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Everything posted by Makyea

  1. Confused

    Does anyone have anymore suggestions for exercises? Light ones or even more challenging ones?
  2. Confused

    My only problem with classes is that my money is pretty limited right now. Thank you for taking the time to look and post here. If you have any other ideas or suggestions for me than I would love if you would post them as well. Thank you
  3. Confused

    Haha, how so?
  4. Pain and Energy

    This is what I was thinking. They have poked, prodded, and x-rayed me without any explanation. Any advice on how to find a good energetic healer?
  5. Confused

    Thanks I am looking at it now.
  6. Confused

    Oh wow that is great. Thank you so much!
  7. Confused

    Emotionally detox? I have been on a regular work out schedule (I was training to join the military and decided to just keep the work out). I already eat all organic food and I am starting to shift my diet slowly to what I have found. So I am pretty healthy. Haha I don't mind I have time so it would not be torture for me.
  8. Confused

    That is fine. I do not mind it is just more information on different persons view of things and because it is information it is not useless. I love conversations and they way they flow into and out of different topics. I find it interesting they way the mind works. I think the more I try and understand others points of view and the way their minds work I can find out how my own mind works. By doing that I believe it will help me decide what works best for me and my mind. That is a help in itself. So I thank you and everyone who posted anything here and hope it will continue. Anything you think it could help to know let me know. Though I would appreciate more answers. I do not look down on any information I am given.
  9. Pain and Energy

    No I have not been doing Qigong
  10. Confused

    Middle class?
  11. Confused

    What you say again makes sense to me. I can see what you are saying but I do not think I agree Hinduism anyway. Well it is not that I do not agree it just does not speak to the inner me the way Taoism does. I would love to learn more about Hinduism and I will probably look into it later because I think there are some things about it that do peak some interest. I would love to study religion and things so I try my best to keep my mind clear of any strong opinions on subject I do not know about myself. How am I to say what is wrong or right. Thank you for the thoughts though. They are very interesting and give me more to think about.
  12. Confused

    As I have said I do plan on reading these when I have some time to completly give to them. I just wanted to know if there were any other things to know. I do agree with you so you can be sure I will not just take what everyone says as it. I will read the texts and learn for myself instead of just taking others words. I didn't ask for texts for no reason. Thank you for the advice though. I appreciate it. Especially with regard to the travel. After reading what you told me and reading that over it did make much more sense. I am starting to get highly annoyed with the textbook because after just reading the quotes I can see it was wrong. I will be reading the actual Taoist texts soon.
  13. Confused

    I can see where you both are coming from and from what I know put in to what you have said, I think that it is wrong to out down a religion based on the customs of the area. That is sort of like saying all Americans that say they are against war are lying and trying to save face because there are lots of people, some in power some not, who are for it. Just because an area may be tainted(I am not saying it is or isn't) does not mean its beliefs are or are not. Isn't it with most faiths that when you enter certain places you must cleanse yourself? Maybe they were just cleansing themselves to be rid of outside ideas such as some monks do not leave because they do not need more than their beliefs. I don't know enough to say whether anyone is right or wrong and it is a deep-rooted long thought out issue but I hope you both try and see from each others view about it. I think you are both very smart and strong people and that if you could try to see through the other's eye it could only make you smarter and stronger. Thank you for your point of views though. Very interesting to read.
  14. Confused

    Oh I see! Haha, I didn't think that made much sense. I understand now. I didn't even know about the whole sex thing or the diet thing till I did some research. My main motivation is to be my ultimate self. I want to use my body the best way I can. I want wisdom. I want enlightenment. I read about Taoism and it seemed like it was the way to get there. I mean many religions or faiths don't focus on making you the best you can be just because that is what you truly want. Most just improve your moral or at least make you suck up to a god just to end up better. It all seems like your just scrambling for praise and not benefiting personally. I think that is what Taoism offers that other faiths lack. It helps you obtain a higher level of existing, shows how good it is to be on that higher level, and shows you what is real versus the "reality" we see everyday. That doesn't really get across how I feel but that is the best way I can describe it. It really improves more than social skills I guess.
  15. Confused

    What you said doesn't make any sense. Haha, how can I learn things about something I know all about? I said I read about it in a textbook and I really agreed with what it said. In the textbook it said nothing about the Tao Te Ching or any other texts. I did some googling but decided that I should find people who practiced it themselves. I did not ask just one person because faith and other thngs like it should not justbe based off a system just because. I believe that if someone has found flaws in something but highly agrees with other points has taken their time to disect it and base it off themselves and that to me is real faith. I do think that you can completly agree with a system of belief but I would love to hear how others interpet things misguided or not they have to have a reason to think what they do, right? I asked for books and things to read because I wanted to learn more than what was in my books. Just because I didn't decided to jump right into a text I knew nothing about really does not mean I lack motivation. There was no change though. I had just read it when I found this site and decided I agreed. I do see where you could think I lack motivationbut trust me I am spending a lot of time reading everything I can find and things that people give me. I have a whole notebook filled with information I have gathered, and tons of webpages saved for reference. I was told not to take in to much information so I am trying my best to pace myself. I am starting by reading the Tao Te Ching then the Tao of Pooh & the Te of Piglet(a friend suggested I read them) along with a couple webpages I was told to look at. I might be attending some workshops soon as well. So I don't know if this still means I lack proper motivation, and if you think I do or if you belive I am doing something wrong let me know. I don't really know any other ways to go about this without a person to guide or teach me.
  16. Confused

    Tyler what do you practice? How did you get started? Why did you start?
  17. Confused

    Thank you I will take a look at all that. I think I would prefer to stay away from the whole guru thing as well.
  18. The Tao Bum Pai

    That would be so cool! I would go.
  19. Your favourite Taoist/TCM diet

    Well I do not know what your diet is but there is a website that does vegan and eggless foods. It has some cool recipes and ideas on how to make good foods diet friendly (such as whole grain eggless coffee cake).
  20. Confused

    Do you think that having a teacher is better than attending classes? I read that Taoists think view travel as wasteful, so does that mean that if one were to go to another country(such as China) for spiritual guidance would they be looked down upon?
  21. Confused

    This makes sense to me.
  22. Confused

    Are you Hindu? I would love to hear more about that. I have a book that has some information about Hinduism I might take a look at that. To reach balance must you recieve that from the Divine? What is the Divine or is it undescribable? What is the goal of yoga nidra?Is it just to enter that state? Okay, I will check those out.
  23. Confused

    True, but doesn't a challenge or adventure need a time to rest, whether it is in the beginning or middle or end you still savor that rest. I am not saying that we struggle through life to reach the end. I am just saying I want to have my adventure but the reason for it is to reach my peace. I will enjoy the challenges but at the end I will also enjoy my peace. They go hand in hand really. You can't have up without down or day without night. Just cause all day you look forward to a great night and do things to get ready for night doesn't mean you can't enjoy the day and the preparations either. Someone else posted earlier for me to make sure I live and have fun with life, but I believe that finding something I believe in and that will make my rest (or "night") betteris enjoyable. I think that seeing my body and mind become one is an adventure and challenge. Many things you do or think are preparing you for your rest if you think about it.
  24. My heart feels tender - help please

    I have been able to feel my blood and my insides since I was little. I have found it is hard to ignore and I understand how scary it can be and how weak it can make you feel. Lately, I have been getting my blood drawn a lot and though most complain of the needle it is the sucking out of my blood I hate. It feels wrong and violating. Anyways, I have not felt this sensitivity in my heart but I have around my chest. Doctors have no idea why and neither does anyone else I have asked. I have found the best way to deal with it is to either ignore it or just focus more on the movement of other parts of your body like maybe on moving your eyes, blinking, tapping fingers or legs, and other stuff like that. I wastold once to concentrate on it and it just made me nautious. Other than that I do not know what to tell you other than I am glad I am not alone in this. It is so uncomfortable.
  25. Confused

    Although I agree that no one can change who you truly are, others can help you find out who you truly are. I think that is my greatest problem. I do not know who I am and what I truly desire other than to end the war between my mind, body, and the world. I wonder in the end if that is all that anyone wants internal and external peace. The freedom to rest. I read in a book that Chuang Tzu (I believe it was him but I can not remember completly) lost his wife. He said that his wife had just lain down to rest and that to mourn his wife as she rested would be wrong and contesting nature. I personally thought this signified more than just that Chuang Tzu did not fear death as the book I was reading stated but that death was the ultimate peace. I view sleep as a peaceful and rewarding and the fact that to go to sleep your body puts your mind in a peaceful state, or sort of neutral state. This gave me another idea that maybe that as we strive to reach higher planes of thought and spirituality we are only reaching for a simple peace. Like, if you spend all day in a calm mood and doing things that feel good and that are good for you you sleep and dream much better than if you were having a horrible day doing things you do not enjoy. I just want to be able to sleep peacefully when my time to rest comes. Oh, sorry for that I got a bit carried away with my thoughts.