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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. Question to Kunlun practitioners:


    What is your ultimate goal with your Kunlun practices? :huh:


    Mmmm, a good question indeed. Seeing as how we know so little about what kunlun does other than "IT'LL MAKE YA FEEL GOOOOOOOOOOOD" :lol: It's probably alittle hard to say. The "endgame" is apparently the gold dragon body which supposedly means immortality? (It hasn't been made clear to me). I'm personally trying to explore it to see what it does. Also it seems that it DOES increase one's capacity to "channel" energy and also store energy, at least i've had some personal indicators of such. but the sensations are very...interesting, again for me at least. It's very "electrical", feels like I have a "current" running through my body when I summon the energy, pretty cool. Ultimately I'd like to be able to project this energy for healing and defense and perhaps explore what other fun things could be done with it (siddhis).


    Do you practice Rainbow? What have you experienced? What are your goals?



  2. How about increasing your testosterone Non? Trunk talked about some sort of device to have arround your balls or penis that was great at increasing testosterone. It will make you more yang. You can also start lifting wegihts in the way that increases testosterone the most (research technique for this). You can also add testosterone increasing food. You current diet is probably making you too Yin.


    Ring of power. Yeah I bought one two. Seemed to work pretty well :) And yeah, diet plays a HUGE role in testosterone. I'm attaching a book that specifically addresses the issue or hormones in relation to diet. I'd used his approach with astonishing success.


    Also if you're trying to accumulated "yang" energy then celibacy helps, but so does meditation on the lower centers of the body. Try dragon breath or slightly forceful reverse dantien breathing while in horse stance. Kundalini Yoga helps too.


    But also SUNLIGHT. Like idk about anyone else but when winter is around i'm a slug, as soon as I ingest some sunlight through my eyes i've got the energy of a bull on crack XD But it's effects on my mood are whats so crazy.


    Anyway here's the download, I HIGHLY suggest you give it a try.


    Ori Hofmekler - The Warrior Diet.pdf

  3. Another ignorant sppeculation. I've met max three times. I approached him with as much doubt fear thinking him a fraud. I've never seen max take advantage of people or mention anything that would make him seem special. All that is marketing which has its downsides but now I see that perhaps it was necessary to raise a ruckus to draw peoples attention. It sure worked here.


    Max is humble and refers often to his teachers in gratitude. He always mentions that he is equal to the people at the seminar. But all this is not why I'm defending him here. Its because the practice is genuine, the bliss is real and the insight it offers is ripe for todays generation that demands rapid progress.


    The more you become open to your environment the more sensitive you become of the toxicity and suffering around you. I was at a sit two weeks ago and chose to give as much bliss energy overflowing in my body to the people as I could. I could feel them. I could feel they guy in front me dumping his inner suffering onto me. I nearly choked with throat pain and was in tear for some hours. I had to build and purify all that again.


    I did what I did as a sort of experiment with the energy overflowiing within me. I don't think I am quite ready to be doing stuff like that now. So it's a wonder how max gives what he can to hundreds of people. His doing something beneficial to others and painfulnto him so it pisses me off now when I read all this ignorant speculation insulting him.


    Don't go now saying "see how you worship him now!" That's not how I feel. I feel gratitude towards him and send him blessings, but I don't feel that he is above me or below him but like a compassionate fellow cultivator who has learned what he has through blessings of his teachers. The practice let's you stand on your own.


    See these are the kind of "testimonials" that could help and I think are being sought. Anything else u holding back bruh?


    Also are you sure you didn't project such feelings onto that person and thus trick yourself into feeling them urself? I used to think I was an empath but then I realized that because of my desire to feel others emotions I ended up just making shit up and thinking it was real. Needless to say I was pretty embarrassed when I decided to test it :P I had some people focus on an emotion and write it down and I would try to "tune in" and needless to say What I felt was just my impression of them and had nothing to do with the reality of their feelings. Not to say that such is the case in your example. Have you had any other interesting experiences?


    Personally kunlun makes me laugh ALOT for absolutely NO reason although oddly enough most times it's characteristic of a villans laugh :P But also the bliss is incredible. I get these intense spinal "orgasms", Mostly in my upper back and chest (heart area). I've never been able to transfer energy though, pity, but then again I think the spontaneous part just fukks with the nerves, not actual transmittable energy (or maybe i just don't know how and haven't worked enough at it). The red phoenix never really did much for me. In the beginning I felt "magnetism" but nowadays I don't feel anything.



  4. To my knowledge

    seem to be

    This suggests




    Sorry man, "this suggests" you have a misunderstanding over what you're taking issue with. You have a preconceived idea of a manifestation.




    "open to his energy" - how about if you simply have a quasi-blocked chakra? what do you think happens in that case, say if someone's heart-center was rather blocked and he did his thing?


    If my understanding is incorrect then please correct it. I don't claim to know things that I can't support with at least experience or observation, therefore I use such terms. Unless I am certain that what i'm saying is true I can't claim it to be (even though i'm sure I still do from time to time :P ) I have never met Max, although I didn't feel ANYTHING from the facilitator nor have I heard anything from that or any other facilitator I've communicated with.


    What WOULD happen to someone with a "quasi" blocked chakra? I really don't know how it'd work, but i'd assume if he can control the percentage of his power (as shown in the "lama thunderbolt" film) that using less than 2 percent should only induce a small "shock" or repeatable sensation, whatever that may be. As much as I'd love to go visit him in person, the money just isn't on my side :(



  5. and people wonder "why things are kept secret" - because if you open your mouth, you necessarily get exposed to a multitude of detractors that wont believe anything unless it can be measured by their multimeter.


    Or because intelligent people will debunk it, lol. To my knowledge only Sifu Chang and Chunyi Lin have proven their abilities under "scientific scrutiny". The big "redlight" here is that Max doesn't seem to be able to affect people who aren't "tuned into his energy". This suggests that the "energy" is simply a subjective self-created illusion. People can be made to experience sum crazy things through some simple hypnosis. However when you can effect inanimate objects or objects without mind (ie lighting a lightbulb, eliminating a tumor) then there's a sound basis that the technique is an objective phenomena. If you had telekinesis and you were openly trying to teach others to do the same, trying to benefit society, wouldn't you first want to show them that it's possible? If people were doubting and you could easily show them under controlled conditions, wouldn't you show them, even have some fun doing it? Why be a stuck-up brat, if you have truth then why not explain it, share it and show it. Anyone can talk but it takes a true master to back up his/her words.


    That being said I know Kunlun is a powerful system and I've had some very interesting experiences with it. It's very fun and for those looking to experience sum cool shyt I highly recommend it.



  6. Belief being irrelevant, how can there be doubt?


    irrelevant question?


    Thank you for finding it.


    Does anyone see this letter as very defensive?



    please do not contact us any further on this



    This to me indicates a rather defensive response. It's basically saying "If you're going to ask tough questions then we're not going to answer you". Pretty sketch imo. Maybe I'm wrong. Again I don't see it as proof that Max is a fraud but merely that a representative may be feeling slight shame/guilt for either being unable to answer the question or for realizing he/she is lying. The person who responded was from the "primordial alchemist" (Max's) website, I'm assuming it was "Diane"(?)



  7. Someone please post it asap. It belongs adjacent to this part of the thread.


    Thank you


    Quoted from the "golden dragon body photos" thread page 16(?)


    I am sorry that you are spending your time trying to de-bunk photos. If

    you want the original you need to ask Kan. For those who do their practice

    and have meet Kan they know that they are real. We do not have to justify

    anything for you or for the tao bums who have nothing better to do but

    create drama for people, talk bad about people and what they teach.


    Believe what you will and please do not contact us any further on this

    subject. We are not here to make people believe in something or not, nor

    to make people accept or not accept, these things are normal effects of

    spiritual practices and many people throughout the world have these same

    things happening to themselves or others they know.


    If your seeking truths then do your own practices and look within, after

    opening yourself you may find your own answers then you will see some form

    of outer manifestation occur.


    Good luck on your journey, and one day meet kan,



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  8. His partner wrote a very defensive response for Max. That letter is on this forum sometime last year.


    You don't have to go that far back. the thread "golden dragon body photos" (maybe it was called something else) contained a quoted email response from some kunlun organization which was very defensive to one's inquiry to the legitimacy of Kan's photos.


    However this doesn't prove either way whether Max is for real or not. It DOES however imply that the organization representative may be embarrassed for believing and supporting someone they haven't verified for themself and thus aren't sure of. How many people have seen Max's "abilities"?


    Everyone says he's an "amazing person" and i'm sure there are millions of amazing people in this world but the question is what can he do? Throwing students around is no longer acceptable as a "power" as I can be done through psychological tricks, and I believe that someone challenged Max to throw him around but Max said something about he can't throw you around until you've done kunlun for 6 months or something because one's energy has to be open or else they'll get hurt? Personally even if this were true I'd find it quite impractical and a useless "power" to have. He said in his lectures that "kunluners" develop siddhis to "help people" but if they have to be attuned to your energy first then it's simply impractical...or it's a lie :P but who knows, it's really all heresay.


    However you'd think that out of all the seminars that max did where he did crazy shit to people that SOMEONE would have been completely unaffected and realized if it was bullshit. So...idk...more investigation and inquiries are needed. Unfortunately nobody seems to answer emails on any kunlun sites anymore so...meh.



  9. Yea I know, social status. Thats not what guys want.


    it seems very superficial, tho especiallyy when it seems those at the top REally ARE the more brutal of men. You don't see buddhists being very popular. At least not in this society. It may depend on the society, but the USA is pretty dominant in the world, which sets the standards for what is popular and what isn't. So then a person just has to be cold, and the "I don't give a flying f*ck if good people are starving and dying, they can die all they want it's keeping me alive" type.


    Yea they can "not care" but since there's so much brutality in this world it's more like "not giving a fuck" rather than "not being particularly concerned" type.


    Haha, not quite whta i meant, I didn't mean sociopathic or apathetic, just like...not alot of stuff bothers them. It's basically just remaining "cool" under stress. Everyone cares about something and I'll tell you from talking to all the women I do the number one complaint they have about guys is that guys aren't willing to share their feelings, so I doubt apathy would count as an "attractive" trait, lol.


    And really? Guys don't want to have their life together? they don't want to know what they want in life and have a plan to go after it and achieve it? they don't want to feel secure and confident? Idk bout that. I'm a guy and I value such things, I think alot of guys here would too :P


    I understand what you mean by "superficial" because I know those kinds of "methodologies" where you "fake it til you make it" which can feel very "fake" and uncomfortable and honestly if it's not who you want to be then it'd be "selling out" just for female companionship...which is never the best of ideas. Basically what gives a guy social status today is his ability to adapt and thrive in his environment and that doesn't just mean financially but also emotionally. Most of the "wusses" that girls avoid like the plague are simply insecure and needy and thus end up draining the female (even though they may have the best of intentions). My mom's like that. She loves me to death but she does nothing but drain my energy because she's so low on it herself.


    It's kinda like one of those "ironic" situations. The more emotionally stable one is the more attractive one becomes. So the point isn't to make the woman attracted to you, it's to become more attractive to women. And thats done by cultivating emotional equilibrium, direction, stability etc. Basically just focus on yourself, become who you want to be and just watch the magic from there. Fun fun.





    EDIT: Good Idea Sloppy ! :D


    EDIT2: Re Eddie Murphy Vid - Thats chemistry for ya. Like I said most people in today's society have a weak spirit (or shen), lack of discipline, self control and willpower. I agree it's a pathetic state but by understanding the mechanics of it you can use it to empower others through application or through education.

  10. You know, only 20 % of men get to have 80 % of the women.


    Statistically only 40 % of men even get to have some sort of success with women, yet we are related to only 20 percent of the males. 80 percent of women having some have success with men. Starking contrast.


    And then about 25-30 percent of men die off to equal the number of men of which more are born than women.


    One can definately assume that it's all inheritance when it comes to success. Inheritance means genetics, which means reproductive success.


    And a male can be successful in life do great things but as long as he does not get 1 ounce of love or anything from a woman he is not considered biologically worthy of evolutionary continuation.


    Look at the men and women and see the diffeerence in their bodily structure. Men have the features of brutality and the bodily structure to do EVERYTHING a society needs while a woman's features are BY FAR dominantly for reproductive SERVICE to the MOST BRUTALLY DOMINANT MALES. BY FAR!


    Im not being sexist, Im speaking from a biological standpoint!



    Life isn't fair...and thats a GOOD THING, that's where the power's at, it means you can ascend to the highest ranks of the "elites" and get what you're looking for.


    Non, women...<sigh> forgive me females on this forum, but Non, most women are very weak willed and easy to manipulate and control. Most men are "brutal", they're angry, belligerent, immature, and use fear and physical force to dominate others. HOWEVER, women only "think" they like that. Honestly you can use techniques to completely rewrite what they like and find attractive and appealing, it's not set in stone, the mind is very "changeable". While very few men statistically get most of the women, that means you can be in that "20%". And you don't have to become domineering, angry, controlling, or any of those negative things. Once you understand WHY women are attracted to that, you can dissect what's REALLY going on underneath the bullshit and push the same "buttons" without being a jackass.


    Women are attracted to social status. Now back in the day that was determined by physical strength, but now it's determined by other things. 1.) Money and the ability to provide for a family 2.) Popularity 3.) Emotional stability 4.)Reliability 5.) Sex


    Listen to this :


    It's true as hell and rather funny, lol. But it's been proven to me as true...which means personality isn't as important as one makes it out to be, you can rewrite what they like using simple psychology combined with chemistry ;)


    Trust me though the top class who REALLY get most of the women are not the "brutal" type. The "brutal" guys end up getting the uneducated, low self esteem women (a sad majority). The true "top class" are the confident and "i really don't care" type of guys. They don't use force cause they don't have to, they have social status which is much more powerful and influential thus they aren't intimidated by anything. Look at fuggin Rick James! that guys was the FARTHEST from "brutal", he was a "love machine" but because he had social status women through themselves at him. Though the world is indeed a "dark" place, it's not hopeless and you're not a victim. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.


    Best of luck to you



    (The above is based on observations and studies of masses and generalizations, i'm not trying to label anyone as a gender, just identifying trends)

  11. Picked up this new ebook. Here's an excerpt:

    A craftsman feels sure that his hands will obey him and execute the exact movements he requires. Anyway, he does not even think about it and works without worrying whether or not his hands will do just what he wants at a given moment. Under such conditions hands and other human organs, when working properly, constitute a harmonious unit, capable of functioning in their own particular sphere of action.

    Imagine now that some part of your body refuses to obey the impulses issued from

    the control centre of your brain. And for example, instead of pouring a glass of water

    when you are thirsty, your hand lights a cigarette or even refuses to move at all.


    Then surely you will consider that such a hand is of little use.

    Now look closely at the functions of your mind-brain. Can you affirm with utter

    certainty that you are always thinking when and only about what you really want to,

    and that therefore you know from where your thoughts and feelings are coming into

    the light of your consciousness? Can you withhold the entry or limit the duration of

    thoughts in your mind for as long as you wish? If you are able to analyse your

    thinking processes, a sincere answer will always be in the negative.

    So it would seem that the average man is not a good craftsman, because he cannot

    control his chief tool―the mind and its thoughts. His life is spent on using and

    accepting something which originates beyond his reach and understanding.

    The practical study of concentration opens to us not only the world of results, but

    also of causes, and this lifts us beyond the slavery of uncontrolled feelings and



    What do you guys think about the cultivation of concentration, the idea of having control of your mind? Are there any techniques you guys use to develop concentration? Do you think this kind of training is severely lacking in todays world? Personally i would consider this the foundation of all development. What do you guys think?



    Concentration Mouni Sadhu - The Occult training manual.pdf

  12. Manitou- Beautiful and inspiring from where I'm standing. Using the sybology of animals to represent our "lower" nature is interesting. Any words on what each animal sybolizes or represents?




    Any spiritual work, as I understand, must involve great struggle and discrimination, based on your knowledge.

    To say "There are no such things as character defects!" runs dangerously close to the Advaita trap of saying "There is no tree!" or "There is noone doing the action!" and then falling on your face when confronted with our immediate reality. Most of these things we can't know for sure, and if they are true, they are most likely of a nature pertaining to an ultimate reality, which probably does not directly concern our lessons here.


    Agreed :D

  13. I don't know about actually reversing the aging process on a DNA level, but I know some tai ji practitioners who look remarkably young for their age. I certainly look better/younger than I did ten years ago, and I attribute that completely to spiritual cultivation. . .


    Yeah that true, we still don't entirely understand what aging is yet. Scientists say they can't find any reason for the human body to die as it seems like a self regulating machine. What causes it to be worn down and eventually non-functional still has to be discovered before we can make any progress in the way of physical immortality. Although we always have spiritual immortality via immortal fetus.


    Also I guess it should be noted that with organ regeneration via stem cell research, new bodies could easily be "grown" if we just had a way to transfer consciousness. But then again we could just inject these "stem cells" into the brain and have it regenerate itself so maybe that too would be unnecessary. Although I do have to say, if restricted calorie diets and fasting can expand the lifespan by as much as it does and activate "self preservation" systems, I wonder if bigu would be a way to maintain life for extended periods of time...



  14. A year later....


    Enslavement. Can it be this simple? It does seem that way, but not all here agree. Im looking here for encouragement. Im looking for support.


    I have to find an answer. Be that finding a woman who is positive, a way to cum without hurting myself, or being dead-set on celibacy.


    Those ways of helping this problem.


    1) Celibacy. Extreme. When I tried this I had a break in my focus such that I brought a woman into my life. I was lonely and I couldnt stand it. It seems like such a big task. My instinct says this is the way. But to learn to be alone... it seems like such a massive task. So many supporting things I need to fix to help me along the way, for example finding a community to support myself to help the gap a partner provides. I would have to change my whole life. I dont even know where to start. I find it hard to imagine. I know all it takes is a digression in thoughts and Ill be back to square one. I guess I have to remember "just take the first step"...


    2) A way to cum without hurting oneself.

    How do I bring the energy into myself to protect myself from losing it?


    3) Please tell me there are women out there who support their men in life. Please inspire me.


    I guess there is a 4th option. Do the romantic thing, cum, be a willing slave, submit and die. Should I submit to enslavement. I know if I do she will leave me.



    It seems like madness to leave someone over this. I just think to myself "Why cant she just support me". She doesnt budge an inch. It such a simple thing. Surely if she really loved me she wouldnt do this to me?


    It goes in cycles. I go to work at sea, build my energy for 2 months. I feel strong but notice desire. I come back feeling great because I know she is there for me.


    This is totally ruining our relationship. It seems like a war neither will back down on. It shouldnt even be a case of me vs her anyway. I have to find resolve. Leaving her is not addressing the problem because I know it will result in the same thing just with another woman.


    Thank you for your points about honour, doing it honourably. That is helpful. When my last relationship ended that honour and care I expected to be reciprocated. That was something I felt I didnt get and that was devastating, something I still carry with me even after working on it for a year and to be honest that makes me angry.



    If there are women out there who this is different for, please let me know and I will leave this girl in search of that woman.


    If I can protect my energy from this please let me know.


    If you can inspire strength within me to commit to celibacy, please do.



    This is causing me a massive amount of pain here.


    Well celibacy is MUCH easier when you eliminate the physical and mental "drives" that cause you to crave it. Love can be expressed many ways, as can creative energy, it's only lust that demands ejaculation. Lust is caused by physical and mental toxicity. I've actually posted about this too much I feel like a broken record but the urge to ejaculate is caused my inorganic minerals, excess sugar in the bloodstream and undigested protein along with other toxins. Semen acts as a potent solvent to eliminate such toxic build up. When the body is toxic, every orifice is used to eliminate, remember it's trying to stay alive!

    Then mental toxicity obviously as porn, objectifying women, over-stimulation, etc. If you can use meditation, Cardio (which is huge for me at least, if you focus on your breath count like 4-7 in and 2-3 out), and other calming methods or simply find another focus. When I was working on reducing food intake I would start to play a really involving video game, post alot on here, or just plain sleep alot whenever I started thinking about can do the same for sex. I've been celibate for SO many months, and been quite alone as well. Honestly I don't feel i need (or really want) all that social stimulation I once craved, once you "face yourself" do some insight, discover you shadow and release your emotional blockages lonliness itself fades and social activity becomes a choice rather than a "drive" much the same way sex does.


    When it comes to techniques that allow one to retain semen...honestly I've heard alot. Check out for a list of resources. Honestly I think the Zenno jojido has the best techniques out of those. Although i think Verdesi may have a crazy technique as well and i'm hoping to check him out one day.


    As for women who are willing to work with that...You'd have to establish an emotional connection first methinks. Of course women don't NEED you to ejaculate, if you get them off digitally or orally then you should be good and I know women who would LOVE to have a guy to just get them off and NOT ejaculate because that would eliminate all the risk/worry of sex for them.


    Anyway, best of luck,


  15. Hey Astral

    I think your advice was excellent and very insightful. You seemed to point out to me several things that I do, that now that you mentioned them I realize I do, but didn't previously. I think I need to shut up more too lol, as it seems that most people in general (women included) just are simply not intersted in qigong/taoism. Other than this forum, it seems that when I bring up this topic, just about no one is interested. I guess this also goes with what you said about giving advice. I tend to do that ALOT!! Now that I think about it, I sense their feelings change rapidly when the advice starts coming out. I mean well, and want to help, and thing qigong is the most awesome thing there is and one of the best ways to deal with problems, but now that you mention it, I guess I might come off as sounding like a nosey, pompous, know it all lol. I really want to help, but I guess it does not come off that way. I also notice that a lot of people that complain about personal issues don't really want to deal with them, but rather just like the sympathy that comes from stating their issues, or the excuse they think it gives them to be the way they are. But I like your ranting and raving, its has been very insightful lol.


    Yeah, it's tough when you genuinely care about someone and want to help but often end up pushing people away. I've noticed that people (women especially) simply don't want advice, they just want to "vent" they just want someone to "talk it out" with and not feel judged or pushed in a certain direction. The whole reason I do what I do is because I noticed if I try to give advice they just run away, but if i just listen and let them release some of their built up feelings it creates an emotional connect, it establishes trust and comfort. Once that's been established usually they'll actually begin to ask for advice, if not then at least be more receptive when you sneak a suggestion or tell a story of how you or someone you know/heard of overcame a similar issue.

    But of course there can be times where they'll just not be ready to change and personally I can understand that because although change is my essence and I thrive on it, it also understand the physical/mental/emotion stress caused by it and if they're living a "typical" life then they have enough already. In such a case I'm usually just there as an "emotional pillow", just to ease the burden. Of course I have my limits but I do feel bad for people in today's world.


    I do wonder though why it is that most people do not seem to have much interest in qigong, as I find it facinating?


    I think alot of people view it kinda like "tarrot cards" when you get into the mystical aspect of it. Like if you just did it and said it was just a kind of exercise to stay healthy (like yoga) then it'd be no big deal. When you start saying you can read their emotiona they may get alittle freaked out :P . Remember man's biggest fear is the unknown. Imagine what runs through their head. They prolly think something like "jeez if he can do that then what else can he do?" and may get scared. On the other hand If you do it "playfully" it can be great fun XD. If you present it kinda like a magic trick, be like "hey look i wanna try something", or "hey you wanna play a game" and then tell them you want to guess what kind of emotional state their in or whatever you're going to do, then put on a bit if a show, put you hand out and pretend to feel her aura, go "AUM" or u know, do some showmanship so it fits better with her preconceived idea of "mystical". Plus you could always get one wrong on purpose ;) But I think if you present it playfully and kinda joke about it it may come across more "comfortable" in her mind. maybe pick up some cards trick and a top hat lololol

