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Posts posted by FT88

  1. Its funny but i have the complete opposite view as the OP...


    Lao tzu said know the man, but keep the woman....



    You cannot be complete in a total Yang fashion...the macho body builder guy who judges people and says ignorant things has little to no yin. The female overcomes the male, therefore yield and overcome.


    A pebble on the shore, is gradually broken down layer by layer from the tide

  2. Well.

    Like i said i know very well taoism, but for now i don't want and don't have time to learn meditation.

    The problem is very very simple. Now i'm 38, and i like very much sex. I practice sport very seriously. And if i ejaculate often i have problem. I think you know very well the effects of ejaculation.

    Last year i overtrained, have various problems, an incredible exhaustion, with some kind of little infections. Initially i thought the problem was the training, then i discovered that the problem was the too frequent ejaculation. For example, it's impossible for me to have sex every day.

    So, that's why i'm trying to find a solution.


    So your real motive is too be able to have sex everyday without getting tired?.....idk if TB is the best place for this solution

  3. I have no scientific proof to back up my claims but i personally feel that the only effect of semen retention will be psychologically/emotionally not physical. I think you'd be more voulnurable to violent outburst or physical viloence if you dont know how to control yourslef mentally....my 2 cents

  4. I'm in a hotel this week for a conference and so have had the teevee on some while hanging out. It's been awhile since I watched any teevee, and man, it is one depressing piece of shite collossal waste on every level. I wish there still was stuff of this quality to watch now. The only good thing I could find to watch was the big Dog Show in NY this week. It's sad and frustrating.


    Agreed but sometimes you stumble on some interesting shows... i personally like a show called "survivor man" where a guy simply survives in baren landscapes by himself.

  5. Hey TB's. I dont know how many of you have seen the 70's tv show "Kung-fu" with David Caradie(RIP) but i recently finished watching all three season and i must say it is very relevant, for tao in real life. The show is based on a half chinese/white boy named kwai chang caine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwai_Chang_Caine who studied as a shaolin monk. Here are a few samples of wisdom he recieves from his masters along the path.






  6. OP you should check out a movie called Equalibrium its pretty interesting. As for repressing emotions i think its best to not be swayed either way by them..simply see them as they are but dont get attatched to them. EX: you go on a roller coaster and you love the thrill, but instead of enjoying that moment you seek the next one..its an endless cycle that way..dont mistake pleasure for happiness/contentment.

  7. The problem I find is that when I try to meditate, all the tension and stress, which I'm normally distracted from to a certain degree, I become acutely aware of, and it's extremely uncomfortable, and when I try to wait it out, or pass through it, it sometimes only seems to get worse.


    I know I have to let go of this tension, and the longer it stays and the more it builds up, the more difficult it will be to deal with.


    I know exactly what u mean. Its not that theres more thoughts its just that you become aware of them. We as humans depend on external stimuli to keep us "awake". So when it ceases the ego or in buddhist terms "mahra" will throw everything but the kitchen sink at you to try and make u become "busy" again. So meditation will help see things for what they are, instead of the manifestations.

  8. Hey TB's. I recently discovered some of Alan Watts audio series and i must say he has some very good insight and was before his time as most of his stuff was recorded in the 50's/60's. I was just wondering if any of you guys are familar with him and what your thoughts were.


    Heres some torrents of his u can download








  9. If ur not used to recieving comments you can react skeptical asking yourself whats this persons motive behind the compliment. But ultimately i think its best to be indifferent to the compliment not swayed either way. When i recieve a compliment im coordial but i dont take any percentage of it into consideration same goes with the negative aspect of insults.

  10. Lately iv'e been working on simply returning to the source during meditation. As the stream does to the river, and the river does to the ocean. I Picture myself as a chalkboard filled with text/defenitions/judgements etc..then i simply grab the eraser and clean the slate. I find it best to have "newborn eyes" and see the world as if u have no pre-concived notions or defenitions. This is the same as lao tzu described returning to the uncarved block of wood, where u step back in stillness and simply observe the manifestations for what they really are. Anyone else do this/tried this?



    ps: It reminds me of this movie i seen a long time ago called "they live" check it out if u want



  11. There's this story I remember, it goes like this. There was this student who wanted to be like Buddha and believed that by meditating he would become like Buddha. The Master picked up a clay tablet and began polishing it. The student asked the master what he was doing, the master replied, "I am polishing this clay tablet into a mirror." The student asked, "how can you polish a clay tablet into a mirror?" To which the master replied, "how can you become a Buddha by sitting?"


    The moral, contrary to what one might believe on the surface, is not that meditation is not required (even though it's not), but rather that it alone is not enough. You are misunderstanding the purpose of meditation (as I did for quite awhile), meditation is not meant to enlighten us or bring us peace and serenity, it alone cannot do that, rather it is like a pair a scissors to a tailor, used wisely it can help to cut the fabric into the shapes we need, but we can't forget that we also need other tools as well, if we are to create the clothes we wish to dress ourselves in.


    I would suggest that you read a few books that might help you to understand the nature of the world a bit more, they wont make you aware of the world, but they can start you on your path. Once you read those books (and preferably talk to someone who has already learned to be a tailor) I think it will be easier for you to make your clothes, rather than try to learn all by yourself. Remember having someone teach you will definitely make it quicker and easier.




    I agree with the majority of ur post twinner but i dont think his answer lies in books/text. Did lao tzu resort to books to realise their was an eternal force right under his nose?

  12. Its pretty simple really.. your mistaking happiness in pleasure. Wanting to not seem boring to ur friends is a form of yearning so your heart is discontent. Its said a man is 3 things.. 1)What he thinks he is..2)What others think he is...3)What he really is. Ask yourself if Taoism is reallly for u or u just like the carefree naivity aspect of it

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  13. CowTao!


    You are so right!


    Thich Nhat Hanh...Is such a man.


    Going back to the sixties, he has always been a

    voice of reason and compassion.


    Awesome!...Thank you for your reply.


    Very broad question....imo what you see in Saṃsāra is equivilant too a neverending revolving door in a hotel. Instead of wishing/desiring to change it, it is best to renounce it all together.

  14. Good topic OP. I too know exactly what u mean. Im confident by nature but i seldom feel my ego wanting to judge/discredit/look down upon and i usually supress it right away and keep my mouth closed. I suggest reading the book Silent Power by Staurt Wilde...its pretty short but very powerful.