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Posts posted by TianXian

  1. Hi Jox


    Here we go, my best recommendations:


    Tao Te Ching


    Biographies of Immortals - Legends of China - Special Edition by Herbert A. Giles, Frederic H. Balfour, Lionel Giles, and Shawn Conners

    ( i had not read it yet but it must be amazing)




    Vitality, Energy, Spirit: A Taoist Sourcebook by Thomas Cleary




    Nw if you can find this book, you should have it like Gold treassure because is so hard to find, nowdays:


    Hsi Yu Chi : A mission to Heaven. A great Chinese epic and allegory by Ch'iu Ch'ang Ch'un. Transl. by Timothy Richard. [illustr.] 1913 Shanghai




    a book of Wang Liping i would rather have:


    Xing-Da-Dao (Entering Dragongate) , this is Wang Liping's teachings in his early years.( but not yet in english)



  2. Radical Islam & Wahbi is definitely not REAL ISLAM.


    I believe the True Islam lays in the heart of the Sufi.






    Santiago Dobles



    I would like to add a few sticks to the fire.


    There are a few things for which I really don't like Islam.


    And I am not speaking here about Radical Islam, but most moderate too. Part of those things which I don't like are also in some Christianity.


    I am not speaking about violence. Yes, I don't think it is ok for people to bomb themselves. Especially next to other people. But this is not what worries me. I think there is something in Islam that is not ok. That is a serious threat for our society. Something few people speak about, partially because few people see, and partially because many that see, are tied too much to be able to speak up. What I am speaking about, is less disgusting than clitoridectomia, but much, much more dangerous.


    I am speaking about:

    a.) desire to live in a Sharia state.

    b.) The concept that someone who is Muslim, who decides that Islam is not his religion, will when dead inhabit the worse hell.



    Muslim are the number 1 growing religion in many western countries (all?, I am not sure, most? probably),

    the fact that they do not permit to people to leave their religion,

    the fact that 65% (according to a recent statistics, the data are available ) of Muslims in Britain would rather live under Sharia,

    makes it a real danger in my eyes.



    Muslim around the world are not generally known to have girls education very high in their priority list.



    Muslim who believe that you can leave Islam any time, who do not want to live under Sharia, who do not practice clitoridectomia, and who are not trying to have more than 3 kids, are my friends.


    Salom to them




    I tried to help you : )


    You are the one that made posts about Islam and said you had some idea about Sufi. How can you reallyknow about Shariat & Other Islamic things with out having a real transmission to its esoteric sides?


    Other wise you are stuck in what you can only see in the stage that you are at which is what you stated which was:


    Islam = Negative


    Quran = Bad


    Muhammad = Child rapist


    Shariat = Negative


    But when you have a real understanding you have a different view and also you have a different realization of things. But that can ONLY be experienced when you have an actual transmission that goes straight from Muhammad/Al Anur to his disciples/Sheiks to you.


    Do not KID your self man NO BOOK has it no matter which one you think you have that has Gold nuggets for words.


    There is no way you will know Unless you meet a real Sheik that can give you a transmission.



    There are HUGE reasons why things have been kept secret tradition. Its not for the Malefic reasons you think it is either.




    I have nothing against you nor care to have anything against you. I actually invite you with open arms and a smile.


    Best wishes & Salams,





    Not really. What you have tried to do is to discredit me, to lower the value of my identity, to disempower me by removing my internalized authority and replacing it with an externalized one. You haven't tried to actually help me, because in order to help me, you need to know where I am going.


    For example.


    If I am going to Florida, and I am in NYC, to help me, you have to tell me to go south. However, if I am going to Boston, you must tell me to go north. If, without fully understanding my intention, that is to say, without fully understanding where I am going, you tell me "Go south" (because that's where you went and all the "cool" people you know also went there), you are not helping me at all!


    But to admit that you're here to help yourself you need real humility and wisdom, instead of your enormous hubris, oh rainbow handed Guru Santi ball of love.


    You don't value me as a person, and that's fine, just don't pretend. You only value me as a potential follower of your little secret club. Keep dreaming. I am done with secret clubs. I have stepped on a wide open path of openness and I don't need people like you to help me. In fact, depending on how aggressively you make it obvious that you have some secrets in the form of some information that could potentially help me, and that is not available openly and freely to all, but that I must pay for and promise secrecy and accept various conditions for, I may even dislike you and frown on your methods and lifestyle. I believe you have some degree of freedom to be that way, but certainly don't expect praise and support from me. You'll have to go it alone with that attitude of yours.




    Very simple. Because if the knowledge that's available openly about Shariat is wrong, and if the only correct knowledge available about Shariat is SECRET (esoteric!), then the right solution is to make the correct knowledge OPEN. However, if you keep the correct knowledge secret, while the incorrect knowledge is open to all, you are the one that's being a moron and not me for failing to seek some secret correct way to understand it.


    All of us can see the UGLINESS OF SHARIA IN PLAIN VIEW. It is ugly. It is barbaric. Actions are louder than words. We see actions of Sharia. We have videos. It's widely available. Now if I need to go chase down some SECRET to be able to digest this garbage safely, that's fucked up. Plain and simple. If you refuse to make your life-saving secrets public, you are hostile to human life. The ugliness of Sharia is public. In fact, I cannot imagine any information that would make it beautiful. It's barbaric garbage that's going to the toilet of history.



    i think its a bit impossible to be a Muslim and a Buddhist at the same time. not that I want to get into a pissing contest between which religion is better, but the two are diametrically opposed to each other.



    The belief system of religions is the most dangerous single path of any peoples.



    My friends, people today even many people that say are muslims have many wrong! They don't know what really Islam means, there is not such thing as real or not real Islam, and for answers many of your questions that i had quote and others i invite you to see and hear this video:




    God Bless :wub:

  3. mm Tantra, how much i would like to see one of these very old Classics in English. And better in Spanish if possible :D


    Well Castaneda reminds me about Master Kwan Saihung book Chronicles of Tao: The Secret Life of a Taoist Master, there the pics had been taken from other books and the history it looks like own summary of books like Water Margin and the Book of Five Rings. ( or maybe have some true pieces of histories told to him, when he went to these Mountains, but made after by Kwan Saihung, in his own way.)





    From what i can see Davids system is a mixture of many styles all combined into one. Created by him. There is no way a person can study that many different styles and become sucessful in any of them. You would be hard pressed studying two, let alone 7 or 8 as David claims.


    Not even john chang or wang liping dare i say could study from so many different branches or teachers. Each would conflict with the other im certain.


    IMO,I think David milked XSZ for all its worth and billed it as a superior practice.






    Thanks Bob very good thought, David also said:




    So i don't belive teh lineage of Xing Shen Zhuang, came from any of these Six Great Paths of Taoism.




  5. Good Day o dear friends, is so good to always see the goodness and not the negative that first came in mind, but of course to protect your body is a must, life is all.


    Yes i train only 2 exercises:


    Carrying the Moon



    Lifting the Sky



    I had been directly learn and get "hearth to heart trasmition" of these 2 exercises from my ex Sifu (teacher), Grand Master Wong Kiew Kit.


    These are parts of the Lohan Hands, i belive Carry the moon have Taoist roots.

    These are just beginning exercises to get the energy flow so, you can then go on advanced levels like abdominal breathing, small universe and big universe to get enlightenment.


    That is what i mean with high Qi Gong (though I don't know exactly how Master Wong Kiew Kit learned all these Qi Gong exercises, but some were from books other from his Shaolin Sifu's, Great Grand Masters.




    PS. Any questions about these 2 exercises are welcome if you want!


    Bye, bye.

  6. PS. I have not train Xing Shen Zhuang and sure never do ( i ready train genuine Qi Gong, there i feel the energi in my body) so it may be that Xing Shen Zhuang is genuine, but like i said Qi Gong with very high aim there meditation etc is include, i don't think Xing Shen Zhuang is!



  7. ....there are i belive 5 kinds, there the Celestial Immortal is the "highest"




    From Wuzhen pian (Awakening to Reality)by Fabrizio Pregadio:


    "There are five degrees of Immortals, namely, the demon immortals (guixian), the human immortals (renxian), the earthly immortals (dixian), the spirit immortals (shenxian), and the celestial immortals (tianxian)."





    Another one that I am reading now, not so much about immortals as it is about alchemists and mystics is called Alchemists, Mediums and Magicians: Stories of Taoist Mystics. Translated by Thomas Cleary. Although I must say that this one reads on the boring side, it contains some useful information about other texts that I had not previously heard of.





    I understand, thanks for the good info Taijiphoenix :)

  8. Thankyou kindly for the scan Ymwong.


    Ok i have heard of Pang Ming, I think he is or was very famous some time ago. However i had no idea the form was created in the 80s lol, Thats not even 30 years old ! This topic becomes more absurd the deeper we go,


    Thanks for the info,





    let me just say like this:


    Is Pang Ming a celestial Immortal: No


    is his Qi Gong to became Celestial Immortal : No


    High Qi Gong then: No



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