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Everything posted by Sunya

  1. Nobody ever threatened you. You have some sort of persecution complex or something.
  2. :lol: dude, I was referring to you as the troll.
  3. LOL What a troll. Maybe if we stop feeding him, he'll go away.
  4. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Aaron, I completely agree. Beautiful post
  5. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Nobody is denying the experience of formless light, you are not the only person to have had this experience, but what people deny is the absolute existence of this experience. You had this experience and have turned it into a reality, the true reality, the Unconditional, the Absolute. There is no 'true' reality or Absolute, and what you experience was just as phenomenal as this very experience of you reading these words. Both are just experiences. You've just gotten very attached to a particular one.
  6. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Haha, alright then. Stop drinking and eating then. It's all just illusion.
  7. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    The Tathagata would bash you on the head for giving him credit for such silly ideas as "you must understand WHEN you are." What does that even mean? Time is an illusion. There is only this moment which is ever-changing.
  8. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Of course, but what I'm expressing is that detachment in and of itself will not lead to enlightenment.
  9. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Nonattachment to views is for those who are very advanced and have gone beyond views. They have eradicated the view of duality (split between mind and objects) and the view of inherent existence (that things including self and mind exist independently). It is impossible to eradicate these deep tendencies without deconstructing them through right view. Nonattachment to view comes naturally as a result of right view, but you can't start off with it. It is a result not a cause. Humility and compassion, while very good virtues and very helpful, are not deconstructive. One can be very compassionate and humble but still cling to a self.
  10. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Enlightenment is the end of suffering, but yes full enlightenment goes beyond that. Since you follow the teachings of the mahasiddhas of Mahamudra who did in fact seek enlightenment and attained it, then you are seeking the same state as they describe, which is the state of enlightenment. If your goal is to help the evolution of humanity, and that it seems to be since you condemn others here as not contributing to that goal, then the best way to do that is for you to become fully enlightened, not just seek the end of your suffering. As others here have pointed out, the best way for you to become enlightened is to meet enlightened teachers and learn from them. "Freethinking Buddhism" will lead you nowhere since you seem to be interpreting everything you read through your own lens. You need an enlightened guide to help you, and yes they do exist.
  11. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    You've admitted here that you're not fully enlightened. So you do not have full clarity of the enlightened state and complete wisdom, nor omniscience on how to help others in the best way. Could it be possible that you're actually not helping anyone either but only continuing an ego projection? Maybe your 'message,' though it agrees with your experience, is entirely wrong. Perhaps it would be best if you focus and get fully enlightened before you act like an avatar to help us mere mortals.
  12. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I think the concept 'soul' prevents people from realizing that there is no separation between subject/object, self and world. The idea of soul is an independent immortal body, so it's just another form of self but not physical. Clinging to this notion will prevent people from getting past the sense that they are a separate being looking out at the world through behind the eyes, which only causes suffering. Even modern mystics who are into OBE or soul travel talk about the soul as having senses, so they are still very much stuck on the self-concept.
  13. The secret chakra thread!

    It's your penis
  14. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    In terms of cultivating qualities of compassion, patience, loving-kindness, humility, etc. sure I think the goal is the same. As for enlightenment, I don't see how a dualistic path via monotheism can lead to nondual realization.
  15. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Yeah, I don't like children
  16. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Actually you said "Feel free to answer with an opinion" in response to me. Why are you acting like a child?
  17. 'No self' my experience so far...

    You're not that stupid, are you? If I ask you if you believe in gobblegook but don't tell you what I mean, what's the point of asking? It has nothing to do with 'objectivity.' We use language as symbols, and if you don't clarify the meaning of a symbol (your own personal meaning), then it's quite pointless to even bother having a conversation. Now, are you here to just screw with people or are you actually interested in having a conversation? Stop pretending to be a fool just to get a reaction out of people.
  18. 'No self' my experience so far...

    If you're asking someone if they believe in a soul but do not clarify what you mean by soul, then it's a rather silly question. Do you believe in gobblegook? Just give me your opinion.
  19. 'No self' my experience so far...

    That word means different things to different people. Can you define what soul means to you?
  20. Tradition and Lineages

    Ok, lol... except I don't affiliate myself with the Tea Party and am actually very socially liberal. I don't venture much into politics, but if I do I lean to the left. Here and now just means present to this very moment and not lost in thoughts...
  21. Tradition and Lineages

    Wow, so my being here on the planet is useless because I'm careful who I listen to Why don't you quote Bin Laden on peace while you're at it? Hmmm, I asked if you do drugs and you fit me in with a political movement that is for small government? Ok... you're kind of wacky, man. And no, being here and now is quite fine from a Buddhist pov.
  22. Tradition and Lineages

    Isn't Osho the guy who had like 90 Rolls Royces, started a cult in Oregon, and was subsequently deported from the US for fraud? I think knowing about the messenger is important. Even a parrot can say something meaningful once in a while, but doesn't mean that he's worth listening to.