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Everything posted by SFJane

  1. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    Another Terry Goodkind fan /wave
  2. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    I won't even try to speculate as to what is happening in the video where numerous students are flailing and falling every which way. I call that amusing. Take two people are revving up their chi doing whatever, tai chi, standing, walking the circle. They are both reasonably sensitive to chi and after they are warmed up they stand opposite each other holding one or both hand up inches from each other. They feel the pressure and start taking one step back each until they can just barely feel it. Depending on how yang they were, maybe 5 feet, maybe even ten. Then they take turns just sending more intent into one hand while breathing and you basically send a pulse to the other person. Very very subtle. If that person allows themselves to give way to the other person's pulse in a proportionate reaction. Like turning the hip in push hands. Then the person receiving the pulse can sway a tiny bit back. Then that person does it back, sending a pulse to the other person who responds, only when she actually feels the pulse, without anticipation and reacts only as much as was felt. That person sways back a tiny but noticeable amount. Then they play with it slowly pulling and pushing each other via chi projection from the hand. They can try closings and absorbing and see if the other person feels a pulling breeze instead of a pushing breeze. Aside from the healing aspect of it, it is a great sensitivity exercise but that is about it. You can stand five feet apart and get really intense and push on each other's hands with your chi in a scene reminiscent of Obi wan and Anakin force pushing on each other in the control room at the end of SW3 But no matter how much you push or for how long, you will never blast the other person off their feet. I say this because, out of curiosity or should I say, out of obsessive need I have tested it. When I say tested it, I mean I have spent hundreds of hours trying to move anything by continuous projection or pulse projection or drawing it to myself using draining and closing. I have tried to open doors, lift and flip cars. The whole putting out candles with chi was not impressive to me. People's bodies are not candle flames. Much much more force would have to be trained to move people with chi. I have spent hours projecting my hand around my room, in the back yard trying to move things with chi. When both arms got too tired to extend anymore, I stood and just used my central channel and projected from my head. I would practice until my mind was literally tired and could not focus. I practiced to the point that my body was physically hungry from the amount of work I spent standing still and just trying to increase my chi projection. I have practiced this for so many hours that I have never met someone that could project from their own hand as long as I can without becoming weak or unfocused first. I have worn out partner after partner trying to get them to move me and me to move them. That example I used of Anakin and Obi wan facing off extending chi from their hands at each other. I have done that until my partner could not hold his or her hand up for another second. It never ever works on matter. It just does not. Not once have I pushed someone away with it. The only time you move someone is when they allow you to. I would never ever rely on it in situation because thus far it can not be used for anything practical. Like I said, I was after much more than gently knocking someone backward or moving a pencil around on a table. I wanted enough juice that if a car came careening onto the sidewalk towards me I could extend my hand and instantly move the car out of my way. In hundreds and hundreds of hours practicing, it just does not work. I practiced long past the point when any other person would have seen the light and given it up. In fact most everyone that has ever done that with me has said that while yes, there is a definite tangible sense of energy there, relatively speaking, it has no real power. No more than the warmth of the sun or a tiny breeze. Certainly nothing strong enough to injure someone in the slightest in any kind of martial engagement cooperative or not. In fact I once asked BKF what would happen if I focused exclusively on that one task. If I tried for 14 hours a day to keep projecting out of my hand, if sooner or later I would be able to move something anything at all. I told him back in 1997 at a retreat, that I had been practicing this since I was about 7 years old. He bid me to try. At the time, it was dinner. The closest thing to my hand about 2 feet away happened to be a salt shaker on a picnic table. I focused about 300% of my energy on it instantly and tried to suck it towards me or push it away or lift it up. It would not happen. I was hardly embarrassed because it was failure to move an object # 857729929 I told him that from what I understood of the mind and nei/chi gung. If I kept at it, dedicated ultra seriously, than sooner or later my brain would forge a circuit for it. I said it must be only a matter of time and patience and repetition. BKF said to me "then what? Assuming you eventually become what you are practicing, what have you got? You have become the 800 pound psychic gorilla. What then? What is the purpose? How has that freed your spirit in anyway? What would you do with it?" I said something to the effect of "If I get to 800 lbs it means I can get to 1600 or more." Then he said to me, if my mind and my ego and my spirit was not ready I could destroy myself or others It sounded like he acknowledged the possibility so I dug a little deeper and asked. "Have you ever met anyone that could do what I am trying to do with chi gung?" He said yes. Somewhere in a remote area of rural China there is a man that can do those things and he is completely insane. He spends all day in solitude and isolation away from all people. He stays drunk morning noon and night. He told me I might succeed and then what? "Once you turn it on, you may not be able to turn it off again." So I moved on.
  3. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    Thanks Michael,Steve, Max, anyone else I missed. Good to see you guys again
  4. Jin in taiji

    I hope you double posted that to EF. Lot of confused players over there invested in their own interpretations of jin
  5. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    haha, thanks! good to delurk every now and then and share my delusions when the spirit moves me. Yea all good stuff, all to be expected. If I sink one elbow or the other while holding Pi I can cause the same side of my body to visibly drop lower than the other side, starting from the collar bone. If I rest the lightest touch of my extended arm on someone and sink that side rapidly it can visibly cause the other person's body to sink at the same time regardless if they are facing me or looking me or not. I prefer them facing away as they can not get visible cues of what my arm is doing in the space between us. I call it chi because that what it is called. It is just a word. I am just as capable of calling it huna, ki, prana, interchangeably because they are not four difference energies that have been independently discovered. The energy of chi is part of the human experience. People that get involved with mind body stuff regardless of culture or language encounter this energy. Whatever you want to call it, there is an energy in us that responds to intent. I prefer chi because the chinese seemed to have made the most of understanding the nitty gritty aspects and fine print about how and why chi is, how to use it, how to get more. What to do, what not to do, how to fix it if it is messed up, etc. Most other traditions can not seamlessly use one ability, chi, to enhance their martial power, their healing abilities or their meditation. Zen Aikido, Reiki and Shiatzu all say to get more ki, focus on the hara and or central channel. That is about as sophisticated as it gets. With Huna you get some healing energy and shaman energy With yoga you get healing energy and meditation and fun sex. The combined weight of all the allegedly Taoist or Buddhist energy work, the Yellow Emperor's classic, the I ching, the hard shaolin chi going to chi gung tui na to Taoist nei dan, The Chinese culture, energy development wise, is more sophisticated and more exacting down to the very fundamentals as to what kinds of chi do what and how and why. Everything from the chi of food, the chi of buildings and their locations to the ground, to self defense by weaponizing chi is thoroughly understood in a depth not found in other cultures' *occult* cornucopia. If you can feel and control your chi through intent. Then very quickly you get bored with the low level energy work involved in most other systems. That is why I abandoned zen, reiki and aikido for tai chi and chi gung and nei dan. It was far more powerful, more complex and more complete. If you can manipulate your own chi through intent, then you should be able to learn any chi move from a written or oral description of it. It does not matter what it is. Chi becomes a new extension of your overall capabilities and you can attend to all sorts of things by using intention and chi. you can play with it and experiment with it and test yourself and other people. A couple observations, generalizations and stereotypes. People that say they uber magic, chi or psychic abilities invariably do not. People that rely on sheer visualization and imagery for internal power tend to be as internally powerful as bowl of soup. I have met people who rely on visualizations and they can seem pretty intense but they can not translate the chi they think are controlling and turn it into a healing or martial application. Said people tend to be really be into focusing on the aura and yet have no control over their openings, closings, soft tissue, fai jin, etc etc The only people I have met that have the real deal chi, also have the ability to reproduce the result without variation and are able to teach it as well. The strongest IMA players I have interacted with are those that focused primarily on the development of Yi. They lead their chi by intention and not by coloring their personal energy blue or red and streaming it in their mind eyes. They just make effects happen with no fanfare fuss or strain or drama, just like what you were talking about Buddy. Why sell yourself short Buddy? I could care less what people really think chi is or is not. Or what percieved cultural baggage is associated with it. When I use my intention or as Peter Ralston calls it, 'feeling-attention', it creates effects that I can control and predict. Regardless if I am sitting dissolving, doing self repair chi gung or pushing on someone. It is something that has not only grown through meditation and cultivation practices but is something I can consciously and volitionally improve on. I also have found through trial and error that some people simply can not sense your chi or their own, even when you are moving their chi underneath their own skin. Even when you sink someone else's body with your directed chi, they have no idea what is happening or how. Those people tend to have absolutely little or no kinesthetic perception whatsoever. they have never taken more than a half a second to make a conscious effort to focus on and listen to their own bodies, their own emotions and thoughts. I am willing to go so far as to say, some of the most chi oblivious people are actuaries and accountants, engineers and mechanics, heavily left brain leaning people. All head and arms and hands. Many are naturally clumsy, klutzy and uncoordinated physically. They do not occupy their body at all, it is a just a mobile brain tank. You can sit and meditate for an hour, do san ti or ba gua and then try to make them feel the chi coming out of your hand and they can not feel anything. They tilt their head like they are scanning for something but you can tell they are not even extending presence into their hand, they don't know how to listen to their hand, the space in it or around it. Completely unable to perceive chi at all. If you ask such a person to consider meditation, their answer is "why would I do that?" They literally can not perceive much of anything over the furor of the own thoughts. Real absent minded professor types. Brilliant in their chosen field and yet energetically deaf dumb and blind. On the other side of that, you get your terminal right brained people. Those that have been in arts all their life and are prone to being sensitive and moody. The musicians, the dancers, the sculpters, the body workers. Those drawn instinctively to massage, meditation, body work, yoga, and yes, nei jia. These people can sense chi in themselves and around them even when they do not have a word like ki or prana to describe it, they have sensed it since childhood. They tend to have a higher incidence of self reported psychic or spiritual experiences through out their lives. In those people there are higher incidences both of innate spirituality or tendency to religiosity as well as higher incidences of mood disorders and mental illness. Those are the people I encountered when I was involved with wicca, reiki, lightbody, etc I have met very sensitive intuitive massage therapists who absolutely have no orthodox or systematic training in any energy discipline or practice, accurately describe where in their body i was manipulating their chi. They can feel with eyes closed or open. You don't even have to lead them, you just start messing with their chi flows and they sense you are doing 'something' immediately. Over the last decade that I have been really involved in using the three internal arts for the three purposes of self healing, self defense and personal development I have discovered these generalized stereotypes. I have found that those that can, without training of any kind, easily feel me moving my chi are the best people to teach. The transfer of skills is smooth, they grasp what you saying and why very quickly. It makes perfect sense to them. On the other hand, those that can not feel their own inner body and can not control it, or those that can not feel the chi coming out of the palm of their own hands or yours are, * in general* a waste of time. The combination of being able to listen to and accurately feel chi seems to be biological sensitivity. I have noticed that those people sensitive to energy, noticed this sensitivity early in life. They tend to be more intuitive and pay attention to sensations in their body or energy around them. It is not a matter of said left brained people being inferior in any way. They truly do not and can not get it.
  6. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    repost this in the thread about it please. I like your post and your thoughts, lets talk about channeling, trance, possession, all that good stuff, in a thread dedicated to it. You have some good insights.
  7. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    In my personal opinion, trancing is gapping and both channeling and trancing are antithetical to actualizing the 8 energy bodies and becoming completely alive and present at all time on all levels. It really requires a topic of it's own, perhaps we could start a topic just to discuss this. You are right, it is an air sign, it's been years since I concerned myself with astrology, I beg forgiveness, you are right and I am wrong. Aquarius is the water bearer and I confused the two. I am former witch. In fact at one time I was involved in pagan activism and a member of WARD Witches Against Religious Discrimination. I spent some number of years intensely involved with witchcraft and had my own coven in my very early 20s. I moved on. What I wanted out of witchcraft was power, knowledge, wisdom and a close connection to the earth, the elements and the entire universe. practicing The Craft greatly helped me become sensitive to the elements especially water and the tides, the weather and the moon. In the end I had to make a decision as to what and how I wanted to practice. Most people I knew had neither the time or inclination to practice ritual magick in a systematic, disciplined fashion on a daily basis. Preferring instead to practice the occult mainly during Sabbats. For me, every day was witchcraft day, I dispensed with the ritual and burned my Book of Shadows and instead practiced core energy arts like spiraling chi from the ground or the sky into my body and energy system. I cut out the words, the spells, the ceremony, the polytheism and just focused on the energy of spirit to the exclusion of anything else. Eventually the energy work becomes so absorbing that you can only sit while your mind stream joins with both your inner and outer universe. Let me make another thread about this topic so as not to keep this one off topic.
  8. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    I am an Aquarius, also a water sign. It's is impossible to hypnotize me. Partly because I am continuously aware on several levels. In fact on occasion people trying to hypnotize me, hypnotized themselves in the process. The way to use chi in a fight is not to stand there and Force push people ineffectively until they bridge the gap and pop you in the face. You use intent to mobilize the chi which may or may not be moving the blood and flowing in the nerves, the nadi and various meridians. If you do it right when you physically contact someone with your body while you are initiating rapid open and closings in your hips legs and spine and coiling, they may be in for a little surprise. As for being easily hypnotized. There is a way to fix that, it just takes time and hard work. There are 3 things I recommend. The first involved basically doing Opening the Energy Gates while standing or sitting. Dissolve down your central channel The second thing is San Ti. Stand and use your continuous awareness to forge a path of complete presence from your feet, to your hand, to across the room The third thing is mirror training. Use a mirror and stare into your own eyes without spacing out. Beat yourself in a staring contest. You want to get rid of gaps in your attention. You will gap and space out. Just keep doing it. In fact you could sit and dissolve, then do san ti, then after you are all charged up from san ti, do the same intention movements while staring into a mirror. Use the mirror as if you were staring into the eyes of opponent and watch yourself critically and honestly for gapping and spacing out. Gapping and spacing out not only makes it easier to trance or fall into hypnotic states, it makes it easy for someone with good timing to literally hit you while you are not paying attention. That gap in attention, that distraction or spacing out can happen over a couple of seconds or in a millisecond which is what happens when people in cars run over people walking in the cross walk on the walk signal. I saw this last week walking down California St here in SF middle aged woman at a dead stop with a passenger in the car. An elderly woman is slowly walking through the intersection. the woman in the car, and I was watching her the entire time. Looked left, directly at the old woman, then looked right, and then turned left and I could see her mouth moving as she was chatting, as she looked right and turned left. She hit the old women, square on the front of her bumper, while the old woman was nearly half way through the marked crosswalk with legal right of way. The woman in the car was not even driving. She was on autopilot. She was so busy in her head with her conversations and what not, she did not see the woman in the cross walk at all. Like a ba gua ghost appearing out of no where, the old woman was suddenly THERE in the crosswalk. The woman in the car had an expression of total shock and surprise, That actually made me angry when I saw her face as I raced over to the old woman sprawled in the crosswalk. The woman in the car was driving an automobile in a dense urban area. She was not paying attention to the fact that was in a car and there were people all around her. The woman in the car could have used 100s of hours of video game training to deal with the spacial distractions of such multitasking. The point is. She was utterly unaware of the slowly moving old woman and plowed right over her. From a dead stop. Complete gapping in attention. That's how a lot of accidents happen. You can focus completely on only so many things until you start not paying full attention to some of those things and you mess up. I digress, to trance out or be hypnotized, you have to be doing the reverse of paying complete attention with total presence and alertness. You have to be gapping. I can't see how that has any healing, meditative or martial value at all. In fact removing gaps in your attention will help you feel your energy blocks and those in others better. It will help you remain still and centered better, and it will help you dominate in push hands when you fa jin people after listening to them and waiting patiently for them to gap out for you. It will definitely help you to NOT run over people in the middle of the road while you are looking at them, without actually seeing them, because you are elsewhere. removing your gaps in your awareness and presence will make it all but impossible to trance out or by hypnotized by anything or anyone ever again. Now if you get to the taoist alchemy part where you are literally drawing different kinds of energy into your overall chi matrix as it were you can control whether or not you are an earth person, a water person, a fire person or whatever. You can utterly decide what your energy qualities will be and make them that way. When you take over every aspect of your chi and mind. When you try to actualize the 8 energy bodies described in BKF Water Method teachings, you will not be the sum of a random astrological roll of the die. I noticed that for 20 years of my life, astrological stuff seemed to have a certain projective accuracy about my abilities and traits and destiny. In other words, my horoscope seemed somewhat accurate most of the time. This was reflected in the Tarot as well. After I started practicing alchemy, my horoscope and astrological traits were practically meaningless and had no bearing on me, my life or my reality. Once I took control over my own energy interactions, I effectively took myself off the astrology table and started writing my own horoscope as I acquired traits and abilities and behaviors that none of my charts indicated was standard for my sign. All my readings have been inaccurate or nonsensical since I took up taoist meditation.
  9. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    come on guys, this kiai master just did not practice hard enough. the real secret is, you have to do 8 pieces of brocade for 6 hours a day for a week, then you have to do spring forest gong for the same time then you have to do dragon and tiger and god's playing in the clouds for the same amount of time then you have to iron shirt chi gung for 3 days, followed by cloud hands then you do a tai chi long form and make it last 8 hours then you have to walk the circle 99 times in one direction and 99 times in the other direction on the full moon either during summer or winter solstice, (don't forget all your pearls and the grain path either) then you just hold san ti until you can do this don't even bother opening a school or making videos or challenging anything until you can do that the young man is quite cute
  10. Are the ethics really being practiced?

    Well, I am not sure where you all live exactly but here in America it costs money to satisfy the basics of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Regardless of what you are selling, books, trainings, attunements, time, life force, whatever. If it helps pay the bills and people genuinely want what you are selling then do what it takes. If you can turn a profit from specialized skills or knowledge , then great. Bonus karma if you can be genuine, make people happy while being honest and financially successful. You have to use your best judgement for your circumstances and follow the calling of your heart while remaining pragmatic in a capitalist economy.
  11. Hurrah for the man

    Well I never studied under or with BKF in the lineage sense. I took a few classes,seminars and retreats between 1996-2000. Thats it. Ever since then I realized that I could spend several lifetimes perfecting what I learned during that time and it was time to move on to dedicated solo practice indefinitely. I started out wanting to learn more of his MA stuff but shifted to focusing primarily on nei gung and sitting meditation. As for secrets? There is no secrets here. Who in the world could actually care what my sexual preferences are anyway? My own father knows I am bisexual and he thinks I am lucky. It says F on my license, last time I looked anyway. I think it would be pretty funny to get thrown out of a class I paid for , for being bisexual. Not to mention that that would make a great blog post. I can not see how big K could possibly profit from it. Here in SF, that might be a big fucking mistake actually. Cellphone cam ftw. Anyway, after being exposed here and there from time to time, as well as having over 150,000 video views on my personal youtube channel. I have nothing to hide. BKF is not my teacher anymore anyway. It is completely irrelevent. My name is Jane Alexander and I am no one's student at this time.
  12. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    I would wait and see if he actually answers me before going so far as to say we are speaking to each other I have a lot of respect for the man from his posts. He studied with BKF a decade before I did. I just don't agree with him about the value of discussing these topics on a board. I consistently agree with him the only way to prove anything is to put your money where your mouth is in person. I just don't think that renders any internets discussion pointless. We simply can not all be in a room together to prove things one way or the other every time a contentious topic involving chi or martial arts or abilities comes up. Thus the boards give us that outlet. The use of *prove it* in any sense online has only limited value as a trump card to use as the final analysis. Since we can not prove anything online, why even bother registering and posting about it? If you take that attitude from the beginning, we would not have these lovely chats.
  13. Hurrah for the man

    I can honestly say I have no idea what you mean. /shrug
  14. Hurrah for the man

    I usually give my full name at the introduction thread of any forums I use. I agree with Buddy though, about too easy to run your mouth while anon. I think using your real name is a sign of maturity, taking full responsibility for your mouth and your key strokes.
  15. What are you listening to?

    Any fans out there?
  16. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    Buddy no offense how did you train with BKF and not understand how your chi works or at least have some level of conscious control of it? Am I misunderstanding you? I have read some of your work and posts here and there. I was under the assumption or impression that you can dissolve in both the Fire and Water methods. Of all the IMA people known and unknown that I know of, not one of them explains it as well as BKF. I had rudimentary control of my chi the first class I ever took with him back in 1996. Just like he said I would in the seminar brochure. Marriage of Heaven and Earth. It was phenomenal until it became old hat. I don't understand any of BKF's students and trainees that can not very deliberately control chi and intent after a minimal amount of exposure to his stuff. Granted, I had been doing aikido and kundulini as well as assorted occult practices before I was exposed to his energy arts stuff. Still, anyone of his programs should give the beginning attendee some basic control of their own chi using the intention leading methods. I know you do San Ti, That one practice is all you ever need to know to control awareness, intent and chi. It's a one stop shop for all your chi needs. San ti, circle walking and sitting are the three best ways I know of to cultivate. I look forward to this post. As for cultivating itself. Consider the nature of cultivating. Accumulating more energy and keeping it there. Physical exercise can increase chi, but also burns it too. To be cultivating, you should have more chi afterward, then when you started. Sitting and standing are the most reliable ways to cultivate. You can cultivate with soft relaxed indian yoga or tao yin. I believe that things like biking, swimming fall under the heading of wei kung or wei dan. As such they build the physical chi and the wei chi. That stuff does not necessarily add to your emotional energy, your psychic energy, your raw chi reserves, your mental presence. Nei kung and nei dan are cultivating and will restore and increase the various *chi* in your body. You spend a little energy and get a bigger energy pay off. If you want more energy, seriously want more energy, than just sit and breathe and relax. keep your body from bad posture and alignments, and don't think. Literally do not think. Still your mind, your emotions settle down, your body is relaxed and you start to recharge. When there is nothing taxing your energy, it starts to build up. Not a big secret or all that earth shattering really. It's pretty simple. Just have to do it. As for acupuncture and hsin yi. BKF explains it all very clearly in PoIMA. When you are relaxed breathing, properly aligned and pulsing your entire body from toes to spine to finger tips and skull when you do a particular move, the strong opening and closings as well as intent cause the chi flow to increase along certain merdians. If you pay attention, use listening skill on yourself, you will feel it happening unambiguously. But Buddy's right, don't worry about your acupuncture meridians when doing Hsin Yi. It is enough to know that the movement is occurring naturally, sink your chi and just focus your intent and your will and do the fists. The shen fa will come of it's own. Not that any of my thoughts matter because it's just internets. It is just mental masturbation without cameras, videos, witnesses and live bodies going at it and tires hitting pavement and all that good stuff. There is no point to talking about this stuff anyway since we can't prove anything to anyone on a forum and we all know Qi does not exist simply because it has not been incontrovertibly proven in the reproducible laboratory experiment or test. *just kidding* I will keep sticking to the basics, the 16 part nei gung system and my sitting and dissolving practices while all the chi-does-not exist folks wait for the PhDs to prove it exists before they get serious about nei jia and cultivation. Good luck with that.
  17. My own Ba Gua style

    Who cares if he is trying to re- invent the wheel. Why not learn it from Dong's teacher's students? wait, Dong did not have a ba gua teacher. He made the whole thing up out of thin air. I don't see why this young man could not do the same. Figuring it out on your own will make it yours and you will understand it better than just copying someone else. Maybe he will improve on it. All that matters is effectiveness and whether or not it works. I have seen spontaneous movement in the context of third order Franciscan prayer meetings. I have seen spontaenous movement in people doing sitting meditation. I have seen spontaneous movement in the context of ritual witchcraft and I have seen spontaenous movement in tantra as well as belly dancing. Ba Gua does not have a corner on the market on spontaneous movement. If you cross research the phenomena of spontaneous movement, you will find all manner of untrained and non ba gua lineage or orthodox pracitioners receiving spontaneous movement as part of ceremony, channeling, ritual magick, sex, kundulini, chi gung, hands on healing, intense prayer and devotionals like performing the Stages of the Cross while in total meditation. The spirit moves when it is good and ready. It does not just grace the circle walkers that learned from a lineage.
  18. the best reason to do this stuff imo completely correct good luck telling that to a lot of spiritual seekers. they just want to space out, tune out and be unpresent long enough for something to happen to them from the faeries let them do it until they get bored of the hamster wheel priceless! I lol'd! total gem are you sure you are not from my home world? not sure I have any gems to add myself the advice I have for gung is the same for life. It is ok to fail, as long as you get back up and move forward again, it is also ok to go backward for a time trust your feelings and inner warnings relax
  19. The Term Enlightenment

    Just wonderfully amazing. Fantastic. Well done. You made me laugh and cry simultaneously this morning fuego PM incoming
  20. Man Love

    I dealt with the pc issue, your first point as for your second I don't think so. I think the question you asked is the spiritual development version of the James Watson debacle. As you all know nobel prize winning genetics authority James Watson recently made statements to the effect of, Black people are genetically incapable of the high intelligence. He got a lot of crap for it too. I am sure there are people that agree with Dr Watson as well as those that condemned him for his bias. If I read you correctly, you are saying if the Lama Budda 3221th Patriarch Immortal authored a papal bull stating that gay people and or mortadella lovers and red heads were denied Heaven and further, were fundamentally and constitutionally unable to advance in this life or any other. Would we be ready to acknowledge it? Is this not what you meant? The Far East has their own version of Xtian conservative fundies folks. Not everyone with an aura and a serene smile is right simply because someone else calls them enlightened. If I am wrong....correct me!
  21. The Term Enlightenment

    reading this thread reminds me of an observing an archery contest where the archers all have to shoot at the same target some people miss some people hit off center some hit the outer rings some hit the bull's eye some split the arrows already in the bull's eye the secret of enlightenment is that there is not just one. there is no special order of experiences written in stone that works for all people there is no one way absolutely that will work for all people when I was young, I did not want enlightenment. it sounded like growing up. I wanted power and I wanted to test it. To pursue power was to get attached to it and to truly and soulfully pursue that gaining and mastery of any energy I could to the exclusion of anything else. I knew intuitively, that if I chose enlightenment, I would become disinterested in and probably abandon my pursuit of power, permanently in all likelihood. I investigated makkyo and maya and ghosts and voices and different manifestations of chi in order to find truth in the universe. I broke a lot of rules and thou shall nots in spiritual and meditation training in order to see if I would get possessed or struck by lightening and spontaneously combust. if you go looking for enlightenment, if you have any conception of it, you will either fail to experience it, misidentify it when it happens or deceive yourself that it has happened. looking for enlightenment is kind of like looking for power in a way. I want to be maxed out spiritually. I want to be dialed in. I want to know. etc. it is another kind of attachment. trying to be enlightened. If you are trying to become enlightened, and thinking there is only one Brass Ring, one Enlightenment with a capital E, you probably won't find it. You will end up frustrated and give up or become a fraud teaching spiritual babble. Instead, open yourself up to experiencing the now. Be present and be honest. Watch for subtle changes and overt changes in your entire being. Pick a torch, whether it is Kundulini, Shikentaza, Dissolving, Kunlun, Small Heavenly Orbit, and stick with it. Run with it. Blow on it. Make it your own practice through volition and will. When I finally realized my quest for fire was going to destroy me. I realized I had been meditating in reverse down a one way street. Then I realized what I had done. I was in the sub integers now. Unlike most people starting off at zero trying to get to 9000, I was now effectively at -9000 doh! So, I began again. This time instead of making all my occult and energy work one giant mixed practice, I stuck with inner dissolving to the exclusion of everything. During that process I had awakenings and openings and realizations and apprehensions. Many of them. First one, then another....then another and on and on. Over the years I have taken time out from further awakenings to fully process the ones that had gone by the previous year. If you do this work with child like curiosity and sage like patience, there is no end to how many enlightenments anyone can achieve in one life time. Ultimately sooner or later most people realize that in their quest to get certain things done, physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, energetically or spiritually, enlightenments, several of them have already happened to them subtly and quietly and completely without fuss or grandiosity. Usually someone else confirms this through observation." Hey holy heck I have not seen you in years! I did not even recognize you! omg you look so calm and happy! Did you win the lotto or get pregnant?" Nope, just been sitting around doing nothing.
  22. Thunder Path

    This man speaks the truth Buddhism was not for me, because I am incapable of following every precept. Kundulini, Wicca, and Crowley's stuff made me crazy Zen made me intense and fed my craziness Tantra was fun but mostly practicing the occult naked, healing, but not a panacea Tai Chi and Yoga were both excellent vehicles built and engineered well. but they were not enough. Fire Path Taoism brought me close, like a building orgasm that does not quite release. But a little book called Relaxing Into Your Being and the Water Method of Taoism saved my life. The Inner Dissolving literally saved my body, my emotions and mind, in the nick of time. Thanks to the sitting practices and Inner Dissolving I found a reason to live. I found clarity, inner stillness and completeness. The method of going inside was the hardest most challenging work of my entire life. But it worked. The material in that book and The Great Stillness took me every where I ever wanted to, and most importantly, it changed me in the process of healing me and I gained something I did not have going in. Self love. That is alchemy.
  23. Man Love

    There is substance to these claims, my experience! You can choose to believe me or not. It's fine with me. I use to believe in all sorts of things from Santa to Yaweh to the Earth Goddess. I've moved on to what is tangible and real to all my senses. Who are you or anyone really to judge what the spiritual capabilities are of any one soul in this life time? If the Vorlon planet killer fleet or the Death Star came into orbit and blasted the earth into pieces instantly, we would all transcend our flesh real quick by the expedient of being involuntarily vibrated into high energy states. While our souls are moving about the rubble of Earth going wtf? We would get a good look at each other, genuine and naked and real. Do you think the parameters, limitations, gifts or natural physical proclivities that a spirit being inherits when they are born into a corporeal existance someone how limits them from how strongly they can vibrate at the level of chi or shen? My mother and I have the red haired gene. My personal bias is that I have noticed red headed men and women to be born both with a higher level of psychic sensitivity and power. They are often naturally drawn to spirituality from Third Order Franciscans to witchcraft. Red heads tend to be more emo, more psychic, more sensitive and more psychotic and mentally ill than others. My mother, my grandmother and I all at once time heard voices, experienced profound depression, practiced self harm and can tell what you are thinking without you speaking. It runs in the gene. Maybe I should only teach red heads because they are born already more psychically powerful than non redheads. Maybe I should espouse the idea that only red heads will ever achieve the highest levels of cultivation because they have such highly intense emotions and natural psi. Maybe teaching anyone else is a waste of my time. I can make sweeping over generalizations based off my own experience and bias too. I can come to biased conclusions too. It's human, but also spiritually retarded How do you guys like that rationale?
  24. Man Love

    I do not know what to say to that man. I find it troubling you can make a rationalization or comparison or analogy using condoning or condemning homosexuality and murder. I am baffled. If you can not see how that is a logical fallacy, I don't know what I can say. I never insinuated that at all. That one is all you. I highly doubt you are a repressed homosexual and you know it too. I guess to wrap up my response to you. If you want to believe Liu on the subject, go for it. You won't hurt yourself or anyone else, so, all the power to you. If we are going to use strange and not quite applicable analogies I guess that maybe you taking Liu's word on tantra is kind of perhaps like back to the old explorer days. You are a traveler, pondering how best to travel around and see the sights. You have heard the earth is flat and that the earth is round. Who do you believe? You ponder the greek theories and Galileo but still unconvinced you ask around. Well some will tell you you need only put your trust in the Vatican. They say the earth is flat. what? are you going to disagree with the VATICAN? Who the hell are you? Or you could just ask an explorer. Someone that wanted to experientially understand how the earth actually is by seafaring or circumnavigating the globe. That is how I see it. I am not the Vatican of meditation, I am just another explorer, but I made my maps based off what I found, not by what I was told. Really there was so many ifs perhaps possiblys and maybes in Liu's rationale your skeptic-O-meter should be pinging loud and clear. If someone was convincing you to get surgery would you do it because they said " If this happens, then this might possibly happen, perhaps, maybe" or because they authoritatively told you what was wrong, what would happen and the outcome, no ifs maybes or perhaps. That is how I see it. I am going to call out the burden of proof on that and there is no way Liu can or BKF will take on experimenting to find out yes or no. But I did. I am fine. I know it how works from doing it first hand not speculating about it perhaps maybe if possibly you are quite right, and I love you to no way to assume we will ever all agree on everything equally. would not be as interesting either -------- Ok I know this thread was about to disappear off the bottom and I wanted to let it but I felt bad not responding to you Pietro, I needed time to think about your questions The answer Pietro is that no, I can not take a vow. I have in the past. I can remember when I was super super Catholic and my whole life revolved around devotional practices I wanted to honor my mother and father as per commandments. I made vows to my folks that I would never swear, steal, lie, cheat, smoke, do drugs or have sex until I was married. Know what? I broke almost every single oath by the time I was 14. At 15 I broke the drugs and sex vow too. There you have it. I have been a sinner in every way, even breaking vows to not break vows. What I understand that you and Oolong are aiming at, is whether or not I think BKF copped out of being more magnanimous by adhering to his vows to Liu. I know the Liu's adoption of BKF was a Confucian ceremony. I think you both have a point about respecting the man for sticking to his vows. Like yourself Pietro, I too discovered that after exposure to the Water Method, all vows seem to do was make energy blockages that then need to be dissolved. The coolest part was learning to forgive myself for breaking all those vows when I was under massive social, family and psychological pressure as a kid. I got over being guilty about being a vow breaker for 10 years. If you had asked me ten years ago, I would have said that it is an admirable respectable thing that BKF obeys Liu. Now, I think it is more of a hindrance. I have sympathy and empathy for a vow breaker. I really do, I could not condemn BKF for voluntarily escaping from a spiritual straitjacket. I will not condemn him for failing to dissolve out of those bonds. I just do not agree with him that is all. That does not diminish my respect for the man in the slightest. We all move uneasily in our restraints in life. Nevertheless, just as quick as I am to say I that I follow BKF's teachings as best I can, I also do not agree with him on everything. Call me a Kumar Heretic or irreverent but I make no pretense on this subject and I will teach anyone that wants to learn how to do these things if they ask me. this is like sexism but for gays right? I hope you don't actually think this. If you do, I am laughing. This is so full of it. I have to laugh or I would get annoyed with the stupidity and falseness of it. lol? why not ask a living person that actually does these practices specifically to find out how they actually work and what if any is the real deal behind all the hysteria what total nonsense. anal sex is healthy and speeds up cultivation, that is why the straight immortals do not have any clue what they are talking about only guesses. They need to open their anus and find out for themselves instead of spinning lies and fantasy and untested theory this is really getting entertaining. Vampirism only happens when you as the top or bottom, do it deliberately. Otherwise it's just energy doing it's thing. For the top, when you are pulling out for the next stroke, you close your kwa, left and right channels and this action sucks energy from the tail of the bottom person into your tool into your spine for you do whatever with. Regardless of whether the bottom is male or female or say..XXXY, that person breathes deeply to receive. If the receiver has any facility at all with his or her sphincters, he or she can strip the energy out of the penetrator during both the inward and outward strokes. Again, like a black hole. The person on the bottom is far better able to drain energy than the top. By virtue of manifesting Yin in order to be penetrated. For the penetrator, use reverse breathing on the withdraw stroke to get your chi back. Not hard, but must be a conscious effort. If you keep pulling like that on every withdraw stroke, you will start pulling her energy right into you. Vampirism thing is going both way but in favor of the bottom. Again, it's intent. Deliberate or unintentional vampirism for either the top or the bottom is very seductive and fulfilling and fun. HAHAHA this is the best one yet, maybe, Lin's are pretty entertaining so far. Would you tell someone that was born liking spicy food they should change to not liking it because it agitates the alimentary canal in some people? Would you tell someone born red-green color blind to use alchemy or energy work to get over it? Would tell someone that was born disliking spicy food that during energy work, they should just face the choice, to follow their impulse and avoid spicy food, or to go against that impulse and make themselves eat it? Would you tell the stars to move for you? Would you tell the ocean tide not to come in while you are at the beach? Would you try to teach a cat not to kill a mouse? People are born gay and there is nothing wrong with it any way shape or form except what ever morality check you place over homosexuality based on your upbringing. When you were a squalling baby you had no ideas about the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality. You picked up your biases from your environment and either accepted them or rejected them. Gay people are not denied high level cultivation nor are they karmically in danger of any sort. This is so patently ridiculous and untrue and unproven and mostly unprovable. It is annoying and amusing to see this crap in this thread. So many of you are so smart and learned and you let a little thing like environmental bias interfere with reason,sad really. I for one call BS on the entire thing. Many successful gay people that are comfortable with themselves are unbelievably intelligent and wise. They would pick up on these practices with greater speed and facility than some others. Some of you need to take some humanities courses in a San Francisco Uni and just get over these useless and false and unfounded and really harmful biases against homosexuals. If I had not already said it, if you are GLBT, come to me, I will teach whatever you want sans the mind games and morality shit with the caveat that I can only take you as far as I have gone. I am interested in beings, in spirits, in shen and chi. I don't remotely give a shit whether you like boys, girls, or transsexuals. I do not care if your favorite color is blue, green or orange. I don't care whether you are a vegan or a meat eater. Really there are so many better things to care about. I will give you the real deal as I know it and not make you feel guilty for being exactly who you are naturally. I am all about that. If you want to know what is toxic energy and thinking, it is harboring loathing or judgement for no good reason at all. What is toxic is failing to follow the calling of your heart. What is toxic to your spirit, is going against the Tao, what ever is natural for you. You can not and will not ever make me believe that anal sex is somehow catastrophically anti taoism, I do not believe it for one picosecond, so save your keystrokes trying to share your biased and limited thinking with me. The Tao, the Universe, The Force, does not care if you are gay and somehow, I just can't bring myself to either.
  25. Reiki Tummo

    I see you already know that one too. Fire can be brought to a plasma to burn at a low energy temperature, if you can do that, you can gently dissolve with the fire method. Likewise, water can be made to boil and heat you up