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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. I have noticed as others were pointing out that the so called "dating rules" do seem to work, as I have used them before and they were effective, well effective if you wanted a girl to like you while you are totally not acting natural and yourself. So while I know this works at least on the surface level, I decided that I don't like playing these stupid immature and childish games. If someone is going to like me I want them to like me as I act completely myself, and not some facade I put on.


    I read a book one time that said the heart chakra had two archetypes. The lover and the actor. It occured to me that while I was using these dating rules I was so much of an actor, and thus not getting in touch with my heart energy myself, and not letting anyone else really get in touch with my true heart also. So I'd rather have "less sucess" and find someone authentic, than meets lots of people in a superficial way.


    As far as the other question, yes I do want to meet someone badly, but its because I want it so badly that this worries me. I have spent the last few days working exclusively on my heart, doing the heart inner smile and healing sound to get all those bad feelings in regards to a relationship out, and to increase positive loving heart energy. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want someone, but I don't want to want someone too badly, if that makes sense.


    I had contemplated that perhaps I should back off on sharing all the info about qigong and taoism, but then I realized that while it may seem to be a turn off to a lot of women, I would be selling myself short to not share such a significant part of my life with who ever I seek to have a close relationship with. I just wish the process was not quite so painful.


    Well if it's of any use I picked up on something that seems to work for me in terms of communication and that simple trick is...shutting up, lol. Like idk about you but I don't really talk about much else than what i'm into and what i'm into is pandora's box and nobody would understand or believe anything I say anyway so like... conversation isn't exactly my "forte" in social situations. So usually I'll just ask questions to get her talking about herself and just sit and listen and try to formulate further questions based on what she's saying to get her to talk more. That way it feels like 'we' are having a conversation when in reality she's doing all the "work", lol. Like obviously I never expect anyone to follow what i do or even understand so I usuall try to find the common ground and work from there. And honestly I think you'll be surprised, women really seem to enjoy talking about themselves and their life and their problems, lol.


    Plus when you're trying to relate to people there's one common-ground that goes beyond all interests and hobbies and that's FEELING. You wanna connect with someone, ask them how they feel about stuff. Girl tells you about some event that happened, ask her how she felt about it or how that makes her feel and see if you can relate to the feeling and maybe share a similar experience you had. Oh and NEVER give advice unless they directly ask for it, otherwise you sound like an imposing bigot, lol, i learned that one from having someone else do it to me and I was like "damn, it that how it comes off?" :P. Like if she telling you about a problem, just be like, "wow, that sucks" or "damn, that sounds terrible", never be like "oh well you should have done this" or whatever, like you're not trying to be intellectually superior or anything. And obviously re-enforcing positive affirmations, like if they're saying they feel "worthless" or anything negative, just telling them they're not and general positive re-enforcement. Usually all of this helps me to connect with people without necessarily having to have any common interests. But ultimately this puts YOU in the driver seat. You're friends with someone, now you're able to get to know them and decide whether you want to take it further or that she's just not what you're looking for. Either way you can get alot of info out of them by simply listening and you can feel connected to them by talking/relating about feelings and emotions (which we ALL experience so it's a great common-ground) then you're in prime position to choose where you want things to go. That's what I do anyway and it seems to work pretty well.


    And yeah man, I hear ya about the childish games and such. Like I find "sass" and "pouting" and other childish things cute and fun to make fun of and joke about but when they start pulling the real psych-games it's just kinda boring and like.."really? you're seriously doing this?" hahaha.

    And I also hear ya about the not wanting to seem to desperate. That too is a good idea. Personally I try to focus on dealing with my own problems and focus on "giving" without expecting in return. I don't know how that works for others but that's just what i do. Usually with the people that are the most fun to be with I get back 10fold what i give :) Never focus on what you're "getting" from a relationship, you don't want to be a "vamp" or a "leech" (like most guys seem to be and like most girls seem to fall for :( ). By friend's girlfriend just broke up with him because she was giving and giving and giving and he was just taking and taking and taking. Now I'm trying to talk her through it and help her vent and hopefully not become "cold"; she says she feels emotionally "dried up" :( . Usually women know how to give, so if both parties focus on giving then usually things go better.


    Anyway I've already begun to rant so i'm out. Best of luck to ya :)



  2. I realize that Buddhist monks live celibate lives, but for one most people are not monks, and two I'm not exactely sure why they do that, and further more am not sure if that is the best way to do it, or even necessary at all (maybe it is, but I don't get it).


    You're forgetting Tantra ;p I believe most Buddhist monks are celibate more a couple of reasons.


    1.) Sex is a "left hand" practice, meaning it's quick and powerful but is easy to screw up in. Since it multiplies the energy you have you have to be especially careful of your thoughts, words and deeds, especially when in the act. If one allows a slip of anger to come into their mind during sex/orgasm then that energy will be multiplied. Same with lust, fear, and any other negative energy. Therefore control of mind is a complete requisite for sexual work. Thus it's easier to just follow the "right hand" practices which are slow but much safer. That is their philosophy I believe. Since they don't completely understand what causes that desire and how to counteract it, nor do they have control of their minds it's probably best thy don't get involved. In today's world it's especially dangerous for any cultivators because most humans are already quite "dark" and will probably just use sex to multiply their negativity which may end up affecting you. To find a girl/guy who has sex as an expression of love and not a tool for lust is hard indeed. Most people view sex in a "goal oriented" way. The goal of sex is orgasm, the point of sex is orgasm. Whereas for the cultivator, usually there is no real "goal" in sex, it's just an expression of love, or if there is a goal it's to spend time bonding on a deep level with eachother. But even girls now are adopting this "male" "goal oriented" viewpoint of sex (thanks again to the media and societal programming).


    2.) Energetic depletion. Sex expels quite a bit of energy and I've found that it also drains willpower if overused. Since it's related to the 2nd chakra and drains energy from that chakra (when ejaculation occurs) then it will drag energy from the solar plexus to help restore itself. Plus sex energy when not used for procreation can be used for spiritual transformation. So you can either feel good for 5-10 seconds every day or you can become a're choice :P , lol.


    3.) Simplicity. Monks try to live simple lives. You can't live a simple life with modern women, it's just not possible hahahaha. I kid, it's possible but to find one...ughhh, all that time you spend looking and bonding and f***ing and all could spend all that time meditating. Monks are DEDICATED to spiritual practice. Many of us live to eat, live to have sex, live to sleep and live to die. Monks live to cultivate. I don't think many of us know what it means to be truly DEDICATED to spiritual practice. Would you give up your meats and excesses of food? Would you give up your TV's and home and families? Would you give up girls and comforts and pleasure of the flesh? Would you live alone on sunlight and water observing yourself, seeking only the truth? Buddha himself gave up his wife and 2 kids and his entire kingdom. He had foods, wine, a room of women, power, ... he gave it all up to sit under a tree for 6 years. Who here would do that? I know most think they cant, but who would try? Who would learn to give up food and drink and money and sex for true spiritual attainment? That is the dedication of a monk (or what it CAN be, lol i'm sure only VERY few are that dedicated).


    Celibacy may not be the "best" way for everyone, but for those who want to "play it safe" and/or "keep it simple" then it's certainly a good way for them. In America simple isn't very popular, infact the people are so overstimulated and addicted that they find it "boring" and frown on it. Thus for them maybe insight + sex is a good thing, idk. Teh of course you have guys like drewhempel who sits celibate in full lotus give women multiple climaxes through his third eye while experiencing internal climaxes of his own. So we all have our own unique way of doing things hahaha. Man I miss drew :P



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  3. Latest topic I've noticed is that I can meet a girl and things seem to be going really well at first, and then after about a week or so she seems to just suddenly loose intrest and disappear. I am not doing anything really obviously stupid as far as I can tell. About the only thing I have noticed that I might be able to call a pattern is that as we get to know eachother a little, I naturally start talking about Qigong and Taoism, and these are people I think would be receptive to it because they indicate an interest in spirituality, or yoga, or natural/chinese medicine or something along those lines. But then it seems like just about every time I see their eyes glaze over and they suddenly don't seem to have any more interest in talking to me. Now I wonder why? I mean since this stuff is a major part of what I do and who I am, I'm not going to pretend like I'm not into it just to charm a girl, so what gives? Anyone else run into this before?


    True. Actually I've found that alot of men and women are just looking for stimulation and a "thrill". When you meet someone new it's very exciting because there's so much you don't know about them. Getting to know them becomes a game and if you play "mysterious" and "unpredictable" then it can be very arousing for them. I remember making friends with a girl and she would flirt with me and I would blow it off because I wasn't really that interested and she later admitted that she enjoyed "the challenge". Of course I got kinda annoyed with that because I'm sick of such childish mind games and the whole dating scene and psychology, but it just reaffirmed that people are indeed like that... but back to my point. Once the thrill of getting to know someone is over it can be confusing what to do next. When you're in the room with your partner and you don't know what to say because you've said it all... alot of people aren't comfortable just sitting and being in the other's presence, they need the stimulation, the thrill, the "chase" so then once someone basically "gives themself" to the other, then the other just walks away and looks for the next thrill. Of course when you give yourself to someone and they just walk away afterwards it can be rather devastating which is why there's a rule in the "dating community" to always keep and air of "mystery" or to constantly be "unpredictable" to be a "challenge". Of course this is fun, but not what everyone is looking for. Sometimes people just want to drop all the bullshit and finally be themselves in an accepting loving environment that they never got as a kid...

    Or so is my current take on things...



  4. There is also another possibility. A lot of girls will actually loose interest fast if you don`t sleep with them after the second, third, fourht or whatever meet. This will often be the case even if they explicitly tell you otherwise. On the other hand some girls would find a man that does not rush this the best thing ever. But it is a recuering phenomenon.


    This is indeed a truth. I believe women have just as powerful(no...WAY more powerful of) a sex drive as men... prolly cause of the similarity in the way they're raised. Again, it's my belief that the draw to sex is two or threefold. Obviously we've just got the purely physical urge for release caused by bodily toxicity which nearly EVERYONE shares. Sexual fluids act as a solvent to release heavy undigested proteins, inorganic minerals, damaged genetic material and excess sugar in the bloodstream which is in excess in our typical diet. The there's the emotional level. From a psychological point of view since men are taught to be emotionally "Dead" then as fathers they usually emotionally neglect their daughters which may cause their daughters to overly seek attention from other male sources. Or just in general, if one isn't getting love vibrations then they'll seek the next best thing, sex, which is EASY to get addicted to. Then there's energetically when one has a closed heart chakra they may seek out inimacy to re-open it. Then there's the "dark side" of sex which basically uses dark psychology to get men or women addicted to sex/the lover using hypnotic "anchors" and playing with the subconscious and the trance state.



    As for libido...hey if it serves your goals then go for, but to say it's "healthy" or "good" universally would be a fallacy. Remember that as a spiritual being you decide your own fate, you make your own life. If you decide to dedicate your life to helping others or to energetic development/immortality then libido will likely end up a distraction. If you decide to live a life where it's not a distraction then it's fine. If you decide to live a life where sex is a heavy part of your life (like it is for so many Americans) then it's a good and healthy thing. Regarldess just know you have control of it. Understand what causes it and you're no longer a slave to it. Reduce your protein, inorganic minerals and sugars and the physical drive will disappear, open your heart chakra and become like a child and the energetic will disappear, learn to love and accept yourself and find healthy ways of expression and the psychological will disappear.



  5. Yeah, but what if these stresses and negative emotions like sadness/anger/anxiety is coming from within? For example a fear "schedules." It is completely irrational to the mind but somehow this emotion keeps winning over your willpower. Willpower is useless in these kind of situations. Without the emotional mechanics backing you up, how can you fight the hard way? How can we experience every irrational negative emotion to its fullest when it drains us, how can we use the negative emotions as motivation for change?


    How do you cope with irrational fears, like fear of airplanes. I would either run away from my fear, or stay aware and completely accept my fear untill it is gone and I no longer care about it. Then I feel less motivated to run away from the airplane, the only thing left is outside impulses sending me inside the aircraft for me to fly to the destination. But I don't get a "desire" to fly when I get rid of the "fear" of flight. Thats the main problem. I require the desire aswell to change my life. This is just an example, but I hope you know how it translates into other stuff.


    You saying we go against the emotions but still feel it? I don't get it.


    The point, from my perspective is to feel it fully in order to understand it, bring awareness to it. Feel emotion, don't be run my it, it's just a feedback system.


    Bring awareness and seek to understand the nature of your fear, then prove it wrong and reprogram it. For you airplane example...something would have obviously caused you to fear airplanes. Now if you block out that fear then you won't be able to understand where it comes from. Experience it while questioning and observing. Ask yourself why you're scared, what you fear will happen. Once you find that out you prove your fear wrong by riding the plane and proving that nothing went wrong.


    I used to be scared of Pennywise the clown from Steven King's "IT" when I was younger. No matter how much everyone convinced me it was real I was still scared. Eventually I began to get angry at my fear and I began to ridicule it and question it. I would ponder, "Well if "IT" existed, then wouldn't it have killed me by now or at least appeared?" "What's taking ti so long?" which eventually led to "Well even if it DID exist and attack...what could i do? If it wants to kill me then it's going to kill me so there's no point worrying about it since I have no control of it". When I posed that theorem to my brain, that if IT had existed then it would've attacked by now, that idea gained power every morning I woke up perfectly fine until eventually I began to believe myself and the fear went away.


    I had an experience with a girl I liked and she was telling me about her sexual experiences with her new fuck-buddy and I got REALLY jealous and while I was jealous I would investigate this feeling and ask "why". I finally got to the answer it's because I wanted her all to myself, and I would explain to myself the fallacy in my emotional logic. I would first thank my unconscious for doing it's job and trying to "get back" what I originally found valuable, however I explained to my unconscious that there were more important things and began to shift my focus to my spiritual development and discussed all of the emotionally charged reasons I practice.


    I suggest you go to go to the podcasts and listen to the one on "The Lay of Allwise", it's INCREDIBLY insightful on the unconscious mind and how it works. Basically you can't tell it it's doing things "Wrong" because actually it's doing things right, it's trying to protect you based on how you've programmed it. But like a computer, your brain does what you TELL it to do not what you WANT it to do. So for my jealousy example, if I had said "this feeling is stupid, i shouldn't feel this, yada yada yada", it won't work. What you have to do is replace it with something of higher value and let it fall out of the limelight of you thoughts. Then it'll become the 'nothing' it is. You have to realize what's going on, acknowledge your unconscious and thank it for doing its job but give it new orders and explain how/why these new orders will bring more satisfaction and enjoyment.


    So yes we feel the emotion in order to understand it, then we correct our understanding of it which is how we go against it. This is what works for me and as always the above is all my opinions based on my observations and experiences.


    Best of Luck,


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  6. With Tao Te Ching, we can learn to get an careless attitude towards things that normally effects our emotions negatively, reducing stress/anxiety/anger. But it is exactly these emotions that motivate us to achieve "good" and "better" things. This careless/acceptance attitude does bring alot of peace and contentment in your life, making the world your home. But how to get motivated then?


    When stress has been your main motivation for a lifetime, how become motivated while in peace? Without motivation I feel like I cannot achieve anything. Infact, trying to achieve and trying to care again the stress creeps back in again.


    This is very paradoxical to me and I don't think I can solve this problem on my own. Hope to get some feedback here.


    Stress, anger, discontentment...these things lead to change, they are tools for change. They come about when things need to change. They should be indicators that something needs change. But I believe most of us seek the state of static bliss and enjoyment. Therefore we "fight for peace".


    What you're describing is a form of "running away". The point isn't to become apathetic, thats one of the 8 harmful emotions or 7 deadly sins. Apathy leads to stagnation and laziness. one should not run away from negative emotions or pretend they don't care about them, they should embrace them wholeheartedly and use them as motivators to understand and not repeat what caused them.


    This state of carelessness is what's being pushed by the "New Age"rs and authoritarians. Obviously careless people are much easier to push around and control then those who care about themselves and others. Watching careless as you family is killed in front of you isn't exactly the imagery that comes to mind when thinking of an "enlightened sage". Even Christ and Buddha shed tears. But so many only wish to follow, they want someone else to tell them how to live, to tell them what they want, what to think/believe, what's possible. We all want the easy way out...




    Edit: Do you think sadness is negativity? wrath hurts others, greed hurts others, gluttony hurts others...but what of sadness? I know that I will never be free of sadness as long as people suffer so, and I don't want to even not feel sad because then I wouldn't have motivation to change it. I won't be free from anger as long as such injustice exists. My anger motivates me to change it. These negative emotions are responses we have to these situations. I believe it tells us that they are inharmonious. Should emotions be sought to be dimmed if they are indicators? tools of discernment?

  7. Witch also says that women like third eye men. I don`t understand why exactly but she tends to know her sex and attraction stuff so I`ll trust her on that.


    Haha, wow that kinda lines up with what Drew Hempel was talking about, the "chick magnet" in his brain? And shooting energy out of his third eye into women? getting them all hot and bothered? Shame that cat left, he'd prolly have a ball on this thread XP



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  8. I have no doubt that I have been traumatized as a child, but I wouldn't have the first idea about how to clear that out. I have tried finding traumatic memories and using visualization techniques to destroy them, but it hasn't done anything for me. Apparently I am not aware how to do this. Even if I was, I do not think that a traumatic memory is the reason that I cannot control my sexual energy. Do you honestly believe that that might be the case? If I clear out a bad traumatic memory, all of a sudden my body and it's sexual energy will be easily controlled?







    Honestly seeing videos like that lie at the root of my frustration.


    I am so sick of seeing people talk about how unhealthy it is to ejaculate, and how amazing sex without ejaculation is. Why am I so sick of hearing about it? Because I already know about this, I have known about this for years and years, and yet, I an unable to do what they are talking about. It's like watching MTV cribs where everyone shows you how great their lives are, but you can't have any of it.


    Why do people invest so much time convincing the masses of these amazing sexual possibilities without EVER once telling them in detail how it is done? Is this some kind of cruel joke that all the so called spiritually advanced people play on us?


    At this point seeing more videos like this just make me so upset.


    I want to have control over my sexuality, but it doesn't seem to be happening on its own. It seems I need thousands and thousands of dollars before I can bring this into my life, and that just saddens my heart.


    If there is anyone out there willing to explain how sexual energy can be controlled in detail, I would be eternally grateful. Or if you know where I can go to find a teacher that would be able to teach me without asking for a kidney donation in return, I would also be very happy and grateful for your help.


    Most of the time when I think of this issue, it just gets me so down. Isn't there a way to overcome this?


    Haha, you're frustration is noted. Change you diet and then go here...



    I uploaded sum stuff you may be able to use ;)



  9. Heeeey,

    So I recently read the claim that Sifu Hata from can "shock" people apparently similar to Sifu Chang? So this makes me wonder...I know SSTT is all about "self-defense" but in order to do such things as shock others and the like, one has to have some pretty crazy development right? So I have to wonder what kind of nei-kung they do and what's possible through such development. It's been said that the system is a "downward flow" practice or that it works to become a channel for energy rather than storing it in the body. So does anyone know what kind of things are possible through this kind of development? I know what kind of things people claim to do through Lei Shan Dao, Yoga and the like, but nobody has ever really spoken about what can be done with this kind of energy. Can it be used to protect oneself? to fortify physical strength/speed? to heal? So little has been made known to me. Can anyone shed some light. PM me?(if you want to keep it private)



  10. I believe the human race has unlimited potential, simply most haven't realized that potential yet


    YES!! But when we're told what all this shit about , oh we need this, or oh we need that, or oh it's not normal to be this or that... by having these silly beliefs, we limit ourselves. I just posted about this, about limitations. We have SO much potential but we have to first break of the the "fear control" this society has us under, then we have to heal ourselves and break our addictions...we have to understand that we're addicted. Unless we can meditate non-stop without food or sleep or social interaction we're bound, chained to this world. We have to decide...what do we want? Do we want to be addicted to food and sex and sleep and media or do we want to be GODS!? XP



  11. Along my own path of spiritual evolution alot of my transformation has been done without meditation...correction, without the stereotypical cross-legged, concentration meditation. I've racked my brain for answers to age old questions, over and over with new perspectives and ideas and theories. Very stressful on the mind but I notice that it's like throwing balls(thoughts/ideas) at a velcro wall(consciousness, mind), only the profound truths have stuck. Over the years of questioning things eventually certain things are weeded out and the consistents are left and once observed further truth is found.


    HOWEVER Through my personal evolution I've noticed the one thing that's helped me is my affinity for change. I took to Kunlun like a fat kid to chocolate and through such practices have noticed ALOT of change. I opened even further to possibilities and alternate realities and through all this I've noticed that alot of us get trapped in limitation, we get trapped in limited beliefs because we aren't open to change a certain aspect of ourselves. For example my practices and life seem to be heading towards a food-free lifestyle with little to no sleep, thats just how things are evolving. Now normally if one were to stop eating because all of a sudden because their intuition is telling them to, their mind would get in the way and say "this isn't normal" or "this can't be healthy" because they're still trapped in the dogma from people of average consciousness. Thus they would override their own evolutionary process, fight against it.


    This is just a personal example of mine. but I want others to share their insights about limitation. What limiting beliefs have you overcome in the past? What limiting factors can you perceive in your life now? What are your thoughts on what limits other people?




  12. I spent an hour trying to write up this long and introspective post about certain psychological and emotional hurdles I'm faced with. But each time I would get near the end, have the wording just right to properly convey the situation...I'd think to myself, "You're being a whiny little bitch. Stop it. Put up or shut up, your complaining won't do shit. No one else can fix you, it's all on your shoulders." And then I'd delete the post. This happened a couple of times.


    I believe this voice every time I hear it. I base my trust in this voice on the belief that I am 100% responsible for any suffering I experience, and I am 100% responsible for dealing with it.


    Am I delusional for thinking this voice is telling me the truth, or is it the clearest thought I've had all day? The voice says I should delete this post too. :P


    Only you know the answer to that. I have a voice like that too. I call it my intuition. It's leading me down a very bumpy road. From what I gather, we use our intent to reach out to our higher selves, out 'guides' which then help transform our unconscious behaviours/beliefs. This can often lead to unimaginable changes that we may outright reject. For example we may use our intent to ask to raise our vibration or experience divine consciousness and our high selves may transform our bodies and we may experience a loss of sex drive, or a lack of hunger and thirst, we may begin to see visions, expel dark emotions... things start happening and we may not be ready for it. The more we attach to concepts of what we "should" be the less progress we will make in spiritual evolution. The more limiting beliefs we hold the more we limit ourselves and our own transformation.


    The above is all just a personal reflection. But honestly...what are you asking for? Ask yourself, what is the purpose of this post? What are you trying to accomplish? What function can we "the tao bums" serve in relation to your concerns? How can we really help?



  13. How?


    Ejaculation isn't necessary and it's a separate from orgasm. Orgasm happens JUST before ejaculation and thus it's possible to separate them in our mind and control it. There's alot of material on that. Maybe I'll try to upload sum or something. Most of it used ways to train the PC muscle. Personally I liked the description of Verdesi's method and would liek to learn that because it sounds HAX and would make things alot easier. The other way is through a method which isn't clearly explained but only hinted at by raw foods pioneer Viktoras Kulvinskas in this video.



    If you're talking about my personal experience...I don't know why. We both really loved each other and accepted each other. There were none of these stupid mind games, no expectations, just a pure expression of ourselves. I didn't have an orgasm the way I was traditionally used to, it was just like boundless energy and bliss. I was also fasting during that time.



  14. When the jing is full one won't think of sex.

    When the chi is full one wont hunger

    when the sehn is full one won't sleep


    If we fill the jing by forcing celibacy

    If we increase chi by fasting

    Then I'd assume if we stop sleeping then we'd need less of it.


    Personally I've already been celibate for like...awhile, lol. I've been on a liquid diet(with enzymes, algae and probiotics) for a god bit and as a result I've only been needing to sleep like once every 2 days for about 5 hours. My energy hasn't really changed in terms of strength of speed but I don't really get tired anymore. Like usually I'll put myself because I'll run out of things to do. Of course I should be meditating more so i'm trying to work on meditating instead of sleeping.


    Upon questioning why we sleep I've come to a few theories which i'm running on. The first reason we sleep is to recover, we drain energy from our consciousness (shen) if we don't have enough bio-energy (chi) to repair and maintain our physical essence (jing).


    Modern living is full of behaviours that drain our energy. If we can identify what drains our energy and replace that with habits that BUILD energy instead, I believe we can all reach a state of little to no sleep.


    Michelangelo used to sleep only 20mins every 4 hours. When asked about it he said it was the secret to his creativity and energy.


    The second reason is to process repressed emotions or ideas that haven't been allowed to express themselves.


    To me this is a result of a weakened spirit or lowered awareness, a numbing/sedation. When I fast and make a conscious effort to stay away from things that overstimulate the senses I'm SUPER sensitive to everything and feel everything ten-fold. We we sedate ourselves by draining our bio-energy and thus draining our shen or awareness then we can't fully process our experiences and thus need sleep to relive them and re-experience them. So I think that by increasing the bio-energy we thus increase the shen or awareness and then we begin to process things on a stronger level and thus need less sleep.


    Again, all of the above are just my theories based on experiences and observations



  15. Careful with Karezza... some of the tantra is fantastic, but is full of sexual shame and pseudoscience, as far as I've seen it.


    That everything in balance, that we are both biological and spiritual. Not spiritual at the expense of the biological, nor biological at the expense of our spirit. yang and yin.


    Astral_anima is a pretty clear example of what seems like a lot of attempts to cut away parts of himself that are 'wrong' or whatever. Seems like a shit ton of shame over how he was made.


    Cause you can ask, 'what makes them wrong?' who says these things are bad? Why shouldn't you do these things?


    Whats so bad about it?


    When did you learn it was bad?


    It's like hell... it's fun, and should be enjoyed. This is an awesome thing called sex, that is tons of fun, and creates amazing connections as well as enjoyment for everyone involved.


    So... whats bad about that?




    Just to set things straight, I never said it was "wrong". Right and wrong are all relative to one's goals. If you're asking my personal take, its that lust weakens the spirit and physical urges to ejaculate are the result of physical toxicity. These are based on personal experience and observations backed by scientific studies. However, again to set things straight, sex IS fun, I can'r deny that. The whole experience CAN BE an extremely bonding experience that can raise the vibration of both parties. It CAN bring a couple into altered states and multiply the energy of both parties. It CAN BE great and it's a natural part of us so I believe it's a method we've been given. I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is how we use sex.


    Lust itself is something caused by shame and guilt. Most people are still shameful and guilty of their body. The thrill of sex us caused by doing things that are "wrong" or "dirty". As long as someone believes that their body is "dirty" or 'Shameful" and that it's "wrong" to have sex then they will get a thrill from breaking the taboo. But that only reinforces the idea that sex is "wrong" and "dirty". My point is that we should put that aside and accept our bodies. When we have that new mindset and we combine it with proper diet to eliminate toxicity and thus physical ejaculation drive we eliminate lust. I'll say here, lust is separate from the appreciation and admiration of feminine beauty in my definition. But yea so then once lust is out of the way sex becomes a LOVING act, not a selfish one.


    If you've heard of sex magic and the energetic properties of orgasm, orgasm is said (this is heresay) to multiply the energy of the user. So if someone has sex and their angry or lustful or whatever, then that energy will be multiplied. If it's done lovingly then it will multiply love energy. Thats why it's considered a "left-hand" practice because it's FAST and extremely useful if done right but it's also dangerous because if done wrong it can destroy someone.


    The other thing i'm saying is that typical ejaculatory sex is inferior because when a male learns to retain their semen then the risk of pregnancy is eliminated and thus one can surrender into the full sexual act without any restraint or worry. IMO ejaculation should only be used when a couple is trying to have kids. We don't HAVE to ejaculate, we can learn to control it, why why don't we. Why settle for less?My point is that we can be so much more than we are. Now I don't care if someone understands that they could have more but chooses not to, thats fine. But most people, i believe, don't understand their potential.


    Sex CAN BE awesome and i've experienced sex as an incredible energetic experience where I felt it flowing and spiraling around me leaving me feeling giddy and "light" for a good day or two afterwards. But I also know that more alot of other people it's used just to feed their insatiable lust and that lust doesn't lead anywhere. Sex can be a transcendental transformation...if we let it.

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  16. I believe the general condition of mankind is imbalance. we're born and raised with the beliefs/mindsets of our parents and peers who all are born/raised with those their parents and peers. We have very few innovators and people who challenge the general consensus, go against the grain and try something new.


    I propose the idea that "balance" is not normal, and that trying to achieve balance of body/mind will involve social disharmony. I believe that if one finds balance they will be much different than the rest of society. Most spiritual leaders were innovators, warriors of change. Buddha was part of certain spiritual practices until eventually he gave up following others and decided to try his own way of things. Then he came back with info that went against the general way of things and caused much uproar. Christ when he came stood in the face of Jewish culture and outright opposed it. Even people like Einstein was somewhat of an outcast. People don't like change and don't like to challenge their belief systems but hey, that's the only way to find truth and progress and grow.


    So I challenge myself and I challenge all of you to think about everything we do and how it effects us and our environment. And to look at different theories of things and honestly consider them. Take a new outlook, forget everything you've been told from others and compare that theory to your experiences. Think about it and maybe do some experiments within that mindset/belief. Think it out, play with concepts, be the guinea pig, test some things out.


    But MORE importantly I invite you all to share any theories or ideas that may go against the established beliefs of the masses. If you have any ideas or theories about things that go against what is considered "normal" within the context of the topic please share and hear what others have to say. Also if you've had and revelations that brought about a drastic shift in consciousness I'd also be interested on hearing those.


    Hear are some questions that i've considered and reflects some of my ideas/theories....


    When we listen to music if it's catchy we may begin to unconsciously start to repeat the might that effect our brain? our thought? If we are constantly repeating lyrics like "I feel so alone, Noone with me here, by myself i cry, overwhelming fear" in our minds, how mite that effect how we think? How do certain frequencies effect our minds?


    When we see things like violence and sadness or pornography how does that effect us? When those images are shown to us how do they effect our minds? When we're shown things on tv or online and we're in a trance does the mind see them as "real"? How would such a consequence effect one's life?


    When we eat "food", why are we eating? Do we do it for the sensation of taste? nutrition? What happens to hunger after 3-5 days of not eating? Is the pain we feel in our stomachs hunger or is it our body digesting/processing toxic substances or the pain of our stomachs shrinking? Does the stomach need to be filled for nutritional needs to be met? What is the difference in symptoms between fasting/not eating heavy and drug withdrawl? Does the body REALLY need to ingest other substances outside itself in order to continue existence in this world? If we kill life before we ingest it how would it be different then if it were still alive in terms of its life energy or vibration?


    When we say something like "I'm so stupid" So does that effect our mind? How do we talk to ourselves on a daily basis? What messages are we sending our brains through what we say? What messages are we sending to others through what we say? How does what we say effect others?


    When we act a certain way in response to things it becomes more familiar, neuro-nets are built. How do you respond to situations? Does you tend to "react" more rather than respond? How much of our responses are consciously produce and how many are reactionary or out of habbit? If you're having a bad day and someone asks how you're doing do you find yourself still saying "good" or "fine" more out of habbit or social expectation?


    These are just questions to provoke thought/awareness. Does anyone have any theories about things that may go against popular belief or may challenge the general state of things? I invite all to share and keep an open mind to everything thats out there. And please no judgement on this thread. There's plenty of judgement on the other threads (some of which is done by me), I don't find anything wrong with debate and judgement but this isn't the place for it. This is just an invitation to share and hear new things.



  17. So the more determined I am to be a certain way, the less free I am to be who I actually am. And who I am right now is always the person I have to grow from. If I accept where I am (including my drives), then I will grow from this place. But if I am willing and trying myself toward being something else, then I will be building a facade of habits over the ones I want to change.


    HAHAHAHAHA. read that for a minuite. Just go back over and read that.


    Regardless of whether or not you accept where you are, if you're determined to be a certain way that you're not you must CHANGE something. Change is stressful, it can be difficult, but once it's done, it's done. When you are trying toward being something else, you are CHANGING yourself, there is not facade, it's all real. It's neuro-nets. When you have a habit it means you've done it long enough that it becomes familiar and strong. When you do something that goes against that neuro-net you're weakening that neuro-net and strengthening the new one. According to your theory if you're addicted to a drug then that drug becomes you're 'true self' because it's too hard for you to put in the effort to change so it's easier to create some lie/illusion to live with it. You can change yourself, don't disillusion yourself with limiting beliefs. You can change who you are and the new you is just as "real" as the old you. I promise ;).


    If I accept the habits that are right here, right now, then I find that the appetites themselves want to find healthiness. My desires are just functions of my body, and they want to be healthy, just like "I" do. It is only "my" (i.e. my ego/habit's) interference, which prevents them from finding dynamic balance for themselves. "I" am just a function which cannot micro-manage other functions well, so when I try, I screw them up.


    Every part of my organism desires balance, and it is only my (ego/habit's) history of interference and neglect which has kept those parts from learning that balance. That "me" which wills change is only one small piece of the greater self, and it is absolutely not the primary or authoritative piece. When I put it above the other parts of me, it argues from a very narrow perspective: its conditioning. However, when I make that "me" a student to my other parts, when I really let myself listen to my body and my brain, I recognize that all their neuroses are "my" fault. It is my (ego/habit's) mis-functioning that has warped my other faculties: my senses and my energies.


    Desires don't wish anything, lol, they're just desires, nothing more. The body is not some kind of all-wise being that knows everything, it's just a body and we are not it, it's a "house" for us, and upon death we leave it behind (or with alchemy we can purify it to merge with us). When we feed it cocaine it wants more. Does that mean it's healthy? hahaha, i think not. We have desires to do silly things because we are in ignorance. We don't understand the way the world works. For example. We may have the urge to kill ourselves...oh that's the body's/mind's desire for "balance" and "health" :P That part of "you" that wills change is the governing force of yourself. Remember this body cannot function with us, the spirit. When we separate and leave this body it decays. Therefore we use this instrument for our will in this world.


    Also I would agree that many of our body-minds are "warped" thanks to false programming ALA TV, media, foolishness, etc. However once those "sink in" they become habitual and it takes CHANGE to change them. It takes the effort, the stress, what you call the "ego" or whatever. If you simply listened to your body and mind you'd be a slave to everyone's influence. It's WE who give our bodymind direction, we are the "prgrammers", therefore if there's a program that we don't want there we change it. Now if YOU find the effort involved with change "not worth it" then fine, you choose not to change, but don't bother trying to push your "coping mechanisms" on others by saying change is unnatural or unhealthy, lol, thats just irresponsible. Tell somebody who reversed stage 4 colon cancer through fasting that food is natural and they should have kept eating :P


    When I think of "finding the original nature", I usually think about what does a human being need, before he has language? In history, we needed, above all else: the ability to escape, the ability to find food and water, the ability to kill if necessary, and the ability to have sex. This is the core of what it means to be human. I think it is precisely man's insistence that he is other than an animal, which leads to his unhappiness. We are (social) animals, with individual needs, who join together into a society in which we all gain somewhat by not always focusing on our own needs. We choose not to follow every drive, in order to get along with others, but it still doesn't make that drive "wrong".


    Yes what DOES a human being need? food? nope! we have people who live one sunlight and liquids so food is now a choice, not a necessity. Water? well now we also have breatharians so now drinking too is a choice. the ability to kill? well you said yourself "if necessary" and no, it's not. One NEVER has to kill, they can use methods to control the opponent through destroying their will to fight, paralyzing them, etc, but killing is never needed. And the ability to have sex is also not needed. Maybe for the survival of the species but not the individual. So what does a human being need? for survival? It depends on what they CHOOSE. one always is where they are but it's never where they have to stay.


    We may have animal bodies but I have separated from mine and know first hand that i am not my body, nor my brain. Fleeting pleasure like sex, the "rush" from violence or killing, these are just stimulants of the nervous system. they never bring LASTING happiness. Yeah you can shoot up some heroin and be on top of the freakin world for like an hour, then you're in the dumps and you need your next high to feel okay again. It's the same thing with food, it's the same thing with orgasm/conventional sex, and with most other things our society is based around. The proof is in those who have risen above the normal state of being. These people exist to show everyone that they're not as limited as they'd like to believe. Lasting happiness comes with discarding attachment to fleeting things. Self image, who we are, how we see ourselves, this is a powerful way to bring lasting happiness, however even that isn't necessarily. The BEST way is simply to allow the love vibration into your essence. Then when you're full of love, regardless of what you think of the urgw to kill, you will abstain, regardless of your craving for ejaculation you will abstain, you'll know you don't need anything to be happy and that certain things will make you unhappy. this is Karma. By aligning our words, thoughts and deeds with the things that bring us happiness we become happy people, by aligning our words thoughts and deeds with things that bring us suffering we become disturbed people, by knowing the difference we become wise people ;)



    So yes, there's a lot of reason to change our relationship with our drives, get to be friends with them, so they can include the participation of all the functions. But just like it doesn't make sense for us to allow our drives to take over, I don't think it makes sense for us to try to take them over, either. "We", like they, are merely functions of the greater self (the body).


    By stopping them from taking over you are in effect controlling them. the point isn't to allow every desire you have to appear, it's to figure our which ones will bring you happiness and which ones will bring you suffering. It's also to understand that there are no needs that are free of desires. All "needs" are based on desires. We ARE the greater self. We as spiritual beings are not slaves to our body's desires nor the mind's. the body and mind are tools for us to express ourselves on this planet, to create. We are CREATIVE beings, not slaves lol. We are also not NEARLY as limited as we think we are. Look at John Chang, setting fire to a piece of paper with only his will, look at Chunyi Lin, healing cancer with just his will, Look at Hira Ratan Manek Fasting on Sunlight for over 200 days using his will, Look at Wang Liping walking through a fucking wall with just his will. I'm sorry we are not "animals" we are divine beings that choose what we are and how we want to live. the difference is this, a divine being can choose to be and animal, and animal can't chose to be a divine being. We have SO much potential, but due to society trying to control us we believe we have these limits. i will tell you now, if you choose to free yourself from the addictions that have been placed upon you from birth and change yourself, there's NOTHING you can't achieve. And i'll also tell you, if you decide to become anything that you aren't right now, I promise you'll be just as "real" as you were. The nature of this reality is change, the only consistent is our true self, pure consciousness.




    I'd like to thank my producers, my agents, my mom, my dad, Bambi, SSJ Goku, Bill Murray, Bob Marely and The Knights who say 'NI!'. GOODNIGHT!



  18. Hey Astral

    I read what you wrote and think I can relate and understand. It sounds like to me that you may seem to think that we are EITHER sexual/animal/physical OR spiritual. I think its important to remember that we are BOTH and that we should not divorce the two from each other.


    Hey dmattwads

    I dunno why you're separating sexual and spiritual, lol. I understand that to a certain degree we are both. My belief is that we are spiritual beings who are inhabiting bodies of flesh and in that sense we still need to have intercourse on a physical level to reproduce. My whole point is that we're not trapped, we're not limited, at least not as much as people think we are. I have no problem with people who want to live like animals, if that's their desire then thats what they'll do. However for those like me who want to be more, to have the limiting beliefs of others imposed upon us is very counter productive and often times harmful.


    Another interesting note is that when I share the idea that certain things are possible, quite a few people who are convinced they're not possible get quite irate. I think it's because we never want to accept that we're so limited, but we're often forced to and it's how we cope with life. But when all of a sudden someone else threatens that belief they get defensive because if they believe that it's possible to control their sexuality or become a breatharian or whatever then they may feel guilty that they haven't, they may be upset that they're not trying. But if they believe it's not possible then all the blame is lifted off them and they can live guilt free. I think deep down most of us want to become more then we are, but thats just me.


    Hell is not a place you go if you're not a Christian

    It's the failure of your life's greatest ambition



  19. Well I'm not ure how actual Tummo is done but if you're looking to increase body heat I would suggest breath control. Try to breath in for 10-15 seconds and out for 10-15 seconds. Sitting cross-legged seems to help, and reverse breathing also seems to help. Try focusing on your dantien and imagining a small fire or hot coal and everytime you breath in the air goes to your stomach then when you breath out through your nose imagine the air going down into your dantien and feeding the fire/making the coal brighter.


    Hope that helps for now. LEARN TUMMO!, lol, then come teach me how to do it :P



  20. I'm no sexual master either, but when you write that you don't think that the sex drive is "healthy", it makes me shake my head in wonder.


    We are reproduction machines. Every other function serves to carry us to reproduction. How could the drive not be "healthy", when it's the cornerstone of our evolution?


    Of course drives are contaminated by conditioning, but that doesn't make the drive unhealthy, just confused. Hunger and thirst can be contaminated, of course, but are absolutely necessary.


    Isn't the point to get the ego out of your nature's way? What could be more egoic than trying to conquer your own drives (which is just an expression of your nature)? Why are those drives "unhealthy" but the need to overcome them is "healthy"?


    You also wrote about a great deal of guilt and shame, feeling "out of control and pretty worthless". Are you sure those feelings are not what's behind your evaluation of the sex drive?


    Hahahaha, and what if in another world you had a drive to kill? and 90% of the population had a drive to kill and the authority figures said it was healthy and normal? Then what would you believe? Even if it were in your DNA would you do it?


    Ejaculation activates the "stress" response, the sympathetic nervous system, it causes over-excitement and a HUGE imbalance of neuro-chemicals. It causes "highs and lows" just like certain drugs by over exciting the nervous system (actually kinda like processed sugar too) and the dopamine release so then we experience the "down" afterwards and we crave the "high" to bring us back into balance and then we get caught in a vicious cycle. Also having a physical drive to do something that harms us is usually called an addiction isn't it?


    (This just in, 90% of the world are now heroin addicts, in unrelated news the medical community has determined that heroin is a natural, normal behavior and necessary for good health.)


    We are NOT reproduction machines, we are creative spiritual beings. It's the stupid society that got everyone thinking they're nothing but physical animals who have no purpose but to eat, sleep, reproduce and buy the lastest technology. We are not (IME) just a physical body, we are spiritual beings who are inhabiting this body. This previous sentence is the basis of my beliefs so if you're trying to understand where i'm coming from read it a few times.


    The shame and guilt I felt was self-generated, yes, I purposely allowed myself to feel such things so it could act as a "feedback system" for my unconscious mind. Negative feelings are not bad, they are learning tools for us to know what NOT to do. Otherwise killing, stealing, lying, etc. wouldn't be in the Buddha's law or in any others, it's simply be "just smile" or "just be happy". But this world is structured, THIS world is dual (even though others may not be), therefore there are causes and effects, actions and responses. When you drop a heavy object, the NATURAL outcome is for it to fall to the ground.


    And yes I understand I could have tried to let go of my guilt and shame but doing so would mean letting go of my goals. And again I could have just let go of my goals and decided to "just live", but I don't think that's why i'm here. I don't think i'm here to "shut up and stay out of the way" I think i'm here to make a difference because I care. Therefore I have standards for myself and if I don't immediately meet those standards then I give negative feedback to my body-mind so that it understands what my goals are and transforms to allow me to do what i'm here to do.


    See the body-mind that we inhabit is actually quite powerful and we can program it to be whatever we want to experience. Personality is changable, thoughts are changable, emotions are changable, none of these things are the essence of our being, they are a product of our will. Now obviously the body-mind is resiliant to change. It takes some time and some discomfort to change the body-mind but if you know how, then you can be what/who-ever you want. Thus when you realize who you are and you decide who you want to be the body-mind can be programmed to become that. And that is what i'm doing. When I find an aspect of my self that is unfavourable then I give the body-mind negative feedback and replace it with a new system that better suits my desires.


    To all who said you can't use fire to control fire...Your poetics SOUND nice but I'm a living testament that it's possible. You simply need to now whats causing it. You can't simply use your willpower to heal from a disease, however if you understand what causes the disease you can use your willpower to do what's necessary to cure it. Likewise if you have the knowledge of what causes sex drive, you can use your will to stop doing the things that feed it and it will dissipate. For some reason we don't introspect enough. Maybe it's because society has forced us into family life and jobs and such time eaters and stressers that we can't relax and introspect. But when we understand how things work we have the power to control things. People seem to think that they can have power without knowledge, but knowledge IS power.


    Next, whether sex drive is "healthy" or not... well science (I BELIEVE, please correct me if i'm wrong) has shown that over ejaculating can drain one's energy and leave them in psychological imbalance. In TCM, Ayurveda and all of the ancient medicines it always says (for the LAYPERSON, the lowest of teh low) to at least LIMIT ejaculation and the limit gets stricter as you get older. For the more advanced they give sexual sublimation techniques that allow orgasm without ejaculation and some who find this all silly go for straight celibacy. Personally I find it to drain energy from the solar plexus, lower one's personal power. If you think about it logically it should only be used to reproduction. Since orgasm is separate from ejaculation and you can control when you want to (of course WE can't because of our unnatural and toxic lifestyle), there's no point in ejaculation.


    On "ego". Many people seem to equate ego with "spirit". If you choose this definition then my goal is to make the "ego" stronger. Here's the lay down. The body-mind creates experiences, yes? We experience them, yes? Well then if we have the ability to program our body-mind (which is proven) then we can control (to an unknown degree) what we experience. Now what you seem to be saying is to give up the spirits control and simply allow the body-mind to do what it wants and just passively enjoy. Well I like that, I agree with that, however when the body-mind is "out of line" it my job to step in and set it straight. Yes i'm a huge fan of love and letting go and just being, however there are conditions for that to work. It is my job atm to help bring those conditions back to this planet so that it's inhabitants can do just that. On top of that the planet itself, nature, is being destroyed. Our home, our mother is being harmed. Even spirits and powerful immortals "let go" and enjoy just "being" but when that way of life is in danger they pull their shit together and defend it. Thats what we are not doing. We're being irresponsible inhabitants of this planet.


    Now when you say get out of the way of our "nature"...what exactly IS our "nature"? is it what's natural? How do we determine what's natural? If a baby is raised to kill men and rape women and it becomes such a powerful behaviour and he has a hard time stopping is that his "nature"? If so then if nature is simply what we're raised as then I reject such foolishness. I pose that our nature either is loving, healing and protecting or it simply DOESN"T EXIST. To elaborate on the latter, our "nature" is whatever comes "naturally" right? Well science has shown that "natural" is dtermined by neuro-nets or familiarity with certain behaviours/responses. For example when you kill a man a neuro-net is formed. Every time you kill a man a neuro-net is enforced making it easier and easier to do. Thus it becomes..."Natural". Therfore we have control over what we want to feel natural, therefore nature is under our control.


    That is all :P



    P.S. The above are my beliefs and experiences.

  21. Well I'm no "sexual master" but I do have experience in eliminating sexual urges and knowledge on expressing oneself sexually without losing energy. I guess I'll share a bit of what I know in that order.


    First off my theories on this go alittle beyond "sexual energy". People often confuse "sexual energy" as what causes a sex drive...I do not believe this is so. Sexual energy is simply the ENERGY that has the ability to create. When that energy is used for ejaculation thats how it's used, when it's used for creativity, thats how it's used, etc.


    Sex drive is a physical phenomena. It is not just a mental desire to be with a woman it is a PHYSICAL "urge" or "drive" and I do not believe it's healthy. Personally I believe that we should not have any phyical drives like that, but we should still be able to perform. Pop culture has you believe sex drive is healthy but performance and sex drive are not related. Sex drive is the body's desire to eliminate "something" through the semen/seminal fluid. Now what is semen made of? Well mostly proteins, sugars, minerals and DNA. It is my theory that when the body has an excess of toxic material or foreign waste, it tries to eliminate it through some kind of "solvent" whether it be urine, feces, phlegm, sweat or...semen.


    I too used to suffer with a seemingly uncontrollable urge for ejaculation. I'd beat myself up everytime it happened and curse myself and suffer massive shame/guilt. I felt out of control and pretty worthless. When I was 16 I became a vegetarian and I began to notice my drive for sex decreasing. At first I was worried I wasn't getting enough protein and my "performance' was going down, but I was still able to become aroused as well as I was before vegetarianism, it's just i didn't feel as much of a "need" to. Then I looked online about yogic "sattivic" diets. I began to follow it's guidelines and noticed even more of an increase. THEN one day after a night of porn/ejaculation and a super guilt trip I did my first fast on water alone for about 10 days which completely changed me (I do not recommend 10 days for beginners). Now after being on a raw foods diet not only have I found my sex drive GONE (while retaining performance and an actual increase in "staying power"), I also found my lust disappearing. Now when i look at females i can say "wow, she looks beautiful" and have no desire whatsoever to want any sexual relations with her.


    Now i'm not going to say it's ALL diet. Part of the drive is mental too (porn, TV, friends, internet, etc) but I am saying that the PHYSICAL drive is, imo, due to diet. I suggest you try a vegan diet thats low in protein with as much raw fruits and veggies as possible. Try that for 10 days and see if you notice an imrovement. Fasting also completely transforms the body AND mind (ime), and can bring some crazy changes and benefits.




    As for methods of expressing sexual energy without feeling "drained". Well first let me state you can express sexual energy through creativity because sexual energy and creative energy are the same thing, it's just their expression that differs. But anyway. There's obviously learning to "delay" long enough to finish the act without experiencing orgasm which CAN be done but it takes MAD mental focus. Multiple orgasm is tough, some people experience no drain, some people do, so thats not exactly surefire yet. Try checking this site out "" thats known as "karezza" which utilizes a different type of orgasm know as the "valley" orgasm which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system(relaxation) rather than the sympathetic nervous system(stress) and thus actually BUILDS energy instead of releasing. The other is something i only have very LIMITED experience with but maybe another bum here will have more which is "" which deals with having orgasms at will which basically SHOULD mean that you won't have to experience ejaculation. However because I never fully mastered this i'm not sure if the orgasm experienced is still a "peak" orgasm (the draining kind) or not.


    As for "masters", hoooboy, lol. If you're looking for healing there's ALOT of "healers" out there. I would look up Chunyi Lin of . His system is specifically for healing so I would trust his methods. As for teachers of the sexual practices...Well I know David Verdesi is said to be able to do some crazy shyt And in Kunlun (book) there's a technique for "valley orgasm" but it is part of the kunlun system (spontaneous movement) and deals with that energy, so you'd have to learn that system and find a partner who into that kinda thing (good luck in this corrupted society). LAstly you COULD try to look up a "Tantra" teacher, but I'm not sure how legit they are as I've never really learned from one.


    The depression and drainage from ejaculation is described and explained scientifically on and i'd suggest dietary and lifestyle changes in the meantime while you sort out how you want to tackle this issue. But for now my personal recommendation is to change your diet to a more "pure" diet. In yogic philosophy there are 3 types of foods. Tamasic=sedative, Rajasic=stimulation Sattvic=calm check out this article


    Dairy should be unpasteurized if taken and most foods if cooked should only be "lightly" steamed or something. Try sprouting beans/grains instead of cooking :D Other than that avoid all animal products unless it's organic dairy. Also try to avoid foods with alot of "heavy" proteins. Try to stick mostly to fruits, veggies and sprouts. Also avoid stimulants like white sugar, fried foods, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, garlic, onion, pepper, caffeine(including commercial teas; go with herbal teas). Doing this, even if only for a few days, should bring noticeable results physically. Mentally, avoid porn, too much TV or internet. Do cardio every day (only has to be like 5-10 mins but make it intense) and get as much fresh air and sunlight as possible. Laugh alot's fun XD


    Anyway, thats my two cents. I'm sure others will be able to offer other points of view as well. Whatever you do I wish you the best



    Edit: And on a philosophical note I would question why you WANT(have a strong desire) to enjoy sex. Think about what's involved. Is that really the source you wish to be drawing your pleasure from? The typical modern version of it carries many risks that you may wish to consider. It may be a blessing to not want such a relationship (and yet seeking more "fun" methods of expressing sexuality may eliminate some or ALL of those risks ;) )

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