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Posts posted by dankind

  1. I'm so old that I have countless past lives in one lifetime. I remember a beginningless and endlessness sort of thing in which I was never me so I can't remember past not me. My body was born and then "I" was created. After that "I" forgot before I, Then I decided to turn around and walk back into the door of life. Reincarnation sure thing I have reincarnated and changed many times already.


    Can you elaborate?

  2. I don't know why there is so much wonder about setting your energy field 3ft or higher. That is kind of basic stuff.


    I learned that when I was in my early teens and refined it while learning Taiji Quan under Sifu Rudy Curry in Queens, NY.

    The practice for it is really easy, but just takes a person to diligently practice it...consistently. Then there are practices which one does to strengthen the will and intent as well as strengthen the field of energy being extended.


    Over the yrs I have refined it and worked on several different ways, which aren't very much different actually. hahaha


    I always say, when the time comes to actually have your life in danger, then the skill presents itself. That way, one doesn't get caught up in delusions of grandeur.


    On occasions, when I felt some drunkard was following me, I would extend my energy to the space around me and he would end up walking, confused about it, away from me while he was trying to walk towards me. Then I would contract the field and he would flow right back in my direction, and then when he got closer, I would send him out again. hahahaha I remember that day, the drunk guy's friend was across the street laughing his drunk butt off while this happened for about 3-5 minutes.


    Then I turned to the guy and said, Have a nice day! I work here (at the time I was working in a school in China, and he followed me with his friend, scheming on the strange looking white guy in Changpao.) Anyway, when I said good bye to him, I stopped playing with the field, and he stopped dead, looked at me and shook his head.. I over heard him telling his friend, what the hell was that...? I couldn't get near him..what the hell.



    Its no super power, and definitely nothing to be all in wonder about. Can I do it now? I don't know, I really haven't tried to do anything "different" in many years..no need to really.


    If anyone is interested, here you go. The first step, which can be the only step if you adjust the intent. haha


    Stand feet shoulder width apart, bend knees very slightly, pull down the tail bone to straighten the back, pull up the head by the crown and tuch the chin down slightly. Drop the chest at the sternum, just a bit. Tongue to the roof of mouth, and anal lock with slight, very slight, contraction, and keep it steady.


    Now the easy stuff:


    Hands to the sides of your body, palms facing your legs. Rock forward on your feet, slowly, and when you have your weight on the front toes, balls of feet, slowly rock back on to the heels, placing your weight on the heels, and maintaining balance, without falling over. Then, repeat forward and back. Do as long as you like, but no shorter than 10 minutes. HAHA


    Then, stop slowly, and center the weight in the center of the foot, letting the pressure move throughout the foot completely. Now rock side to side, but this time, do not lift your foot off the ground. When weight is at the left foot, outer side of the foot (lateral side), the pressure and weight on the right should be on the inner part of the right foot (medial side).


    Then, continue rocking slowly, back and forth. When you want to go back and forward, stop at the center, and settle the pressure, and then proceed.


    There are 8 directional rocking, and 1 directional extension and 1 directional expansion.


    If you want commentary on this practice, set up a thread and bring on the questions.


    BUT, such a practice, free of charge, so easy and simple, without vengeful spirits and what-nots, along with the only requirement of diligent practice, patience, and dropping the ego...I mean...who would actually do this?


    Oh, One More Thing! ( hahaha quoting the Jackie Chan Cartoon here)... Disclaimer: You may or may not feel something. i can not guarantee that you will indeed get any further on your own unless you maintain correspondence with me, free of charge too. Also, even with correspondence, I can not guarantee that you will indeed, most definitely be able to do things such as push people away who are trying to hurt you, move objects, fly, walk on water, fade into oblivion and then reappear...etc...and all those fun spiritual power thingies people dream about.


    I can guarantee that you will get the exact practices that I received, with the same intentions and strengthening of will, which in turn may allow you to realize this way of concentration (ability, but I like the way I say it better, lol) Whether or not you succeed at it is not up to me, but you, and the only way to know if you did get progress is to test it out. But it can only be done naturally. You can not fake your own inherent intuition to protect, and be compassionate.



    okay. There you go. I hope someone decides to play around with this and do something with it. I don't even bother with this anymore unless its for stopping negative energies from poisoning my family...like avian flu, or whatever...lol


    Enjoy!... take my words with a grain of salt...probably the tiniest. This practice will not harm you, that you can trust me in. It will not harm you, cause you to turn evil, transform into crazy munchkin eating smurfs...you get the point.


    Peace and Blessings,



    (just Lin, Aiwei, or "That Guy"...not the in-question Shifu Lin)


    Since that Shifu Lin thread is so popular, I just want to make sure no one mistakes me for that guy. hahahahahahahaha


    Do you have any advice for finding a knowledgeable local sifu? (Toronto/Canada)

  3. Wang liping has created his yang spirit etc - john chang hasn't (correct me if wrong)

    therefore wang is above chang.


    Wang's chi field that he can make incredibly dense stretches 500 ft - he also has invisibility skill and neikung projection chi blasts. He can speak to gods and can make it rain when it wants etc.


    However the mopai system may have higher attainments in that at the higher levels u effectively turn into a ball of light cause each level u double ur power - 1000 volts at level 20, million volts at 30... so


    And maybe chang has now reached level 30 or higher - can any indonesian students update us on his level.


    Where do you get this information from? Is it from others via internet forums, or have you actually spoken directly to Wang Liping and he claims to personally be able to make incredibly dense 500ft wide chi fields?


    Has a Mo Pai student/teacher said anything about voltages corresponding to certain levels?


    I'm just wondering if this stuff is 'commonly known' from some texts/teaching somewhere... or is everyone on this forum just making things up as they go along?

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  4. I have someone in my family who, as a child of 3-4, came across relatives from a past life and recognized them. She spoke to them by name, and they were shocked. She also related things from her past life that were then proven to be true. She kept in contact with her "old family" for many, many years before moving away. She remembered dying, and I asked her what happened next. She couldn't remember, she said there was just blackness and then no memory.


    How much of her past life did she recall? And did she keep the memories as she got older? (Did the memories improve or fade with time...?)

  5. In the Philippines they actually take glutathione injections for whiter skin... I cannot see that being healthy... in the west everybody wants tanned skin... in the east everybody wants white skin.

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