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Posts posted by Astral_Anima

  1. Well that's a lot of things you've brought up ;) ... as for some examples although not always or exactly negative per-se: Jesus whipping the money changers in the temple, Jesus saying to Peter, "get behind me satan", martial arts masters kicking butt or expelling students for certain screw-ups, parents telling their teenage daughters that it is stupid to get drunk, and worse so among strangers because you could end up raped and or dead, choking your dog who is trying desperately to sink their teeth into the postman, scolding the hell out of your little kid for running across the street in traffic. That's only a few, do you have a couple?




    3bob, you bring up very valid examples. Now that I believe myself to better understand where you're coming from I DO have a couple example myself ;)


    In examples of sharing truth/concerns (like the teenage daughter) I would hardly consider that being "negative" as you're not trying to put anyone down to feel good about yourself, you're trying to protect someone and help them to be informed to make the best decisions. However in these situations one must be willing to accept the choices of a person once they understand the consequences(unless of course you feel their life is in danger). Forcing one to conform to your will isn't love.


    In terms of martial arts masters "kicking butt" and choking a dog to stop it from hurting the mailman, this falls under the category of "protection". I never said physical force itself was negative ;) . I'm not as familiar with the two examples of Christ as I should be, but I don't look to the commercialized Bible for an account of Christ as I believe much of it has been altered.


    Now that I believe I understand you better I think we're in agreement, but were just misunderstood. When I say negativity, I mean it in the sense of putting down others to make yourself feel better or superior. When being honest and protecting others, whether it be by force or not, I would consider each of those quite positive.


    While there is much more that can be discussed on this topic I prefer to simply say "this is how I try to conduct myself based on my beliefs, what you believe and how you plan to act based on those beliefs is your freedom to decide" I was merely sharing my view based on your comment to my opinions on energetic parasitism. If you'd like to discuss morality and other "personal" things perhaps it would be more appropriate to do so in a "Debate" thread or via pm (although I wont debate with you, I would prefer to discuss and share).



  2. Some have a razor sharp way about them and do not their mince words, and may even over-do such sometimes, does that make them negative (?) far from it if taken in the full context of a matter that requires such methods. The more important point being not to, "throw the baby out with the bathwater".


    Also, a quote below that to me is an advanced view:


    "Meditation in Affliction

    Assailed by afflictions, we discover Dharma

    And find the way to liberation. Thank you, evil forces!


    When sorrows invade the mind, we discover Dharma

    And find lasting happiness. Thank you, sorrows!


    Through harm caused by spirits we discover Dharma

    And find fearlessness. Thank you, ghosts and demons!


    Through people's hate we discover Dharma

    And find benefits and happiness. Thank you, those who hate us!


    Through cruel adversity, we discover Dharma

    And find the unchanging way. Thank you, adversity!


    Through being impelled to by others, we discover Dharma

    And find the essential meaning. Thank you, all who drive us on!


    We dedicate our merit to you all, to repay your kindness"


    From Gyalwa Longchenpa and Longchen Nyingtik lineage. (as copied)



    3bob, Thank You for the quote, I much enjoyed it. Also you are correct in your speaking. Speaking truth for the most part is a positive force. However take an example of a child play with a rock. The child is enjoying himself when an older child comes along and calls that child "stupid" for playing with a rock. THAT is negative. When you purposely put someone down or ruin their fun just to make yourself seem superior or just to feed off their negative energy that is negative.


    If one has a "sharp tougne" then one should be aware of that and decide whether it serves them well or not. While love is true, it doesn't try to hurt others and take pride in it's "sharpness". Intentionally hurting another cuts you off from the source within. Why do we hurt others? mostly it's just to boost our own ego, to enjoy draining their energy. But if we have infinite source within we don't need to bring others down.


    Of course the best way to deal with such things is to love and appreciate ALL things. If someone hits you thank them for the experience, if they call you stupid thank them for expressing their opinions to you, etc. Of course without being connected to the infinite source within this can seem hard and perhaps draining.


    It is true that people set themselves up to suffer by making attachments and expectations and overly invest(emotionally) in such things. However spreading pain in todays world is like beating a dead horse. This world needs love, not more pain. Of course when you try to help others you can't "force" things upon them, the best you can do is offer what you have and lead by example.


    "Methods" of spreading fear, hatred, guilt, shame, etc are methods of destruction (including SELF-destruction). Perhaps I'm reading what your saying wrong, however. Could you give an example of when "negativity" would be preferable to positivity? And of course i'm no talking about blatant lying like saying to someone "oh you're already god, you don't need to change to experience enlightenment...that'll be $400 please", :P)



  3. Also I notice negative people try and bring positive people down, I'm not sure if this is on purpose or just there nature. At last though they hurt there selfs so much more than they ever can me.


    WARNING: The following is Astral Anima's OPINION based on his own personal experience, he makes no claim to this being the truth of things, he merely states a theory based on his observations. I'm Astral Anima and I approve this messege.


    Thus is the nature of energteic parasitism, a new pandemic, lol. When we're cut off from the source of infinite love within, to compensate sometimes we turn to parasitism and feed off of the energies of others. Negativity is the food of an energetic parasite, and they will do anything to get their "host" to feel it. Also, as you noticed, they equally get off on their own negativity as much as others'. This is the difference between choosing life and death because when you are cut off from the source you are on the road to self destruction.

    People who shift to living on negativity find love and innocent expression to be intolerable, they tend to lean toward positions of authority and power in an attempt to use to control people/things around them. They smirk and pride themselves in self destruction, while ridiculing anyone who shows self love. If, however, you are connected to your inner source and decide to choose happiness, turn the other cheek, smile, love, laugh instead of getting defensive or angry and feeding into their tactics, then they will gain nothing from you.



  4. Hi there, ~Law Wheel and Gong~


    Thanks to a great friend... I have been given some very important information that is helping me understand myself, and help others... This is what this forum is all about. I have developed this "law wheel and protected myself, and given energy to others to help them... My third eye is not opened all the way yet. Because I can only see the wheel as a fan, right now, Instead of it's beautiful colors but I will meditate later and see for sure, but I will get there, growing at a steady speed. But my gong is not completely developed yet either... So I'm excited I'm on the right track, and I hope this information can be of some help to some of you... I have a good heart, and a loving, kind, nature. I say this because this is important to receive this gift... So if you do to. It should come naturally to you... If anyone wants all the information just let me know. I'm sure my friend doesn't mind. I should ask first though... But this can protect your energy, and even better you can help other's... Take care Melanie




    1. The Law Wheel's Function


    The Law Wheel of Falun Gong has the same nature as the universe, for it is a miniature of the universe. Cultivators of Falun Gong not only rapidly develop their supernatural abilities and gong potency, they also develop an incomparably powerful Law Wheel in a brief period of time. Once developed, a person's Law Wheel exists as a living, intelligent entity. It automatically spins ceaselessly in the practitioner's lower abdominal area, constantly absorbing and transforming energy from the universe and ultimately evolving the energy in the practitioner's innate body into gong. Thus the effect of "the Law refines the practitioner" is achieved. This means that the Law Wheel constantly refines the person even though he or she doesn't perform the exercises every minute. Internally, the Law Wheel offers salvation to oneself. It makes a person stronger and healthier, more intelligent and wise, and it protects the practitioner from deviation. It can also protect the cultivator from people with inferior character interfering with him. Externally, the Law Wheel can both heal sickness and eliminate evil for others, rectifying all abnormal conditions. The Law Wheel rotates continuously in the lower abdominal area, turning clockwise nine times and then counterclockwise nine times. When rotating clockwise, it vigorously takes in energy from the universe and that energy is very strong. Its rotational power becomes stronger as a person's gong potency rises. This is a state that can't be attained by deliberate attempts to pour qi into the top of the head. When rotating counterclockwise, it releases energy and provides salvation to all beings, rectifying abnormal conditions. People around the practitioner benefit. Of all theqigong practices taught in our country, Falun Gong is the first and only cultivation method that has achieved "the Law refines the practitioner. "


    The Law Wheel is most precious, you can't put a price on it. When my shifu passed the Law Wheel on to me, he told me that the Law Wheel shouldn't be passed on to anyone else, and that even those people who had cultivated for a thousand years or more might want to have it, but could not. The discipline could only be passed on to one person after a very, very long time, unlike those that are passed on to one person every few decades. The Law Wheel is thus extremely precious. It's still extremely precious even though we now make it public and have adjusted it to become less powerful. Cultivators who have acquired it are halfway through their cultivation. The only thing that remains is for you to improve your character, and then what awaits you are quite high levels. Of course, people who aren't predestined might stop after cultivating for a little while, and then the Law Wheel in them will cease to exist.


    Falun Gong is Buddhist qigong, but it far exceeds the scope of the Buddhist system: what we cultivate is the entire universe. In the past, Buddhist cultivation only taught Buddhist principles, while Daoist cultivation only taught Daoist principles. Neither one gave a full explanation of the universe from its fundamental level. The universe is similar to human beings in that it has its own nature, along with its material composition. Its nature can be summarized in three words: True, Kind, Tolerant (zhen, shan, ren).[2] Daoist cultivation focuses its understanding on the True part: telling the truth, doing truthful deeds, returning to one's original, true self, and finally becoming a true being. Buddhist cultivation focuses on the Kind part: developing great compassion, and offering salvation to all beings. Our discipline cultivates Truth, Kindness, and Tolerance simultaneously, and we directly adhere to the fundamental nature of the universe in our cultivation, ultimately assimilating with the universe.


    Falun Gong is a cultivation system of both mind and body. When a practitioner's gong potency and character have reached a certain level, he or she is bound to attain in this world both Enlightenment (the state of Unlocked Gong) and an indestructible body. In general, Falun Gong is divided into Triple-World-Law and Beyond-Triple-World-Law, which include many levels. I hope that all devoted practitioners will cultivate diligently, improve their character without letup, and manage to reach Spiritual Perfection.


    2. The Law Wheel's Configuration


    The Law Wheel of Falun Gong is an intelligent, spinning body of high-energy matter. It rotates according to the laws of the vast universe's entire motion. In a sense, the Law Wheel is a miniature of the universe.


    In the center of the Law Wheel there is a Buddhist symbol of srivatsa, wanzi.gif, (in Sanskrit, srivatsa means "the gathering of all good fortune" (to check [the Chinese term], look in the Ci Hai Dictionary)), which is the core of the Law Wheel. Its color is close to golden yellow, and its base color is bright red. The base color of the outer ring is orange. Four Taiji symbols[3] and four Buddhist srivatsas are placed alternately in eight spots. The Taiji that are red and black are of the Daoist system, while the Taiji that are red and blue are of the Great Anterior-Heaven Daoist system. The four small srivatsas are also golden yellow. The base color of the Law Wheel changes periodically from red, to orange, to yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. They are extraordinarily beautiful colors (refer to the color insert at the front of the book). The colors of the central srivatsa, wanzi.gif, and the Taiji don't change. The srivatsas, wanzi.gif, of different sizes rotate on their own, as does the Law Wheel. The Law Wheel is rooted in the universe. The universe is rotating, all galaxies are rotating, and so the Law Wheel is rotating as well. Those whose Third Eyes are at lower levels can see the Law Wheel spinning like a fan; those whose Third Eyes are at higher levels can see the whole image of the Law Wheel, which is incredibly beautiful and brilliant, and this encourages practitioners to more boldly forge ahead cultivating.


    Hey Mel,

    So have you started practicing Falun Gong? How has the law wheel helped you to protect yourself? Jus curious. thx



  5. Hello,

    So I'm under the impression that the yogic postures are ways of opening certain channels or are linked to healing certain parts of the body-mind. So assuming this assumption is correct does anyone know what Fish pose would be used for? here a vid of it

    In my spontaneous practice i've been taking this pose alot. I know intellectualizing it is pretty much useless as it is the direct experience of it that counts, but just for fun i'm curious wat signifigance this pose may hold. Thx in advance



  6. astral, did you happen to search TTB archives? I located some posts of interest.


    15 June 2008


    26 November 2009


    31 December 2009


    JINKIES! Thanks Rain! No I searched but i didn't happen to stumble upon these. Perhaps my powers of perception need more refinement :P Very interesting though, especially about the "inner light" thing. I've heard of people who teach this, but i've never heard anything about moving it to the dantien and up and down the front channel. VERY interesting, thank you again :)



  7. Well the first thing is to get the energy and let it open the heart, then after time this opens the head and they unite giving shen. Can be done just through emptiness/stillness. Paul


    Haha, well that describes whats going on with me in Kunlun. It's been nagging at my heart since I started. How about jing into chi? I always just assumed dantien breathing in full/half lotus. any other ideas/ways anyone knows of?

  8. if this were correct standing would be useless, so would tai chi. So my opinion is it can be done other ways also.


    O no doubt, it's just the most common way i've heard is by sitting in full lotus or in deep concentration. If you know of any more please share, i'd be curious.

  9. Possible Causes


    * narcissistic injuries: parents who couldn't see the child and consistently inhibited the expression of true nature


    LOLZ, well that basically sums up 90% of the US :P


    But thank you for the info you provided, it indeed helped me to understand a little better.



  10. Hello all,

    I'm curious. I know that the achemetical process is turning jing into chi then chi into shen. Jing being turned into chi seem to be done by sitting full lotus and celibacy redirecting the sexual energy (please correct me if I misunderstand that). However what are the methods for turning chi into shen? Anyone have any insights?

    All is appreciated.



  11. I changed my diet two days ago. I started eating lots of green beans and green peas mixed with some meat because they contain a lot of protein. I did this experiment because i wanted to reduce my sugar intake (chocolate, muffins, honey etc). It worked well: for one whole day, i no longer had a craving for sweet foods.


    However, I noticed that i got very horny. Normally, i can control myself easily. When i searched the web, i found out that beans belong to the food group of legumes. I also found out that legumes boost testosterone.




    Moreover, i found out, that soy beans have a contrary effect:




    I worry much about hair loss. I think eating too much fat and sugar and ejaculating too often might contribute to hairloss in genetically predisposed men. This is why i try to ejaculate as little as possible. So, what should i do: eat less beans and eat more sugar? Should i eat everything in moderation? But then i get those cravings for fat and sugar again.


    Personally i've found unpasteurized milk from grass-fed cows to be of the utmost help in dealing with sugar cravings AND fat cravings. There were weeks where I would drink nothing but milk and I felt great on it. It really contains almost everything you need, amazing protein content (even though the concept of needed alot of protein is a myth), tons of minerals and vits (including the fat soluble vits and vit D), fat, and it's 80% water so you don't need much fluids on top of that. Raw milk is actually a "healing protocol" as well.



    Also when you eat normally, don't eat warm/hot food (do it room temp) and don't over eat. Stop at 1/2 - 2/3 full. Lastly don't do anything that will spike your blood sugar. fruits and veggies have fiber to help slow the release, milk has fat. I noticed in myself that when my blood sugar goes up my body wants to ejaculate. Notice how the things you do in your life effect you and all problems will eventually be solved :)



  12. If you are asking ways to lower the hold your "inner animal" has on you there's no better way than fasting or sum simple dietary changes. Gluttony and Lust are directly related to each other in the sense that one will lead to the other. Fasting takes care of this and awakens your REAL "Inner Power" ;) Also if you simply adhere to a vegetarian diet, preferably high in sprouts, that too will lower sex drive. Animal products have long been known to increase "desire" as has garlic and onion. Also you may want to set your foundation and practice detachment. Personally I've found "Fight Club" to be a great example of detachment :D, just pay attention to Brad Pitt's character.


    Also...just stay away from women for awhile. Shut off your laptop, get out of the house and spend sum time in nature. Idk where you live, if it's too cold or anything but even sitting in your yard with a quilt around you, or just keeping the windows open getting the fresh air, try to get sum sunlight, if you can let your bare feet touch the earth. All of these are subtle healers that will help balance your mind. Again though, fasting and/or dietary change along with detachment is by far the most effective way I've found to regaining control of your actions.


    Are you okay with not having the ultimate say in what you do? ;)



  13. ;p; whatever you say about homoeopathy being the tao hmm :S. anyway i went to my gp there current understanding of what ibs is, is very minimal. they said the best thing you can do is to learn how to manage it. they then gave me a leaflet about what it is. and started to ask me to write up a diary of food and sleep. to see any patterns. then she booked me into see a dietician and then i am going to go through the process of elimination apparently it can take 5 to 6 weeks with one food item. how many years of my life is that gunna eat up trying to find what it is that upsets me. oh and the reason why they cant find a cure for it is because they dont know the cause of it. so they cant treat the problem if they dont know the cause.


    Thats because they still adhere to the flawed "microbe theory" of disease. Toxemia and malnutrition are the only causes of disease, bacteria are our "cleanup crew", they help us detoxify. I've already posted the cause of IBS discovered by MDs




    Always remember that the media is subject to the influence of big business, the TRUE owners of this country. They will never let a cure to anything be released because cures can't make nearly as much money as a monthly drug does. Cancer, diabetes, IBS, heart disease, all of these have cures that are out there, they are merely being supressed. The whole thing with the tao and homeopathy I believe is referring to the concept of following nature. I personally don't believe like cures like I believe all that does it cause more toxicity to the point where it's repressed and the symptoms go away. Kinda like comfort food, it puts such a burden on your system you become less aware of whatever pain (emotional, physical) you're in. Personally i'm a firm believer in using plants as medicine and fruits as food. But it's true, Mother nature has no diseases, learn and follow her guidelines and you'll live a perfectly healthy and happy life. Abandon her, poison her and try to destroy her (consciously or unconsciously) and we will face the consequences. The tao is about (in my limited understanding) being in harmony with nature. Modern medicine is not in harmony with nature, nor is modern living in general. A daoist sage would probably prefer a log cabin or cave somewhere :P




    Well hello there,

    That is some story... The end gets after it doesn't it? I guess it would be as in the Bible... "That the sons of God, saw the daughters of man and found them so beautiful. They married the ones they wanted, and maid children"... It all boils down to woman starting a bunch of trouble. Adam and Eve... Can it be we cause so much strife in the world. And yet so much love, and give the birth of our children... It seems to be upside down, and right side up... Doesn't my friend... Melanie


    The "God" of the old testament sound like the "demons that control today's world. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole old and new testament was changed by the catholic church to fit older mythological tales of alien "gods" just so everyone would try to classify Chirst as "nothing special" or "just another emanation of an age old tale". Love is not jealous, love is not spiteful, love is not prideful, love is not vain, love needs no recognition...etc, therefore the jealous spiteful, vengeful, controlling god of the classic old testament cannot be the one Christ was referring to as "father" nor should be considered worthy for us to even listen to.


    What if for example the real story of adam and eve had them eating of the tree of life and lucifer came posing as their "creator" and screwed everything up, messing with genetics and creating his own society? What if the whole old testament is actually the writings of those who followed him, the ones who were told to perform blood sacrifices (occult stuff), and wage war and have sex with their daughters? What if Christ's story was purposely changed so people would believe him to be a mythological figure from other cultures?


    I wouldn't trust a single word of the spawn of the most corrupt and sketch religious organization on the planet. Just throwin that out there.



  15. i dont think you can diagnose someone with ibs to eat a particular way. there maybe something common with some foods like gluten, or dairy products that might aggravate it. for someone with ibs they may eat anything. its just that some foods will make it worse. and tend to stress the person who has ibsw to the point of constipation. its also a mind set too. for instance its a downward spirial. and its like which came fiorst the chicken or the egg. what i mean by that is. is the body weak or did it start from the mind thinking negatively. my teacher said that alot of people underestimate the power of emotions causing long term illness. so from that im inclined to think that maybe my emotions caused this problem. but now i have it. its like i said its a downward spiral. first you get pissed off and irritable with your attitude to life because you have low energy this is caused by the i.b.s you have then it affects every aspect in your life. the taste of food looses its taste. music doesn't sound beautiful any more. and everything has a dull glaze over to it. its like wearing beer goggles when you look outside or walking about. but ive noticed when you meditate and practice chi kung i get this things back slightly. but it still affects my life for when im working mostly.


    YES! I know that "dull glaze" feeling...too well XP. It happens to me when I continously eat a diet of processed and cooked foods. My awareness of myself is lowered. Everything is numbed and "hazy", I feel everything less. Really man, make sum damn smoothies, lol, or buy them. I just bought this one, it's flash pasteurized which is better than normal, but still not as good as fresh, but it had purees of fruit and wheatgrass and wheat sprouts and spirulina and such for only $3. It really sounds like you'd benefit from a liquid diet of some sort, even if only for 15-20 days. Everything gets brighter, no more "grey" feeling. You hear stuff, smell stuff, feel stuff and notice stuff that normally you wouldn't. There plenty of energy and no full belly.

    Then again my body works in a way where the less I eat the more I can move and the more I move the more energy I didn't used to be like that. After the MasterCleanse my body changed from liking cold weather to liking hot weather (cold weather irritates me now), my energy is no longer dependant on food, and of course the positive benefits of being thinner :) Idk. Go figure it out, lol. Btw I just got a job working 10-4 eastern time so I may not be catchin ya as much on msn :( . Jus a heads up



  16. Meg,

    the gnostic journals are indeed a gem for those interested in that subject. It is the general belief that they are speaking of alien lifeforms who did genetic experimentation either with our species or with another species or perhaps just amoungst themselves. I could also be that these "nephelim" are indeed alien humanoid lifeforms. The reason most people believe the former is the biblical verse stating that the "sons of man" (translated as fallen angels) took wives of the "daughters of men" (human women) and taught them many things (the occult). Then of course it's the belief they somehow mated with the women giving them offsrping which were the nephelim. Some will argue that since inter-species breeding isn't possible naturally, that genetic experimentation occured. Thats the general theory of most people that i've heard.


    As per "incubus"...well i'm a guy so no, lol and nor have I had an attack from a "succubus" i don't think (if i did i don't remember). However there are accounts of people encountering different "lifeforms" in altered states of consciousness that have had "romantic" encounters, "demonic" encounters etc. Most noted, especially amoungst one or two Kunlun practitioners is the encounter of "Reptile-humans". Some people claim to channel their species such as... . their validity doesn't go beyond their own word so it's hard for me to take seriously but if you find sum meaning in it...well there u go.


    You say you are a follower of Christ but don't like churches and you read the gnostic journals...have you ever heard of or looked into the essenes? You may resonate with what they say. If you'd like some info on that PM me.




  17. The paleo diet, hands down, No other diet stands up to it. in terms of science


    As much as I disagree with the concept of it, I can't deny the fact that the paleo diet does have the most scientific AND historic backing. Nearly everyone on that diet does EXTREMELY well. In fact I'm part of a paleo forum and one of the most interesting notes of a raw meat based diet is the regrowth of teeth and gum tissue and the increase on muscle tone with no exercise. Also most people boast of increased sexual energy, more calmness, and many other things. While I still disagree with it, you can't argue the facts. Cooking food really only had it's place in the agricultural societies because humans can't break down heavy grains or cellulose, therefore we had to cook it to make it more digestible. Meat, eggs and milk, all animal products are superior in raw form. Cooked animals products have been proven to deteriorate health while raw animal products SEEM to increase vitality like nothing before. The only reason anyone ever cooked meat im assuming is to kill parasites however the more you read into the science and results of others on such a diet thats not such a problem. Also if you're really scared you can soak it in lemon juice.

  check it out

  18. I would look at what nutrients effect the nervous system the most and choose foods that are dense in that nutirent. I would also look at the foods that are the most digestable.


    Now personally I would suggest raw milk. It did wonders to me and if raw veganism doesnt work out i'll definately be going back to it. RAW fat and cholesterol are AMAZING healing agents. As for vitamins, I know B6 and B12 are crucial to nerve health and so is vitamin D. Obviously you want alot of potassium and magnesium (bout a 2:1 ratio with sodium and calcium).


    Raw egg yolks (not the whites) and raw milk with honey and fruit honestly is probably the best thing you can do. Because of your IBS you don't want any rough fiber from nuts and seeds and since thats ur main source of fat in a vegan diet then raw milk and egg yolks work well to supply what u may need. I would say just eat egg yolks and milk but you need fiber and magnesium, so fruits high in magnesium and the B&C vitamins work best. I would avoid citrus fruits and stick with things like bananas(great for bowl health), figs, prunes/grapes, apricots, peaches.


    Also keep the eggs and fruit at room temp and keep milk refrigerated but warm it up by pouring a glass and placing the glass into hat water. The raw fats is really an overlooked concept IMHO. If you look up alternative raw food "gurus" like Aajonus Vonderplanitz (extreme example) who say raw fat and bacteria causes the fastest detox possible, you may open to an alternative procedure if you're sure the one you're on isn't working for you.


    Personally i'm going to be trying a combination of sprouts, fermented veggies and algae and see what happens, i'll let you know. I would also look into the Mao Shan 5 elements postures. they work at bringing the bodies organs into balance. Lastly i would look into irodology. I think tats a majorly overlooked practice. If you like I can scan a page on that and attach it to a post or send it on msn. lemme know




    EDIT: also check this out

  19. I have a copy of it, but you must be able to read ANCIENT Chinese, have a full dan tian, oh and send me a $5,000 security deposit.


    hahaha, yo what if he actually believed you?

  20. You can sign me up! :P


    BTW, to address an earlier question - anyone who has actually attended a workshop would know that WLP does not speak English. Therefore, even if he somehow hypothetically had the time to surf the internet all day reading various forums - he wouldn't be able to read any of the English ones. DUH??? :rolleyes:


    Anyhow, more knowledge is always great - but I think it takes at least a year or 2 just to become proficient at the fundamentals. Which are "simple," but not easy. For example, "A" students can sit in full lotus for an hour or 2. But reading a bunch of "secret scrolls" isn't going to get you into full lotus. Or allow you to easily disengage your observed mind and clear your heart of passions. That simply takes a lottt of stretching & practice over a long period of time on your own. Knowledge can be taught...but skill must be practiced. And you need both equally to get very far - like 2 pedals on a bike.


    Now, if you are already an advanced adept - then by all means seek the knowledge you need to get to the next step. Mileage here varies with each individual. Unfortunately, I myself still need more skill than knowledge at this point... :lol:


    What DOES he speak? I'll assume Chinese? Which kind? I'd love to meet that guy eventually =)