has a plan. You wont know if he can finally succeed untill he has finished his work. Is there a reason you distrust that he will succeed, or you are simply very anxious and nervously asking for more more more help...

    you can help your karma work out by cleansing yourself and your environment and doing as .broken. suggests. Work on cleansing and clearing and practice Ho' oponopono every day.


    My teacher has let me understand that he knows the situation but didn't tell me details. Perhaps I'll ask him again. I just can't believe that he really knows everything, why doesn't he tell me then?


    However he has achieved something with a problem I had with which nothing else could help me, so maybe he knows...


    But I'd like Hundun to tell me what he thinks is the situation. I sent him pm with details of many of my experiences. Let's hope he has some psychic abilities to know.


    I don't practice hoponopono just have heard of it.

  14. An excellent magician who can do protection magic is Jason Miller.


    He will do it for a fee. He has written a first rate book "Protection and Reversal Magick."


    You can google him and find his site.


    That book is viewable in google books. Thank you for the info.


    broken thank you. I actually have some little trees outside my room in a little garden. Do you think I could ask their spirits for help?

  15. The teacher to whom I am most grateful accepts it is black magic and seems to know about what exactly it is, but he doesn't tell me details nor why those attackers are doing it to me. He says I should find out myself. Also he doesn't tell me details. He seems relaxed about it. He tells me sometimes phenomena may happen but I should continue my practice. He has helped me very much with one issue, like nobody else but he hasn't solved all problems yet.

    However he has a solution in mind and he needs to meet me to help me more.


    However he told me that in one of my past lives I used black magic to harm people. He says it doesn't matter the karma can be worked out.


    I don't know if this teacher will finally succeed and was searching for more help for the case he won't be enough help.


    And have in mind that he doesn't live in my country so he can't help me as much as he wanted.


    I'm a westerner, but won't disclose more info.

  16. very well-stated, Twinner. :)



    having worked with all different stripes of messed up people, i can assure you that your issues are very small-time. perhaps your greatest problem is that you assume to already understand what is happening, and, therefore, what you need to acquire to "fix" the matter. as i stated from the beginning, calling it black magic simply because you find the experience disagreeable is highly problematic and can pull you further and further away from a REAL and LASTING solution.


    before collecting more spiritual tools, work needs to be done with your UNDERSTANDING of these matters. calm and discipline are the tools you need most if you plan to continue your spiritual path. your sympathetic nervous system might initiate fear and adrenaline when some of these things occur, but that doesn't make them evil or any less a part of your own psychic baggage. even words you don't think you've ever heard before can be coming from you.


    i have much to share on this matter, but if you're gonna try a little bit of all this protection stuff, from multiple traditions, just to see what sticks, then i would be wasting my time and energy breaking it all down for you.


    stick with that approach for a while, if you like. get back in touch with me when you're ready and willing to shift your understanding about things. sooner or later, you'll have to come back to that anyway.


    i may PM you a little more later, but i'm operating on less than 2 hours of sleep because i've been with a student who was in need.


    i really, REALLY, need to rest. :wacko:


    Dear Hundun,


    You say shift my understanding. Can you PM me about what is this different understanding you have?

    I don't say I know everything. Maybe I'm mistaken somewhere. But be more precise? Where do you think is my mistake? PM me when you can and tell me what you think about all the private info on the problem I gave you, trusting you

  17. I have provided you enough material to protect your home, because it's likely you have an entity living in your place. You must engage in specific meditation work (Golden Light Meditation is a hell of a powerful Daoist practice believe me, I wrote about it in my page), you can also chant protective mantra prior practice and prayer to a specific divinity or spiritual guide.


    What else do you really need?


    Dear Gerard,


    You were very kind and told me many things.

    What I want is an amulet or talisman to wear which will be really effective and which will last at least 6 months. Which means I should buy a new one after that. Or the knowledge needed to make one myself.


    Up to now 2 rinpoches have given me protection amulets. The first one didn't work at all. The second one worked but was not enough. Then I bought an amulet made by monks which really had effect and was much better than that of the first Rinpoche, but its effect stopped after some time. And I make myself protection for me to wear which is effective but doesn't last long because I'm not professional.


    So I really need a person to teach me how to make a good amulet or buy an amulet which will last more than 7 days.

  18. Dear Kate,


    I started hearing voices in my second year of cultivation meditation when I had been practcing vipassana for 3 months and pranayama also. Whenever I meditated in vipassana I could hear entities talking.


    Now it occurs much more easily but not with all sorts of meditation. With zen meditation I got clear sound.

    With continuous kumbhaka pranayama I got also hearing. With transcedental meditation I also got clear sound.


    I don't think it is bad effect. But one must not focus on it too much. I never pay attention to the things I hear, because usually they are not important and I usually forget them even if I take notice of them. Because if I focused on them I would no longer be meditating. But it is possible to hear and understand the meaning while meditating.

  19. Dear Friends,


    Hearing voices is not necessarily a sign that you are mad. Anyone who has a bit of experience with meditation and has reached that stage knows it. It is explained by Master Nan Huai Chin in his book Tao and Longevity.

    And I know without doubt that I have had this sort of experience multiple times.


    As for black magic, I don't have any doubt whatsoever. You don't need to believe in it. It works always.

    About the questions of Friend:


    1. I know they hate me because they say it.

    2. I know its me because they have described me at a particular situation where it was needed.

    3. I get some clairaudience effects ever since my meditation deepened a bit, but it is not the real clairaudience, it is a stage prior to that which occurs after the initial responses in the tu mai as described by Master Nan Huai Chin.


    I have a friend who is an experienced meditator and knows this stage.


    And about that friend of yours who went to the mental hospital after practicing magic. Of course anybody who has dealings with spirits should know it is dangerous. You should be strong enough to deal with them.

    Regardless if you are practicing magic or not practicing magic, a spirit attack could have very bad consequences if you're not strong to deal with it.

    That doesn't mean magic is bad. Personally I practice Buddhism more than magic anyway.


    But I need not defend myself for basic things. You people should know these things. They are basic.

    I am still waiting to hear an answer from a really knowledgable person, only one pmed me so far.

  20. Place protection.

    Where you meditate hang some or a picture of a realized being who you relate to.

    You can also places some flowers or a plant nearby.

    Clean the space - even the draws if there are any in the room - put everything in order.

    Get some incense and a bell or a gong or conch etc. Walk around the room waving the incense slowly in a clockwise circle in front of you -from head to tantien while ringing the bell or gong. You can also have a chant playing at the same time. Finishing the incense waving raise the incense vertically above your head and then down to your heart area.

    You can leave the chant playing in the room low volume 24/7 for a while.

    After waving the incense you will feel a shift in the space


    Thank you.

  21. I find the above version of the chant a bit like pop music without any shakti.

    Try this one



    It play with my firefox browser but not with safari


    Thanks. Actually I need to learn more advanced stuff about self protection and place protection, unless I have somebody help me every now and then.


    This need has arisen naturally due to these attacks.


    Merely playing a mantra will not solve problems even if I play it 24/7 I guess.


    I need to learn more advanced stuff. Have in mind my problem isn't easy.

  22. What did the Buddhist teacher tell you. If you believe in or follow the Buddha ask him for protection. This goes for any deity, guru you follow. You can also visualize a shield of golden white or blue light surrounding you.


    I am already using buddhist techniques for help but it's not enough. Had I not had help from Buddhism who knows what would have happened to me.