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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. I dream of a world where man cares for his fellow man, where everyone is a teacher and we all help each other learn and grow expecting no reward other than the good feeling one gets, where wisdom is widespread and shared freely. I dream of a day where we no longer kill men out of anger and no longer kill animals for our gluttonous palate. I dream of a day where money is abolished and those who have share with those who have not. I dream of a day when relationships are based around harmonious partnerships, based around love, when men and women are equals who compliment one another, when the complimentary difference of gender is celebrated.


    I dream of a day where the power of love overcomes the love of power...a day I no longer feel the need to seek power for the sake of protecting myself or anyone else from those who mean harm...


    What are your dreams? Anyone want to help mine come true?



  2. thoughts affecting food...hmmm, sounds nice, doesn't sound like truth. The beauty of objective reality is that it exists regardless about what we think about it. Now obviously thoughts can trigger emotions which trigger the release of chemicals in the body which may affect the processes of "digestion", like fear or anger can stimulate the stress response, but that only goes so far.


    If you really believe that your thoughts can protect you from poisons then give a starving person some food and slip some cyanide in it, we'll see if his gratitude of finally having some food somehow prevents his death :P. Obviously thats an extreme example but my point remains. Reality is what reality is, regardless of what we think of it. That is why it's so important to understand how the universe works, what it's laws are. Thats why Buddha said the root of all suffering is ignorance. "Forgive them Lord they know not what they do".


    Now thats not to say that through cultivation of concentration that we can't change things or perhaps through energetic training, spirit stuff or something else that we can't find a way to neutralize poisons or become godlike, however this is "high level" stuff, most people aren't there. So as nice and poetic as all this sounds the fact is that everything we ingest effects us.


    Spirituality and science are the same thing, an attempt to figure out truth. Science is great because it tests and retests and uses controls to make ABSOLUTELY sure that something is indeed true before coming out and stating it as fact. It is limited because it usually depends on funding, technology and our level of evolution. Spirituality is great because it's something we can all do and we get to experience things that technology and modern science hasn't revealed yet. The problem is that it's not tested and retested, it's rarely questioned and rarely investigated and EXTRMELEY RARELY EXPLAINED/UNDERSTOOD. If we apply the same rigorous process of scientific verification on spiritual issues through spiritual methods I believe we would find truth and could destroy the false teachers who are all about profit or simply ignorant of their own ignorance. The problem with both spirituality and science is that they're both susceptible to corruption.


    Once upon a time when science was trusted nobody questioned it, now since corruption is being exposed we're questioning it. Now we turn to spirituality and we don't question it (for the most part). You think we'd learn :P QUESTION EVERYTHING!! If it's true it will prove itself and if a teacher hands you truth they wont get defensive if you question them or try to prove for yourself through testing whether they are right. They should encourage questions, they should encourage people applying discernment and try to figure out truth. If they care about you finding truth, then they will want you to question and test principles. If they don't care about you they will charge you money and teach you things that they don't fully understand, they will get defensive if you ask questions and they will feed your "reliance" on them, because truthfully THEY are reliant on YOU ;)




    EDIT: Damn I got off topic again :wacko:

  3. we cannot realy be thankful for the poisons people have to consume for no reason beacuse we are uncsoncious about what we eat, which makes us unable to produce and feel the hormones that are necessary to even feel thankfuls.




    took the words right from my mouth :lol:


    I am pondering on the question for the right diet for quite some time now myself. I tried raw food several years ago but I had a problem with being to sensitive, not being grounded at that time (not doing any body technics back then), so I gave it up. I remained vegetarian. I tried vegan, but felt a need for fish protein and goats milk and some more social compatiblity. I am driving back to vegan again now. I make sure to get a lot of green stuff and adding spirulina powder and other natural supplements to my foods.


    Fish contributes to my hornyness and makes me feel quite "raw" in my mind... Rudolf Steiner states that by eating fish one takes in Kama. There is lots of interesting hints about nutrition by that guy, mostly / originally in German. Diary products are attributed to the Moon and might help to stabilise form, but if they're pasteurized it's difficult to absorb them.


    I read about two lines of Taoists, the older one promoting a diet without cereals (I read about the worms and demons:-), the more modern one prefering cereal-based (vegetarian) meals. I guess the first ones were putting emphasis on protein intake which is fuel for the libido fire? I bought a book from a self-appointed rosicrucian Raymond Bernard called "diet and sex control", written in the late 60ies if I remember right. He collected a lot of material supporting a carbohydrate-based / protein-poor diet, but I worry that he is not only against waste of lifeforce in orgasms but subconciously has some resistance to revere the sexual nature of creation and the work and processes leading to enlightment. There is another diet-related book of his, "methods of blood regeneration" which is more appealing to me.


    Eating cereals actually makes me feel constipated for quite a time. I experimented with some synthetic amino acids and other stuff like Methionin, L-Lysine, L-Artnithine, L-Ornithine, Tryptophan that might be essential for the activation of the pineal gland and for other important parts of the brain. I then was warned by a naturopath that they are plastic and will lead to a hardening of tissues. I don't trust him, but don't feel 100% sure about the supplements. However the intake of pure amino acids felt also rather pure in conciousness at that time. Protein-concetrated diet is considered a root evil by many naturopaths.


    I largely obey the principles of food combining, i.e. eating carbohydrates and proteins at different times. And I eat kosher in so far as I don't mix diary products with fish (if I eat them at all). I realized it's beneficial to stop drinking some time before eating and wait for about two hours after it, so that digestion can take place without diluting the gastric juices.

    When I was in my early twenties I fasted sometimes, finding it very hard. I didn't do so for a long time, also because I am rather underweight. However I think of giving it a try again. I also heard that one can actually stabilize (increase) the body weight by omitting food every once in a while.


    I would love to hear more thoughts about the protein versus carbohydrate-oriented diet by some of the more experienced practitioners here.


    @the garlic lovers: I've read that garlic is (was) forbidden for the yogis / brahmans in India and the aspirants in old Egypt because it was said to de-magnetize the auric field or something. And onions would lead to dull think. Is this only myths?


    It's tough to jump right from being at one extreme to the other. Most people take the route of transition. This would call for going say 6-12 months veg, then 6-12 vegan then 6-12 50% raw, etc. When fasting...phew, the rate of healing is immense. Not only that but your vibration raises at an unstable rate (for most anyway). Food induces karma, you take of something else and you're going to have to owe. Meat, however, it much more costly than plants (barely cost anything) according to those who believe in karma.


    I'm not a transitioner, i'm an extremist and I've been going at raw food and fasting for a few years and i'll be the first to admit it's hard to do. You become sensitive to EVERYTHING, you begin to feel all the subtle pains, your blockages begin to clear, your energy increases. All of this can be VERY uncomfortable when the increase is too much at once. It's like when a woman gives birth, her vagina may be used to stretching to accommodate a man's penis or fingers, but when a fucking baby comes through there's it's like GOD DAY-UM, the discomfort is astounding, a whole new level. Now imagine all your energy pathways being used to only a small flow, then all of a sudden you surge it with energy...that's how i've experienced it anyway. And fruit especially, in terms of ATP. I remember when I first went fruitarian when i was 17, I literally went from taking the bus to work to jogging 5 miles a day to and back from work overnight; it was the only way I could deal with all the extra energy. Then I remember on the weekends I had to run around or go at a punching bag just to stay sane. I eventually quit because I couldn't handle it, I needed sum sedation (and of course the social stress attributed quite a bit). Awareness is tough to handle sometimes. Kinda like the Matrix, once you realize what it is you want out, then once you realize what out is, you want back in, but once you know what being "in" means you can never be satisfied remaining there. Lol, this is all how "I" feel anyway.


    As for opening the third eye, or activating the Pinneal gland, I'm pretty sure just avoid salt and floride like the plague (which may mean giving up water and using fruit/veggie juice or milk instead) and increase your alkalinity. Fasting always helps with energy (internally), you pay off a good bit of karma too. However...and what i'm about to say is probably wrong BUT, if i'm correct there's a secretion made by the pinneal gland which is a liquid that hydrates the body (how people meditate without food or water). Now if we continue to rely on water to hydrate the body then the pinneal gland may not ever have a need to activate fully. I believe that through CAREFUL dry fasting and third eye meditation you may be able to speed up it's activation. In my recent 36 hour dry fast, it was only 36 hours but I could feel the center of my brain buzzing. Of course I was running the Small Universe meditation as well so that probably aided the process but it was pretty neat :). However I don't think that should be attempted unless one is already properly hydrated. I had been drinking nothing but raw milk for about a week in advance (at least 2 quarts a day) so my body was well hydrated. Eating cooked food dehydrates the body rapidly because water is necessary for digestion of solids. Raw living foods all contain a good bit of STRUCTURED fluids. Most water one only absorbs maybe 30% of it because it isn't structured, it doesn't properly hydrate the body (or so some sources say, but I've found it to be consistent with my experiences). Juices from fruits, veggies, sprouts and raw milk are all structured by nature. Salt is also bad because it drains water out of the body to dilute itself so it can be safely eliminated. I don't believe the body can really use it (except of course sodium from say celery or a plant source).


    For the avoidance of grain I believe this was referring to cooked or unsprouted grain. This would make sense and grains, beans and seeds that aren't sprouted contain substances that prevent digestion. This is a survival mechanism of the seed so it can sprout and come to life. These substances prevent it's breakdown and bind the minerals to the fibers. It leaves the animal undigested and usually sprouts in the feces. Cooking it may kill the lifeforce of the seed but some mechanisms still remain. It's only by sprouting the seed that it becomes truly usuable by the body.

    Plus when you sprout the seed it's vitamin content skyrockets, it's enzyme content skyrockets, minerals release and become usuable, the sun gives it energy to make chlorophyll (a potent blood cleanser).


    Fasting I believe increases body weight for underweight people because it cleans out the colon (or any parasites) thus making the nutrients in food more absorbable. Have you every looked into the "milk cure"? It's a healing modality using a temporary diet of only raw milk little bit at a time and lots of bed rest. That too apparently helps people gain weight and also apparently help with disease and skin conditions (sound like a liver cleanse to me). But yeah, if you've ever heard the story of the self proclaimed breatharian Jericho Sunfire (starts at 4:44) he says that he initially had alot of weight loss but as he progress in fruitarian and transitioned to just liquids he checked his weight and saw he gained 20lbs. Fun fun.


    As for carbs vs protein, one has only to read "The China Study" or look at people on the "atkins diet". It just don't work, lol. Now what IS interesting is the raw animal foods diet. People seem to be able to thrive off that however it's only when the percentage of their macro-nutrients are fats. Even people (whom i've heard talk one the raw animal food forums and other places) who eat soley animal foods say that any more than 20% protein gives them problems. So I don't think it's a matter of carbs vs protein I think it's a matter of carbs vs fat and keep the protein low :P. Personally I prefer fruit for physical performance but I still have trouble with the energy and awareness so I've been using raw milk. The fats tend to balance things out while in transition and slow the detox while still continuing it (just at a more steady pace).


    Just my personal thoughts,



    Oh also have you ever read theEssene Gospel of Peace?

  4. Oh, yeah Non I've actually read up a bit on that. I'm a little hesitant though because I heard it has some side effects like loss of sex drive. Which for a middle aged guy can be a risk in itself already.


    And what makes you think a "Drive" to have sex is healthy? I'll tell you straight up, I've lost my "drive", but my "performance" didn't go down one bit (quite the opposite ;) ). I'm going to throw you a theory I have on sex drive, just consider it.


    There's two kinds of "sex drive" there's the urge to ejaculate and the urge to have sex with a woman.

    1.The urge to ejaculate: I believe this is an indication of inward toxicity. When there's waste in our body, whether it be urine or feces or phlegm, our body creates a physical "urge" to release it. We may cough, get the urge to urinate or defecate, etc. When we're sick we may get diarrhea and sneeze and spit) Now the makeup of male ejaculate varies but there are a couple of key ingredients that most all ejaculate shares. Those are proteins, zinc, genetic material, fructose, and hormones. Now if the body has a physical urge to release ejaculate then it must be in excess in the body. OR they're simply in an unusable form to the body thus it is considered "waste". Many of our foods nowadays contain INORGANIC minerals. These cannot be used by the body (but it'll still absorb around 10% which usually gets stored somewhere). Inorganic minerals are absorbed by plants through the soil and the plants turn them into organic minerals that are then usable by the body. They also turn carbon dioxide into oxygen and contain chlorophyll, nature's most potent detoxifier, let us thank the plant kingdom for providing so much for us despite our lack of appreciation, THANK YOU PLANTS! Anyway, same goes with proteins, there are some proteins (namely animal proteins after being cooked) that cannot be broken down an absorbed, they've become denatured and are toxic to the body. If you've ever read the China study it'll show you how animal proteins (it didn't differentiate between cooked and raw which has to be done, ie coagulation via heat) increase tumor growth and how plant proteins do not. Lastly genetic material and hormones. We all know that toxins damage our genetic material so it's not unlikely that we have such. With hormones, many of us have imbalances. Due to plasticides and estrogenic compounds in our food (not to mention general toxicity) we now have more estrogen in our system which is causing an imbalance. Normally the body will natural up the testosterone to balance it but if the raw materials are not there or if your body begins to make too much then there are excess hormones that have to be gotten rid of. Lastly fructose. Now when you say fructose immediately everyone think "fruit" however fruit has one of the LOWEST fructose concentrations of the foods we eat. The highest include but are not limited to... High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, "sugar", sucralose (50% fructose, 50% glucose), crystalline fructose, etc. Look at the labels of the food and drink you put into your bodies. Look at all the inorganic minerals( like zinc), fructose, cooked animal proteins, etc. It is my belief that the body uses ejaculate as the main "solvent" to eliminate these toxic substances and thats why we find what we do in ejaculate.


    2. The urge to have sex with a woman. Now this could simply be an expression of love and/or playfulness, it could be for egoic reasons (like pride or power), there's many reasons people have sex. However here's one you probably haven't heard and may make some sense. If it doesn't then please disregard it.

    I would pose that the mental urge for sex, free of social conditioning of course (which is a whole nother issue), is caused by the "urge" to procreate. Now why would we have the urge to procreate? Well obviously it's to continue on our species right? But why does it only appear around certain ages? And why is it present in some but not all?

    I pose that the urge to procreate is only active when the body perceives it's own destruction as imminent or a potential threat. I believe that if the body feels it's in danger of dying or ceasing to function then sex drive will increase. Due to our diet and general toxicity (not to mention the damage being done to our reproductive system), it's no wonder people are having these huge urges for sex. Calorie restriction increases lifespan by quite a bit and it also lowers sex drive. Raw food diets have cured degenerative diseases and they lower sex drive, fasting is known as nature's great "equalizer" against disease and it reduces sex drive. What INCREASES sex dive? well cooked animal proteins, high sugar foods (especially fructose), chocolate, zinc (of course in inorganic pill form), etc...hmm the same things that the body would want to eliminate through ejaculate. I also think that if one's life or reproductive system are at risk then the "unconscious" sex drive will increase as well so as to procreate before it too late.


    That's my theory. I think the desire for sex as a loving or playful act is healthy. I think having physical drives due to toxicity or unconscious drives due to a risk to health is unhealthy. It is said by raw foods pioneer and Essene Monk Viktorus Kulvinskas that eventually when your body detoxifies and restores balance then ejaculation becomes unnecessary and multiple orgasms become a natural and regular occurrence. I have yet to back this up with experience however i am exploring this claim and perhaps it would be motivation for others to try exploring it as well.



  5. you say: "with enzymes"


    You mean you'll take enzymes? Wouldn't that not help make your own enzymes? Isn't taking enzymes somewhat unnatural? It might be ok once in a while but all the time? You want more to help your body produce it. Sprouts by itself have the most enzymes of any plant food (from what I heard). So make your own probably by making seed milks or sprout milks.


    interesting, I wonder about this. Can enzymes be "stored"? I know if digestive enzymes are low then the body will take metabolic enzymes and use them...I wonder if there's excess digestive enzymes if they can be stored or turned into metabolic enzymes. I'm still not 100% on this but you bring up a good point. I'll have to think and study on that. Thanks :)



  6. Hey guys,

    THx for all the responses. I agree with Non about starting with greens and remineralization. From the science I've heard about Inedia it has to do with the body recycling the minerals, but first it has to have enough to help with the healing process (which takes more than what it would take just to function), while the alkaline condition apparently increase our bio-electric field which also help activate our pinneal gland which is apparently what is involved with some secretion of fluid that supposedly keeps one hydrated. Also the chlorophyll seems to cleanse the blood/liver much faster.


    However I also want to experiment with the ideas of Arnold Ehret who was a BIG propinent of fasting. In fact I posted his 2 best works in an off topic thread along with some other stuff. Fruit is definately "lighter" and thus makes you more sensitive to shit, it also seems to help clear out debrees faster and obviously it gives enormous amounts of energy without costing very much energy to get that energy. I found it funny everyone talks about calories as energy but they never talk about how much energy it takes to ingest, digest, assimilate and eliminate everything. But yeah, but most fruits available today have been hyrbidized (right word?) to have more sugar which may end up causing a problem, and most are demineralized. I'm just on milk and sum fruits, but i'm going to be incorporating sprouts sprouted with sea salt (great way to turn inorganic minerals into organic minerals =) ) and mad enzymes, lol, doing that with small universe, then I hear level 3 of SFQ is opening the 3rd eyes so that'll help a bunch.


    I also heard that fruit diets and fasting help concentrate the mind, u guys think thats true?



  7. Hi Astral. :) I have no idea about your symptom. I'm still trying to get over the surprise to hear you did a 30 day dry fast. :blink: Were you supervised at all? Or, have the input of experienced inedia friend(s)? I hope nothing short circuited within you. _/\_


    hahaha, 30 HOUR, jeez i haven't evolved THAT far yet (big emphasis on the YET ;) )

    I'm just "testing the waters" as of now. Maybe another few months :lol:

  8. So weird thing. After running the "Small Universe" (SFQ) for a few days I did a 30 hour "dry fast" no fluid or food just to see how it'd effect me. Needless to say I was sorta bed-ridden which is why I broke it, however after breaking it with some watermelon I've been having the same symptoms I had with sponstaneous movement qigong, except it's like...more constant. When I would do SQ I would get these kinda "mini orgasms" in my spine, where the energy would intensify really strong, then die out(causing spastic outbursts) but i'd have alot of them in a row; felt like electric "shocks". Now it feels like there's a "current" running through me, a constant flow of energy that's rather uncomfortable. It feels like i have too much energy in my body and it's not the kind I can use up through exercise (maybe it's not ATP?), it's just like...idk, like a small voltage of electricity running through me. It feels like it's "stretching" me out, really kinda uncomfortable, but i'm curious so i'm trying to stick it out. Anyone ever experience anything like this?



  9. First of all...did I really see the whisper song posted here...(facepalm) :lol: what has become of this forum :wacko:


    To the angry chinaman - While I believe you are justified in your anger and it is rather insulting to have something held in such high regard disgraced in whatever means... why waste all of the emotional energy on it? Wouldn't it be more wise to direct that energy towards practice? Unless you have the ability to change it, there's no point investing emotional energy in it. If you want to use this as motivation to gain the ability to change it then perhaps that would be a worthy use of your energy, however just getting upset about something isn't going to change it and if you can't change it then there's no point in worrying about it.


    Just my two cents. Humans aren't worth the energy <_<



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  10. they're marked by dampness/excess water -blocked fire -inflammations and generally occur

    around nerve plexus which the body has millions of. They happen after injuries and are also a result of socialization where acceptable emotional responsiveness if filtered into social interaction and the rest 'held back' Some socialization form subconscious beliefs that may last for year and constantly repress emotional output. This is where fire blocked at nerve junction occurs.


    But certainly expression isn't the only way to release these emotions... what other ways are there?

  11. Emotional blockages are lodged in the body. The unconscious in the lower dantien, the mind's obsessiveness in the upper, something like that. You can literally feel them arising from certain parts of the body at times. If you want the details you can look through TCM on how each organ stores varying emotions, but having the mindset of letting go naturally achieves this.


    Emotions released is pure free joy, you feel creative, you feel like anything is possible and that life is living through you. Happiness is to become choiceless and effortless in that state that's always available to you.


    "Anything is possible" and "choiceless" don't exactly work together, lol. But interesting. I guess the next question is how are they "stored" and how does one prevent further storage?

  12. Your practice becomes a dance after all that screaming, sweating and shaking. ^_^ .


    Although this poses the question...would that be "emotional release"? if so would that imply that emotions can be repressed and stored within the body?


    What about the idea of happiness being a choice? What about the idea of emotions being passing? Don't we simply stop attaching to thoughts? Are emotions things that are stored up and released? Or are they something that we just end up attaching to and need to just stop attaching to? Could it be a combination of the two?



  13. So some of the things we have been hearing on this thread are....


    Several people who felt they needed to stop the practice because the effects on their body were "too intense"


    One person mentioned it brings out "maniacal laughing"


    One person mentioned "cannot sleep"


    Methods that cause involuntary movements and spasms


    IS the picture I'm getting here how you see it?


    I can vouche for the spasms and maniacal laughter. Add weird "dream"(were they just dreams?) experiences. I also had "spinal orgasms" fun fun. However stuff --especially the spasms-- stayed with me even after discontinuing the practice. It's not until recently switching to SFQ that my "symptoms" from Kunlun were relinquished. With Kunlun the effects I felt were the need to scream, squirm, cry, and generally thrash about. Unfortunately I didn't feel like scaring the shit out of people and don't know anywhere that I can go and do all that and not be bothered, just wasn't right. I may actually return to though, later. For now i'ma run the small universe for a bit :P



  14. I believe the MRI in question showed white spots in the brain. That phenomena is usually indicative of neurological damage or some type of neuro pathology. Not some type of advanced superman.


    From a medical website:

    I had an MRI of C-Spine and Brain and it showed one or two "white dots" above C-2, and 3 white dots on the left side of my brain. I have no idea what that means. The neurologist says, "probably MS"





  15. In regards to time limit in which it's attained: Kan did it in about 7 years (though it seems he can't do it at will yet), and Max says it's achievable in this lifetime regardless of one's history or anything.


    Hira Ratan Manek, a sungazer, had scientists analize his brain showing that his pineal gland was about 6xs(? maybe more) larger than the average man's. There were also scientific examinations of him taking no food, only some water, for somewhere around 400 days, another at i think 211 days done in PA.


    Wang Liping was also reported to have walked though a wall by one of his students. fun fun.


    I wouldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to write about their experience. We even have online journals here for practitioners to do just that. There are books of accounts certain apprentices had with their masters.


    The whole thing seems kinda silly. Chunyi Lin at least is willing to publically heal people and work with scientists to help them understand how it works. He's in cooperation with the Mayo Clinic from what I understand. AT least he can demonstrate the ability that his system was meant to develop...HEALING. And John Chang can demonstrate what level (3, 4 or 5 depending on which definition you use) Mo Pai says you achieve which is the ability to produce an electric "charge" from your body. Sifu Hata can apparently demonstrate a similar ability which his system is meant to develop. So why doesn't Max demonstrate some ability?


    Then again I've never met the guy and I don't have to cash to go out and do so. If I did then I would have, but alas, the best I can do is to use logic, that forbidden tools we're all born with that hinders the spiritual path. :P



  16. The comments on this thread certainly indicate that teachers need to be responsible for what they teach. All the so called spiritual systems of attainment are producing random results at best, whether it is Max or whomever.


    Lol, prolly cause most are just rehashing poetic philosophical quotations to awe the crowd and make a buck. The practicality of true teachings are it's indicator that it IS a true teaching. While it's great to take responsibility to your actions, to say that the conflict in Tibet is little 2 year old Timmy's fault...well...(giggles) GTFO hahahahahaha. While it's true that the collective words, thoughts and deeds help to SHAPE this world, to take personal responsibility for EVERYTHING thats going on...thats just silly. That shooting star was caused by Susie-Q's dream of flying ...(giggles again). Ahhhh where would I be without this forum. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! :lol:



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  17. He said that there is a Holy Man living on faraway [姑射] Ku-she Mountain, with skin like ice or snow, and gentle and shy like a young girl. He doesn't eat the five grains, but sucks the wind, drinks the dew, climbs up on the clouds and mist, rides a flying dragon, and wanders beyond the four seas. By concentrating his spirit, he can protect creatures from sickness and plague and make the harvest plentiful. (1, tr. Watson 1968:33)


    This was a description of a "shenren (神人 "divine person")". not eating the 5 grains and sucking the wind and drinking the dew could be referring to breatharianism and the "elixir of immortality" the excretion from the pineal gland? Skin like ice or snow could be referring to the "Earth Immortal's" condition. Maybe melanin is eventually lost? or maybe an entirely new body is forged?


    Anyone know what the other things might mean? Climbing on clouds and mist, riding dragons, etc?





  18. In chinese medicine excess joy is as much a cause of disease as lack of joy, so to achieve emotional stability we must find the ideal balance between the two. When yin (lack of joy)and Yang(excess joy)are perfectly balanced then we have achieved harmony. However, is that a state of no emotion at all?


    I don't think they mean have no enjoyment or be emotionless. I'd be curious to cross reference texts that mention happiness from those times to see what they meant, there could be a mistranslation. For example Dukka from Buddhism has been mistakenly translated as "suffering" in alot of english translations whereas it can mean a few different things and when you cross reference and check other words of the buddha for context the most sensible interpretation would be "impermanent".


    SO it's possible joy and happiness back in that day had to do with "over-excitement", perhaps via intoxicants like wine, certain herbs, sex, etc. Perhaps it had more to do with not overstimulating the nervous system, maybe "excitement" would be a more proper translation for one of those, idk.


    just some ideas


  19. We've had students who had had very bad experiences, but they were mostly due to their own projections.


    However it would be irresponsible of a teacher to give such a method to a student who is not ready, not equipped to handle what comes with it. What happened to the day where the teacher would give low level things to the public (outer circle) but would only let CERTAIN PEOPLE in the inner circle. What happened to the stress on virtue and having a good heart. What happened to purification through karma yoga or through service and "repentance"? One's projections will drive them mad until they understand what is causing those projections and without a teacher readily available to help them they are left on their on to deal with something they were never ready for. If a technique is potentially dangerous then it should not be taught to just anyone who can fork over $300, the potential student should be "scanned" to see if they are ready and if they're not they should be given some purification practices or perhaps some information on how to raise their vibration. The way Max advertises Kunlun is that it's for everybody and he spreads it to anyone willing to pay regardless of their mental state or karma or anything. I think there's a reason Sifu Jenny wasn't teaching this publically ;)


    Just my thoughts


  20. Hmmmm, Dixian definately sounds fun...I'm already working on breatharianism...I wonder what else is required? Physical immortality IS talked about in other traditions...well I only know of one other tradition other than (apparently?) Taoism. Ohhh and I wonder what the transformation would be like, sounds fun. Oh and lastly I don't think the Dixian would have to be away from society, just toxicity (ie modern society). I wonder if Yi-gong is a part of it. I remember in the kunlun book you're supposed to visualize yourself with pure white skin on a 1000petaled lotus.

