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Posts posted by Gauss

  1. My advice is go and try the five Falun Dafa exercises and read the book Zhuan Falun. Usually all kinds of mystical and threatening diseases disappear within weeks or months of starting in FD.





    PS: The free options are always the best. I used to have at least five different allergies before during 30 years, they are all cured now.

  2. Lately I've been shaking while meditating and wondering what the opinions are on it. Some have told me to try and stop the shaking, others have said to let it play it as it's a release of tension or energy. I'm undecided although it does feel natural to just let it play out. Any opinions/experiences are appreciated.


    Every time I take alot of pain in Lotus meditation I will start shaking, the more pain the more shaking. I will sweat out alot of karma during these sessions, afterwards it feels great.

  3. Welcome!


    On my hand I tried many things before settling down with Falun Dafa which I find to be the purest and "simplest", but hardest practice. Its base is very simple(follow Zhen-Shan-Ren in your daily life) and it has some exercises too that are very good. In reality it is very hard to achieve the Dao and eliminate all your attachments, emotions and desires, easy to say but so hard to do.


    I try to remember Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good and Falun Dafa is good.

  4. I know that in buddhism brahmans beleived that u were re-incarnated as something else when u pass and the cycle of suffering/pain/old age was repeated. Thus the buddah set out to avoid being re-incarnated and break the cycle. My question is are those in Taoism who follow the tao/what is natural not doomed to repeat the cycle? I personally think if u become 1 with the universe u will be infinite



    You are right, everyone who achieves the Arhat fruit status or higher will be an immortal(until he drops down or decides to go down and incarnate).


    I practice Falun Dafa exactly for the reason that Dafa allows me to achieve Right Fruit(Arhat or higher) and get out of the Samsara loop.

  5. I would say that without Gong OBE can be downright dangerous, a demon might take possession of your body or even kill your main primordial spirit while getting out there. When they see little you there, with that precious human body and without any means of defending yourself...


    I got demon obsession from Biyun Qi Gong and after starting practicing Falun Dafa the demon came after me to take my life. Had I not had the protection I have in Falun Dafa, well... The beast was creepier than creepy.


    So watch out, pursuit is a very dangerous attachment.

  6. Ahaha, you just demonstrated the Cultish nature in your own words my friend. A Cult does not require money or worship to be a cult. A Cult trying to convince its members that it is not a Cult will say such things like "WE are not a Cult, we require no Money or Worship, No membership"


    Yet then they tell you to chant Li HongZhi when you are in danger, that if you do other practices you become an Evil pratitioner, throw around what some Maths professor said as if he represents some kind of Authority, and tell you that No one can do what Li does...


    I am totally against oppression of people, but really, when Li organized a Nation wide sit down of 6 million people in communist China, the land of Tiniamen square, What did he really think would Happen?

    Really? He constantly craps on about how his Wisdom eye is so developed, yet he couldnt see that possible outcome?


    I read one Interview where he said he was watching 'ALL' the aliens at all times, and that they were all bad! Yet he couldn't tell China would freak out at a power play? lol.


    Anyway It is a great practice cultism aside. It helped me develop some great 'aditional' abilities. Just do not fall into the really obvious trap of thinking that because a system is great, that somehow the MASTER IS PERFECT!


    I personally think he is a brilliant but also slimy manipulative doushbag.


    one of the Moves itself comes right from Wang Liping's catalogue by the way so he knew how to pick his sources...


    Falun = Cult


    I am sorry but I feel strongly about the Issue. Having teachers wait untill I finished the meditation then hit me with their propoganda and exagerated claims is unethical. Then they started with the Emotional demands... And told me a friend had become Evil for mixing practices and that I should disasociate my self from him...


    Straight up Cult.

    Fortunatly I am more self aware than alot of the new people who get slowly sucked in and it workes like this:

    They suck you in with the good stuff (like all cults) and while they do that, they get you to swallow all the crap as well.


    Before you know it Li can do no wrong and Falun will save the world from a future Alien Invasion.





    My friend, you say many things here and my time is limited. I can not change your heart. NY Times and many other official media outlets has defined FD as NOT being a cult but you are entitled to your own opinion of course.


    When a cultivator enters other dimensions many things can happen, security may be an issue and Master Li has enormous power. That is why it might be a good idea to ask him for help in an emergency, after all one does not want to be killed.


    If you have a problem with having a teacher there is not much I can say. What Master Li has given all practitioners(scriptures, exercises, the Falun etc etc) is simply beyond anything out there.


    About "teachers" telling you what to do at the practice site, that sounds very strange since there are no "teachers" allowed in FD, except Master. You must have misunderstood that part. There are instructors at sites and they can answer questions at their respective levels of enlightenment. There are 100 million practitioners, some instructors are bound to do mistakes.


    The six million people you imagine Master Li organized was like 10 000 people...


    About the scriptures, they encompass all levels, and Master´s lectures sometimes is very hard to understand. If one has seen nothing in other dimensions, not read the prophecies or any Buddhism etc, some facts might be hard to accept but each one has his own level and as one raises his level it will all become clear in due time.


    Yesterday I had a goat to take care of while sending righteous thoughts.... Who can accept that without experiencing it?...


    No matter what one thinks about FD, in due time everyone on this earth will know truth about FD. It is a question of how early one gets to know it. The earlier the better in my opinion.

  7. Junbao raises some valid questions.


    Gauss: your words "create trouble" for FD is an indication of your attitude towards those that dare go against FD and criticize it for the shortcomings people perceive. I also was warned by a FD guy not to say anything negative about in that it would create lots of bad karma for me. This is the kind of attitude people perceive as cultish.


    And saying that people buy CCP propaganda because that they find FD cultish is ridiculous.


    As Junbao mentions there IS an organisation even though you deny it.


    This is not to say that because there is some organisation to FD that it is cultish. Denying the organisation behind Epoch Times just makes it seem more weird than simply acknowledging it.


    Also, as Junbao mentions it is quite interesting how Falun Gong has evolved: first there was the exercises and it was named Falun Gong. Two years later when Zhuan Falun came out suddenly there was a whole philosophy behind the exercises.


    Regarding Fa-rectification: I believe Li started mentioning this after the crackdown in China and when he moved to the States. I could be wrong though.


    Indeed, as Junbao mentions FD has become political and I think it is slowly destroying the movement.



    Feel free to criticize Dafa.


    I just tell you to first read the book Zhuan Falun and try the exercises once so you understand what Dafa is all about. It is better to first test drive a space shuttle before complaining about the shuttle being wrong built.


    The CCP has a global super rich organization that is extremely anti-Dafa. Is it not true the CCP spreads alot of misinformation about Dafa? Do not most people read this news, accept it as truth and never double-check it again? This is how the world is run.



    Tell me, where is the organization in "Dafa"? How does it work?


    Dafa work is all about volunteering. Nobody is allowed to charge a fee at a practice site. All books are free of charge.


    There is a newspaper, a web site(Minghui/Clearwisdom) and a TV channel(NDTV) run by Dafa volunteers(TV and newspaper are run as a company I believe) but it is not "Dafa organization" is it? The Epoch Times have a bit different news than most other news channels(more positive news at Epoch Times) but you can not say Epoch times equals "Dafa" since their news is news for any type of people, not just Dafa people. NDTV, I can not say exactly what they do. Clearwisdom is focused on Dafa and is for cultivators. So there are many Dafa projects doing different stuff and each project has an organization with no formal connection to the other projects.


    Dafa has no organization with any kind of pyramid or money. Everything is loosely organized and the 1000s of practice sites across the world are all run by volunteers doing it out of free will, taking the rent for the site costs by themselves.


    I would say maybe 90% of all Dafa practitioners never met Master Li. It is enough to cultivate well and do the three things well. You will get what you deserve.


    There have been different phases in FD like you mention, each phase has reached a higher level. This is a process, very meticulously planned.

    In my previous message I explained why it may look like politics(oppose the persecution does not seem political to me but many people equal it to opposing the CCP) to everyday people. But when one looks from a slightly higher perspective one finds it a ridiculous statement.


    FD is about cultivation and now saving sentient beings during this phase.

  8. Hi Gauss!


    Can you please talk a bit about Fa rectification and why Master Li does not mention this in the book and yet now says that it is an integral part of his cultivation system and that you cannot cultivate in this system without participating in Fa rectification.

    I can understand why it is important to speak out against human rights violations, but I don't understand how cultivation is dependent on this. Falun Dafa is supposed to be non-political but how can that be possible if a requirement is to speak out against the government that suppresses them. Nothing wrong with it to me except the requirement part.

    Then you have the mass propaganda from both sides.

    The Chinese government has big smear campaigns and web posts defaming Master Li, but at the same time, Falun Dafa has their Clearwisdom website, Epoch Times news paper, and also their theater performance show. The show bills itself as one thing and then halfway through turns into a venue for Fa Rectification.

    Then there is talk and perhaps some evidence (there are tax documents from Friends of Falung Gong posted on the web) that perhaps Falun Gong is partially funded by the CIA in an attempt to destabilize the Chinese communist government.


    If it were as simple as Master Li and his qigong and his book, which is what seems to be discussed here, I think it is one of the best cultivation systems I have come across. However since then, many of the things that he has said have struck me as odd, and his demand to spread Dafa and Fa Rectification do not sit well with me.


    I practiced Falun Dafa for about a year. I have to say that when I stopped it was a big deal for me. I threw away my book and video and anything related. I felt like something had lifted and taken a huge weight off me.


    I am not here to speak for or against Falun Dafa. It's just my observations and experience.


    I would like to know Gauss how you see these issues I came across that arose for me once I got past the simpleness of the book and exercises and into the much more complicated political-ness of Falun Gong.


    To me, the Master Li of Zhuan Falun and the Master Li of today are quite different.


    Thank you!




    Many questions, I can only answer you at my current enlightenment level. Therefore you may not take any of my answers as any kind of "truth".



    After 1999-07-20 the situation for FD cultivators changed completely. Before that it was basically a system of self-cultivation. After the persecution FD became a system of self-cultivation AND clarifying the truth&sending righteous thoughts&saving sentient beings during this period of time, later it will go back to self-cultivation only.


    All the cultivators had to adjust to the situation and oppose the persecution, although noone acknowledges it or the old forces whatsoever. The historic reasons have been prophesiced throughout the ages and was also commented on by Master Li:



    Note the date 1999-07-20, twenty years will the persecution last, followed by the infamous seven years of tribulations(all this is prophesiced according to Nostradamus and the bible etc) after the "World-Fa rectification" started.


    I believe to oppose the persecution is very important and also to help the other practitioners get out of jail. Remember that if you are a member of the CCP in China you silently support the persecution and wil pay the consequences at the end of the Fa-rectification period when the World-Fa rectification starts.


    Since every Chinese as a kid takes an oath to the CCP it is very important to nullify that arrangement and help all people quit the CCP in time.


    As I understand it all Dafa practitioners have taken previous vows to support Master during these predestined tribulations and save as many sentient beings as possible. This process was described well by Swedenborg in his many books. He also said the Dafa disciples will form a new angelic heaven and the people you save from destruction will be able to cultivate to your kingdom in the future. That means if you only do self-cultivation and do not help other people your kingdom will be rather dull(no people there)... Each sentient being that you can save is therefore extremely valuable.



    Your cultivation level is not dependent on doing the "three things"(of course, the more virtue you build the easier it is to increase your Gong level I believe) undertaking, as I understand it. The Fa-rectification has nothing to do with politics of course, it is something completely different, but everyday people easily interprets it as being politics, since the CCP opposes it. In fact this period is about saving sentient beings and helping practitioners get out of jail to be able to do what they should do during this Fa-rectification period.



    About the CIA etc that is typical CCP propaganda and is nonsense.


    In fact "Dafa projects" have no lack of money and the reason is simple; if you are a genuine cultivator you will know what your future looks like and some of the 100 million practitioners are well-off and they will spend their private money on helping Dafa projects and help to save more sentient beings and build mighty virtue in the process of helping. This has nothing to do with CIA or politics, it has everything to do with the power of Dafa and your vows given a long time ago.


    Master Li planned these events for ages, now they are all unfolding and if someone has the opportunity to become a Fa-rectification disciple, well, that is simply great news for that person.


    Each person who tries the Dafa exercises and reads the books(Zhuan Falun is the important book) will know what I mean. Especially in this forum where there are many people with very good inborn quality and little karma, you will reach levels unimaginable..


    I can tell everyone, try Dafa out without any notions and you will know what to do later after experiencing its power. The power of Dafa is beyond anything else out there, as is evidenced by its extremely rapid spread across the world.


    Master Li seems very much the same person to me now as before, he just focuses on saving as many sentient beings as possible.


    However big the bad noise is, however many CCP infiltrators/spies etc there are slanderring Dafa, truth remains the same.


    Try Dafa out and the rest will come naturally.

  9. About the exercises, I have an interesting story from last week. In my office I ran a demo of the FD exercises and a girl came up and started doing the standing exercises. She had never done anything like Qi Gong or similar. All of a sudden she felt the Falun wheel turning during exercise 2 and was really caught off guard.


    After finishing she had to sit down and drink water and take it easy. She said: "Nobody can imagine what FD is like, the power and the feeling, it is just amazing".


    The following workday she came up and asked me when we could hold the next session....


    If one can feel the Falun the first time one practices I believe one has a very good predestination for this.

  10. I personally believe LiHongZhi to be a Nut Job.

    He has said the craziest shit in interviews. When students ask about contradictions he calls them evil Practitioners. Just meditate on picture of his. That is not a spiritual authority.

    This does not mean his system is not good. I personally got A lot out of it over the 2 years I practised it. But he is running a Cult none the less.

    And he put it together from varying sources, Including Wang Lipings teachings, then claimed It was ancient Heritage.... Suspect.



    If you practiced FD for two years genuinely how can you call Master Li such words?


    From day one of your practice you will study his scriptures, and in a very short time one will understand who he is and support him forever. Then there are bound to be very few people who are predestined to create trouble for FD. Those people usually are identified as troublemakers from the outset since nobody can fake genuine cultivation, it is simply too hard for anyone to fake anything like genuine cultivation.


    And FD being a cult is a ridiculous statement since there is no money, no organization, no membership, no leaders, no worshipping etc. All that is CCP propaganda that everyday people buy into since they don´t doublecheck information.


    Nobody can publish the kind of information that Master Li has done. Never in the history of mankind has such information been made available to people. I remember a professor of Mathematical Statistics from NY who said no ordinary man would be able to disclose such secrets without being punished by higher powers.


    Who can talk about Jesus, Shakyamuni, Lao Zi and Yahweh just like that, revealing details about their respective enlightenment levels and cultivation paths?....


    Only one person can do such a thing. As has been prophecised by many prophets throughut the ages.

  11. As a pre-teen (eight or nine, maybe?), I discovered I cannot sit in full-lotus because my left hip simply doesn't want to rotate into that position -- I learned this because I had an older step-sister who into mysticism and yoga and Buddhism and incense and Janis Joplin and psychodelics tarot and such, and she was convinced that my life would be horrid & empty if I didn't overcome my karma and acheive this position.


    Throughout my life, I have found other occasions/motions where this physiological limitiation came into play -- such as a high sidekick with my right leg, for instance. Even sitting "Indian style" for more than a few minutes causes a sensation like a large needle being jabbed directly into my hip joint. I asked an accupuncturist about it once and was told, "Then just don't try to do it!" :)


    That step-sister, who would sit in full-lotus for hours at a time as a teenager, is now in her mid-50s and, for the first time in four decades has been clean & sober and out of jail for nearly a year (she is suddenly a born-again Christian). I, on the other hand, have led a fairly kind & wholesome life (especially since my teen years!) rich with spiritual exploration and "soul-searching" but have just learned that I have overwhelmingly bad karma which, curiously, seems to be concentrated in my left hip joint.


    Reality is a strange thing, no?


    I would advice you to try the 5 sets of Falun Dafa exercises and especially the standing stance might be a good idea(30 minutes) to pull up the karma before you sit down in Lotus. Your hip karma surely can be moved to another place before sitting down.


    Typically after I sleep during a night alot of karma has come up from the legs to the upper body, giving bad morning breath, burps etc.

  12. Thanks Gauss. I checked the website and there are 3 English translations of Zhuan Falun one by US, one by North America and one by practitioners in China which one should I read? Also I saw Zhuan Falun volume 2? Is that the next book? I started reading the US translation version earlier.


    Also as I was watching one of the videos I saw a movement by Master Li while sitting and it was not one of the five exercises. It also said not to repeat that movement. Is that because of one's current level for not repeating or some other purpose? Thanks...


    Well, I guess each translation has its own twist. Try reading all three in succession and then choose which one you prefer to work with. I tried the US version for a while and then switched to the Swedish version which I find better.


    The big issue in Dafa cultivation is to study the Fa diligently. Each time you will understand the book a little better. That is the only way to cultivate up fast.


    About Master Li performing mudras they are his way of communicating with the cultivators or the knowing side of cultivators. Nobody except Master is allowed to show them or practice them. At the extremely high levels one will know about various Mudras I believe. But that is not my level and I know nothing about them except what is said in Zhuan Falun. One should only do the five exercises and that is it.

  13. There is no such thing as higher and lower inborn quality. There are no higher and lower realms. There is nothing to be reached. Everything is right here, right now, just as it should be. Nothing needs to be fixed.


    Indeed you are going to an extreme in your reasoning. Your words would mean all people are born the same. They are not. There are men, women, stiff, flexible, healthy and handicapped people. Just to mention a few differences between people.


    To mention levels there are cells, molecules, atoms, electrons, quarks, neutrinos etc etc. Each particle size level has a dimension, science can not see any single dimension below this one, since it only sees dots and not planes in the microscopic world. Master Li has expained that the more microscopic you can see with your third eye, the higher your level is, only the human being has the potential to develop these abilities by becoming a good person and cultivating diligently in the Fa. I have a son with very good inborn quality, when he was five years old, one day he took up his bedsheet and went inside of it. There were trees and bushes inside he told me. Another time he went into a grass straw. Just to make an example of a certain level.



    Li Hongzhi has mentioned Sakyamuni, Jesus and Lao Zi all reached the Tataghata level during their lifetimes. They had very high inborn quality and could raise their Gong levels very fast. He also mentioned there are few Dafa cultivators who can reach that level now, and he empasized few...


    Master Li has also said that the Fa-rectification taking place has two phases(Fa-rectification period and World Fa rectification stage when everyone will know what is happening).


    The earlier phase the harder to obtain the Fa. At this moment it is very hard to obtain the Fa since the time left in phase one is very short so only those with good or maybe even very good inborn quality can cultivate up in time.


    I find it extremely interesting when Master Li explained that Sakyamunis disciples were among the first ones to obtain the Fa during the 90s. As a form of reward for their earlier efforts. Everyone will get a fair treatment, always.

  14. Everyday people have a bad side(karmic part as opposed to the virtue part). That bad side knows there is a big event coming their way soon and that bad part knows it is going to be eradicated.



    It does not take a great mind to figure out that the world can not continue in this way much longer and the earth will be reshaped completely, and mankind can do nothing about it whatysoever, only a God can do it. My son asked me when he was like 2-3 years old, "What am I supposed to do here before I die daddy?"...


    At the time I had no good answer, which I certainly have now... The right way and the right man has arrived here and everyone will know about it soon enough.


    If one welcomes the coming change one has a big chance to make it to the next stage, if one opposes it, well... It is said that if someone says "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good"; "Falun Dafa is good" and he means it, that person will make it to the next stage.


    Virtue will come to be extremely precious in the future I believe. Suffering will gain in popularity too I expect.

  15. True, however, FD does not advocate that from what I got out of it. How can I explain, hmmm, well I'm sure you heard the phrase "put on your oxygen mask before you put it on your child" from what I understand , it's something similar in FD, basically cultivate morality, increase your gong, and after reaching a certain level you will heal others automatically with your radiation. Basically transform self before you do others. In summary, till you reach a certain level, you are not allowed to use your gong and heal others. However, you can perform healing as long as you are not using your gong.


    As an example, diid Yeshua performed healing and other miraculous feats, before he had the Christ consciousness or level? I don't think he just came out of the box and started performing miracles. He must have reached a certain level/state before he did miraculous feats.


    My questions are:

    1. What are the benchmarks for determining your level, how do you know when you can perform voluntary energy based healing?

    2. How about using the universal energy and not using one's gong it that possible (via prayer - love, grace)?


    I agree with you mostly on the first part. You need to get your Gong level up as high as possible. Since time is limited you have no Gong to waste on healing everyday people who will create new karma anyway since their attachments have not been eliminated.


    1. The benchmarks are not "official" so to speak, nobody is permitted to know their Gong level before they reach enlightenment and unlocking gong(Kaigong). You will mostly know when you have Gong I believe(based on my personal experience and other practitioners experiences, maybe there are exceptions), when that type of energy comes you will feel it. If your third eye is open or closed it will give you alot of differences in your cultivation.


    If third eye is open your cultivation speed is half of the speed compared to having third eye closed(it is more painful to cultivate with third eye closed and hence you raise your Gong level faster).


    To say when one is allowed to heal other people´s diseases I guess one should not focus on it at all, just cultivate up your Gong level and you will notice that everyday people like to stay near to you(and in your house...) and there is no need for intentional healing. If you do intentional healing on many everyday people you will destroy Dafa and your own Gong level. To heal a cultivator should be another story. One has wisdom when one reaches those heights, I can not talk about that wisdom since I do not have it.


    2. If you mean Qi energy it is said it can absolutely not heal anyone or anything. Only Gong can do it. People who actually can heal without being cultivators have Futi and are possessed by an animal or demon. They get Gong(energy) from the animal and he takes your essences from you in return, it is a trade. That is a terrible fate for the healer.


    The above is just my personal reflections at my current level. There are many higher truths not reflected in my answer, only Zhuan Falun can give you truth at your current level.

  16. Aw sheesh, I'll just never be good enough to do any of this stuff :ninja:


    - CAN sit in half-lotus, DON'T want to break my knees trying for full

    - CAN empty mind, DON'T see what it's good for ("absolutely nuthing, say it again;-)")


    30 minutes per day, every day, and your right(I assume you are a female) leg will drop down towards the floor, finally, you will be able to do the double Lotus.


    I tell you about a newcomer to Falun Dafa. He could sit 38 minutes in double lotus at the beginning and after a month or so he passed the hour mark... That is a very good inborn quality indeed.


    He told me he feels like he can start to fly away from his body after sitting in double Lotus for a long time, all body parts.


    Double Lotus will transform your body in a magical way, it is about the balance I guess.

  17. I've been told by a trustworthy master that one's ability or inability to assume the full lotus position is karmically determined, and that one's inability to sit in full lotus indicates a karmic load heavier than otherwise.


    As for spiritual benefits of other kinds of meditation, I believe they are there for someone who is able to sit in full lotus even if he or she isn't sitting at the moment and is doing it differently. For someone who is unable to assume this posture, however, I don't believe it's anything but a waste of time to practice other kinds of meditation until and unless this one is mastered. (Don't throw anything too heavy, please).


    You are perfectly right about this. There is a balance between virtue and karma.


    If your total energy field is 100 parts, let us say you have 90 parts karma and 10 parts virtue. You will be extremely stiff in your body. After you suffer a bit you will get to 11 parts virtue and 89 parts karma.... This way, suffering and being virtuous in daily life, you need to reach 90 parts virtue and 10 parts karma to be very flexible. The target is to annihilate all karma and being pure virtue(which can then be transformed into Gong - virtue is your precious fuel to Gong level and consummation).


    My karmic load was extremely heavy and I could not even do the half Lotus when I started out in Falun Dafa. With practice and dedication, in eight months I went to full Lotus(with back support...) and now the posture is my next challenge. The legs is one part but the posture is a much bigger part(in my opinion). Keep your back straight for long periods of time is not easy.


    Work off your karma is therefore imperative, there are no shortcuts. And your karma is tied to your attachments(your desires and emotions) which make you unable to reach stillness(Ding) while meditating.


    Start out with half Lotus(or even Indian), prolong the sitting times gradually and when the left leg has come down to the floor, cross the legs to double Lotus. I recommend avoiding all types of pillows or back supports, they just fool you into thinking you are done...


    I had a girl in my office, she asked me about the double Lotus and then crossed her legs with tight jeans and shoes on, just smiling, then asked me what was the problem about this, she could sit like that for a very long time.... Thinking about it she was a hard worker, very dedicated, very honest and never complaining. High level virtue. It is always connected.


    That is what I mean with inborn quality, it differs for everyone and it is so valuable... But if one steels their will they can eliminate their karma, it just takes more effort.

  18. Oh dear !

    This sounds exactly like fundamentalist christianity.

    The historical Buddha was a normal guy who discovered the cause of anguish and the way to extinguish it.

    So much BS has been added since.



    Well, all cultivators are a "normal" guy at the beginning of their cultivation, but not towards the end of his life, that is my opinion at least...


    The difference between a Buddha and an average cultivator is that their inborn quality is much higher and therefore they cultivate up much faster and reach higher realms.


    I have not seen christians talking about Buddhas before, that is news to me. Normally they accept only two gods, Yahweh and Jesus.