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Posts posted by Gauss

  1. Someone asked more about "Mahdi" in the Islamic end times prophecy:


    # The name of the Mahdi's representative will begin with the first-letter of a prophet's name and a verse of the Qur'an: 蹖 (English: Y).[7]

    As far as I understand the above "Lot" is a prophet and a possibility. That would make Mahdi麓s name pronounced "Ly" if the above stated information is correct.

    In the Viking end times prophecy of Eddan it is said:


    36. River falls east

    through venom dales

    with scissors and sword;

    Slidr is its name."

    Now this text is more than astonishing to someone familiar with Nordic languages.

    S(Ass is the old nordic name for God, pronounced almost the same as a modern S) can be understood as many things like "God" or "Ace" in modern times. Li is the name we know about. "Dr" is equivalent to "He" in old times. So Slidr would become "God Li He". River is understood as "wisdom" in the old times.

    So "God-Li-He" is the wisdom that will clean out evil in the world according to Eddan.

    Of course, Eddan belongs to "Asatro" which equals "Asia belief" in English. Also in Eddan China is called the center of the world where the highest wisdom resides.

  2. Out of curiosity has Falun Dafa produced any more masters or teachers on the same level as Li? I'd say that a good test of someones system is whether they can lead people to realise the same realizations they had, if they are claiming exclusivity to certain levels then they are probably not telling the truth as the ultimate truth of existance is available to anyone but very few people have the skill to be able to teach it well. This is all that distinguished the Buddha from many other realised beings, he was just a man but he had the skill to teach what he realised to lead people to the same realisations.

    I would say it is impossible for a Dafa cultivator to reach the same level as Li Hongzhi. He used a more powerful cultivation method which is secret. And his cultivation path was one where he reached sudden enlightenment, somehting which is extremely painful to do and no average people can suffer like that.

    I remember I read once that there are some Dafa cultivators who will reach Tataghata level in this phase but they are few. Right now there are many at Arhat level or even Bodhisattva level I believe.

    In the future, everyone who reaches Zhengguo(right fruit) in this phase will be able to come down later and cultivate higher if they did not consummate in this run.

  3. You are right - most wont. And those that wont would certainly not be preaching/prophesying/complicating subjects in the same manner that you do as well.

    True cultivation in Taoism/Buddhism is about returning to simplicity and clarity. From what i have read of FG so far, it is neither simple nor clear.

    Good to hear that we agree on the Lamas being tolerant at least.

    About myself, can I present truth? No I can not. I am merely a simple cultivator at a low level. However, I have, at my level, understood that I should never slander people or other cultivation schools. I do not want to accumulate karma.

    I merely tell people that Zhen-Shan-Ren is good and Falun Dafa is good. If they accept only that I am more than happy no matter if they cultivate or not.

    I speak about Dafa because I find it good and because I believe if people just like the principle of Zhen-Shan-Ren is good they will be much happier and have less worries.

    If you want to understand FD you need to study Zhuan Falun, over and over again. It is said that it takes three readthroughs to understand what cultivation is. Every time one reads the book one enlightens to a higher truth. Always one has questions about some new things, the next readthrough gives those answers and then new questions are created.... It is a never ending process and cultivation is arduous.

    Why is it so hard to become a good person? Your karma will try to stop you, it is intelligent too and knows it will be eliminated if you change yourself for the better.

  4. So Gauss, let's hear your detailed criticism about Buddhism, you can start with the Diamond Sutra.

    Also, let's see a critique of Tao Te Ching.

    Yours truely.

    Did I ever critizise those texts? I did not. I do not critizise other cultivations schools at all and especially not upright cultivation schools like Buddhism or Daoism. Has Master Li not said that some Buddhist monks have a very high cultivation level? He has. We acknowledge them too.

    Remember, do we cultivate Ren(Tolerance) in Falun Dafa? We do.

    On the contrary you slander Dafa everywhere here and yet you use no argumentation or logics for your criticism. Everyone can cry out that such and such school or Master is bad, evil etc.

    Show us where the Fa is wrong according to your opinion?

    I have chosen to cultivate in Dafa because I find its Fa(Law theory) superior to all other cultivation schools. One reason is that the Fa is 2500 years younger with modern scientific terms incorporated into it for the modern people of this era and it has a Master who wrote all the scriptures by himself during this age. FD also has a complete cultivation way of body and soul which is exactly what I have searched for.

    Buddha Shakyamuni did not write any of his scriptures, they were compiled 500 years after he passed away by some monks and they tried to remember what he had said. Of course alot of what he had said was forgotten and misinterpreted 500 years after his passing. Shakyamuni was a great enlightened being from an extremely high level but there was no paper at that time so things got complicated. Same thing goes for Jesus, he did not write his scriptures by himself either.

  5. All the English information on the web about this text Notes by Ge An by Nan Shiguis is on Falun Dafa sites, there is no impartial information about it. Not that all this is the slightest bit important really but for some reason I find all this doomsday prophesy and claiming exclusivity to salvation very annoying, it's like they are smiling at you while threatening you with annhilation unless you follow them, then claiming it is all about compassion :rolleyes: I guess I need to have faith enough people will see through it all.

    Well, can we use the Korean original text here? No we can not.

    I guess the large majority who ever read that book in Korea became a Dafa disciple so that is the reason the translation is only published on Dafa sites...

    But Ge An is a famous astronomer and the original exists in Korea.

  6. 脧f you truly believe a school of cultivation is bad for people you have every right to warn otehr people about them and speak badly about them if those negative words apear true to you. Just because someone meditates and does qigong and teaches it to others does not make them above criticism at all. I find it mindboggling that you argue something like that. TM meditation as a meditation is quite good and the TM organisation has done a lot of good things. At the same time it is mildly cultish, full of ridiculous belief systems that will only mess with peoples heads. To say that bluntly is not doing something bad it is doing something good. We are all responsible for helping people avoid getting into organisations that will have bad influence and suport them coming in contact with good teachings. What Seth Ananda, myself and all the other critical voices here have done has been to try to help people avoid being used and mentally fucked up. To claim that what we have done is bad because criticising other cultivators is always bad is just plain childish and dumb. Of course it isen`t.

    Well, you can argue in an objective, nice manner with common sense and logics instead of throwing around some clich茅s and bad words. Should a cultivator not be civilized? He should. Do you see a real Tantric Lama throwing bad words around himself?

    Saying "Dafa people hate homosexuals" is like a bad joke. Dafa people respect all people as they cultivate Shan and Ren and must be compassionate against all beings, not only human beings. That being said, let麓s raise the level of the discussion shall we?

    Stop slanderring people and get to the content of the prophecies, Dafa etc.

    You speak about the exercises being good in Dafa, I would say the Fa(Law theory) is the most important thing in Dafa. If one can not understand the Fa it does not matter if you exercise 24/7, you can not raise your level anyway. Therefore some people can not cultivate Dafa even if they want to.

    How can you believe Scientists, professors, Doctors and such people are so stupid if they cultivate in Dafa?

    Are they not wise people that have seen the future in the Fa of Dafa? Is that not the reason they practice all those hours by themselves?

    Why do you think Dafa is by far the biggest Qi Gong practice and the most spread throughout the world in an extremely short time span?

    Why do you think Dafa is for free to practice while other practices charge you money?

    Which kind of intelligence do you see in other people? You think they are crazy but in fact they are very intelligent judging by their professional merits.

    Excuse me but the picture you paint of a Dafa disciple is ridiculous. A disciple will know exactly what he or she is doing and can not be recruited to Dafa as I said several times already.

    People will make their own decisions after they study Zhuan Falun. By no means will Dafa disciples be deemed "nutcases" in everyday society.

    Dafa cultivators are just very good and very kind people doing their job very well.

    You believe such intellectual people can not understand logics? How could these people enter MIT, Stanford, Berkeley etc?

    Do they not have a high IQ rating? They do.

    So please, I would like to see some constructive and civilized argumentation about your bad opinions about Dafa麓s theory. Raising the level of discussion.

    Why do you think the Fa is wrong or crazy? Do you understand it? How do you understand it? Give us the hard facts.

    As mentioned before the CCP has disinformation spread everywhere on the web and in the press about Dafa. Usually they reveal themselves by using clich茅s and spreading superficial bad rumours about Li Hongzhi.

    Whatever to take away focus from the important thing: the predestined events taking place around us now. And all those events are prophesiced since ages.

    Drop the personal attacks, clich茅s and high strung emotions...

    The person who reads the book Zhuan Falun will know truth about Dafa for him/herself. People can actually think for themselves.

  7. As I see it, as soon as you do something you generate karma or virtue depending on the action.

    The payback or dividend may come in this life or in your next life, it does not matter, it will come anyway.

    The only chance to escape Samsara is to cultivate up to at least Arhat level and be set free.

  8. I continue my search for prophecies relating to the end times and the spreading of Falun Dafa around the world. This is probably the most exact and revealing prophecy in the world about the End Times and Falun Dafa.

    Notes by Ge An is a prophecy by a Korean scholar and astronomer Nan Shigu (1509-1571). During a childhood encounter with a sage in a Korean mountain, Kum Kang San, Nan heard the prophecy which he was to later turn into a book. Notes by Ge An was unknown for nearly 450 years until 1986, when a Korean scholar began to investigate the books content. By the end of the 1980s, the book had become very popular in South Korea.

    The book states that a sage named Li will start to teach the Great Tao and exercises in Changchun (a city in northeast China). The book also alludes to Falun Gong, the Falun Emblem, as well as the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. In addition, the prophecy says that Li's teachings will encompass all the various teachings present during that historical period of time.

    Below are some excerpts from the book:

    1. The sage mentioned in the book is named after wood (Li in Chinese means plum tree). He has the sign of the Rabbit (born in 1951), and he is born in April of lunar calendar, just north of the 38th parallel.

    2. This sage is said to be the king of all kings in heaven. People will refer to him as Buddha Maitreya when he descends to this world, as he teaches the orthodox Tao.

    3. The 'Three Words and Two Whites' mentioned in the book refer to the three characters, Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance). The 'Two Whites' refer to the 'White Heart and the White Body,' i.e. the cultivation of Xinxing (mind nature/moral quality) and the transformation of Benti (one's physical body and bodies in other dimensions).

    4. The book describes the Falun Emblem in great detail.

    5. It mentions that Falun Gong has the effect of 'clearing circulation,' 'small clearing circulation,' and of 'unblocking the passages and channels.'

    6. The book clearly indicates that Sage Li will start his teaching in Changchun (Changchun means 'green forest' in Chinese).

    7. In the section A Statement about the Dharma Ending Period, the book predicts that in the summer, on July 20th, Falun Dafa will be persecuted by evil forces.

    8. The book mentions that after enduring the tribulations, practitioners in China will see 'daylight in the future.'

    9. It clearly indicates that after some years, the Chinese government will change its policy against Falun Dafa (the Great Law, the laws and the principles of the universe).

    10. Those who persecute Dafa will perish forever, and the day when hundreds of millions of practitioners all over the world celebrate will eventually come. The book warns people, however, to not turn away from Falun Dafa because of temporary tribulations. Those who leave Dafa will perish and those who follow will prevail.

    11. The Fa that Sage Li teaches is the orthodox Fa, which is flawless. The book clearly points out that people should study the Fa and read the books more.

    12. It says that the sage will not live in the capital city, but rather travel to the west.

    13. The time for the sage's teaching will not be long.

    14. Falun Dafa practitioners will not escape from prison. They will have to suffer the tribulation of harsh jail terms.

    15. The book clearly states that even though they are suffering great tribulations, most of the practitioners in China will be like 'birds not leaving the branches.' It will be hard for the government's vicious slander to change people's mind.

    16. All religions during this period of time will no longer be effective. The only 'way out' is to attain the Dafa; praying to heaven everyday will not take you a single step towards heaven, chanting 'Buddha Amitahba' everyday will not lead you to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

    17. The book describes important historical moments one by one. It also tells when the Dharma Ending Period will occur. People of the Dharma Ending Period will be destroyed by a 'strange disease,' and it will even be hard for one out ten households to survive.

    18. The book emphasizes that the key to the cultivation practice is the cultivation of Xinxing (heart/mind nature, moral quality).

    19. The books also states that all the events currently happening in China were arranged several thousand years ago.

  9. And also they are preaching hate against our Gay brothers and sisters.

    Do you really want to be a part of that?

    I have said it before, a genuine Dafa cultivator always adheres to Zhen-Shan-Ren in everyday society. Ren includes tolerance towards all people.

    Hence Falun Dafa cultivators respect ALL PEOPLE, no matter who they are or what they do in life, including homosexuals.

    That being said, in another dimension high-level cultivators can see that homosexual acts makes you accumulate karma. Hence a genuine cultivator avoids this act as he does not want karma. Karma lowers your cultivation level.

    This is all very simple and common sense, follow the inherent characteristics of nature in cultivation and you will raise your level.

    I mentioned it before, I can not see you being tolerant or balanced in your messages about Falun Dafa or Li Hongzhi. I do not understand the characteristics of your cultivation way when you slander other people like that and you have not yet told us how you do cultivation.

    A genuine Dafa cultivator would never speak ill of other cultivators or cultivation schools. It signifies a lack of Shan and also of Ren.

    Your statement about homophobia is wrong of course and your language is similar to the CCP disinformation sent out to the world press.

    How can you be a cultivator with such manners and words?

    People will make their own judgments about Dafa, Li Hongzhi, prophecies etc.

    As we all know, Dafa cultivators come from all branches of society including Scientists, Professors, Doctors, Martial Artists, Teachers etc.

    There are practice sites for Dafa at MIT, Stanford, Berkeley etc. These practitioners are considerred "elite" in everyday society and shows that Falun Dafa is spread to the highest level of society and that very intelligent people believe in Dafa.

    PS: Harvard professor supports Shen Yun Performing Arts show: - this magnificent show has been initiated by Master Li Hongzhi to make people understand the traditional Chinese culture.

  10. Two letters in English? Which language were they reffering to? In Chinese I believe "Li" would be 1 character(or letter), and perhaps in diff languages would be diff letters.

    Also "medium" is a rather vague and subjective term. It's relative to the perspective of the speaker. Wats tall to one could be small to another and so on.

    just two points to consider


    It is stated by the Islamic experts there should be the sound of two letters in the western alphabet.

    About his stature, of course one can not deduct anything substantial from it, but I guess Master Li is really of medium stature in today麓s society.

    PS: Ezekiel麓s book:

    鈥淩emember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.

    I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. (Isaiah 46:8-11)

    Let麓s go through all the major religions and myths. Let麓s see what is said in the old books about the end and how they match our world and Dafa today with striking precision.

  11. I would like to add something from the Islamic end times prophecy here. I have come to the conclusion that all major religions probably have a correct end times prophecy, with each one explaining some specific events.


    The Islam prophecy says that "Medhi - the almighty God" will be in a battle with evil(Chinese Communist Party persecutes and slanders Falun Dafa and its disciples in China...) during the end times. The Lord of Lord麓s will win and then rule the world for some years.

    Add then that the Islam prophecy says the Lord of Lord麓s first name will have two letters.

    The Master of Falun Dafa is called Li Hongzhi....

    Yes, two letters. And he is supposed to be of medium stature(he is 1.78 m)...

  12. I'm not sure where you got the theory about being able to handle pain in lotus equals high cultivation or less karma,..

    I meant less karma, not high cultivation. It is not the same although such a person is bound to be special in any case when he has almost no karma left. Fakirs etc normally use external means to achieve a painkiller effect, ie drugs, alcohol etc.. That does not count in my eyes, only if you do it with a conscious mind, otherwise the assistant consciousness will practice.

  13. Mr Gauss...

    It is absolute baloney to assert that this Mr Li has no karma. Sitting in full lotus (which btw is NOT a display of any level of realization, merely a conducive posture that one may choose to adopt for various reasons) is itself a kamma, which simply means 'action'.

    I am just making an example to make a point.

    In genuine cultivation, as far as I know, it is well known that the less pain you have in double Lotus the less karma you have to pay off. I believe all people who cultivate know this principle from personal experience. Hence you can sit longer and longer if you cultivate well. Any cultivator who can sit for 12 hours straight have minute amounts of karma in their body, it is so little it counts as nothing. I agree that merely living as a human being causes karma, no matter what you do, but it is minute amounts and count for nothing.

    When you can sit in double Lotus pain will come sooner or later unless you are exceptional. For some people it comes after 20 minutes, for others after 1 hour.

    Extremely few people can sit for 12 hours straight in any case.

  14. A Cultivator should take every effort to warn new people away from dangerous groups like Falun.

    Pointing out his Lies and manipulative teachings as well as his obvious insanity is basicly good Karma.

    I may save someone from drinking the cool aid yet... :P:o:lol:

    When I watch Master Li practice he looks completely distorted to me. I never got a good vibe off him.

    India is full of fake yogi's can sit in Lotus for long periods without having any cultivation to speak of. All It takes is flexible hip joints. I myself can now sit for hours in lotus on a good day.

    Peace :)


    Why are you so emotional about FD and keep slanderring it over and over again? Did you not read what I just wrote?

    I said nobody can be recruited to Dafa. Only predestined people arrive and they must have a heart of steel to cultivate genuinely.

    In my opinion, in this discussion about Dafa you show a lack of respect towards Master Li and Falun Dafa. I guess the Admin will make a judgment about that.

    Even if the hip joints are flexible that does not make it possible to sit in double Lotus for 12 hours straight. We all know in here how hard that is to do in reality. No "fake" can do it, I tell you that.

    Feel free to tell us about your cultivation school and which kind of theoretical basis that school has?

    Is speaking ill of other people a base of your school? Did you understand the words Zhen-Shan-Ren in Dafa when you did cultivation there?

    I can tell you that "Ren" includes tolerance and it means that you never speak bad words about other people.

    Is it not so that no matter which cultivation you do, carefulness and respect is a common trait for everyone?

    That good principle is actually still taught in some traditional families of everyday society.

    You believe Dafa is bad. 100 million cultivators, including scientists, professors, teachers, martial artists etc etc, think Dafa is good.

    Let everyone judge Dafa by themselves. I am sure people are capable of thinking by themselves.

  15. ---Moderator's note---

    Gauss, this is not a "moderator's warning," just a suggestion. If I were in your shoes I would heed the advice to post in off-topic. I'm equipped to move your threads there, but I'm giving you a chance to exercise Kindness-Forbearance-Truthfulness you preach and do it yourself in the future. Kindness (to other TTB members, some of whom, like me, have practiced Falun Dafa and pretty much dropped it because of people like you, even though as a practice it's really pretty good), Forbearance (of the fact that you are preaching to people who have been preached to too much and regardless of the message find it insufferable to be preached to here, where they come to get a break from being preached to elsewhere), Truthfulness (i.e. honesty and courage to face your lack of clout to convert TTB to Falun Dafa). Please. Whoever is pre-destined to find the way your way, will find it in off-topic. Peace out.

    ---Sword of tao sheathed---

    Thank you for your advice, I will take it into consideration.

    First of all you are right about me sticking to Falun Dafa. As I see it I will continue cultivating Dafa until the end. So you could say that I am orthodox.

    Secondly, NONE of my views(except copy-paste from Master Li麓s quotes) are official FD truths.

    Those views are just my personal state of enlightenment(cultivation level) at this moment. So I am actually arguing for my standpoints at my level of wisdom, which by no means is any absolute truth or any official FD truths. Note this. So these lively discussions are only my way of showing you some external reasons for my current enlightenment state. Everyone knows that during daily life and meditation one will have the strongest experiences and become convinced about one麓s cultivation.

    Thirdly, I agree, these discussions have become too intense and repetitive with the same users repeating their standpoints over and over. I will slow down here since many users seem agitated by now.

    Finally, I have said it before. Nobody can be recruited to Dafa so why do you keep thinking that I am preaching? Predestined people come and the rest will not come.

    It is absolutely impossible for anyone without a heart of steel to cultivate in Dafa. Hence nobody can become a genuine cultivator without that heart of steel.

    Saving people is a completely different matter and only means people should like the principle of Zhen-Shan-Ren and hence think Falun Dafa is good.

    Finally a side note about how some users look down at others in here.

    Many users are upset about what Master Li has said and they actually slander him in various ways here on the forum. I am very sad when I see such things, no matter who is slanderred. Should a cultivator not be tolerant towards others no matter which opinions they have?

    As mentioned before, Master Li has no karma(visible to anyone seeing him practice), hence he must have immense wisdom and a cultivation level very few people can ever dream of.

    How can an average cultivator/everyday person understand such a man and judge him with their human opinions/emotions? Are you worthy of having opinions about such a man? Did you ever meet him?

    Why has he no karma? Does he not speak truth?

    In that case he would have had massive karma and could never sit like that in double Lotus. I urge everyone to use their common sense as a cultivator.

    Do I dare to say something bad about Jesus, Lao Zi or Buddha or anyone else at their extremely high levels of cultivation?

    Absolutely not! I am extremely far from their level and can only admire such people.

    Let any man(or woman) who can sit 12 hours straight(hence he has almost no karma in his body and has surely seen many other dimensions) in double Lotus tell us his "opinions" about Master Li.

    I bet that person will not say a single bad word about Master Li.

  16. It seems as the general pattern is to clung to short sentences here and there in various western scriptures and force them to suit whatever you want them to be. As others already pointed out, your given interpretation is farfetched.

    There is a context to this all, and it depends on the whole book of revelations it self, AND symbolics from the old testament. Trying to get the intended meaning you want from this line induces severe conflicts with the other passages and lines in the bible - which is not acceptable since an interpretation has to fit into all lines of the scriptures - and basically uses an "anything goes interpretation" that wildly explains away all incongruencies that arise, in a chain, from the first twisted interpretation.

    It seems clear to me that you have very little grounding in the christian tradition. Nowhere in my life have I encountered an exegesis, either by scholars and/or Christian high-level cultivators, that were logically consistent with your hijacking of this verse. A sound exegesis would be able to provide a background in detail, with explanation and synthesis of the symbolics, the meaning of the classical greek and ancient hebrew, and providing the historical context.

    I naturally wonder if you, other FD followers, or your leader has glanced through western scriptures(Bible, Swedenborg, Nostradamus) in a haste, found some verses that seem to suit you, clutch to them and force them to have a meaning that suits your agenda, disregarding the context and the authorities of the traditions. After this, nothing can change your mind/interpretation, especially since there is no formalized hermeneutics.

    This hijacking of scriptures is absurd. One could basically open a random book, search for a verse and claim that it was a prophecy about whatever. Opening a cookbook, in a recipe one could interpret a line of "one lamb-steak" to mean the savior of the world. Context is everything, but as soon as the scripture is "spiritual" and not a book about dining, everything goes, but it is just as absurd.


    I am out of this thread so I answer this one in a separate thread. Thank you.

  17. What happened :blink: ...not practicing the forbearance right now?

    for路bear 1 (f么r-b芒r)

    v. for路bore (-b么r, -br), for路borne (-b么rn, -brn), for路bear路ing, for路bears

    1. To refrain from; resist: forbear replying. See Synonyms at refrain1.

    2. To desist from; cease.

    3. Obsolete To avoid or shun.


    1. To hold back; refrain.

    2. To be tolerant or patient in the face of provocation.


    Well, I guess you are right, I had missed a few questions when I wrote that message and obviously I thought it might be wortwhile to answer them too although I actually had decided to step out of this thread.

    Sorry about it.

  18. I agree with much of what you say about karma and the way it tries to work it out in day to day life but this isn't the only way to deal with your karma, there are certain masters who describe going deep into their mental realm during meditation into a cloudy area which the Buddhists call Alaya realm of consciousness, the other name for this realm is the "storehouse" which contains all of your karma or karmic seeds, but this area of your consciousness can be purified using meditation techniques before the karma has an opportunity to bloom negatively out in the world, so you don't neccassarily have to suffer to purfy your karma it can dissolved or let go of with the right approach.

    I believe they can eliminate karma while meditating but I believe the true reason for this is due to the extensive leg pain from sitting long periods in double Lotus. So they suffer in meditation and hence karma pieces are eliminated in meditation.

    I use to tell people if they knew a fake religious leader or similar who could sit 12 hours straight in double Lotus?

    If some people claim Master Li is a bad person he must have accumulated alot of karma, yet he can sit like forever in double Lotus without pain....

    Hence Master Li is a very good person(at an absolute minimum) without any karma and with might virtue judging from the laws of the universe. No bad person can do what he can do on the mat.

    Truly great people are extremely rare and how can you know whether your Master is good or bad?

    Check out what they can do in practice(on the mat) and you will know whether they walk their talk. That is a very simple and reliable indicator.

  19. There is no storehouse of Mother Karma somewhere up there above the clouds

    - yet some choose to go there occasionally to reminisce their past glories or churn up some regretful event or actions, simply because as a human being, we have this 'luxury'. This is also sometimes akin to beating oneself over the head with a stick just so to feel alive and significant. I see this as a waste of effort.

    Karma is what we do now - its about paying forwards, not back. This is why in Buddhism there is much emphasis on the accumulation of merit. It serves two purposes - one is it purifies the mind that has been used to dancing in the illusions of past and future, and two, it helps generate wisdom and compassion in the now. Meditation serves as a stabilizer in this.

    I agree about the storehouse of karma not being up in the clouds..

    Karma sits on your body around your virtue substance. Virtue is more finegrained(the finer virtue particles the higher original level/status as I understand it) than karma and always is closest to your heart, hence the saying he has "a good heart".

    The more karma you accumulate the more it wraps up your virtue substance and the less enlightenment you have since karma nature is against the character of the universe.

    How can you pay something "forward"? What do you mean exactly? Your words are confusing to me(I am a physicist so I like to make sense).

    If you have a debt either you can pay it now or later(with interest). It does not matter how you do it, you need to suffer when you decide to pay it off. Therefore a wise man will start cultivating the same day he hears the Fa since he knows time is limited and debts are usually big...

    Some people think that if you kill someone and ask the Lord for forgiveness and then forget it, it won麓t affect you in the future. Well, cultivators have their reservations.

    If you don麓t get retribution in this life you will get it in your next life since the universe will force you to pay back all your debts.

    The universe is a place where common sense and logics means everything. As I see it many people "believe" things and have "wishes" but there is simply not any substance(in logics or in nature) for those ideas.

    The first time a man with his third eye at flesh level looked through me he told me exactly how much karma and virtue I had, where it sat etc etc.

    All of what he said made sense and matched my medical record too... Since then I paid back some karma.

    Karma is a real substance and the Buddhist monks sit in double lotus meditation partly to suffer and pay back their karma(transform it into virtue after taking the suffering), the other reason is to raise their Ding level.

    Everyday people eliminate karma by becoming sick or suffering accidents or hardship in life. The true reason for disease is karma, it does not disappear for no reason.

    Doing good deeds accumulate virtue, you are right, so Buddhist monks do good deeds to accumulate virtue. Virtue is the fuel for Gong so without virtue you have nothing.

    Again, everything in this universe is very logical according to mathematical rules.

    In another dimension every action you ever did in your life is recorded, after death you will see every deed you did from a higher dimension and whether it was a good one or a bad one.

    I give you a simple example about karma.

    Are you flexible in your body and can do double Lotus for a long time? All genuine cultivators in Dafa must be able to do it, otherwise you are no real cultivator since your karma is too big to reach a high level.

    If you are stiff and can not do double Lotus even if you practice stretching for a few weeks, that means you have great karma debts.

    Girls usually are much more felxible than guys and can do double Lotus quickly or immediately. Why is it so?

    Girls generally don麓t fight or harass people, they don麓t take as much drugs and are generally more quiet than guys. Hence their karma is smaller than the guys so they are better people - on average....

    When a guy starts cultivation usually he lags behind the girls because of his wrongdoing in this life(and sometimes earlier lives).

    After a few years he can gain back the deficit since he usually can suffer more hardship than the girl can do - on average of course.