sheng zhen

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Everything posted by sheng zhen

  1. is zhan zhuang off the west's grid?

    The book I linked to, ZZ and The Search of Wu, explains how the Zhan Zhuang training goes through cycles of external and internal training depending on the angle of the joints. We start off with a small angle and because we are not used to it we get raised heartbeat, sweating and muscles start shaking. After some days or weeks we learn to relax in that position and we actually get a lowered heartbeat, deeper breathing and relaxation from doing ZZ in that position. Then we change the angle a little bit, stand a little lower. Again we get a raised heartbeat and get tired in the muscles. And after a few weeks we again learn to relax in the position and lower our heartbeat and respiration. As we continue this we get a physical workout, building muscle strength and body awareness. And at the same time we get the healing effects of meditation and relaxation.
  2. Mother Earth

    I think the belief that earth is not alive comes from our religious and scientific cultural inheritance; the belief that we, humanity, is Gods representatives on earth blessed with a divine intelligence. I see this as the peak of human arrogance. It takes no genious to realize that we are not THAT intelligent, if compared to nature
  3. What are you listening to?
  4. Looking for first hand perceptions

    Exorcism is when you remove a spirit from someones body or a place.
  5. Looking for first hand perceptions

    In one apartment I lived in many years ago we had a ghost. Everbody could see him as a subtle fog in the shape of a man, when we showed them. Sometimes he would go to the kitchen and make som noise, and then go back to his corner and just look at us. Many ghosts are not scary at all. Another time I met a ghost that came with an old piano some friends bought. He gave them nightmares and bad feelings. But when I talked to him and explained that they where actually going to take good care of the piano, he calmed down. Now they live harmoniously and minding their own business in their own dimensions. I feel the new-age way of exorcism where they force the ghost, or the spirit or energy, into "the light" is actually a criminal act of violation. Some people are so high on "love" and their own "divine intention" they dont see what they are really doing. They just want everyone else to feel the same way. Like a drug addict giving heroine to people that havent asked for it. Most often it is not exorcism the ghosts need. They only need to be explained what is going on. And very often what people believe is ghosts, is really just energetic projections of their own subconsious issues. It is not the ghost that need treatment but the individual having "troube with ghosts".
  6. is zhan zhuang off the west's grid?

    Here is a link: Its a great book! Yes, Zhan Zhuang is a slow process. I spent several months working my way up to 20 minutes. Now Im up and down between 20-40 minutes depending on my day-to-day energy. Nowdays, after approximately 10 minutes I get into a kind of stillness that is expressed through all muscles and cells and it feels like I can stand forever(which in reality lasts about 20 minutes )
  7. is zhan zhuang off the west's grid?

    Hey Pranaman, you probably read the e-book "Zhan Zhuang and the search for Wu" allready. If not, it explains all the physiological effects of Zhan Zhuang. You would probably love it! Other than that I dont know of any western research on Zhan Zhuang. But I would love to see if others join in with their discoveries.
  8. vertebrae

    Obviously, an artifical bodypart is not the same as a natural bodypart. But still, "full potential" is unique for each individual. Not an objective set of limitations. The full potential of someone in a wheelchair is different than the full potential of someone doing martial arts since birth. And even if we have a perfect body, our full potential is still unique for each individual and cannot really be compared to an objective definition of "full potential". We cannot compare ourselves to someone else. Only to our own previous limitations and the ones we want to break. Did you really have cervicals removed? Why? How does that affect you mobility and strength?
  9. Corrupt a Wish.

    All your work just finished perfectly. For the rest of eternity there is nothing you can do, nothing! Cant be still, can move, cant think, cant feel, cant wish, cant do nothing! I wish I had enough money for all I want to do.
  10. What is real?

    Since truth and consequences never submit to our needs or feelings, they are always uncomfortable. I love that!
  11. What's up with those pictures?

    We should call Patric Brown, he knows pictures!
  12. What's up with those pictures?

    If you pick on the internal validation system you must be ready to take the consequences Its a natural law: anything that dont validate the system must be eliminated.
  13. What's up with those pictures?

    I was very sarcastic, but not really kidding. I seriously wish pictures that contain energy projection could have a disclaimer. Because even though the projector thinks he projects energy that is "healing the world" or the people watching the picture with GODS love, it really dosent. Its just maniuplating energy. It dosent matter if it gives good feelings, tinglings or strange sensations. Its very very easy to send energy at a distance. But the majority of spiritual and practicing people still dont know it is real and still get amazed when they "feel something". I am often surprised to see that even people who has been practicing for decades react this way. My point is, as long as the people recieving the projection hasnt asked for it, it is manipulation and a violation. And therefore highly unethical.
  14. What's up with those pictures?

    Do see the glowing hands of this guy? He can heal you, you know. DISCAIMER: this video contain energyprojection. Open at own risc. I wish every photo or video which projects energy could show a disclaimer first so that those of us who dont want that energy can choose to not recieve it.
  15. What's up with those pictures?

    Yes, baseless. Interesting! I like your thoughts! It took some time before I understood what you meant, but I think I do now. The framework has no real base to relate to and therefore has to make its own system of validation. We see this in all methods and religions. Kunlun has over 7000 masters in the spiritual planes that validate Max's work. But the thing is that you only get access to those masters if you enter their validation framework. Others see glowing hands. But the thing is that only those within that same validation framework are able to see the glow. So the "base" that validates the framwork is a creation of that framework. The consequence of this concept is really mindblowing. By the way, I would certainly not hesitate to call most enlightening experiences fake
  16. any fasters here?

    Im a faster I do altleast 1 week 1-2 times a year. When I was studying our whole class did 1 week rice fast every month to prepare for class. We did that for about 3 years. But now I dont mind so much what I eat and drink and I only do it a couple of times a year. Mostly to prepare to a meditation retreat or things like that. I also do 1-2 day fast every once in a while because it helps in letting things go when Ive accumulated too much waste. If I feel stuck, clogged up and clouded from energetic waste and stress, a 1 day fast usually clears that up and gets my life and meditation flowing again. Sauna is also wonderful to do when fasting. Very challenging but also very effective.
  17. What's up with those pictures?

    Yes yes, I am ofcource limited to my own reality validation framework. I find great fun in recognizing the different internal validation mechanisms for different frameworks. Its not easy for the ego to admit its own reality is a fake one. Especially if that reality gives a lot of good feelings.
  18. What's up with those pictures?

    Yes! So fun and interesting. I like the words "reality validation frameworks". Its an interesting fact that we are not able to see beyond our own reality validation framework and over and over again mistake our own framework as the "most high" and most objective and true framework.
  19. What is the root of fear? And what are it's offspring?

    Yes, separation. Whenever we separate ourselves from anything, t.ex. external/internal, life/death, my situation/your situation, etc., fear thrives. Ego, all the way down to its most fundamental reality-structuring aspects, is built on fear. Our whole culture, economics, politics and healthcare is sustained by fear.
  20. The one book that really accelerated my life was The Light Shall Set You Free, by Norma J. Milanovich. I dont read the book anymore, and I dont need it, but I still get the chills when thinking about how it felt first time I opened it. I love to just keep it in my bookshelf and see that it is there.
  21. False realizations

    Here is a wonderful speach by my teatcher to introduce a stillness reatreat in January. "Everything, and I mean everything, are your own creations", he say. "So how to go beyond it?"
  22. Taoist classics (free download)

    wow, is this true? please wake me up... Thanks a lot Rootless Traveler! This is amazing...
  23. I think Wilber's prepersonal, personal, and transpersonal levels of developement presents a very interesting way to look at it. In the pre-level the world is magical and everything happens with the blessing of an authority, like God or a guru. In the personal-level everything happens by natural law and everything spiritual and un-seen is just fantacy. But in the transpersonal level everything becomes magical again, only this time it includes(and transcends) both the prepersonal and personal levels. So in this level we can include a personal/scientific prosedure to transcend both the prepersonal and transpersonal. Wilber mentions Zen as "repeatable" spiritual technology to experience the transpersonal reality. But obviously there are thousands of repeatable spiritual techniques out there. I guess it all depends on what level of reality you see your path from. Or what level of reality you recieve the teaching from.
  24. The Emerald Tablet

    Do you have a link? I used to read the Emerald Tablets of Toth, with commentary by Doreal. But is that the Emerald Tablets you refer do?