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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Lol @ thinking middle east and asia are enlightened areas.
  2. Empty Force

    Sounds like you have a very good teacher. If it's OK for you to say can i ask who it is? As for empty force - in the Shaolin tradition there's Marvelous fist, Strike across space palm and One Finger Shooting Zen. There are training methods for each and they are meant for martial application but it just depends on your degree of power i guess. It would take many many years of dedicated practice to achieve the skills but you would see continual progress if you learnt the methods from a proper teacher : so i guess if one really wants to get this level of power they could do it.
  3. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    It took a bit of time to get to the UK. Couple of weeks i think. But yeah it is worth it.
  4. Yeah i do, it is a pretty big time sink though. But playing some competitive games which require a lot of skill with some friends is pretty enjoyable. Ill probably be playing Vindictus with a few friends. I also play DOTA which is a really deep game on the skill and teamwork level. Gotta make sure not to spend too much time on it though.
  5. You can't know what their state is like internally. 2 people could be sitting in meditation exactly the same external posture but one can be bored out of his mind and the other having amazing experiences. You wouldn't necessarily tell which is which. Same with taijiquan. Since it can be done so softly and internal, doesn't mean its boredom. Did you get a chance to push/ spar with this master? You could probably tell more then, than watching a form.
  6. is it possible to see chi?

    Yeah some people can see it clearly when they tune in. Depends on talent and how much work you've put into your practice. I've seen it so clearly in a waking state that there's no question.
  7. What effect on your normal being does going into these deep trances have? Sleep less, more energy etc?
  8. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    No from my experience & opinion i would say its the tension and the cause behind the tension that is draining the energy rather than other people. Make a genuine connection to the source and don't worry about clinging to the energy. This attitude will just limit you. Big flow.
  9. Maybe talk to Michael about it - if you're still practicing Stillness Movement. I feel when engaging the energy in S-m it's... like the opposite of "boring, detached from everything and soulless". It's like a big connection. Just my experience
  10. Whaaat since when is meditation like this?
  11. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    Despite his name i personally advise you not to learn about Qi with chidragon. If you want to talk about oxygen atp and muscles then he's the expert. P.S. no offense to ChiDragon intended just calling it how i see it from my experience/understanding.
  12. Relax smile tuning into and connecting with that big energy (Tao, universe or whatever). Clear mind happy never feeling lonely or bored again.
  13. PUA and Spirituality

    Not if the guy/girl is hot
  14. Master Waysun Liao

    This is why i don't like people stating all these "mystical" things as facts - if you are profoundly developed and have direct experience of this stuff - and THAT'S where it's coming from then OK. If that is the case then it is very interesting indeed and please tell us how you got there. Otherwise its just another useless empty philosophy - doesn't get anyone anywhere. Maybe good for feeding your intellect but that gets boring after a while. Just my opinion.
  15. Internal Power? Best Method

    Yeah for me the internal power in the strike feels like a strong wave going down the arm. The hand vibrates strongly. With this power the strike feels very heavy. You don't have to direct the energy it just occurs by itself. But you can enhance it and change the way of using the energy, this is how the different kinds of jin occur like long jin and short jin. This is what the martial qigong patterns do like in the Shaolin Iron Wire. They make the energy condense and you get this vibration. The tai chi internal power training usually uses more flowing, then once the flow gets very powerful it manifests this kind of vibration. You can fake it by tensing but this has nothing to do with internal power. If it's internal the more "relaxed" (but not weak) you are the more you can develop and use it.
  16. Internal Power? Best Method

    The topic is internal power so IMO Gary Clyman is relevant for this .
  17. Master Waysun Liao

    As you are a master of this truth what can YOU do with this? The people you are badmouthing actually have amazing ability from their training. So just say it clearly what can you DO as a result of your training?
  18. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Still have a lot of the book to read might comment more in a few weeks
  19. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    It contains a LOT of info and the practice techniques to go with that. Laying the foundation - 100 days - gather external medicine - internal medicine etc. Practices are described clearly. Similar to Taoist Yoga but of course much clearer with the methods and signs. If you're really interested in practicing this stuff i would get it.
  20. Child-like wonder of the world

    Yeah that's a way of looking at pain that most people will never consider. Can help to lessen the emotional/mental suffering linked to pain which can end up being worse than the physical pain itself.
  21. Child-like wonder of the world

    Yeah when your mind/energy/body are aligning closer to Nature you do feel like this. Taoist qigong/medition should start to have this effect once you can practice effectively IMO. It's beautiful
  22. Whatever you have accumulated
  23. Have to stop the systematic destruction of the planet for industrial / monetary gain or we'll be in a very degraded state IMO.