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Posts posted by TaoIsFlowing

  1. Thanks for sharing Forest.. its really what spirituality is all about, on many levels. smile.gif


    Nothing complicated, but at the same time work needs doing to sustain the coming and going awareness, until such time the coming, going and awareness becomes inseparable.


    Nice weekend everyone! smile.gif



    Perhaps not so much of 'sustaining' but more on 'deconstructing' what that we deeply held as coming and going. When the boundaries are dissolved, the source, the coming and the going, all becomes indistinguishable.

  2. Hmm, I've been looking at the forums here for a while now. I've checked a lot of the "How do I start?" posts, and most people say that Taoism is the pursuit of wisdom. Maybe not most, but a lot.


    Here's some verses from the Tao de Ching that made me think:


    When the Way is forgotten

    Duty and justice appear;

    Then knowledge and wisdom appear

    Along with hypocrisy



    Hi I am new here too.


    Yet ironically a 'Real Person 真人' is one that completely abolish every idea of Tao.

  3. No not really. The universal characteristics of reality/each sensate experience: impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, non-self, are universal.


    Since these are universal, the realizations of everyone doing the same practice will definitely be universal.



    Luminosity is unique while Emptiness is a truth that is universal. I supposed Rokkie is talking about the luminosity.