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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. I often wonder if what is green to me might not appear to be yellow to you. How do we know green is green to everybody? Maybe it's red to some. Mind boggling, if you ask me.


    Haha, I used to wonder this too. Like what if what we both call whatever color the sky is "blue" but what we actually see is diff but we call it the same thing? Like I see dirt, it's a certain color and i'm taught to call it "brown" and you're taught to call it brown but we actually see what we both call "brown" differently. Fun things to ponder. I used to read stories of yogis and occultists who could project their consciousness into another object or person and experience life through it's perspective. That sounds fun (potentially) :P



  2. Good consideration. But I think you didn't go far enough. I would like it to read:


    ... and faith based on logic and experience is wisdon.


    Our emotions play some pretty nasty tricks on us when we don't attend to logic.


    Also, emotions can be easily manipulated. Logic has the tendency to be more "solid" and less easy to be manipulated. At least that's what I believe based on experience from watching my thoughts and emotions. It's amazing what you can find from this simple practice ;)



  3. 256 years on Planet Earth? Please, no... :ph34r:


    Haha, there's a rumor that before he died he said something along the lines of "I've done everything I can do on this planet, I'm done here". Something tells me he wasn't spending 100% of his time strictly on planet earth if ya catch what I mean ;p

  4. See attached image, and your questions will be answered.




    I always wondered what it would be like learning ninjitsu. U think they have any internal arts? or is it all based on illusion and deception?


    I was originally thinking Wing-Chun cause i'm kinda "slim" but I'm not really interested in violence. I wouldn't mind learning how to play ping-pong with nunchucks though XD



    I'll have to look into some of these recommendations. I'm not so well versed in all these diff types.


    jaysahnztao- thats pretty interesting to hear, I had bagua in the back of my head because I remember hearing it was like the only strictly daoist martial art, which sounded kinda neat. After reading your post I'm definitely going to have to pay it some more mind.

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  5. Wouldn't it be funny if he honestly believed he had powers but everyone around him was just making it seem like he did, lololol, like this.....




    Haha, but in all seriousness...The Mo Pai system produces results, it may not lead to super powers(of course I don't known anything past level 2) but it certainly does help one develop energetically. I personally don't choose to beLIEve one way or another but it certainly seems worth exploring.

    Re- Indonesian Kris, could it be possible that he fabricated that just to keep the tradition alive. Indonesian Krises don't really have anything to do with development, so maybe he did that just for the sake of tradition, to try to keep it alive or to keep a sense of "mysticism" which is so lost in the modern mindset. Who knows. I'd still say the system is worth exploring though. Or what you can learn of it anyways ;p


    And if I were lazy i'd use a lighter, but if I wanted to "show my stuff" I'd rub two sticks together REALLLLY fast and make fire and be like, "HA! I can do it in an unnecessarily complicated and menial fasion. NOW WHAT SONNNNNNNNNN!!" lol



  6. Aye-Yo, :lol:


    So I'm thinking of picking up a martial art to add to my health and help develop some physical strength/endurance. I tried Aikido for a few months but didn't really care for it. Soooooo I want to know everyone's favorite martial art and why it's your favorite :D Also if you have any fun experiences from training feel free to share any benefit you've gotten from training in your martial art.

    Personally I'm not so interested in learning to kick someone's butt using force, i'm more interested in developing focus, flexibility, endurance, and just overall health for my meditation. So what martial art is your fave, and what do you recommend I try?


    Thanks in advance :)


  7. Most things about the microcosmic orbit that I've ever read are bullsh$t in my opinion. Especially that stuff from Mantak Chia etc, "using you intention to move energy around the MCO" etc. At first when I did not have any experience I believed all the stuff Chia had to offer. Imagining I had energy etc and then circulating it around the spine and points i thought the stuff was real. But when I experienced my own awakening of the MCO it was completely against all of that stuff that I had ever read and this made me have disdain for all these things I had read that had no reflection on to what was happening to me.


    When I started building It was then I realized to try to attempt to do MCO is a joke. There is no such thing as "using intention to move the energy around at will" or all that BS about "circling the energy 36 times this and and 72 timed that way" to lock it in dantien. Thats a joke.


    When you do MCO, you first build very hot yang energy in the dantien until the dantien does not take it anymore. It is then that your energy will spill down through this channel to your tail bone, where it will slowly rewire your nervous system and remove blockage, ascending up to your crown and then back down the front. Some people are very good at this initial step of generating energy at dantien, and some take very long. The energy first becomes hot, but then after a bit of practice you can get it to unbelievably hot. I happened to be one of the quicker fellows when I learned of other people similar experiences. This is when I learned that when you have energy, you will really effing know it. You will not question this. Your energy pops out and makes itself noticeable any time of the day even without your conscious intention to feel it or move it.


    You can't do the MCO without actually having the energy to move around first. There is nothing that you can even move or lock if you haven't spent considerable time in meditation building up energy that will actually circulate around these points.In my experience there is not even the "technique of MCO" or even the intention. If you just build up that energy to the point where it is undeniably tangible and not some cerebral construct that you think is there but actually isn't, the MCO takes care of you, you do not take care of it. To actually finish MCO and clear through all blockages? LOL, will probably take you years. Very much depending on the person.


    Another thing about the MCO BS is that you can just use your intention to do the whole thing. The energy goes where it goes and does what it does. You will ALWAYS have a lot of blockages around both your main channels where your energy will get stuck. The energy will work on that until it can dissolve it or shoot through it. It can take months or longer to break through a single blockage, and the buildup of energy can be painful until you get done with it. The thing I've never seen written about the MCO is that there will always undeniably be blockages in your channels that your energy will have to be clear before it can proceed. Theres no such thing as finishing the whole thing in a day.It can take a LONG time to clear those blockages and the energy pooling and working at clearing that up does not always bring a pleasant sensation.


    My understanding of the MCO does not come from any sort of book or intellectual cerebral conjecture. It comes from personal experience. Forget what you "know" about the MCO. Just practice and forget all of this book crap. After seeing my own personal experiences and comparing them with books I've read I conclude that I have been thoroughly had - a deception if you will. Nothing I've read in the books described this process accurately and to think we pay money for this stuff. Just goes to show if you don't know anything about what you're getting into you can be quite easily led off on a trail along with your money. I suggest if you guys actually want to make this a worthwhile thread you want to have people here comment with their own personal experiences, and not just about "what we know" when in fact to not experience is to not know.


    Fill your dam (dantien) with water (chi) and it will soon overflow into the trenches built for it (main channels). You can't do any of this if you dont even have enough water to begin with. To attempt MCO before even filling dantien is a joke - its like putting the carriage in front of the horse. No amount of prodding or visualization will make things happen if you have no juice.


    this is what I've heard and read in Bill Bodri's Book, Toaist Yoga and Immortality and from mo pai's system. The method of building chi in the dan tien to produce heat which eventually "spills over" and moves up the spine.


    My personal experience = I've gotten to the "heat" stage of these techs but then stopped and started kunlun again. With kunlun I've had the experience of a strong sensation that feels like an electric current...quite uncomfortable at times. When I "release" it, it starts in the heart. When I first started kunlun it'd get stuck between my shoulder blades in my back. Then after a few months it moved to the base of the neck. About a week ago it cracked the base of my skull and currently is working on that spot. Now I may not be experiencing the MCO because I haven't been building chi in my LDT, I've been releasing something that starts in the heart, thats my experience with kunlun/spntaneous practice. But if we're talking from books, I've always heard the building of chi in the LDT through concentration and deep (abdominal) breathing. Actually in the book by Lu K'uan Yu, it says to start with "fixing the spirit in it's original cavity" BEFORE ever attempting to do the MCO. If I may quote a paragraph...


    While putting the generative force into orbit it is of paramount importance to locate the original cavity of spirit in the brain which is precisely where a light manifests in the head when the practitioner succeeds in concentrating his seeing effectively on the central spot between and behind the eyes. If this is not done, the radient inner fire raising to the head during the microcosmic orbiting may be mistaken for that light and wrongly driven into a minor psychic centre in the head from which it will be very difficult to dislodge it. Many untutored and inexperienced practitioners makes this mistake which hinders the progress of alchemy


    It also seems to stress well regulated breathing...


    It is in the solar plexus that the generative force (now the alchemical agent) is transmuted into vitality which rises to the brain (ni wan) where the vital breath, hitherto hidden and dormant, will be stirred by well regulated breathing which will prevent it from dispersing.


    Not to say this book is the "Authority" but it's just another interesting piece of info.



  8. I have a Damascus steel viking sword that's very curious about your immortality. :P:lol:


    On a more serious note, where'd you hear about the 27th? Can ya provide a link?


    But of course my son, and you tell your Damascus Steel Viking Sword that I'll take it around the world to meet a bunch of "masters" for an ALL TIME LOW PRICE of 15,000 euros. Who am I? I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "gay kid's her bestie" ;):lol:


    But on that serious note, here's you link:




    P.S. I don't necessary believe it to true, but if the predictions on the chart prove to be right then they may be on to something.

  9. Hey all,

    I've been getting this weird sensation. It seems to be at my right ear but kinda inside, like not really in my ear but kinda in my head? or between my head and my ear...either way... it feels like something is pulsating or "pumping" and I honestly have like NO like what that is lol. It only occurs when i'm eating strictly fruit and herbs, so i'm playing with the idea that it has to do with cleansing? It gets especially strong when Kunlun is doing me. Any ideas?



  10. LOL! :lol:


    What about Doctor Strange? He can control matter/energy of all the elements!



    Hahaha, damn dude, that's quite a rival there. Idk, I think Dr. Strange might be my new "strongest character" reference. That shits pretty hax :lol::P


    But then again I'd have to see the extent at which he could use it vs the extent at which magneto could use his stuff. Although I guess if magneto takes focus but Dr Strange only takes belief...phew thats tough, lol. I'llhave to think about that. Thx! :D



  11. In terms of REAL POWER I'd have to say I think Max of kunlun is getting there with his "magnetic chi", but even he would have to stand in awe at the TRUE power exhibited only by his secret sifu...MAGNETO! :o


    He can control F%^KING ELCTRONS!! :ninja: Like...thats game over. He could destroy one's molcular body in an instant. Even gold dragon body...just energy bruh and he controls it :lol: Magneto is the ultimate Ascended Master.



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    Haha, I see. Have u ever try raw gland extracts? They're usually used for healing as they stimulate gland functioning (mostly for hypo cases), but I'd imagine if a gland it "at par" then taking it would stimulate it to work "above par". I've never done this myself but I'd be curious to know how that works. I know the Greeks and Romans used to feed the men bull testicles for the raw hormone precursors but some evidence shows that these glandulars have even more to them.



    Look under the "Evidencial Research" portion. Here's a small paragraph



    Dr. A. Kment of Germany demonstrated through radioactive isotope tracing that specific factors from glandular tissues are transported by the bloodstream and absorbed by the corresponding glands of the patient. Clinical research data shows that these active factors in glandular concentrates are undisturbed by digestion. In fact, research by scientists such as Dr. Andrew Muir, University of Florida, indicates that the nutritionally beneficial effects of glandulars are lost if they do not go through at least part of the digestive process. This indicates that "eating" the glandular is best.


    But I would imagine, especially if one were to take and adrenal glandular... Again the adrenal glands create the neuro-transmitters acetylcholine, DHEA, dopamine, etc which are all heavily involved in the sexual experience, and since the adrenals also control the autonomic nervous system (breathing, heart rate, pulse, etc) I would assume it would control "muscle contractions" as well ;) . Just a theoretical guess there. Also Yohimbine, the active ingredient in Yohimbe is supposed to increase blow flow like crazy. They actually banned it i think, cause it posed a risk to some people, lol, but if your arteries are clear I'd imagine it'd work quite well. then of course there's horny goat weed, lol. STill never tried that one. They sell a pharmaceutical grade versions of both here:



    Although I haven't ordered from here yet, so I can't vouche for legitimacy or quality, but it may be worth looking into if you're into this kinda thing :)


    I mite check that book out though. I'm curious what you've learned XD I'm still working with some stuff myself.



  13. I have not seen any master who can show their energetic power on someone who isn't open and receptive to them, so at least Max is honest about that. All the videos I have seen when a master tries to use their energetic power on someone who is resistant either nothing happens or in a fight situation they end up being punched in the mouth.


    John Chang? He's the only one I know who apparently can do his "stuff" on non-open people. Sifu Hata apparently can do it too. Of course I've never investigated either of them personally but I've talked to one of JC's students who vouches for him.


    Laughingblade - really? Thats pretty crazy. Maybe I WILL check out sant mat after all. May as well anyway, lol. Did the mantra go something like this?

    And kechari mudra? eesh, isn't that the one where you like cut your tongue or something?



  14. you learned from Max?


    Nah I learned from Jas. I saw Max was teaching, but it's all the way on the west coast (i'm on the east coast) and I haven't the cash to go :( Do you think if I paid him alil extra i could run down to HA and get like a quick one-on-one? I'd really just love to meet the guy and hear him talk about stuff for a bit XD


    I heard from another bum that he asked Max to do something to him, demonstrate his energy but he said he couldn't do it on "non-students". That story could be a flat out lie, I wouldn't know.




    P.S. if you wanted to PM me instead, that'd be fine. idk if you prefer talking in/out of the public forum or whatever, either way it's all good.

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  15. Well, personally something quite remarkable has happened to me. I've found the last piece for my nutritional alchemy. Since everyone's biochemistry is different, I doubt that this particular discovery would have any interest for anyone else, and I have a feeling that some of my wacky nutritional experimentation has thrown my system out of kilter. I must have caused deficiency in this last nutrient, and taking it has had a profound effect on my health.


    Still waiting on any sort of universal big reveal. ^_^


    <GASP> Another nutritional witchdoctor!? XD XD XD I share such focus on dietary experiments (if you haven't been able to tell by my posts, lol). Might I ask what your goals are through your experiments? Do you use herbs? Maybe we should trade notes or ideas sumtime :)

    Hope you find what you're looking for!


  16. the difference between one system and another is the beginning combination of elements used.

    The energy derived in Kunlun is unique from other practices in its point of origin and qualities.


    Putting attention on what people want to call the third eye is potentially harmful.

    Red Phoenix has an entirely different purpose from opening the eye.


    Kunlun Yi Gong has three levels that in the long run lead towards emptiness though emptiness is not the



    the other Kunlun makes use of what could be called primordial water to derived gold like

    the Kunlun Goddess and ancient Egypt were so successful in doing


    Interesting. I'd love to hear your take on

    A.) the purpose of red phoenix

    B.) the ultimate purpose of kunlun

    C.) what it means to 'derived gold' and who the "kunlun goddess" is.

    D.) what the origin and quality differences of Kunlun are


    Is the purpose of red phoenix by any chance to stimulate the pinneal gland to secrete "amrita" or that sweet dew that drips down the back of the throat? The visualization may suggest something similar to this, but honestly i'm left clueless :P Also when you mention what the "kunlun goddess" and egyptians were able to due, are you refering to what max calls "gold dragon body"?



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  17. WARNING : This may be long and involve some minor chemistry :P


    My 2cents=


    Well I'd have to ask, 'what causes one to be "overweight". In the terms of bruce...he's fat, he's got man tits and a gut. What causes that?


    So some people believe it's all about "calories" but here's my thoughts on that. What are calories? They're supposed to be a measurement of energy. But how is energy produced? First the body takes glucose and breaks it into Pyruvate. The pyruvate then, in the presence of adequate cellular oxygen, enters the mitochondria and creates ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). So when you eat fruits and non-starchy vegetables or 'simple sugars', the body directly absorbs the glucose and creates ATP. So if we ingest enough glucose we will have enough ATP (given certain conditions are met). However when we don't get enough glucose in our system our body breaks down fats or proteins into glucose and uses that. However what's not added to the equation is

    A.) the amount of ATP needed to convert the fat/protein into glucose

    B.) the metabolic waste involved in that metabolic function/breakdown

    So lets say, for example, that one molecule of glucose = 9 ATP and each molecule of fat renders 2 glucose molecules BUT it takes 12 ATP to break it down. Then you 'NET ATP' (which is never emphasized) would only be 6 ATP. And what if it takes another 3 ATP to clean up the metabolic waste that wouldn't be there if it had 'pure" glucose and didn't have to break down fat?

    But anyway, lets say that there IS an abundance of energy. If you have too much ATP, too much're not going to sit on the couch and drink a beer, you're going to be restless, bouncy and motivated to go DO SOMETHING. That how I feel when I eat a high fruit diet, I'm energetic ALL the time, I just want to run and never stop because I have such an abundance of energy (and if I eat late at night I can't sleep "like now :P). But I'll NEVER be fat on fruit, I could eat 8000 calories a day and never gain a pound because when I have enough energy I'm active and motivated. Digestions is easy, elimination is easy, simple carbohydrate metabolism is clean... however you get a big meal of meat and potatoes and phewWWWWWW that energy go bye-bye and Id get sluggish, unmotivated and slightly depressed, lol.


    When it comes to having a 'gut' usually it's intestinal. When I eat a big meal of low fiber "stuff" it sits in there and doesn't move nearly as easy as fruits and vegetables. As soon as one gets constipated, their bowels load up and become bloated (especially in the case of indigestion). The intestines will become enflamed and over a prolonged period will be grossly stretched out of shape and may ever prolapse.


    Now personally I think most health problems are 'gland weaknesses'. For example: usually excess fat can be traced back to the adrenals and thyroid. Man-tits, especially to the adrenals which create neurotransmitters like dopamine, DHEA and acetylcholine. Since DHEA is the precursor to testosterone, if the adrenal cortex isn't functioning "up to par" then there may be hormonal imbalances. If the thyroid is hypoactive the metabolism and energy will be slow. If someone has alot of wrinkles or "flabby" or have low bone density they may have a parathyroid weakness, may not be utilizing calcium (which leads to MAJOR imbalances throughout the body).


    But wait, isn't qigong supposed to increase gland health and function? I think it does but without understanding what causes these glands to become weak in the first place, I'd say it merely slows your own decay. So what causes the malfunctioning of glands? I'll leave that one up in the air. I'm still working with Dr Erhet's material and 'mucus' theory. Qigong can only do so much though, unless we address the daily exposure to the factors that CAUSE gland weakness, we're only slowly our own decay.


    Though I must say, Chinese herbalism (actually just herbalism in general) is GREAT XD I've been working with herbs on my fruit diet and have noticed a MONUMENTAL change in health. I'm also going to experiment with glandulars.


    So my opinion on overweight qigong masters is that they know their craft but they don't know their vessel ;) Until we master this body and mind, anything else is going to be rather difficult wouldn't u agree? I find it funny that John Chang, a high level nei-gong practitioner still smokes. Again, knows nei-gong, can do some crazy shit...still doesn't understand his vessel, or simply doesn't care about it :P



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  18. Undestanding - Red phoenix is really just a third eye meditation, again it's got a mudra and visualization, but in it's essence it's just focusing on your brain. Really man, all this stuff is basically the same, the one god with many masks kinda deal. If you look at the 'sant mat' thing, it's the same, third eye meditation with a mantra (except they apparently reveal and "inner light and sound" which I am still curious about.

    All alchemy starts with opening the channels and orbits, kunlun is no diff. The spontaneous practice and red phoenix are just that, they clear channels and establish orbits. Obviously if people can't handle the shift in consciousness then, yes, it can be perceived as "harmful", but it's just awakening and thats why the emphasis on "letting go" is there. As you evolve you're going to change. You can't hold on to what you think is 'you' and expect to evolve, it's not going to work. Also, as you move up in terms of dimensions, you're bound to come across the "astral" plane first. This can be a dangerous world and is often suggested that you ignore it completely. In fact it's usually suggested that you ignore most worlds and dimensions and just focus on going higher and higher until you reach highest (or until get so overwhelmed with curiousity :P).


    Interestingly I notice most 'waterpath' puts emphasis on third eye meditations. I wonder if they call it "path of no more learning" because you can access other dimensions and learn from otherworldly beings rather than have to pay some chubby white dude $500 :P but I can see how that could cause problems. John Chang used to say "watch out of spirits" cause they're after you (yin or yang, i forget) chi. If you study occult manuals they often function (seemingly) similarly because they tend to focus on contacting spirits or other dimensions. Most "powers" they have involve summoning spirits or making "deals" with them to do stuff for you. If you've ever seen the "Llama Thunderbolt" film, it looks like thats exactly what Max is doing, of course I could be COMPLETELY wrong on that so don't think i'm saying that with an certaintly or authority, it's just something i've pondered. If, however, anyone does make contact with other beings and starts interacting with them, there is potential risk, especially if they offer you certain..."things" ;P so anyone weak-willed or too caught up in this world would likely fall into some trouble. But again this paragraph could be a COMPLETE misunderstanding and again i'm not even saying it with ANY amount of certainty so take it with 1/2 a grain of salt (but keep it in mind).


    The other thing about kunlun is that alot of people seem to think it's some "left hand" tantric, occult spirit thing with this dark tint to it. These are the people who, imo, will never get anywhere in this system. The idea of a "waterpath" is to empty the mind and let the chi arise on it's own where the point of a "firepath" is to focus the energy into one spot and cause it to "explode" upward and clear everything up. In kunlun the point is emptyness (although it's really only emphasized by Jenny). The spontaneous qigong is a tool to reach emptiness ime. Jenny says its a tool for awareness, but i find it much easier to sit still and stop thinking after shaking violently for 30mins :P Again though, the REAL magic is in the emptiness meditation, the "cooldown" Idk why they says to only close for 20mins, I would go MUCH longer on that, I'd only do the kunlun for 20 mins and sit in emptiness for an hour. Then again the kunlun energy seems to be working my micro-orbit. Like I said when i first started it's feel it in my back, it's now up to the base of my skull. But either way the point is cultivation. Alot of people get sidetracked by "bliss" or "visions" and start doing the practice just for these, but again the point is to return to emptiness, unless you keep that in mind you'll never achieve anything. If anything kunlun seems more buddhist than anything else, lol, just with a weird spontaneous practice. Again, even Max, when interviewed by James Gilliand(?), said that alot of people become like "bliss junkie", and they get trapped, and that the point is to return everything to emptiness.


    Witch - I would assume it's a mirror effect. From what I know of the Mao Shan and from the words of sifu Hata and Kan, Max is able to reflect any negative intentions back at the user. Sifu Hata talks at length about this. He says that whenever someone uses "black magic' or casts a curse on you, it bounces back and hits them ten times more powerful. Also in an interview when Kan was talking about when Max said "strike me with anger" he said that all of the aggression he put into attacking Max just suddenly came back and hit him like a ton of bricks. This seems to be what the Mao Shan are about, they seem to have extensive protection from the "dark arts" and tend to speak out against it (at least sifu hata does).


    All of the above is of course assuming that any of this is real and it's not all just some grand illusion or "auto-suggestion". The fact that Max said his "energy" only worked on practitioners was a "red flag' for me in terms of legitimacy ;)



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  19. Zanshin thanks for the info, wish somebody here would just spill the albeit "dangerous" beans of red phoenix already.


    Witch, not sure what you mean by wizard, but i assume you think he has strong powers? do you think hes trying to hurt you?


    Trunk thank you for the warning, but il take my chances, lol.


    And now that you mention mutli orgasmic men, whats so dangerous about that book? i havnt heard of it, but now im curious. Is it a Mantak Chia book?


    Anyways thanks goes out to some friend(s) here, who are/is going to loan me the kunlun book, so whos next in line?


    I don't remember there being any problems or controversy with red phoenix, it seemed like it was only the spontaneous practice. Red Phoenix is rather basic, idk why it's kept secret. Nothing special about it imo, just a mudra with a visualization, although it's a helpful visualization :) Kinda feel like a whale when I do it though :P (anyone who knows it will get what i mean, lol).

    The spontaneous stuff is interesting and i'd say it's the "meat and potatoes" of the system in terms of energetics. When I first started = last year in april, the energy hit the spot in my back between my shoulder blades. After a few months it moved up to my neck, 2 days ago it reached the base of my skull (a fun experience) and the energy is there now. I don't really do the practice and I don't even really call it practicing. You just have this energy that does it's own thing, you just get out of it's way and watch it. Like it happened while I was gaming online and i had to stop and sit and let it do it's thing. You can block it too, everyday living will certainly kill the buzz.

    I'm surprised Max and Jenny don't teach purification. Try fasting or at least a fruit diet while doing kunlun, JEEEEZUS, thats where it's at man haha. I noticed the same effect from fasting and the spontaneous practice, so I concluded they are both just purification processes. Fasting resulted in bringing up MUCH emotional junk and hightened my sensitivity/awareness to scary levels. Thing is if you don't purify your mind, you're gonna get some f****d up experiences imo. Our aura is meant to act like a filter so we don't have to worry about "negative influences", however the more we weaken our aura, lower our vibration, the more susceptible we are to negative influence. So again, I'm rather surprised Max doesn't teach this (imo VITAL) aspect. At least Jenny puts emphasis on being a good person and I can't help but respect her vibe, she seems so serious though, I hope she's still "young at heart", life sucks when you lose that "Youthful playfulness" inside :( But yeah, the biggest thing is to let go of your fear. Watch "Fight Club" a couple hundred times if you have to, lol.


    I've had the "sleep paralysis" thing, where you think you wake up and you can't move and you're visited by something. First time it was a snake that strangled me, then some tall white dude giving a lecture and then showed me this bright yellowish green reptile-humanoid laying next to me (which i accidentally woke up by screaming, lol, it was a still young, i felt bad :P) and last one I had in those days was me waking up as a light blue hologram of my body, I sat up and saw my body laying there and freaked out. Then I gave it a break and worked more on my mind. I just had a few the other night. I "woke up" and had some weird face in my closet, I just stuck my tongue out at it and went back to bed, lol. And another one i was levitating for alittle bit, that was fun. But ime, once you let go of your fear, be more playful and work on your mind, clean up your body, these things work themselves out. In my aesthetic opinion, by ingesting the result of violence and fear (meat) you're ingesting those virbations and basically inviting negativity into your life. I would be curious to see what would happen if you took someone having "entity issues' from kunlun on a yogic "pure vegetarian" diet and had them recite loving prayers and refrain from watching any violent or scary TV or movies(like that trailer Trunk posted :P) or any harsh music. EVERYTHING we ingest effects us after all, not just through the mouth but through the ears, eyes, nervous system, etc. Remember the three chinese monkey? Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Good lesson, especially for those doing spiritual practices ;)


    And honestly I wouldn't even bother with Chia's sexual stuff. Learn the vajroli mudra, thats the real deal imo. The Chia stuff as I understand it works with trying to "hold back" ejaculation, but usually u just weaken the muscle contractions (or so was my and others I know who tried it experience). The point, imo, is to retain the sexual energy and arousal. If you lose an erection after orgasm (or your energy is diminished) then you've done it wrong. Plus it deals with all this "peaking" and playing around, trial and error and such. I personally just find it easier to practice vajroli until I get it and then when it comes to a sexual experience I won't have to worry about gauging my arousal, i can just let go and have fun worry-free. But whatever.


    Re-Kunlun again, I really think people were giving away too much of their power to the practice. Imo We're all gods with amnesia and all we're doing through raising our awareness is remembering who we are (which was the point of red phoenix, rapid "re-enlightenment"). If you want a free version of the red phoenix go check out "Supreme Master Ching Hai" (so gaudy :P) or Again they're both about re-enlightenment which is a good start down the spiritual road, although they REQUIRE a vegetarian/vegan diet along with other moral rules which I STRONGLY agree with. It helps protect you from the problems many people had with kunlun (imo).



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  20. tulku - Honestly I think you're asking the wrong guy. My focus and advise is to get out of the "left brain" thinking and get in touch with your bodily intuition and go by feeling, trust your body/intuition/higher self. If you're worried about protein I would first understand that your body cannot use protein. You body has to break down protein into amino acids which it uses to make it's own form of protein. Every plant has all the amino acids. In fact I would say focus on leafy greens. Go here.

    and read the post/download the file. It should be somewhat enlightening. However our ACTUAL protein needs are completely individual and thus unknown. Remember that the tests were done on an "average american", whom I would suggest is a diseased creature. The typical american likely has absorption issues and needs more nutrients because the body can only absorb a limited % of what's there. Thus I would pose as we become cleaner, we become more efficient and need less nutrients. I would not think about it, don't think about "protein" when you eat, in fact don't think about "nutrition" when you eat, and just see what happens. Let you body/experiences be your guide.

    Also, if you choose nuts, seeds, beans or grains, might I suggest sprouting them instead of cooking them. Sprouting predigests the fats into fatty acids, proteins to amino acids and complex carbs to simple carbs. Also if you choose nuts/seeds I suggest you look into culturing them into "seed cheese".

    Remember it's not what you put in your body, it's what you digest/absorb and assimilate.


    Non - Thank you for thinking of me and concerning for my health, much love back to you friend :) I am looking to cultivate a bodily intuition, listening to my body and quieting my mind. When it is not hungry I don't force feed it anything. I believe the body is much more intelligent than we know and in touch with the divine. I believe that if we just "let go" get out of the way and let the body do what it does then we will return to a state of "health" and perhaps even go beyond that. Remember TCM was created for the general populace who had no desire to evolve to high levels of consciousness. I'm not looking to be "healthy" I'm looking to be "free". Thats not to discredit TCM or any other healing system, it definitely brings health, but like I said, i'm looking for more than just health. I'm looking to explore this vessel's potential.


    Wish you all the best,
