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Posts posted by benny

  1. Greetings, honorable daoist brothers and sisters ...


    Your lungs are your wings inturned.


    I need all of your data on qinggong:


    "Qing Gong (traditional Chinese: 輕功; simplified Chinese: 轻功; pinyin: qīnggōng; Cantonese Yale: Hing Kung) translates to "light body skill", and consists of two main skills: One being the ability to perform vertical jumps of a height many times that of the human body, and the other being the ability to travel long distances with a flitting, continuous motion as if flying."


    The practice has been popularized and simulated in wuxia films such as 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' and 'Kung Fu Hustle' using wires:


    I submit my "findings" however few they are and would appreciate any knowledge you might have from Daoist (especially Daoist) or other perspectives to help to enhance my current understanding.


    Lung-gompa is the Tibetan equivalent:


    "The words lung-gompa convey this: lung denotes the elementary state of air, ... So the lung-gompa runner is one who completely masters breath meditation."


    Ge Qiang who lives in the Ningxia province published a book on qinggong called "Zhonghua Wushu Qing Gong" -- read the following article:


    Mr. Ge Qiang is of the Hui people who are Muslims. I think there is a lot to learn from him. Does anyone have or can they get his book?


    Ge Giang mentions another book in that article entitled "Shaolin Martial Arts Qinggong Private Edition" -- if anyone has this book or knows where it can be acquired I would greatly appreciate that information.


    Through inference I feel the practice Ge Qiang describes is similar in many respects to the French 'parkour' -- and a brief Google search turned up this thread on Martial Arts Planet where they state the same:


    I am interested in the esoteric, internal, and occult knowledge. My studies have brought me to take very seriously the 8 directions and reconcile the motion of the Earth underneath my feet (moving southwest to northeast at approximately 1040 mph, orbiting the sun at approximately 30,000 mph)


    BK Frantzis writes briefly about Qinggong in his book 'The Power of Internal Martial Arts and Qi' on page 68


    Etc. etc. etc.


    This is already too winded so I will close with a quote from the Martial Arts Planet thread that may be more germaine to our particular focus ...


    "I have also heard from the aspects of Qigong it is using Yang energy against the earth's natural Yin energy. Thus they are actually "repeling" each other similar to the thoughts of magnetism, thus resulting in somewhat of a levitating effect. This is of course pretty High level Qigong."


    I asked the master down the street from me about it and he affirms the notion set forth in the thread that it has to do with "moving the center" ... shifting the weight.


    I wish you all luck in your practice and am curious to hear what you think of this subject.




  2. So here I am surfing and I happen to stumble across 3 copies. THAT'S RIGHT THREE COPIES IN VHS!!! So...just to keep things suspenseful....I'm hopping offline right now and unfortunately wont be back on until Sunday night!!!! laughs meniacallyAH HAHAHAHA AH HAHAHAHAH :lol:


    Can you digitize these tapes? If not, may I be of service.




  3. The very fact that the language even exists to explain this phenomena should be enough.


    A bee weighs a gram and has wings and can fly.

    A bird ways an ounce and has wings and can fly.

    A 747 weighs many tons, has wings and engines, and can fly.

    Enormous battle ships made of cast iron float on water.


    A human weighs whatever it weighs, has lungs and can fly.


    The lungs are the wings in-turned.


    I'd like to gather as much information as possible.


    Point of reference has a lot to do with it, as does physics in general.


    The moon has a lot to do with it.


