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Posts posted by hittstick

  1. I really don't know, but I've experienced walking around with earplugs on my iPhone, listening to the ipod in it, yet having the phone on in normal operating mode. What has struck me is that I get slight acne symptoms around my ears, and I get hot and eerie in my ear and side of the head. even when I place the phone on "airplane" mode I tend to get this effect to a slight degree. The other day I got a bad toothache again, and Ive talked to someone saying they got that from old cell phones.


    My take on it is that its atleast invasive to the energetic side of the system. I'd go for off-time as much as possible. Hands free tend to work as an antenna in some cases. That's what it feels like anyway.


    My brain is probably just gravy anyway, but that's another matter.



    Do you clean the earpiece? It's probably just the collected oil being rubbed off onto your earbud and then back into your skin. Oils from your hands and whatnot. Seems like a simple hygiene issue to me.

  2. I feel as though the teachings of Lao Tzu are meant to be interpreted individually. I love seeing how different people perceive different aspects of the teachings. This statement to me means that the one who knows only does so from their perspective of reality. The one who speaks about what "should be" has no idea because it's impossible for him to speak of reality from each individual point of view. Just my take on it at least. Great responses! Thanks a bunch, everyone!

  3. The Tao speaks in silence, yet says infinitely more than the accumulated history of all language. By living in silent-stillness, the sage lives with the Tao, becomes the Tao, and all the great mysteries are unraveled... and the great paradox turns unto One.



    non-dual; before it was something, it was nothing, but nothing is something.



    Do you feel this to be your own personal opinion of the quote?

  4. It's so easy to get tripped up with words!


    That's why Daoism and Buddhism are at their best when experienced and acted out rather than studied and talked about. Both are experiential. Both offer the opportunity to live in a balanced way with the world around us. Living a life steeped in Buddhist or Daoist core principles can be a beautiful thing (the same can be said for Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Jain, Muslim and so on).


    From an intellectual perspective, there are lots of interesting rituals, trappings, sutras, prayers and so forth.

    IMO it's the living that counts.



    I feel as though you've said it in an excellent manner, Mr. Steve. How quickly we complicate things...

  5. :D Welcome to the 'bums hittstick,


    Sounds like you will fit right in.


    Have fun


    I feel like I found this place at the right time. I've been doing a lot of reading and changing of perspective. I look at people and the universe at large with such a different point of view than I used to. I like the person I'm becoming and others tell me that I seem to have made a very positive change in my life. Thank you Lao Tzu and the I Ching.

  6. Hi everyone! I'm fairly new (Or old?) in making an attempt at applying Daoist philosophy to my life. Feel free to introduce yourselves to me. I'm ready (Or am I?) to get to know you and what you're all about. :D