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Posts posted by Kalchaya

  1. On 11/25/2015 at 10:34 AM, centertime said:


    Let me ask something.  How did you make them conscious?  Did you notice any inheritance of your personality from one life to another?  I guess they influence your life now.. Do they influence each other? E.g. was broken drunk influence by Sumerian priest?  Do you remember the between life area by any chance?

    And what do you mean they integrated?  What difference does that make?

    I arrive at this discussion couple years late. To answer your questions, there are various techniques hidden in the Indian Tantras, Agamas, etc., for recovering past life memories, or mastery of 'purvanivasanusmrti'. The Kularnava Tantra is one of many: http://www.holybooks.com/kularnava-tantra/

    Past lives always influence everyone; about the only difference between the jatismara and the ordinary person is that the latter has no idea why he is terrified of heights, hates dogs, falls in love with someone at first sight, and so on. Unlike the other guy, I only remember so far back as to my death, but my memory of all things from the moment of my death until now is mostly complete.

  2. Found this forum via google search: Forum+Taoism. Been interested in Taoism, Chi-kung, and internal martial arts for about twenty years now (off and on). Looking into it on more serious basis now.