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Everything posted by ridingtheox

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have mentioned previously the condition synesthesia and persons ... synesthetes. My first encounter was reading Nabokov's Speak Memory a fascinating encounter at about 30 years old. It was (is) a color connection among mental stimulae https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia Nabokov shared the sense with his mother, but the color / letter correspondences were not entirely the same between them, e.g., if she had green for one letter he might have blue or violet. So my take on the color is that it is not necessarily the same for all sensate beings. And in some cases there is NO correspondence in across senses. FPCH is rich in sensations of body, mind and healing and combinations of these processes, it is rich to have cross sensate events or relations. I admire the creative ability of players here to describe and relate to these phenomena in whatever terms come to them. BUT in my opinion it is not required to reach ever richer value of the FPCH practice for an individual. And the breath, heart and health benefits are incredible on their own.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    tonight's long form 37 minutes ... broke a sweat early and continuously to the end, also i have a strong sense of 'gauntlet' about 2 inches above wrist point wrapping both forearms almost the entire form ... very satisfying energy altho without any color visualization tonight. This is not my longest form practice, but close to the 39 min ... performed against Philip Glass Metamorphoses i will be reading I Ching ... peace to all sentient beings
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have never had 'blue' energy only 'purple' in my FPCK practice. Since I had no reference to purple energy (except one distant memory of a purple ball surrounding qi gong sitting practice) I kept silent ... so now at least I know there is a purple energy
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    inspired by Sifu's eastover class I completed a 40 minute long form (volume 4) an increase of about 20 percent in time of execution for the long form which i continue to do daily .. now almost 5 years it has been the central qi gong practice earlier this year i completed a 108 day gong of twice a day long form keep on practicing FPCH as I approach 77 yrs my energy remains far above my age cohort .. hoa binh tat ca sinh vien khach!
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    thr above was an erroneous entry which i could not figure out how to delete don't be in such a hurry ... learn to listen to each exercise ... in a year or so perhaps ... FP is about the long haul NOT the short term patience and persistence in practice 3 p's
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I believe I am the person who is reported to have started with the long form. I had done TJQ 30+ years, taught some and did BDJ . The first times I did the Long Form I felt amazing energy. I completed a 108 day gong last year using the Long Form daily. I continue to feel deeper spiritual and energetic connection to it. I have added most of the other available forms, though i do not do the seated ones at the current time. The five short standing meditations are my current concentration, I have completed more than 90 days of an intended 108 day gong using them. Practice is the gate to health and spiritual life .. even immortality which i define as the awareness of this present moment. Peace hoa binh ridingtheox
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    comment to immortality. the ordinary assumption in the west is that of avoiding death or being 'raised' from death. i long ago eschewed the ideas of somehow escaping biological truth. My current take on immortality is the awareness of being present to this perfect moment, the now. FPCH meditation is being present and as soon as one is actually present then she/he is immortal. Gradually with practice flying phoenix daily the door to immortality seems to be opening, still just a crack in the wall but present now; is. If we go through life never experiencing this precious moment now, then we are simply mortal. Which is not that bad now is it? If we seek deeply the presence of divine moment and rest in it. Then we have tasted immortality. There is no magic except this magic moment. (jeez I wish I could remember who sang that LOL) Hoa binh our family cat passed yesterday , i cried deeply Requiescat in pace Minnie Pearl rest in peace our dear miss Pearl
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    what filters button? nothing labeled filters i searched for filters what do you mean?
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    completed a round of 5 standing short form: starting w 4 dragon emerges 6:40 3 raise earth 7:10 2 Phx dragon play 4:50 1 spread wing 5:00 & 5 Prep 8 sect 8:40 these continue to grow more and more intense! Try them you'll be pleasantly surprized as I have been I hope!
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    and I posted to the thread in appreciation fo Sifu Dunn's recent post re breath ... where did that post go???
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    whoa I am having a terrible time navigating this new site format ... how do i get to this forum? search no longer brings it right up ... i have managed to stumble into it twice, but still not certain what the direct route might be HELP
  12. New Layout

    WTF?? i had terrible time logging in ... now I can not find the topic thru the search fn? caught me totally off guard ... HELP
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    and it is worth reading this thread even when i am not in total sync with all I do read great to be aware of all the levels of familiarity working with newcomers and those having problems and questions!
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Detrus wrote, Man the only criticism I have for the DVDs is that they should have been mirrored. I find it so hard to move left when the character on the screen is moving right. I see a lot of people saying volume 4 is good but I tried learning it and it seems so hard. I don't think I'l ever be able to do it properly. it use a large mirror ... I learned a short Chen style Tjq years ago . It takes a little patience and even a small mirror on the wall say the size of your computer screen can work ... I also found it helped with learning the long form ... good luck . The long form is extraordiarily powerful healing, opening, energizing it is well worth the effort to learn by whatever means available peace hoa binh
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    today so far 6 am long form flying phoenix not timed 7:30 yang tjq long form class 1 hour 15 min (form 25 min) 3:15 five standing short forms done in sequence 4, 1, 3, 5, and 2. times dragon emerges 7:35 white crane 5:50 lift earth 7:45 8 sections 9:05 Phoenix &dragon 6:20 total 36:30 INTENSE
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    1) sort of off topic ... at the end of May i hope to attend the local Quaker non violence workshop which relates to prisons and humane treatment AFSC presents, Blurring the Boundaries: Trauma and Healing Justice 2 my practice of 5 short stand meds keeps getting longer and longer today 35 min (5.5,6.5,7.5,7.5 and 8.5) i did it while listening to Tibetan Bells ... My appreciation of these 5 form grows daily thanks for the this thread too!!
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    i have played with the 5 standing short forms for a few years ... visiting them and then letting them slip away, to do things like the 108 gong, revitalize the 24 TCC and add some variations to eight pieces of brocade. This time (post completion of the long form 108 day practice) they just clicked. I am enjoying doing them either each alone or as a group 2 to 5 as time permits. I also continue to use the videos to reinforce the practices of each form. The fifth form stands out both in length and in the depth of penetration of qi. So that i sometimes begin to vibrate noticeably near the end of the form that vibration quiets but persists on a deep level after completion. I have had that happen with the long form also. All in all it has been a very slow to come around, but wonderful experience so far. I do wonder if there is any connection between various 5 element qi gong and these, but do not get the connection to water, wood, fire, metal and earth energies related to particular short standing forms?
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    one month post 108 day gong of the long form ... still feeling new energy flows when i now practice it, the long form. have now worked on the five standing short forms strangely subtitled 90-second power meditations. They are bringing up more energy awareness ... the demos generally run from 3 to 5 minutes in length today i imitated the demo timed it and then did the form at the speed of shifting sand ... slow that is: #1 4:30: #2 4:25; #3 6:00 #4 5:40 and #5 8:10 total practice time 48:00 imitating the demo guaranteed that i did all the breath control and movements correctly that's just under 30 min work out. I am considering a shorter period of practice/gong with these 5 gems. peace to all beings
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    some patience in the beginning may be called for. I feel confident that the 'practice' is very quickly effective and beneficial and NOT likely to fail to 'agree' with your present emotional situation. I urge you not to entertain speculative thoughts in that vein, rather let go of them . These FP exercises are extremely valuable IF you take effort to practice them at a regular time 1 oer2x daily. First principles of qi gong are applicable, breathe calmly and softy in the dan tien, pay attention to your body / stance alignment, be sensitive to rooting of your feet and to the upward pull on the crown of your head (bai hui). Shoulders must be relaxed down and spine comfortably straight. Good luck be persistent Peace hoa binh
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have had similar figure 8 swaying in seated and standing FP postures ... nice feeling touching some inner harmonic
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    yesterday was day 97 ... I had an especially intense evening practice. I followed sifu's youtube played at 0.5 speed in mirrored form. Followed by meditating to ' thich nhat hanh's great bell chant. Then I did a standard long form 28 minutes in duration. the last 1/3 i broke into a complete body sweat, though light in character (years ago i had some extraordinary full body nei gong experience where I was soaking wet). At the end of the form standing breathing i had major pulsing and shaking for several moments ( about 5 complete breath duration ). I am now 10 days from completion .... wish me luck in finishing!! Peace to all beings
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I am in fact a Quaker with Universalist orientation. I have had many 'centered' Meeting for Worship experiences over 45 years none of those experiences were in 'lotus' position. I meditate regularly following Thich Nhat Hanh adn Pema Chodron. I have also had deep 'openings' in these meditations all were in seated chairs. On two occasions I participated in native american sweat lodge which led to deep connection. So my experience at 76 is that the spirit is available in many spiritual disciplines and not limited by form.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    ran into a real blockage ... serious head cold but managed to keep my 108 day going by 'main force' head colds have always been a problem when i get them ... grandkids are carriers LOL
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    day 81 3^4th power 108 is starting to feel like a real goal ! I am away from home so not teaching TCC for a week. A friend suggested I try the tai ji qi gong 18 so I have begun including it on a trial basis. So far it gives a warm pulsing feeling of qi ... if i do it slowly. I continue to practice some zhan zhuang and ba duan jin (Li YuanFei) also done at half speed sometimes. Also am having fun doing mirror image along with youtube versions of long form, followed by the long form itself very slowly. I have not gone over the half hour mark, but brushing up against it several times lately. Has anyone done the Mingtong Gu 100 day gong? https://www.you.tube.com/watch?v=Oj0ewBvr6zM )note i put a period in you.tube so this would not open here) Practice mindfully it will pay off if my experience is evidence. Peace
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    now day 75 ... the last couple of days I have been viewing Sifu Dunn on youtube and following him (mirror image). Last night i ran the 7 min, ocean and snow covered mtn at 0.5 speed which of course took 15 min. then I did the form (mirror style) 25 min ... an important observation is that the form just keeps revealing new energy paths. Another is that some issues still remain ... nothing I do can make my inner ear, old-age balance issue go completely away. I have to open my eyes slightly in the final 'rising up to standing on one leg' posture. (I have practiced this portion by itself many times ... open eyed and closed eyed ) Closed eye is just too unstable, though I can do some semblance of it most of the time. Open eye is smooth balanced and I easily follow Sifu in the 'half speed slow version of the video. I am starting to think what I will do when I reach completion Maybe the disk 6 will be ready? LOL i would be happy to review and critique it ... do you have an advance edition? Sifu heh heh Peace to all beings