sheng zhen

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Everything posted by sheng zhen

  1. The Emerald Tablet

    Wonderful! I love emptyness!
  2. Mass healing

    Oh so true, so true! I used to heal people I saw just walking down the street. Sent energy(divine energy ofcourse, mind you! ) here and there and everywhere. I had so many hallusinations and inner turbulence that now, when Im out of it, all this sending healing energy to heal the world seems just so not-a-good-idea. Now that I have pulled back myself I see how much delusion there is in healing groups. "Good intention" is NOT enough to do a safe energy transfer. Not even "trust in the divine" is enough. Only being careful, aware, awake, listening, silent and observant of all the subtleties that happens both in your own energyfield, the transfering field and the clients field. And to see aura is not enough either. We need to see all the different layers of the aura, the different level of consciousness and how they all interact. This is not something you learn during a Reiki weekend. When I was shown all the hidden dimensions that interacts during a healing I had to admit my incompetance. After I stopped projecting energy here and there my whole life has just got better and better. And it seems it makes no difference at all. The world continues. People around me are no less sick and no more happy with me doing healing on them than me not doing healing on them. This is a hard earned realization that probably wont reach the romantics of "divine healing love". I also had a very famous healer to my clinic asking for help because he had so many nightmares. He had been doing healing professionaly for 20 years traveling all over scandinavia. He was a special case because he actually had the realization that there is more to it than just opening up and pouring out energy. Most healers just get angry and feel threatened when I tell them there is more to it. They are mostly just high on "good feelings of divine love". Ok, I couldnt keep my mouth shut goddammit... carry on. Wont interfere here anymore.
  3. I usually get spaced out with stimulants. But once I add American Ginseng to my daily herbal cocktail I get the stimulant effect and still keep my grounding. American Ginseng is very balancing.
  4. Breathing

    Exorcist is probably not speaking to beginners but those who are ready to transcend the neurosis of the mind to need something to hold on to.
  5. Jing Questions

    I remember Taomeow had a very interesting explenation on jing. Will try to find it and post a link. From my understanding it seems that reserving jing also involves thoughts and feeling, not just sexual ejaculation but mental aswell. So when we stop projecting our thoughts and energy on others and on the world and rather keep our consciousness(shen) within our own body, jing will naturally build up. And especially during silence. When mind and body is still, jing will flourish. During silence we neither project externally nor internally. Here is the link for more on jing:
  6. Mass healing

    To quote AugustLeo in antoher thread: "in duality you can not have the bliss without the piss". This is something we cant escape no matter how much "healing" we pour into it.
  7. Alchemy and pain, pain, pain

    haha, so its the regular norwegian stiffness you are suffering from! I have that problem to... but I got a long way with some simple stretching
  8. Alchemy and pain, pain, pain

    What is your sitting posistion Hagar? Is it pain from full lotus or do you feel pain just by sitting still on a chair? If its sitting still on chair kind of pain you should probably see a doctor or get some bodywork. But if its lotus-pain mabye its possible to ease up a little on the position until it gets less painful, and then move a little deeper into it. I dont know what rules you play by in your practice... I think it was De Paradise that said he use a pillow and with that he clocks in hours upon hours of silent sitting
  9. Stopping and Seeing

    yes yes, thank you
  10. How many Bless their food?

    I dont bless the food as in pouring energy into it or say a prayer. But I always communicate with it and open my body and consciousness to it. When it enters my stomach Im aware how it is recieved and assimilated. I can feel it travel through my intestines, break down to little pieces and enter my body. Immediately when I get it in my mouth the energy starts to work with my body. I dont care much about it its bad energy because there is allways aspects of it that can be of use. Or it can be transformed or just deposited. Im just aware of what happens to me and my body and put my trust in my own bodys intelligence to direct it all where it is needed the most.
  11. Limbic system

    Very interesting froggie! I have an unstoppable and extremely dominating curiosity so it seems I will have to try PEA aswell now...
  12. How edumacated are you?

    I was pretty dum during my masters because I swiched halfway and then got burned out. Now I have half of two masterdegrees and my job is not related to this education at all. A friend studying psychology did his master on researching attitudeds towards paranormal phenomena and differences between educated and non-educated population. He found that there actually was not much difference. He said physics professors statistically have the same attitude towards paranormal phenomena as the rest of the population.
  13. "GIRI" article

    Very nice article! And a very valuble concept to understand while dealing with gurus. But I would like to point to the fact that it might not be so linear as for every breath you give 2 breaths back, for every healing you give twice as much healing in return. When I give a cup of coffee to a friend, if he immediately gave me two cups of coffee in return, and I then gave him 4 cups of coffee, etc... we would be seriously fucked up in the end of the day. But if I get a nice conversation for half an hour it is more than enough. When I heal someone I do not expect to be twice as healed in return. What I give I give. And what I recieve I recieve. When I heal someone it is a lot more rewarding to see the person actually enjoy his new life than to have him immediatly try to give me healing in return. I dont wnat to control this exchange between the universe and me by adding more dogmas. This exchange is not so linear.
  14. Stopping and Seeing

    Thank you for those very inspirational words! From what I understand, the first step in taoist alchemy is silencing the mind. That could mean the normal slow and clear thinking that happens in meditation, but if it means the complete stop of mind interfering in reality it is a completely different game. It seems that most practitioners say "silencing the mind" means a 30 minute meditation every day. But true silence of the mind can not happen without a many days of meditation retreat. When mind is still you can see reality. Many people see this as the goal, the end of all inner work. I believe this is when it all finally starts. And what we are doing up until then is only fantacy and dreaming.
  15. What are you listening to?

    Wow, I didnt know about this. I gotta pay more attention!! Thanks Scotty!
  16. Limbic system

    Hello froggie. I just got a box of Yohimbe yesterday. I think I took a little too much, but I certainly got to experience how it fires up the limbic system. I became more impulsive, more emotional, more active and more sexual. I also felt energyflushes down my legs, up the spine and in my head and face. On my box they say it should not be mixed with stimulants, so I guss my coffee earlier on that day was a little too much.
  17. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    I dont know exactly what Spectrum means by "psychophyiological state of wuji", but I think it is not to mean the same as meditation. Anyone can get into a meditative state, alpha levels of the the brain, slower breathing, relaxed muscle, increase of pleasure hormones, etc. I dont know about the real wuji state because I dont think I have ever experienced it. I know about the meditative state, and if the high level masters and practitioners say wuji is the same as meditation, I simply wont trust them. Based on my recent level of understanding i would say wuji is the total and unlimited transcending of duality. Mind is not able to exist in such a state. Not experience either.
  18. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    Specrtum, I have a PM for you but your inbox is full. Dude, please empty your taobum-self
  19. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    From what Ive read of Winns articles it seems he is very newagey... And in new age it dosent matter how your body is, only how much you can feel "energy" and visualize "good feelings of divine love"
  20. Taoist breathing retreat

    I was recently on a 3-day silent retreat in Norway where I did reeeeaaaly slooooow Xing Shen Zhuang(dao yin) 2 times a day and spent the rest of the day in stillness meditation and slow breathing. Yes, retreats are absolutely advicable! To me, 3 days dedicated to utter silence is worth more than 10 years of workshops and books. From what I read on the website it seems circular breathing and the concept they present is safe for your imbalances. Maby even healing. I'd say go for it!
  21. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    From what I understand, Wuji and Hun Yuan are very common names on qigong practices. Wuji is the state we all want to return to, and hun yuan qi is the qi we all want. So probably every second qigong system created will be called something related to wuji or hunyuan.
  22. This site was down today?

    Yes, I did something they call "cleaning the house". Not something I want to do again... please Sean, make sure the site is ALWAYS up and running!
  23. This site was down today?

    I totally freaked out!
  24. Joint Popping

    Me and my friend used to battle who could make the loudest sound cracking our neck. We both got a lot of pain after a while. Ive had neck trouble since then. After doing Xing Shen Zhuang for almost a year now my neck is almost completely healed. I still get a lot of popping in the joints and the spine, but its certaily getting better and increasing mobility and flexibility in all joints and the whole spine.