sheng zhen

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Everything posted by sheng zhen

  1. Very good points Ya Mu! This attitude towards healing is very rare indeed. But very much needed! Especially point 3 and 4. Though I believe it takes more than just aligning oneself to the light. It takes real awarenes to what is really happening on the subtle levels and in the blindspots. To align oneself to light is easily learned in a weekend workshop. But the real awarenes takes years of real good education and experience. And to see the blindspots in your own work takes serious courage! I have not met many healers that pay attention to this concept in their work. It is very very rare.
  2. What do you think, Fire or Water?

    Very very interesting! Could you explaing a little more about Genuine Earth and why that is needed for Genuine Fire and Water? And what is the difference between fire and water and Genuine fire and water?
  3. What are you listening to?

    My favorite is Like a Pen: But mostly all of their songs have favotite-potential Rain, its not Karin Park, is it? I think her name is Karin Drejer or somthing. Though Karin Park also has some very nice music!
  4. Let the right one in

    Great! Ill have to see it then. Have you guys seen True Blood? Great vampire series! I can hardly wait for the next season.
  5. yes im sure. its very comprehecive book
  6. Yes Ive read it. Great book! Worth every penny! It explains in detail the physiological effects of ZZ and gives a lot of tips on how to improve and develop your practice. The only thing that I feel is missing is more about metaphysical aspects of Zhan Zhuang.
  7. What is the primary goal of your practice?

    Other. I just want a continuous cultivation of stillness, jing, qi and shen to unhindered everyday experience of Tao and Wu Wei.
  8. Is there a Taoist version of Dream Yoga?

    You can try searching for "Shui Gong" on this forum. There was one thread here some time ago where YMWong posted an ancient text on Shui Gong - Dream Practice. Her is the link: Shui Gong
  9. Affordable eeg biofeedback device

    Very interesting. I would love to hear from someone who has used this. When its that cheap it is probably not so specific either. But if it actually works I really would love to have one! I have been looking at this one: but its a little more expencive. I bought at skin resistance biofeedback device some years ago and was really dissapointed. There was no way of comparing sessions because the measurments was relative to the pressure on the skin. And the range of measurments was also very limited. So its only usage was to see the relaxation responce. And that got boring after just a few times...
  10. I can imagine my MCO running full of qi. I can do that right now in my head. I can do it in my body too. I can do it for many weeks and months!. It dosent mean it really is running full of qi. It only means it is happening in my imagination. If Im lucky maybe a little qi will start running. But it will most probaly just be internal feeling happening in my visualizations. The reason I am so sceptical about visualization is that I have been doing it for many many years. Lots of visualizations for everything. But also many times these last years I have seen how things are behind the visualizations. Mostly during stillness retreats. Take seeing auras for example. I have been visualizing auras for many years and my visualizations have responded to the individual so I can do a reading and see a few things. But the few times my visualizations have NOT come in the way of the real thing, I have discovered that the aura is nothing like my visualization. Nothing at all! Visualizing aura becomes so futile, so limiting, so meaningless. It becomes just fantacy. The real thing is so different, and SO MUCH more than the visualizations that it becomes embarracing to keep visualizing it. The only thing that matters to me now is to undo all my false visualizations and beliefsystems and try all my best to open up to reality. Ken Cohen said that any practice that balance opposites like Kan and Li, Hun and po, Yin and Yang, are good enough. I understand that. Everything has its place. So it just depends on what level of Kan and Li unity you shoot for.
  11. oooh....interesting. What did he say about Mantak Chia? Im very sceptical about visualization as a practice to do anything about taoist alchemy and feel that adding vizualisations only brings more delution than real attainment. And Mantak Chis is THEEE taoist vizualisator of all taoist vizualisators, so it would be interesting to hear what Cohen said about that.
  12. I have only seen some of his videos and scanned though some of his books. Cat, what have you learned from Ken Cohen? Did you do Kan and Li meditation with him?
  13. Yes, I actually thought about that right now. I think I got it from an audio recording where he guided the meditation. I will try to contact him to hear what he has to say about it. I am sure he is a wonderful person! No doubt about that! People can still get some things wrong, or have half-way understandings, be a little deluded about some things. While at the same time in other areas they are geniuses and really wonderful people.
  14. I saw a video of YJM and couldnt get myself to trust his teaching after that. I dont trust Ken Cohen either after reading that he say Kan and Li is just visualizing water and fire in the belly. But Im sure for the basic stuff, like learning meditation and qigong for the first time and get better health, they are both more than enough.
  15. Good nutrition for weight gain

    Lots and lots of Spirulina and Hemp protein.
  16. Yeah! me too! waiting...
  17. True Norwegian Black Metal

    I was a little sceptical about the stillness. Not quite sure if it is genuine meditative stillness or if it is something he does just to challenge the stupid reporters. But yeah, the satanic spirituality does not include kindness. So it is very limited. But at the same time, a lot of the spirituality that is based on kindness does not include a merciless attitude toward illusion. So that can be very limiting aswell. I think we need a good balance of both.
  18. Top Ten Taobums of All Time

    Dao Zhen, YMWong, SYD, Exorcist, Lin - for their contribution on taoism not affected by new age
  19. If its not too much pain there is nothing to worry about. Most people experience some pain when doing full lotus. But if your pain is so bad that you are really worried, then ease up a little on the time spent in full lotus. Spend a little more time realxing the hips in half-lotus and a little less time in full lotus.

    Thank you
  21. Personal Energy Consultants

    But this is nothing new. This has been the job for spiritually developed for ages. Though I dont think the "high" people get from having their karma removed is nothing more than the "high" people get from doing drugs that remove the symptoms. Karma is strictly individual. If someone deletes it, it will be in vain. Or at best a temporary relief. To delete karma is like buying a masters degree without the 5 years of hard work needed at the university. Reality will catch up again in a lifetime or two.
  22. The Tao does the housecleaning in perfect Wu Wei - as allways. The only diffence is that the ego is not there to complain or misunderstand.

    Wow, Im so glad me too can contribute to something here! I was 31 when it kicked in. I thought it was the meniscus, but the doctor smiled and said this was an old mans disease I was skateboarding all my youth, and had a bad meniscus all the time. This was not a good combination for my knee. Working out, taoist yoga and meditation is a lot better combination