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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. Hi Adept,


    Agree but I have nothing more to add.




    Hi Astral,


    Oh, we are still evolving. The human animal has been around for about 4 million years but modern man has been around for only about 40,000 years. We have a long way to go before we destroy ourselves. But then maybe we will evolve into something better than what we are now.


    Haha, yea i know. I was hinting at my personal goal of "ascension". Man is destroying themself but there is a "New Hope" in a movement that is discovering life. However I'm guessing the "Emperor" will "Strike Back" and cause a good deal of trouble (like perhaps an economic collapse along with the continued misinformation and fear mongering) before the "Return of the Jedi" occurs. The Sith may have the Senate, but the Rebels are growing in power and it's only a matter of time before the more powerful (and less forcefull ;) ) win. peace will always prevail in the hearts of the wise.



  2. Im starting to find it slightly funny about 90% of my posts are questions, not frequent, but none the less questions.


    Anyway. I've noticed look out my window or off into the distance, feeling a cool gust of wind, or looking into the stars


    I automatically lean back slightly, but feel much more balanced then I had tensed and leaning foward like I do throughout my day, just standing like this makes me more and more calm.


    Similar happens when im running and meditating actually.. After awhile of running I notice my head is further back, chest slightly out, and feet kicking up to my back.


    Thing is it's more im going along for a ride, rather then pushing my cardio/endurance limits, like im walking on air, takes about a lap until I relax into that though. When I start watching the scenery.


    Meditating.. Well in the beginning I slightly feel like im trying, then after about 10 minutes I get that relaxation, and im able to position myself alot more comfortably. I Feel like I can meditate as long as I want to after that wave hits me.


    It's funny how even if we try our hardest, sometimes we'd be better off just relaxing.


    Haha, yea i can relate. Usually during meditation i'll start off in a position and after i begin to really relax my body will just move/adjust itself to a better position. Its quite fun :D


    As to the running example and the concept of will...Yea its a common pattern one to start by using will but eventually find that following the path of least resistance ends up being a better option. However i think its necessary for the will to be there first so it can guide the unconscious mind. For example in the case of lifestyle, someone who's addicted to smoking who "relaxes" will just continue to smoke and not worry about it.. However if they use will to guide their mind and thoughts in a diff direction(or to "set the pace"), then relax into that then it may be more enjoyable and better off for the original intent. I think will definately has a place but i would agree that it more fun to be unconsciously "successful", than to be consciously "successful".


    To everyone's eventual unconscious mastery! :D



  3. I saw a documentary about this, they did interviews with the teachers and went along to workshops looking for proof by asking the teachers to identify what was in a closed box and other tests, they failed them all and became quite angry and tried to stop the filming. Seemed like a complete scam which takes advantage of a lot of vulnerable people, many of the people at the workshops were disabled and some said they were made to feel guilty or blamed when they couldn't master the techniques.


    Yeah thats what Derren Brown decided on as well. It's a shame cause the theories sound nice but for example they talk about using energy from the uro-genital system to power the brain...well thats the idea behind kundalini right? or other ways of getting energy from the lower centers to the higher centers... but like...idk if they really understand what that takes, how to do it or how to gauge it. I think someone well versed in alchemy could probably explain it better, but i don't think these guys really understand the energetics behind it. But then again i haven't investigated it for myself so what do I know?



  4. huh...yeah I always kinda understood the "true" self as being the faceless force behind the mask (ego, personality, feelings, thoughts, desire) of humanity (6 billion body-minds, played by one force). But yea a human being is definately always changing, I think that's why its so fun playing as humans.


    But then again it can get tiresome playing humans over and over again. Gets kinda boring, so I think sum evolution would be nice. Perhaps a body-mind that isn't so limited but remembers a time when it was so it can appreciate and more thoroughly enjoy it's new state of being.


    But if a "true self" were to have no personality, no substance, just pure awareness, pure beingness... why would that be considered "impermanent"? I can understand how the "masks" it may wear could be impermanent but not it itself.







    Apparently this guy was taught sum system by a tibetan monk. It makes the claims of being able to see the physical world with your eyes closed, an certain psychic/energetic development. Derren Brown did a minor investigation of it with no fruits, but then again in the energetic arts one doesn't usually get results overnight, much less feel energy the first day, lol.


    Anyway, Anyone every hear of this? Any thoughts?

    Personally i'm sure this kinda think

    is possible but idk if these guys understand it fully or not.


    (an interesting thing to note is that in the video they talked about raising the energy from the uro-genital system to feed the brain as level one. I wonder if they're referring to the MCO or if they're trying to raise kundalini. It'd be curious to match their theory/teaching with taoist alchemy and see what comes of it)



  6. Thank you for all your replies folks! Very helpful stuff.


    I had a scoot about and decided to try the Inner light meditation from this website here: (can't remember where I got the link, probably off here somewhere). I did it for about 5-10 (somewhere in between me thinks), before I started getting a pressured, tingly, vibrating sensation in my forehead, between my eyes and up a bit, (the third eye area? I think? waaah i wish i knew what I was talking about! >.<), like someone was pressing there with their thumb and wiggling/vibrating it. Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Could it be from tension in my forehead? I can't find anything about it on the site and the other forums I've read in my quick search say varying things. Any ideas?


    If it is something bad/negative or whatever, is there something I can do to stop it, I like the meditation particularly, something was particularly enjoyable about it, rather than other ones I've tried this week on breathing.


    Thanks you very big,




    Thats also taught by and of course they add mantras, "sounds of power" to augment it. It's also the first step in the book "Taoist Yoga". It'll help to do more than simply quiet your mind ;)


    The pressure in your forehead could be caused by looking upward or it could be caused by your concentration on it. For example if you concentrate on your lower dan tien, just below the navel, many people record feeling "heat", I believe this can become an objective phenomena ie tummo, where the monks can raise thier body heat at will to incredibly high temperatures. If you enjoy this meditation then stick with it. Nothing bad can occur in the beginning stages. Later that light may begin to grow stronger and you may start seeing shapes and forms and you may start hearing things as well. Thats where it could pose problematic depending on what you attract. I believe thats why the above sects require vegetarianism and a generally "pure" lifestyle, so they don't attract evil energies.Thats just what I personally think about it. If you do begin to see something you don't like it's suggested you either tell it firmly to leave or to call upon the deity you respect and believe in the most. But if you like what you're doing then stick with it, and best of luck to you on your journey :)



  7. Motivation for meditation: My monkey mind is particularly potent. Only twice, (and both due to listening to two songs repeatedly), I've only ever experienced even a vague stillness in my mind, (and I'm not even sure that was still, just concentrated, maybe). I think constantly. From the second I fall asleep to the second I wake up, I'm always turning something over in my head. I think my mind probably deserves a rest, and that meditation is the thing to do that.


    Well if quieting your mind is all I would suggest breath-work and cardiovascular exercise. To slow your mind, first start by slowing your breathing. Start with a clock and breathe in as slow as you comfortably can and try to breathe out for that same count. So for example you may find 8 seconds in and 8 seconds out is where you're most comfortable, then start there. Continually push that and try to slow your breath as much as you can. Also while breathing try not to breathe into your chest, breath into your belly letting it expand and contract naturally. This will help GREATLY in quieting the mind, even with minor distractions. The cardio simply increases your lung capacity making the breath-work much easier to do :)


    Oh also, as a fellow "intellectual" and as an "obsessive thinker", I would recommend practicing being spontaneous. And I don't mean doing spontaneous qigong (which is fun as hell and would qualify), but just live and do without thinking for a bit. Just laugh be silly and don't think. Obviously this would be done in a TRUSTED environment, I don't recommend doing this in "risky" situations. Another thing that may help is to do something expressive like art or music. Our culture is obsessively "left-brained" thus music and art helps to stimulate our under-used (imo) right brain and keep a balance.




    I don't really know, but I'm only 19! How much stuff could I have repressed? Plus as of so far, my life has been gravy, I have to admit.


    I'm also 19 and I'll tell ya I thought I was doing pretty good myself until I ended up dropping out of school and being isolated in my room for hours with nothing to do. Meditation kinda forced itself upon me because I eventually ran out of things to distract myself with and had to face myself. Maybe you are fine and accept yourself fully, maybe you allow your emotions to be expressed, however don't be surprised if you find yourself crying or becoming enraged for no reason during meditation or other altered states. It usually starts with an "agitation" or 'restlessness". Personally I started feeling this pressure in my upper back between my shoulder blades and i would feel energy surge through that area and I would burst into emotion. First time I experienced it was with the ever controversial (maybe not so anymore?) Kunlun. But just be prepared and let whatever happens happen...which could be nothing




    Great, thank you, can't hurt to give it a go.


    More questions!


    Are there great differences between culitvation of chi (that the right term?) and meditation?

    Is it detrimental to practice more than one method of meditation at a time? (I mean on a weekly/daily basis, rather than during each session and mostly because I'd like to experiment with different methods/styles/traditions or what have you).

    Why do people cultivate chi? Is there a specific benefit or something more general like improved health?


    Meditation naturally increases chi however there are other specific methods meant to accumulate chi (usually in the lower dan tien). Eating proper foods increase chi, exercise increases chi, laughing can increase chi. Chi is just lifeforce (according to the modern general consensus). However there are arts that can do seemingly "super-normal" acts using what they call "chi", which may not be the same thing. Again there's a language problem because the New Age movement loves to ruin things and use watered down versions of powerful techniques and claim themselves "masters" when in reality they have nothing to show for it other than an inflated pride.


    As to the benefits of "chi". In the general sense it increases your "hit points" :P. Again depending on who's definition of "chi" you're using it can do many things. According to an old poster here "dremhempel" it can make you a "chick magnet" and give women orgasms at a distance, with John Chang it can set shit on fire and allow one to have super-normal strength and speed; in Kunlun it can heal, move others and cause spontaneous movement in yourself (that shyts fun! XD), it really depends on who you ask. Again this is my pesonal take on this.


    I have to confess, up until now, the majority of my Taoism has resolved around the study of the books and attempted implementation of their teaching into my life, (I say attempted, it doesn't always go well). I'd now like to delve into the other side of things or at least learn of them.


    Thank you all for you answers, they're very helpful and interesting.

    Much love, folks.



  8. It depends on how you want your path to go. Obviously you seek knowledge; and imo it's always better to seek wisdom/knowledge first and let the rest naturally progress from there. In seeking knowledge there's 3 basic ways (maybe 2 depending of views) in varying degrees of difficulty.

    -The first and easiest (maybe not, lol) way is to find a physical teacher.

    -The second way is to contact the spirit world and learn directly from the Ascended Masters

    -The third way is to reach the state of "no-mind" and channel whatever information you seek directly.


    Depending on which way you want this to go will determine the action you should probably take.


    As for beginning meditation, that too is kinda "open" and "broad". Meditation used to mean a state of supreme focus and concentration, however it's been widdled away, like the word "love" to have a thousand meanings. Now watching TV is considered meditation, mildly considering the possibility of a man chopping off your balls with an iron cleaver is meditation. Human beings in todays world live in a state of near-constant sedation from drugs, food, tv, over sexing, etc so it had to be "watered down" unfortunately. So now U must define WHY you want to "meditate", where are you trying to go with it? what are you trying to get out of it? Answering those questions will lead you to your method.


    I would say the best place to start is to sit down, be quiet and don't move for an extended period of time(once you begin to feel restless, meditation has begun) and just listen to your mind rattle around in your head. Eventually these thoughts lose their hold on you and you become sort of detached from them. If you do it long enough then all of the subconscious "junk" in your system (one of the main causes for a disturbed mind) will be fully processed and probably leave you alone after awhile. When I say subconscious junk I mean all of the hurt you repress from youth. You may begin to feel strange, then you may begin to cry or get angry or frustrated. Just let these feelings express themselves. eventually they'll settle down and go away.


    Another consideration to give is whether or not to use binaural beats, sensory deprivation, or "natural" meditation. The advantage of sensory deprivation is that you get into a state of "mindlessness" faster. The advantage of doing the natural method is that you learn to reach that kind of concentration in any environment. In the story of Wang Liping his masters had him sit in a thick musky environment filled with incense where he learned to maintain focus in the face of distractions. But again it's WHY you're doing meditation and what you want out of it that will likely determine which route is best.


    Also, this is just me, but I personally find fasting to speed up the "subconscious brain dump" process. It helps to still my body and my thoughts and it helps me to get to a SUPER quiet and concentrated state. Thats only if you can handle it though, pushing is good, pushing too hard is only good if you're 100% devoted to the end :P


    Best of Luck


  9. Yeah just to add my random 2cents. I believe power in and of itself is neither good nor bad, It's we that define such concepts. For example we may use our "powers" to heal and support and protect others; or we could get caught up in unrealistic fantasies(hurting others to feel "cool") and have to learn the hard way.


    Ultimately I think powers speed up our progress spiritually by forcing us to face reality. For example we may harbor the fantasy of being a "villain" badass because we saw it on TV and for some reason think that if we act like them then we'll feel as cool and good as TV portrayed them to be. We may think it's "cool" to have powers because the media told us so, when in reality it makes us feel more isolated and more of a "freak" because of them. I'm not saying any of these are universal truths but by getting exactly what we "think" we want it does show us that we are often mistaken in our beliefs on things because we have so many unconscious ideas about the world that we receive from the media and our peers/family that are based on hearsay and thus possibly false. Truth, imho, isn't in what we read or what we hear from others, it's what we experience for ourselves. Some of us may be raised with porn and we may be taught it's fun and cool and raised with that belief until we learn to experience things unbiased and then maybe after taking a break to get a new perspective or going back and forth to experience fully both sides we may decide it's not for us.


    Do you think it's wrong to pursue powers to test how strong you can get? Does curiosity fall under the label of "good" or "bad"? I'd think as long as you weren't trying to show off or kill anybody you'd be fine. powers I think are okay as long as you don't abuse them.


    But thank you for the story SFJane, I think alot of us (I know I) can relate to this :)



  10. Lately I've been growing weary of potent desires that I experience nearly every evening. It seems to be a desire for stimulation of some sort, because sex & fantasy and or drugs and drink are the primary focus. Finding meager contentment in satiation when I succumb occasionally, and great angst and agitation when I don't. I'm not currently practicing retention since it seems to exacerbate it. Does anyone have any advice for cooling the flames?


    As one who has successfully dealt with these "issues" I can share what i've done for myself personally but there's no guarantee that it'll work for you.


    When the body faces a toxic substance whether it be alchohol, excessive stimulation, depression, etc, it creates a tolerance to it. Now think of the poison as a "pushing" force; the tolerance is created as an equal pushing force to try to maintain balance. So when the substance is no longer there then the tolerance is still "pushing" and thus you crave the toxins because you feel like it creates "balance". The trick is to eliminate the toxin and wait out the "tolerance" because it dissolves over time. I believe that popularly known as withdrawl. There's withdrawl to alot of things we get used to, sex, certain foods, drugs, attention, ego.


    Anyway, what has personally worked for me was a change in diet, a change in physical activity and a change in environment.


    -When it comes to diet, I switched to a raw food diet. Now when you first switch you may not notice much, however i've gone back and forth and have noticed the difference. With me personally cooked foods lower my awareness, increase sex drive, make me tired and lethargic and are overall a drain. So i've switch to a diet of primarily raw milk and fruits which has helped immensly (the raw fats in the milk trigger the "full" response in the body which stops overeating and because it increases serotonin it also soothes emotional eating). Since in most ancient medicines they say meat, and spicy foods arouse anger and sex drive, i avoid those. In the Indian tradition they have the 3 kinds of foods, I forget the first two, but the 3rd was "sattvic" (or sumthing like that) which was usually the "sweet" flavour which was the most "spiritual" and "light" of all foods to eat. ( )


    -Second I started exercising more. For me, ejaculation, and drugs are draining activities and I only crave them when I have too much energy. So with proper exercise I use/circulate that spare energy constructively. When I first switch to a raw fruit diet my energy skyrocketed so much I went from a sedentary lifestyle to jogging 5 miles a day OVERNIGHT (it's amazing how much free energy we have when we're not constantly digesting).


    -Third and finally is the mind. Remember the 3 chinese monkeys? See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. It's simply the more you see something, the more you say something and the more you hear something to more it becomes your reality. Therefore avoiding pornography, negative draining people and certain environments that induced thoughts that were counterproductive and increasing exposure to motivating positive things that are more in line with what you're trying to do/be.


    Hope you find what works for you


  11. It certainly worked for the Roman Catholic Priests and those Buddhist Monks in Sri Lanka. (Don't worry I'm sure some Taoist monks that practice "celibacy" have molested children as well.) My point isn't that all people who are celibate molest children, but rather that most people who practice abstinence or feel the need to practice abstinence, do so because they have a twisted unnatural perspective of sex. Most people who have a natural and normal view of sex see abstinence as silly and a bit creepy. I have yet to hear of any healthy abstinence and those that endeavor to commit to it, normally do so because they have a distinct issue regarding sex that lends them to believe abstinence will cure that problem. I would recommend therapy rather than abstinence.





    I do not know the accounts of the buddhist monks or Taoist monks you speak of, however I can offer my own views upon this as counterpoint. Personally I've suffered with lust for QUITE a while...actually only like 4-6years cause i'm still kinda young. However when I went out to "cure" my lust I found that simply trying to control myself didn't work for the long term and that I needed to get to the ROOT. So I bagan to observe everything that effected my sex drive and began to research into it. Becoming a vegetarian REALLY helped. It got rid of my anger and aggression, which I used to work into my sexual fantasies. Then I tried fasting and noticed that while I was fasting I was super aware of myself and I was in complete control. I had no overpowering urges (but was experiencing much weakness). Eventually I began to notice the habits that fueled my lust. Personally I did it through a little mental work but mostly through diet. I don't REALLY want to get into it all because it's rather lengthy but the short version is by eating a diet of raw fruits,sprouts, egg yolks and milk (all raw, unpasteurized) I was able to keep my sex drive under control which made my mental re-programming MUCH easier. As soon as I ate solid cooked food or any other stimulant like white sugar, i immediatly became very horny and my mental work became much harder to do. You dont need a "master" or energy work to do this, I believe it's your body and mind's natural state. And for me as long as I don't put into my body anything that screws it up so I don't feel overpowering urges, however I DID test my "performance" and I lasted pretty much indefinately. The whole time I was just enjoying the energy exchange and her smiling face :)


    hmm, lengthier than I wanted. O well.



  12. Just in case you don't know, this is all fiction. Lobsang Rampa was not real, just made up by some English dude who needed money so he wrote a bunch of books.



    oh wow really? O.o damn I feel pretty stupid lol. Thx for fillin me in :)

  13. Im looking for some WELL KNOWN method from some master to get rid of lust.


    I think lust causes me wet dreams and premature ejac. So Im trying to find a goog way to clean my mind of years of accumulated lust images provenient from pornography.


    Well I have my own ways which work for me, i'm no "Master" but i know how things affect me and that many others who try what I have get amazing "results". One thing that I hope is obvious at this point, is to stop looking at porn, stop looking at women in lustful ways. What i've actually noticed is that what i've done changed the way I viewed everything really. I went from wanting women's bodies as sexual stimulation (eye candy) to wanting to see them happy. Lust is when you're focusing on your own pleasure, on "getting off" when when you focus on HER pleasure and you forget about your own, then you open up to a whole new reality. For example can you feel satisfied giving a girl full body massages, going down on them, etc and not getting anything sexual in return? If not then you're still held tightly in the jaws of lust, lol. Honestly I like the whole daoist saying "When your jing is full you won't think about sex", I doubt my jing is full but it's nice to be free to think of what I want to think of without having out of control urges bodily or otherwise. It's nice to be in control of my thoughts and actions :)

    If you'd like to know my method jus say so, if you're set of getting a method from a "master" then I hope you find what you're looking for :)




    Edit: Twinner- Just to offer a counterpoint, there are alot who would say that lust isn't natural or balanced at all. While Attraction, Love and Intimacy are all great joys in life lust is unbalanced and often causes problems. From a spiritual persepctive I believe we were meant to be in control of our bodies, not a slave to thier urges (which in and of them selves I believe are unnatural and have causes which I won't get into). Just thought i'd offer another perspective. Peace to you/

  14. To the OP, it depends on your beliefs and realizations to this point. Raw foods definately have more healing potential than cooked foods and I would even say they have more chi/life force as they are still alive and have enzymatic activity. For sugar cravings i've found RAW dairy to be my miracle cure. My guess is that the bacteria in my gut was unbalanced, perhaps candida?, idk. What i do know is that the Raw Milk and Raw yogurt cured it entirely. i kinda hate sweets now.


    Anyway I'd like to introduce a new possibility. What i've come to notice in myself (and this is PURELY a SELF realization) is that the less I eat the better I feel and the "hunger" that I feel is actually the stress of my body eliminating undigested matter from improper digestion, along with the stomach shrinking to it's original size. What i've noticed is that when I eat solid food or things that are hard to digest All of my energy goes to my stomach and my self awareness is lower DRAMATICALLY. I notice especially in the cold that when I eat junk (like I did today) I was less aware of the cold sensation, along with emotions, thoughts, everything, i was just less aware. I remember I was on a fast drinking only 9 oz of coconut water a day and jogging quite a bit, It was almost unbearable because I was FULLY aware of EVERYTHING that was going on inside of me. I could taste the pollution in the air, I could see and feel the misery and the air of sadness and anger everywhere. Also I experienced a bit of "heartbreak" during that time...I noticed that I could really FEEL my emotions, like I was feeling for the first time, it was nuts. When I first ate solids again I noticed it felt like I was going to sleep, and that all the pain, sadness and such became less


    Anyway my idea that I propose is that solid food...or food in general has become an addiction, a sedative, a way to lower self awareness to cope with this world. I believe that the body doesn't NEED food and that the only reason we experience discomfort is either due to increased awareness of shit we never dealt with or were previously aware of or because of the body circulating stored up toxic material from a near lifetime of sedation.


    By that paradigm a raw food diet consisting of mainly fruits, preferably just liquids would be ideal. I found that a liquid diet combined with qigong (i mainly do kunlun, but i'd like to try SFQ) and sum mental deprogramming (Check out Arnold Erhet's "Mucusless Diet" if you want your mind blown. I keep it with me everywhere i go), made a quick and fairly simple transition to be able to fast for extended periods of time with little or no fatigue watsoever(quite the contrary, i've never been able to exercise so much!). I also noticed my energy was completely free and stronger than ever, like the diff between a water pistol and a super soaker :P


    Nutrition, to me, is a myth. It seems the only things we can use nutrition for is to help counteract unhealthy habits that are already in place, like using vit C for cancer, etc. Not that there's anything necessarily WRONG with food or eating or vit C, but from my own personal self awareness this seems to be the case.



  15. Gerard, what do you mean, specifically, about going to bed early? Do you mean sleep more? Or, early to bed, early to rise? As recommendations to IMA/med practitioners are often: wake early to practice.




    I heard somewhere that cellular rejuvenation is at it's best from 10pm-6am. dunno if it has validity however I and many others i've asked notice that the sunlight has the potential to give one much energy. So the concept of being awake when the sun is up and asleep when the sun is down (our natural bodily rhythm) has been a part of healing systems for a while, i believe.

  16. Did anyone read the comments of that video? there was someone making the claim that a "Ron Hoffman" teaches a method that also develops the "Fusion". I checked out his website but it just seems like a standard "Tai-Chi Center". Anyone know if it's just marketing hype on the account of the poster?


    Here are sum of the posts




    1 week ago


    The sad thing is most ppl will get lost trying to figure out how to train in this. It's nei kung and not all systems are created equal. For the best school and it accepts western students look for nei kung master ron huffman. There you go, go become a real chi master.




    1 week ago


    darn it I mean Ron Hoffman, sorry of Temple Style Tai Chi. They have the full alchemy for Nei Kung and it doesn't require the very dangerous Mo Pai practice of combining the Thunder Bolt as that will happen naturally during your ascention process. Anyways I am already as strong as a level 2b and have purified chi and my left and right vibration after only 2 months of full alchemic training. I also don't have the low chi reserve issue as I was attoned and given a vibrational boast.




    1 week ago


    @neouberx How about you stay in the US and either contact the only real chi master in the US. Ron Hoffman like I posted before or contact me if you need free advice and free training program that is what cost myself personally a lot of time, money and travel to attain and I offer that to anyone for free.

  17. The kunlun book does have one and i'd say kunlun is a pretty interesting system worth investigating. However I believe that "sex" from an energetic point of view doesn't have to be physical. I believe that it's only a physical habit because we've become so desensitized that it's the only way we could arouse the sexual energy.


    Drew Hempel, who unfortunately is no longer posted for an indefinate period of time. also posted saying that he felt that "sex" was an energetic process where the male take a female's sexual energy and gives the female his "chi" resulting in a mutual climax. This was a nonphysical event. However for our species to continue we do have the biological function of ejaculation, but i don't believe it's meant to be used for pleasure unless ejaculation can be a choice (which it can). As for ways to prevent ejaculation from occurring you could use tantra, retention methods, or (according to Viktoras Kulvinskas a raw food "guru") a raw foods diet high in chlorophyll and enzymes; it's his claim that when your body is alkaline, detoxed and re-enzymized that ejaculation becomes "unnessecary" and male multiple orgasm ensues (which I don't believe drains sexual energy).


    Honestly in terms of sexual energy I believe alot of it has to do with your mindstate. For example if your having sex with a woman and you have lust in your heart then your energy is going to be centered in you genital region and that type of energy will multiply. If when you have sex you're doing so with love in your heart then your energy is focused in the heart area and can actually spread to other areas. It's been said that dual cultivation or use of sexual energy arousal is faster than celibacy but more dangerous because it requires control of ones mind and emotions. I believe it's said that at the time of orgasm the energy present in your body multiplies. Now if that energy is "good" energy like love, compassion, etc then it works fine, but if you have lust, jealousy, greed, pride or any other "lower" energy at the time of orgasm then it multiplies THAT energy which can be detrimental. This is all just what i understand based on my studies.


    Although they say, "when your jing is full you won't think of sex" so I think that regardless the goal is to transcend sex as it's a great tool early on but loses it's importance as the higher practices are learned. Personally I don't really think of or crave sex from strict adherence to a personalized self-made style of livinng based on all the things that affected my desire for it. Celibacy works great (build sexual energy until it naturally moves upward to the heart), but if you have another then make sure you love her, and don't have sex when your angry or emotionally imbalanced. Think of sex as a meditation, make sure your mind is clear and your heart is full of love. In this way when you experience orgasm the sexual energy (from the lower centers) is transformed into love energy which feeds the heart. Then when you mix in wisdom you can start having fun :)


    Best of Wishes


  18. The three principles of Taoism are: Love, Wisdom, and Power


    -All three are supposed to be cultivated together in order to balance each other out and prevent corruption.


    -Unfortunately some people only cultivate power, but any imbalance of the three can lead to trouble.


    YES!! I've been saying this for years (only like 2 though :P ).


    Wisdom without Love or Power is depression. Love without Wisdom or Power is helpless. Power without Love or Wisdom is destruction.


    Love and Power without Wisdom is Blind and leads to regret. Love and Wisdom without Power leads to frustration. Power and Wisdom without Love is unfulfilling and meaningless.



    but yea the stereotypical Christian attacks anything that doesn't conform to what they believe is "right". It's sad but...I mean what can be done?


    "It is very easy to blindly accept or blindly refute any notion. It takes true courage and devotion to the truth to explore the matter fully, bringing to light all that it consists of"

  19. chi= life force? Therefore only living things can have chi? If thats the general belief then only raw fruit and vegetables and sprouted grains, beans and seeds would have chi? Perhaps milk as well (bacteria and enzymes). The results from eating this food would also support the idea that they are rich in chi as the raw foods diet is known for its incredible healing potential.


    Oh and if you don't have seasonal stuff then it may be best to make sprouts a staple in your diet as they can be grown anywhere organically and in good conditions. Just use saltwater and you'll grow sum of the best sprouts you could imagine XD


    Typical vegetables are usually not so great because we don't have the enzyme cellulase, but fruits are good. The only problem with fruits is that most are picked b4 ripening and sit on shelves for a long time. Fruits are best when sun ripened and eaten immediately after picking or soon after. However alot of grapes and tomatoes are still sold on the vine so if you wanted to nit-pick and maximize chi in your foods (assuming the theory above holds solid) then grapes and tomatoes would also be good staples. Note that when buying grapes try to stick with the seeded kind as the seedless have been genetically altered.



  20. Loneliness. I mean I don't follow just one system and sum of my practices are rather extreme, but through my cultivation it's often hard to relate to everyday people. It seems that everyone is...well i'm upset at the condition of most people and I know I shouldn't partake of thier habbits, but I find it hard to otherwise relate to others which leaves me feeling ungrounded, isolated and lonely. I mean honestly I just need to find sum like-minded people to hang out with but for right now thats by biggest issue.