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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. What's wrong with taking starches, cheese and dairy?


    There are plenty of vegetable starches which will help one, especially athletes with their energy needs.


    When did I say starches were "wrong". And why would you even use such a subjective word? For me they're wrong because of my beliefs and my goals. For someone who doesn't share those beliefs or goals perhaps they are "right", but these silly subjective terms don't belong in the context of objectivity.


    Starches, cheese and dairy ferment, or have the tendency to ferment. Also starches take energy to break down, whereas simple sugars are absorbed immediately and effortlessly. You get more net energy because you're feeding the body the raw materials it "needs" instead of giving it grosser matter it has to spend energy breaking down. (just like feeding it amino acids instead of protein). Plus starches have to be cooked and are thus enzyme deficient, causing more energy to go towards creating those enzymes and more energy in digestion and elimination. Starches are just a waste of energy imo.


    If you want to go further, look up my only post in "off topic" and download the "Mucusless diet healing system" by dr arnold ehret. He did an experiment that showed the sugar from starches were mostly unusable by the body and left behind a "paste" or "glue" like substance that clogs up the system over time. He did the same experiment with "fruit sugar" and found that it was completely utilized by the body with little to no residue. Yogis tend to prefer (raw)milk and fruit because they leave the least amount of residue in the colon. Do an experiment, eat nothing but breads and cheeses for a week, then eat nothing but fruit for a week. See if your bowel movements leave more or less "residue" (meaning if you have to wipe more or not, not how much comes out).


    Lastly the fermented lactose sugar and likely fermentation of the starch is the ideal food source for anaerobic microbes (yeast mold fungus bacteria virus parasites). Normally glucose is broken down into pyruvate and, in the presence of abundant oxygen, the mitochondria turns that into ATP which is energy for the body. But if that sugar instead ferments then it feed not only the body but also the microbes which take up residence in your body. If there is no fermentation then there is no food for these bugs thus they cannot survive. However it's not uncommon for them to cause you to crave starches and dairy and such so they can continue to survive. Also the more fermentation that takes place, the more anaerobic microbes that infest your body, the lower the cellular oxygen, which means you get less energy ATP because the mitochondria cannot function properly. Of course this doesn't occur for quite some time, but when it does...Well you've heard of Otto Warburg, the man who showed that cancer was caused by the mitochondria's inability to create ATP, thus sugar fermentation and that cancer cannot thrive in a high oxygen environment... I would pose that our bodies have been radically altered over generations and we've reached a point where we're either going to wake up and start the "journey home" or die. Of course I mean our vessel, not the REAL us, but you get the idea.


    MOST importantly though is the effect on consciousness and energetic sensitivity. I have found that fruit and fruit alone is the ideal food for increasing awareness of the body, mind and emotions, and increases sensitivity to energy and auras. This is a personal discovery of mine. Fasting does it too, but is often too extreme to handle, the fruit is a "lighter" version of fasting. It's an ideal transition to inedia as once you've adapted to the vibration of living on fruits, fasting becomes MUCH easier, although should still be a gentle evolution (unless for whatever reason you're pressed for time). But starches simply don't do it, they're too "heavy" and dairy is too "thick", fruit alone is "light" and "clear". The reason I am such a supporter of the fruit diet is because it does to me the same thing kunlun does to me. I noticed that when I had stopped the practice. I went fruitarian for a time and I noticed the same things in kunlun started occurring during my fruit experiment. I had a heightened sensitivity, I felt light, young, everything was more colorful and alive, I was more aware of my emotions and they often surfaced, I was more aware of others' energy and my own, my thoughts were clearer, etc. Now I'm beginning to combine the two... B)


    Again all of the above is simply my opinion based on my experience and the experiences of others.


  2. Audio - Wow, that was easy. If thats all it takes to get an emotional response I'm sure energy vamps must salivate at the look of you :P

    As for the molecular structure of toxins....Eeesh, maybe someone can help me out here. Anyone know what the molecular structure of fear is? ;)


    Cat- I could share my intellectual understanding of things but I think it's best if you make your goals clear and known to yourself and follow your intuition, thats your best guide. I've done the "Lemonade Detox" with the cayanne and syrup and such, plus many others. They're interesting experiments indeed but tend to be short lived. The purgatives are fun to do, colonics, liver flushes, oxygen therapy, electric therapy, etc, and they help get a "head start" but ultimately in the end it's up to the body to clean itself out it's own way, and it's up to us to surrender to it, get out of it's way and enjoy the ride back to divinity. Imho, cultivating a high body intuition is much more valuable than the physical cleansing, it just so happens that by doing intense cleanses you develop a certain sensitivity where you're more in touch with your body and your emotions. If we could just empty our minds and forget everything we've been told, and just trust our bodily wisdom, our intuition, the "god" within us...I believe we'd all be in a state of divinity.


    From experience, if you fast when you're not ready for it there's a high chance you wont be able to handle the emotional strain, fear and panic will arise and you'll "lose it" and binge on the most aweful of things, it happens time and time again. However i've noticed when I go on pure fruit (or close to it as I can get) there's an initial stage of getting used to the new vibration (which is much higher but not too far of a leap to lose control), but after I've adjusted what'll happen is after a time my body will say "I don't want any more food" and a natural fast will ensue. There will still be discomfort but if you're in tune with your body you'll be able to handle it. Your mind will be less likely to panic and get in the way. As i said earlier, if you practice Spontaneous Qigong via kunlun, yigong or whatever else, it'll help to start the process of emotional release and will aid you immensely(imo).

    Only eat when your body says "i'm hungry", only drink when your body says "I'm thirsty". As you get more in tune you'll learn to recognize when you're ACTUALLY hungry and when you're just eating to suppress the discomfort of the physical/emotional cleansing that naturally happens when the energy is freed from digestion and over thinking.

    Again, to me it's more of a slow gradual thing, an evolution, rather than a leap (Which sucks for me because I used to be quite the extremist, rushing blindly until I got beat around a few times and learned to cool my ambition).


    Hope all goes well, may love consume you


  3. I'm hardcore addicted to bad food. Especially dairy. I can down 3 cups of cottage cheese in one sitting and still want more!


    Bland food bores me, I'm addicted to the endorphin release of flavor. This is why I've never attempted a raw diet, seems like it would be really boring to eat.


    Maybe I should work on my perception of eating as entertainment rather than just a fueling process for the body.


    Here's a question, though. Once you're through detoxing, do the cravings for the unhealthy stuff stop?


    I could probably do a fruit diet of some kind. I love me some fruit!


    Once you're TRULY through detoxing you no longer need food ;) . And I can tell you from experience fruit diet are the top of the chain in term of consciousness, endurance, energy and sensitivity when it comes to raw foods. You can eat raw food and still be unhealthy. This "gourmet" raw food where you make your fav cooked foods out of raw foods (raw apple pie, raw pasta, raw cakes, raw ice cream, etc) is ridiculous imo. Then you have the high fat raw which is nice for a time but you'll never get the energy and blissful awareness of a pure fruit diet on those other ones.


    As for the cravings, most of it is parasite related if on the physical level. Get rid of the yeast/mold/fungus etc which feed on fermentation (starches, cheese, dairy), and you should be good. The only enemy from that point on is your mind. Obviously you still remember the "sensations" you got from those foods, you just need to reprogram your mind to recognize those feelings as illusory because if you were to eat those foods now (after you've detoxed a bit) they'll taste terrible and make you feel terrible. Then again if you eat enough fruit, the mind will get it's glucose and probably won't send any "I need energy" signals nor should it desire anything.


    Cat if you consider doing a fruit diet and need some inspiration, look up doug graham and the 80/10/10 book. You can also check out sites like . These guys are hard core fruit eaters and have plenty of good advice on how to make it work. Idk if you practice spontaneous qigong at all, but if you do you'll notice another little perk in regards to that while on a fruit diet ;)



  4. So I've lost my bounce, said Tigger. Not unhappy, but too little boinggg...


    50, a little weary and too often injured. My thought processes are slow... I've done a little Tai Chi & Qigong and am presently starting off Ya Mu's Stillness-Movement.


    When I'm not injured I'll be doing Ya Mu's Gift of the Tao, perhaps Pilates/Yoga for core and agility.


    What experience or advice does the panel have for regenerating pep, interest, vitality, in particular mental agility and enthusiasm?


    Nutrition and supplements perhaps? Brief therapies? Psychotherapy and Taiwanese jungle masters don't really resonate ;)


    Rich xx


    Edit for typo


    I can only speak from my own "young" experience but high fruit diets, or simply high "simple sugar" diets. The brain uses us 70% of your total energy, and it runs almost soley on glucose. Fruit is ideal because you don't have to waste energy converting starches to glucose and it contains fructose which doesn't need insulin as a carrier meaning it gets absorbed and used almost instantly. Most foods spend more energy in digestion then the food itself gives you.


    Also, again in my personal experience, when I harbor emotions instead of freely expressing/releasing them I grow "heavy". When I do spontaneous qigong via Kunlun I release alot of "stored up" emotions and always feel very "light" and "bouncy" afterwards, like a 9 year old boy again XD


    Imo supplements are useless and only a temporary dependence unless you address the underlying cause for your dis-ease. If you're low on energy I'd say your adrenals are probably exhausted, you may want to get a good herbal formula or if you're REALLY bad, get a glandular. Also if your circulation is poor you may want to try juicing parsley and/or cillantro to remove some heavy metals and oxygenate your system a bit. Look out for foods in alluminum cans, look out for high fructose corn syrup (contains trace amounts of mercury), and try to eat only whole, natural foods. Lastly if you've ever heard of MMS vis Jim Humble, I would look into that as well, it's supposed to work wonders in increasing cellular oxygen, getting rid of viruses, yeasts, mold fungus, etc and removing heavy metals. I wouldn't recommend chelation.


    Best of Luck.




    Here is a huge list of vegan bodybuilders and atheletes.


    I don't believe that the list is so huge. Any fakes on the list?


    Why don't you believe this to be possible? How do regular body builders do it? Overload on protein so that you have a huge amount of undigested protein matter forced in between the cells to give the illusion of "muscle mass". Look at the amount of food that most vegan bodybuilders eat! and all the soy protein powder. Well guess what... sunwarior protein powder: it's a RAW VEGAN protein made from sprouted brown rice. It's very easy to continue to overeat and pack on unusually large amount of protein and get the same results using the same techniques as the meat eaters do. However I'm sure once he begins to TRUELY detoxify those muscles will be going "Bye bye" :P Most muscles that we call "big" are really just swollen, inflamed by all the acidic by-products of a high protein diet and too much food.


    But don't misunderstand, this is still very possible. If one were to detoxify long enough, first you'd get very skinny while your body releases all the crap you've been overloading yourself with. Because absorbtion in the small bowel is still weak, you will be rather skinny in the initial stages. Then afterwards when the mucus is cleared up and the lymph is moving well, pancreas and small bowel restored, you'll begin to put on mass on teh same diet you've been losing it on. Check out Chris Califano at, he did it that way, he's a high carb, high fruit guy. That kind of diet will cause most to become SUPER skinny (like me atm) until they cleanse their digestive tracts of all obstructions. Then of course you can take herbs like terrestrius(spelling?) and Yohimbe and Maca, and Tonkat Ali to boost testosterone and such and put on MASSIVE amounts of REAL muscle (even though I believe the only thing that happens is that you increase blood flow which stretches the muscle fiber to accommodate more blood flow which increases the size, similar to penis enlargment exercises). The way to tell the diff is when you fast or eat a low protein diet you shouldn't lose muscle, thats a sign that the "muscle" you had is of low quality. Also remember that size doesn't mean strength, and if you wanted TRUE strength, you wouldn't work out and eat a high protein diet, you'd meditate and practice nei-gong like good wittle daoists :P


    REMINDER: The above is my opinion based on my experience with myself and talking to others.



  6. as for 5 element dietary principles on a raw vegan diet: it works.


    Traditionally too much raw foods can harm, but that's more ancient tradition. Most vegan foods in general are cold/yin in nature so it doesn't matter whether you cook it or not, it still can end up being yin or cooling a lot of the times when compared to meat. So you just find the heating plant foods, exercise, balance the elements, etc. Don't eat too much cold foods you can warm them lightly. You also don't have to be 100% raw, you can still have teas, or some herbal supplements, etc. I still believe in some cooked/heated foods for special purposes.


    As to the whole cooked vs raw tomato thing, I look at it like this: You have more lycopene available when you cook foods. Ok I guess if you have a need for more lycopene in your diet I guess that would be of use. But also cooking makes the tomato more acid, denaturing proteins and enzymes, cooking out the bio-energy as macronutrients are broken down, etc. So there is some use in cooking tomatoes, there is also use in not cooking a tomato. So really it depends on individual needs. One is not better or worse but for long term I think raw tomato is better. If a plant has to be cooked to make it palatable or less poisonous than that means one should be very careful with that plant.


    The lycopene is a myth. Look for the original study. There was less overall lycopene content but the body absorbed a higher percentage of what was left out of the cooked tomato. The body absorbed roughly the same amount of lycopene out of each but it absorbed a HIGHER PERCENTAGE of the lycopene out of the cooked tomato because there was less overall lycopene available. Ever hear of a raw foodist with a lycopene deficiency? :P


    Re-yin foods. For people who do kundalini yoga, tantra, tumo or hard exercise this is the most beneficial diet available to man. For the lazy sedentary type...stick to you cooked foods and go back to sleep :P Meditate, meditate, meditate. Empty the mind and let the fire rise or focus the mind and force it to arise, or just run around and circulate your energy/blood. Or just use alot of cayanne.



  7. Non - Have you looked up "Dr Robert Cassar" I think you may enjoy listening to his ideas on parasites. Parasites are tricky. When it comes to herbs you could always try the classic "Black walnut husk, wormwood and cloves" as outlined in Hulda Clark's book "The cure for all diseases". The essene gospel of peace talks about using fasting as a tool for ridding oneself of parasites.


    I think oxygen plays an important role. ANgela Stokes recently claimed to have cured her Candida (or some form of sugar intolerance) by using something called "Adya Clarity", a product known to add minerals and oxygen to water (amoungst other things). Most yeast, fungi and certain bacteria thrive in an anaerobic environment. What I never knew is that the body has 2 main ways of creating ATP. One is the regular way where Pyruvate enters the mitochondria to be oxidized by the Krebs cycle, which requires oxygen. However when there is not enough oxygen available then the Pyruvate undergoes a process of fermentation. The pyruvate, instead of being transported to the mitochondria, remains in the cytoplasm where it is converted to waste products. Sounds like an ideal environment for yeast, mold, fungus and parasites to live.

    Also Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize Winner for his research on cancer stated, "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar."


    I'm going to be experiementing with the use of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in increasing oxygenation, along with a numb of other experiements in the coming weeks.


    I believe the "perfect" diet of man is that of air/breath/chi or whatever, Bigu I suppose would sum it up as well. However I believe there are many obstacles for the common man that prevent him from reaching this state.

    1.) I believe we are not getting enough oxygen which can cause us to be infested with yeast, mold, fungus, bacteria and parasites that are non-harmonious. For example tapeworms from flesh. It is my belief that the one of the reasons so many vegetarians fail is because they have a tapeworm that causes them to crave flesh and if they don't eat it, it drinks their blood which in turn gives them anemia or just generally makes them weak, which likely caused the whole "skinny vegetarian/vegan" stereotype. Listen to some talks by

    it's thought provoking.

    2.)I believe the "mineralization" concept. Alot of the more interesting healing modalities focus on minerals as creating "conductivity" increasing cellular communication and "chi" and that heavy metals can obstruct the flow of chi and even cause glands to calcify (pinneal gland). I believe we are lacking in minerals and trace elements. Since most of our crops are grown with on NPK and not sea salt or Himalayan salt, I believe that the foods we are eating are devoid of certain trace elements.

    3.) We're enzymatically deficient. If all of our enzymes are being converted to digestive enzymes to break down food (and sometimes we can't even do that) then our "higher metabolc functions" will never be realized. Also I believe that enzymes can be stored in the cells and further that enzymes can get into the bloodstream. In fact I found it interesting the similarities between "Original Chi" (or the chi that we have a limited amount of, 4get what it's called) and Dr Howell's theory on enzymes. Both state that we have a certain amount from birth and that when we run out we die. Enzymes and (O chi?) both cause life.

    4.) We don't have a healthy supply of beneficial bacteria. I've been doing alot of snooping around trying to research bacteria. We know they can synthesize B12. According to what I've found they can also create protein and some other vitamins. I wonder if bacteria can synthesize more. Perhaps breatharians have bacteria that can create all the vitamins and amonos we need. In studies done on fasting they've found that we can recycle minerals and certain aminos.


    These are some of my thoughts. I'm going to be experimenting soon with alot of these ideas, but I thought I'd share some. Also there is the concept of "Astal parasites" which feed thoughts into your head that mascarade as your own. Apparently raising you vibration and empowering your aura helps protect and eliminate these things. Perhaps why meat is associated with anger and negative emotions in Yogi and Essene traditions.


    But yeah I wonder is sugar is really the culprit or if lack of oxygen is the culprit. Ether way greens are definately where it's at. Fruits nowadays just aren't...good enough, lol. I'm working on living mostly off green juices, herbs and algae. Glad to hear raw veganism is working out for you XD



    EDIT: Another interesti note is if you look into most of the breatharians that haven't been proven as complete frauds (Jasmuheen, Wiley Brooks), You'll notice they all practice energy arts with the exception of Jericho Sunfire (AKA Richard Blackman) who is involved in intense fitness. These people all use practices which increase the oxygen, focusing on breathe. This could very well be a key to achieving "bigu". Whereas most of us eat food to gain energy perhaps we can learn to breath to get energy instead. I remember when I was 17 I went fruitarian for a couple weeks and I jogged 5-10 miles every day (from a sedentary lifestyle) and practiced sungazing. I only ate 2-3 pieces of fruit a day and only for hydration. I eventually gave it up out of fear, but always wondered what would have happened if I kept going. But like I said exercise or something that increases the utilization of oxygen could be a major key in attaining such a state.


    This is a 10 part speech by Dr Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Institute. He talks about how to increase "lifeforce", the bio-electric frequency of the body...sounds alot like chi to me. His emphasis is using diet to increase life-force, I can only imagine combining that with meditation and other techniques. The clinical studies are most impressive. Enjoy, and lemme know your thoughts :)




    EDIT: Oh and did I mention this guy is 60?!

  9. Fear of what if's is the major motivation for me. I was atheist till 2005 when I had something like a kundalini awakening gone horribly wrong. I had been working with entraining gamma band brainwaves like monks I had read about in studies. I experienced my mind moving into and out of multiple layered realities simultaneously, and it was a horrific experience, that led me to believe that the mind will continue past death. That experience led me to believe that reincarnation was probable, and researching masters like John Chang, Wang Liping, and Chunyi Lin who all confirm their belief in reincarnation added to my suspicion that it might occur.


    I don't know why or how I got here or if I have some purpose, but I feel pursuing methods to expand my consciousness, and spirit are my calling.


    You are probably right that there is a lot I am ignoring that is worthwhile, but I there is simply too much information and most of it false, so I try to stick to systems that seem to get results you can verify.


    I was probably wrong to consider using foodstamps, to help with my budget living on a small income, if I was capable of working more hours to support myself. It was a grey area morally for me anyway but it seemed like it might be a good idea.


    Really physical existence in this life isn't so bad, I am doing better than most other people on earth. I just feel like the whole death/rebirth eventuality is unacceptable, I want to stop aging, and dying, and being reborn.


    Were we able to choose not only our birth, but the circumstances of growing up and who we interact with then reincarnation wouldn't be so bad. The issue I have with it is simply this: We have a chance to make the EXACT SAME mistakes as we did in the last life assuming we made them. The point is without memory of our past lives we can't learn and grow, simple as that, unless we can choose our programming. But when we're reincarnated in this age and in this world we're programmed from birth to be fucked up. The very fact that I am where I am is either by the grace of the divine or by complete fucking LUCK. Just think, unless you choose to be birthed into a spiritual community...well thats it, GG, you're gonna spend your whole childhood filling your mouth and mind with shit and then by the time you reach a point where you realize what's happened you've already wasted the "prime" years of your life being fucked over. Wang Liping started when we was what 8? John Chang around the same age. They all got a head start.


    More-Pie, I'm with you on the search to break the ridiculous cycle of birth, or at least to retain memory/personality of this life. You may wanna look into life extension and even practices of "physical immortality". Even if it isn't literal physical immortality it may give you that extra 10-50years you need, know what i mean? I've been studying health and anti-aging for like 6 years now and i'm going to be talking to a few "mystics" about the concept of physical immortality. I've only heard it spoken about in the Essene tradition, Raja Yoga and in certain mythologies, but I'm pretty sure it's possible, just REALLY hard, lol.


    If what has been said about Chang is true then reaching the level 2a (2), would suffice to at least retain one's personality after death. Then you'd live in your spirit/astral body for a time where you could continue practicing (but from what i understand you'd still decay). However I don't think it's until much later that you begin to cultivate the "immoral fetus" (if that's done at all). The Essenes also have a method of light-body creation though I haven't learned it yet, I plan to eventually. I assume you already know level 1 and 2 (lol who doesn't)[although I hear Verdesi says that Chang was unable to translate all of level 1 and 2 and missed some of it which is why it took so long, don't know how valid that claim is].


    Also in means of living...Idk your plan or anything but if you do decide to take the route of business you could always hire other people to work for you, or if you choose marketing and take it online you can create automation systems. If not it may be well worth investing some time searching for small eco-communities or monastarys. I've personally been looking for at least 2 years now but have only found one place and I'm working on getting in. Otherwise you could always join a farm, see if they have any internships. It's alot of hours and hard work but you'd learn how to basically set up your own sustainable living and you may even get a stipend for your work which you could put towards that. But society is set up to force you to spend you time for money so you can spend you money and time to live. Plus with the condition of society and the work we do we tend to need more rest in a day. So with 8 hours work, 8 hours rest, travel time, meal time, and any other distraction...doesn't really work out too well (unless you have one of those jobs like acupunture, where you charge $60/hr) :P. Although if you buy a good dairy cow and find some unoccupied land with grass, you could get a good gallon a day outta that, lol.


    Hope find what you're looking for. We should compare notes one day about methods, lol. I tried making a thread but nobody responded :glare:



    • Like 1

  10. A Raw Diet?

    I am thinking of going on it for Spiritual and Health reasons.

    A 30 day trial would be sufficient.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?

    Thank you!


    I can almost guarantee you wont regret it. For me personally it was a discovery of a long lost part of myself, the biggest issues are usually the social aspects, and the fear. Personally I've found while on a raw food diet I'm more in touch with my body and it also raises awareness, not just bodily awareness, but like, "shen" awareness, like you become alot more sensitive to stuff. This is more pronounced during fasting, but if you do a raw diet long enough you eventually run into the emotional detox similar to Yigong/kunlun which is pretty fun.


    Suggestions? Listen to your body. I'm pretty sure raw foods is about raising your awareness, cutting out the sedative effect that food usually has, breaking the bonds of emotionally eating and giving up attachments to "comfort food". Use this new awareness to learn more about yourself.


    If you're trying to think nutrition I'd suggest green smoothies an sprouts be your staples. Sprouts alone can provide the full nutritional profile of everything you (think you) need. Other than that, play around see what works and what doesn't, see how you feel and again, listen to your body. It's a fun experiment, I hope you enjoy it :D


    Oh and one common issue some people tend to have is bloating and indigestion due to some plant fibers. With fruits, make sure they're ripe, with vegetables, stick more to the leafy greens and juice the rest. If you still have bloating or anything an enzyme supplement will take care of it.


    Have Fun!


  11. drewhempel #2 with the OaDs.


    as for the fruit diet Im not sure it's the optimal diet especially because it takes a transition.. and it's a lot of sugar. if it's high fruit then make it low glycemic at least most of the time.


    I eat a diet of mostly dark leafy greens and veggies with some nuts/seeds and algae powder to give me more protein. Sometimes I add in a small amount of low glycemic fruits in the salad. later on after about 3-6 months as per Gabriel Cousens book I'll start incorporating more fruits, but really I think this is good.


    Ur right, the greens also work. Actually perhaps better than the fruit. Algae especially ;)


    And these aren't "O's at a D". I can allow spinal orgasms to occur anytime I want. I'm just saying it's easier in the presence of a female. And perhaps orgasm is a bad word but it's the closest thing I can think of to compare it to. It's a large cluster of energy focused in one point and then multiplied and dispersed. It started between my shoulder blades. It's up to my neck, got to the base of my head a few times. I think it's just the MCO opening up.

  12. What has kunlun done for your karezza? I am intrigued.


    I perfer to say "yigong" because I don't practice red phoenix. For me personally i'm able to feel feminine energy quite strongly and I respond to it quite favorably. Whether I'm absorbing her energy or simply reacting to it i'm not sure, but simply being in the presence of females sets off chains of spinal orgasms. Of course females aren't necessary however they make it much easier. Normally you have to sit in a posture and let yourself go. I've found in the presence of females all you have to do it relax a bit. This of course increases your own energy which can then be sent back to her and you create a wheel, sort of like a small orbit using two people.


    Fasting/ raw diet high in fruits also increases one's sensitivity and energy. If used in conjunction you'll have quite a bit of "fun" in your practice. Do yigong for awhile, then try fasting or a fruit diet. Expect to be surprised ;)




    EDIT: As for the actuall practice of karrezza, the point is to sensitize yourself to eachothers energy and create a harmony. Yigong sensitizes you and increases your energy, thus I'd say it properly prepares you for karrezza so when you do it you're not just sitting there bored for the first week or two...or three or four...

  13. Hey all. I was wondering which systems out there are known for, or at least make the promise/goal of, immortality. I know the Mo Pai does and I know Mantak Chia does... What other systems cultivate for immortality?





  14. Well Bach had like 22 wives and was known for his sexual "prowess". I don't think that would influence his ability to "tap source" though, I think he just loved sex :P Musicianship imo is all about tapping that part of your brain, the part that "feels". Come to think of it, sex would kinda fall into tht category too huh? maybe thats all it is, tapping the right brain rather than the left. Or maybe they had active pinneal glands or sumthing, who knows.


    But yeah Karrezza rock, especially when you have exp with kunlun/yi gong ;)



    • Like 1

  15. This is an email I received recently. It's about judgment vs discernment and I thought it was rather interesting and thought I'd share it with you all. Lemme know what you think XD





    I'm starting to get good at seeing the ego-based patterns in

    people; detecting 'the nonintegrous' and people who are not

    trustworthy, not fundamentally honest and integrous.


    This makes me worry that I am becoming judgmental.





    The ability to see who is integrous or not does not really

    occur fully until the mind becomes silent. Obviously you

    can tell that the homeless guy is probably nonintegrous

    because he's dirty, homeless, and mentally ill, so it's

    obvious. But you still don't get the full meaning of the

    big, juicy, adult word 'Nonintegrous' and its profound

    significance until perception disappears and Reality

    shines forth.


    Discernment and judging are decidedly not the same thing. To

    know that a certain chemical is poisonous does not mean one

    has to attack or vilify it, but simply avoid it via the

    wisdom of caution. Similarly, a lion will gladly kill and

    eat you; this does not mean one needs to judge and condemn

    all lions as "evil." A lion is simply being what it is.


    Discernment is clinically-detached and has compassion.

    (Compassion is the refusal to suffer based on incorrect

    notions, limiting beliefs, fallacious ideologies, and

    dualistic perception.)


    Discernment does not condemn others, people, places, things,

    etc. -- it simply avoids them out of humility and the

    respect for one's life.


    If there is a crack in the sidewalk or a hole in the ground,

    discernment simply walks around the hole, while judgment

    yells at the hole and tries to get it to become a 'non-hole'.


    Discernment accepts others as they are, while judgment

    rejects, resists, condemns, hates, and seeks revenge.

    (Judgment wants to "win", be "right", and gain "good

    feelings" in the process.)


    Discernment simply Witnesses and Observes quietly, standing

    back to silently appreciate the beauty; it refrains from

    getting over-involved in things or with people on a 'solar

    plexus' or emotionalized level. Rarely do Saints speak

    about what they see in others, unless they have

    consciously come to them and asked for it.


    Discernment is inclusive of the Totality of All That Is,

    while judgment tries to exclude.


    Discernment accepts that the infinite field of

    consciousness/awareness loves everyone equally, for

    consciousness and love are one and the same thing; judgment

    holds onto and clings to the kindergarten notion that

    unconditional love is "not fair."


    Discernment can observe the ego's in others and be thankful

    that one is being shown the true nature of karma.


    Judgment represses one's own ego, pretends that it isn't

    the same as the ego of others, goes into denial about it,

    and then projects itself out onto others.


    Judgment arises out of the guilt and shame of having

    an ego.


    It believes the ego/mind/personality/intellect and

    associated animal-instinctual drives are 'the me' and

    therefore personal. It then condemns itself and others,

    using labels such as "sin", "evil", "wrong", or "immoral."


    Discernment simply Witnesses the collective animal ego from

    Compassionate understanding, rather than condemnation or

    guilt. As guilt dissolves, there is no more need to project

    one's "dark side" out onto the world or to try to change

    the world "out there" because, when seen for what the

    ego/mind really is, the world itself is really "in here"

    (i.e., perception).


    Spiritual Discernment sees that the ego is actually

    impersonal; not because it read that in a book, but

    because Spiritual Vision has Revealed it is the truth.


    Discernment is one thing; judgment is quite another. The way

    to get off judgmentalism is to simply accept that your own

    ego/mind is inherently 'animalistic' and therefore greedy,

    lustful, paranoid, prideful, and ignorant. By accepting the

    downside of the ego and refusing to identify with it as

    'the me', it then becomes like a cute (and highly

    entertaining) pet.


    The way to earn Spiritual Discernment is simple, but

    requires great dedication and discipline. One has to

    devote every waking moment of existence to being

    a servant of the Lord rather than a servant of the ego.


    *Whole audience instantly unsubscribes*



    Thanks for your question.

  16. I just had a minor "revelation" about "Spiritual Power" and what it means to me. I've always wondered what the difference between "energetic power" (chi manipulation) and "spiritual power".


    I've come to a personal conclusion that to me spiritual power means having authority over things like the body and mind, being able to manifest one's will. I've come to believe that there is an entity separate of the mind and body that I would associate with the "will". It seems to me that the body simply is and that the mind/logic only produces options, but that the actual choice maker and final decider is a different entity. I believe it's a kind of "personal power", "presence", it's still kinda a vague concept in my mind, but these are words that come to mind when I make a query. It's like...people follow someone because they have alot of spiritual power, spirits obey or "bow down" to those with spiritual power; people with high virtue, strong morals, strong willpower, devotion, ect. Just kinda concepts I'm throwing out there for lack of being able to clearly convey this idea/concept. Perhaps it could also mean like having a communication/communion/relationship with the divine...


    Anyway, since I'm still not entirely clear I was wondering what your views on the concept of "spiritual power" are. And when I say spiritual power I make a distinction between energetic ability or magical powers.



  17. This is pretty irrelevant as this is just my personal standpoint, but If I ever give advise or share a way of self-betterment, if the person was sincere I wouldn't charge them a dime, in fact I would invest more of my time and effort in them. When you finally reach a point of mastery or when you finally get a grain of truth there is no greater gift than the gift of passing on/sharing that knowledge to those who can benefit from it. I would find it much more rewarding to share my knowledge on a personal level with those of proper mind and character than to just sell myself to whoever has a buck. Especially high level stuff. Only a truly corrupt person would share powerful knowledge to only those with cash and not observe and thoroughly test their character and resolve.


    I remember when I first learned Kunlun I shared it with my best friend. Anyone else who showed interest in it I shared it with them, I let them borrow the book and shared my experiences and such. Now I could have just waited until I became a facilitator and made a profit off it but I chose not to. Why? Because I more enjoy the gift of sharing, the gift of giving than I do monetary gain. I find much more value in making a difference in people's lives than I do 'makin a buck'. I'm here to find truth and share it with others...not to do business.



    I love this guy XD, so many good points



  18. I completely disagree with this notion.

    A Master is someone who master's themselves and will openly teach those who are willing to learn. If someone cannot learn how to meditate from these guys from a beginner then how can someone learn from them? Where would they learn to meditate for four hours in total stillness to begin with. Your theory has holes my friend.


    The "story" of Wang Liping says he learned from a beginner from immortals. They trained him from a total beginner learning step by step and could not even sit for 10 minutes at first. Do you think Wang Liping would hold himself higher than his own Masters and not except anyone who already knew how to meditate for four hours? I think not.


    My suggestion is to keep looking and he will find who he is looking for, for his own reasons. :rolleyes:


    Valid point, lol. In hindsight it would seem I'm projecting my own criterion and definition of a "true master" upon this thread. My apologies, thx for the "check". Follow your heart Cognizance! and pray to "God" it bears fruit to your liking ;)


    But I'm still pretty sure Sifu Wang wont train you in person unless you have some attainment already. He has other people teaching the basics of his system, so why waste his time? Pretty sure you have to master the basics first, then when you're a high level he'll train you further. Of course this is all speculation, I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I haven't seen any evidence to support either, so I stick to my assumption. The immortals in the story trained him because they needed an "heir" so to speak. I would assume if they tried to train hundreds or even thousands of willing nooblets they wouldn't be able to give the individual attention necessary to attain optimal results. Lastly the role of a teacher is to show you a method you don't know. So if sitting in full lotus is a requisite what would he be expected to do? sit there and watch you struggle. It's up to the student to do the work, the teach only introduces guidance.


    I can only show you the door Neo, You have to walk through it


    lol, or so says me.



  19. lol, i completely disagree with wudangspirit (no offense to you of course)


    As a counter-point...

    I suggest you increase the amount of time you can meditate in full lotus. Masters like Sifu Wang Liping for example, wont even train you until you can sit comfortably for four hours in full lotus. Also Masters like Chunyi Lin emphasize diet and flexibility. Most all things require concentration as well, so focusing on that will help(imo). There are certainly many "Masters" out there and they can be masters of anything. There are many masters of music and art, master of certain skills...anything you were looking for?


    It seems most masters nowadays, since we have the internet and live in the "communications" age, seem to sit still and simply make themselves known, rather than wander around like in the olden days. I'm sure there are still hermits and wandering taoist sages but I doubt they'd just appear to you. I'd say take a look at some systems out there and pick one and stick with it. Most advertised systems are just beginners stuff to initiate the layman, perhaps for future lives. For those who are serious for progressing it is my belief that the masters of these systems will share the more "inner circle" teachings as you progress.

    Also the idea that masters nowadays eating and living like common man is partially true but tricky. If you're talking about masters of wisdom and alchemy...well no they don't have to eat if they don't want to, and they will likely not act like the baboons and fools of this modern society, lol. However that also doesn't mean they'll act like an alien. They'll still be human, they'll still feel and laugh and live but not like people nowadays. I'd love to see Buddha chillin at a party drinkin 40s and munchin on sum weed brownies lololol, dressed in classic hipster clothes listening to his ipod :lol: :lol:


    Buddha: Yo bruh, check out this mad chick I totally banged last night.

    Jesus: Oh shyt son, that girl is whack. U wanna try this new vaporizer i picked up?

    Shiva: Heeeey dudes, I brought the rum and coke. Sumone wanna play sum Mario Tennis? Cause i've been wantin to play sum mario tennis, that Daisy chick is HAWT!


    hahahahahaa, phew good laughs :lol:


    Anyway, look around, see if you can find some reputable "masters", see if they teach a system and learn it, learn and master everything they have to teach, then they'll likely teach you beyond the "public" systems and you'll start having some fun. Personally in the US Chunyi Lin has the the notorious rep of being a crazy healer, Max Christensen is either a powerful magician or complete fraud, lol, There's Sifu Hata who teaches a unique art and is also connected to other highly reputable masters. I'm sure people on here could also recommend themselves and maybe others too ^_^



  20. I just received my flying phoenix chi gung DVD... all set to go... EXCEPT!....


    I can't sit in a lotus position, or half lotus... AT ALL.... not even close.


    I can sort of sit cross-legged but I lose feeling in my legs after 10 minutes and I need something to support my back or I have to strain to keep upright.


    Can I do FP anyway? Is there any way around this?


    Or should I just start practicing the lotus position and hope that I can sit in it after a year's practice....


    The connection is astounding...








  21. I would agree mostly with what joeblast said. The only thing i'd add is that we're all part of a failing system, a sinking ship. You may feel like going off to a monastery or commune is running away, but in reality this society is likely going to collapse anyway so really you'd probably just be ahead of the grain. Try to let go of any media created fantasies and focus on feelings and not situations. Don't look for a girlfriend or relationship, look for the feeling of completeness or love. If you limit feeling only to certain circumstances which may not even deliver what you're ACTUALLY looking for then you are likely setting yourself up for failure. Personally I suggest everyone get into permaculture, sustainable agriculture and find a place down south where it's warm.


    Forget about your parents and their investments. This life is YOURS not theirs, they have no say in your life. It would be best if you let go of your attachment to their desires for you, stop trying to please them, stop seeking their approval and find your own way, live for your own happiness. Think of the Buddha. The Buddha had a wife, 2 kids, a whole kingdom....needless to say he had alot of people who invested in him, he had many things and he gave it all up for his own spiritual pursuit. How many people that you know would give up an entire kingdom, a wife and 2 kids to pursue a spiritual life? That's devotion if i've ever seen it.


    As for what to do...well only you can decide that. I would say start meditating, reading, and searching yourself for what you really want out of life. Write it down if you have to. Ask "why" to everything, break it all down and simplify it. Find out how you want to live and starting living that way or find a group who is already living that way and try to join up.


    You may have to "redefine" yourself and life, get rid of all the old programming you grew up with. For example alot of us feel we need to have a job and work in order to make money and have a place to live and buy food...thats ONE way of living. Another way is to live off the land. You could start learning about gardening and growing your own food and making shelters and such. You could create a small community of like minded people. Think about life and nature, forget about society for a bit and just think about life, think about what you want and try to think in terms of FEELING.


    But honestly if you don't know what you want it's going to be hard to get anywhere. Honestly I would just spend time thinking about what you want FIRST, then spend time learning how to make it your reality.


    Well thats my 2cents. It may also help to have a friend to talk it out with. I had a very good friend to talk shit out with when I was first starting to redefine/explore myself and it helped alot just to have someone to talk to. Sometimes even just talking to yourself, hearing your thoughts vocalized helps. It may also help to keep a "thought journal" to track the progress of your thoughts. It can be very insightful to look back and see how you were thinking and compare it to other times or now.


    Best of luck



    As for Reptilians....well, at least they make for interesting antagonists on scifi. In real life though, they are more likely remnants of old psychological fears (remember our early ancestors had to fear crocs, snakes etc.), and not real shapeshifting entities bent on ruling the monkeys. More likely that is simply delusions from those who don't want to accept that humanity is responsible for their own mistakes...


