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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Further discussion

    A view of any sort is a concept correct? In my opinion Dzogchen in its essence is concept-less so does it fall into the "no view, no result" category? This would make sense to me
  2. Sounds a little bit neurotic for my taste but as you swear by it, must be effective for some.
  3. No, it regulates itself as i "regulate" the mind. A small nudge or intention here and there is all that is needed to change it how i like.
  4. Donnie Yen new movie!

    Mudryah got it but here's the IMDB
  5. Donnie Yen new movie!

    Wu Xia was a good film from Donnie Yen that i watched recently. Would recommend that.
  6. Further discussion

    I recall reading that if one can remain in their real nature (dzogchen) in the bardo then they will not reincarnate. True or false?
  7. Further discussion

    So you know from personal experience that the knowledge of your nature will continue after you lose this physical body, and that you will not return to transmigration?
  8. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    So you reckon its an intellectual thing?
  9. My Grandpappy's dying!

    Since you were so connecting to him and felt close, you can be sure your good prayers and meditations for him would have helped him so much, so best wishes for your grandfather and for you...
  10. Vegetarianism and Cultivation

    Hi Michael, In terms of benefit for body & energy & mind, comparing: A ) Grocery bought veg but has been blessed sincerely with ones energy. B ) Home grown veg but not blessed. I realise its never going to be black and white, and depends on the practitioner who is blessing, but can you comment in general? Thanks!
  11. Bias against New Age

    A large point of the Buddhas teaching is to free you from the cycle of death and rebirth. Even in theravada teaching they are quite clear that once you become an Arahat you won't reincarnate again. This doesn't even touch on the results of the other vehicles such as Mahayana and Vajrayana...
  12. For those who have glimpsed 'no self'

    Hi Marblehead, can you describe what you mean by the Self or inner essence, perhaps some experiences you have with this?
  13. John Changs 1st Westener Student

    No one in the west knows lvl 3 training or above so... Good luck
  14. The Mysterious Female

    Can you expand on what happened here? Did it change you? If so, how so? Thanks
  15. Energy affected when sneezing?

    Mmm yeah those sexy pollen .
  16. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    Did you check out Chunyi Lin and Michael Lomax? Tell them about your problem. It's worth a try considering the price you are willing to pay, they charge little.
  17. Immortals are White as ice

    Well Bodhidharma who was supposedly Immortal was dark skinned, so i think we're fine .
  18. "Ego", "Illusion"

    There are harmful things on all levels, the physical, energy and mental... Smoking is harmful, period. So you absolutely don't want to create negative emotions, why would you allow smoking? You don't have to argue or put someone down to make a reasonable point - its called tact. Being a doormat is ridiculous. You create bad results for not only yourself but for the person you allow to do stupid things.