Kali Yuga

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Everything posted by Kali Yuga

  1. Hmm if you take it that way then you could follow that logic through with "what does it matter trying to do anything anyway? What does it matter trying to go somewhere or be someone? There is no me." whats the purpose of training? maybe we are the fools and everyone else actually has it right. LOL. Just a thought.
  2. Feeling Close to a Break Through

    Massive LOL! A big board does tend to be that way with so many people on here at any given time, you know. You'll find that things go faster on a big board like this compared to smaller ones. Haha thank you for the laugh.
  3. Well, when I think of things it seems that I seem to put them into this way: you have sensitivity, and then you have strength of the energy. You could cultivate awareness into sensing fine and minute nuances both within your own body and the other person's body. It won't necessarily mean that you have an over abundance of energy, but rather that you just have the ability of sensing it. When you have energy that is rather strong, whether or not you've trained to be especially aware of it it will manifest itself in overt ways and make itself known. This of course, isn't completely exclusive because you have to have one to develop the other, but I guess that there is a slight difference between strong energy and strong awareness even though the two are somewhat linked. As to the "different" life energies sort of thing, well that's just something that I have come to infer, after having experiences on my own going through different schools of energy. I was practicing some sort of sufi energy training before the taoist neidan methods that I currently practice, and I came to this conclusion because the energy from my former practice always invariably gave a sort of nice tingly sort of feeling, and would move anywhere where I chose to move it at will, contrasting with the quite hot and strange sensations of chi that that results from my practice of nei-dan, and the comparative limitation of me trying to move that energy around the 2 extraordinary channels with all these blockages. Blockage after blockage it would always be - BAM, it's there, and its gonna take quite awhile to get rid of it. Now I've tried to "bust" through them but it seemed to me that there was a limitation as how fast I could go with the whole "use intention to get through it" sort of thing. I'm thinking that it is also the readiness of the vessel, the body to be ready for this sort of breakthrough. I mean is the body even ready yet for this clearing of energy? Or does my body hold some kind of wisdom within itself that knows when it is good for this to happen or not - that it is still "preparing" itself for it? I really don't know because I've tried to go as fast as I can with my intent, but no matter how much I focused, it really wasn't fast at all. I get what you mean when you say the yi has power and capabilities beyond comprehension, because I've seen some quite impressive things just like you. In my old school ,a test for beginner and intermediate students was for us to be able to harden light bulbs with our chi to smash ceramic tiles, or be stood on with the full weight of the body, without breaking. I was able to do this a few times. Do these things mean my "yi" is deficient? or is it something else entirely? I can't say because I really don't know. I guess more training is only ever the real answer. I'm not saying that the energies from these two practices are different, nor am I saying that they are the same, because I cannot say that clearly I know everything down to a perfect science. There is no clear-cut dichotomy that I am aware of that cuts through all traditions and defines all nuances and differences within the type of energy, and has names for these. I know you're coming from a strictly taoist background and you use that paradigm, but I have to wait to gain the awareness of the complete totality of all the jing-chi-shen before I can make a statement on what is and what isn't. It's pretty much a master-student relationship most of the way, until I become a so-called "master". ----------------- I don't exactly know what the message is that I'm supposedly trying to say here, because I'm not disagreeing with what you say. I guess the problem of this arises due to the fact that language owes itself to a sort of ping-pong ball mechanic where one must say something and the other must listen, and to come together to any sort of complete understanding requires much of this back-and-forth mechanic, because it seems almost always impossible to convey the true and full meaning of what one is trying to say within just one sentence, and thus people have to go back and forth talking seeming disagreeing when in fact they mean the same exact thing, and I think that's what we have here if we only had a holographic sort of language where I'd just write some strange symbol, and it's full meaning with all the nuances, would be communicated and understood instantly. *sigh* humans... I understand what you are saying. Like for when you move chi, no matter how you try you can never "force" it to move anywhere. Rather, its the awareness that you move around that causes it to move and direct it where we wish it to go. So technically, even though we aren't moving it, we also are. It is very paradoxical but at the same time sound. So you know that those who claim that it is one or the other, they are the ones with a sort of limited understanding. Because it is not just one or the other, but both, at the same time neither. It requires a bit more advanced and flexible understanding than most people are capable of, which is why it takes a long time for some to "get" it. LOL. No, of course I take no offense. It's nice to have practitioners here who actually have practice and experience with these sort of techniques, and not just a bunch of armchair chi guys talking about everything that they've read but not having any actual experiences or application of their own. If anything, people like you who have this kind of experience should chime in more often where it's needed, in threads like these, because frankly the forum's become a trash pit really for types who love to talk but do nothing else. We need more people who have experience in their particular practices, because there are too many people here who like to talk without knowing.
  4. Well what I was trying to communicate here (sometimes it's not easy conveying what you mean to say through words), is that trying to move energy to perform the MCO, when you don't even have energy, is a joke. This is the deception- that it's just a technique that you "practice" and do the "full orbit" just by sitting down and trying to do the whole orbit all at once. Sure you can use your mind and just imagine that the energy is moving. The mind can fool itself into noticing things that are not even there. But this doesn't mean that what a person is "feeling" is the real deal, nor does it mean that the person is doing the real thing. To me the litmus test of energy, is that one must feel it by itself making it be felt, rather than working at an effort "trying" to feel or manifest that energy. In short if you have the energy, the energy will make itself be felt and known at times where you are not doing your particular practice, when you are not thinking about it. It makes its presence known without any effort on a person's effort. It is not something that is always "forced". I think that we're talking about very different things here because you're talking about taijiquan, and my own method that is being practiced is more of the sitting neidan type, and no doubt the energy that I'm talking about is not the same as yours. I've practiced doing standing forms as well for years before doing what I'm talking about here, and so I believe I get what you're talking about. Anyways the fundamental characteristics of my practice are that first, the breath is the absolute foundation. Without proper breathing you cannot hope to gain the particular energy that I'm speaking of. It is not a mental construct. The second characteristic of what I'm terming the microcosmic orbit is that it takes a long time to complete. Months at least, often longer than a year. This is because there are so many blockages within the pathways of the energy, and to even think to have that energy move around freely, it first needs to be unobstructed. To do the orbit is not doing it, it is also gaining that particular energy (which in itself could take months to years based on the skill of someone's meditation) and rewiring the nervous system to allow free flow of said energy. If you don't immediately bump into a blockage while practicing the technique then it's not what I am talking about. Blockages manifest when a high degree of energy bumps into it - it is much more than the body is capable of, or used to, at the moment. I get what you mean by using the yi to move chi, but in my experience the yi is not the end-all of everything. It's like using your will and intention to move a circular block into a smaller square mold. If the shape of the mold does not change then good luck getting the block through. Blockages can be painful, and can last for quite awhile. There is a lot of stuff out there that people have said to be the MCO, but at least you guys know something about my practice and why it is different from all that junk you get from books. In short there's no such thing, at least that I'm aware of, as "doing" the microcosmic orbit, because its far from being that simple. It's not something to be taken lightly at all, and takes a long time, concentrated effort, and other things as well. It isn't what I'd call a basic technique, and you only go as fast as the effort you put in, as well the readiness of your own vessel to handle that energy.
  5. Fu Jou

    I've always wondered about you Stig, since it seems that you understand a lot of chinese seeing that you sometimes breaks down the words into their characters and etymology etc. I've always wanted to know chinese so I could study the original daoist manuscripts by hand, but it seems that me learning chinese like that will take quite awhile yet.. anyways please tell us more about the Fu Jyeo practice and how we can learn it (also do we need to know chinese?). I doubt its a very much taught practice, and I among other members are keen on knowing more on that particular practice and other taoist magic.
  6. In response to your question: Do you have to be Tiger woods to be caught cheating with a handful of other girls on your wife? Do you have to be Warren Buffet to bag a bombshell? Do you have to be a complete magician in order to get girls to like you? Thing is man, you don't have to be ANYONE. Its very simple - chicks are attracted to men who are emotionally healthy. In short they look for men who have a healthy attitude towards themselves, other people, and the world around them. You wanna know what it is to be "alpha" as you like to term it with all that crap evolutionary psychology, pickup jargon, you love to read? It means to be a normal person. And normality is so frigging rare its unbelievable nowadays. Every dude thinks that they need a cool house or cool car , lots of money or some fake constructed persona and can of "routines" in order to get girls. It's so fake man. But you want to know why a lot of girls hang around guys like that? It's because they are attracted to those cars, to those fake persona's , to that money. If those things pick up and evaporate, your average "pimp" is left with his dick in his hand on a regular Saturday night jacking off home alone. How is a chick ever going to see value in yourself, if you don't even see any? When you think the only value is money or cars etc? She isn't. The only thing that's really worthwhile that will make you popular with the ladies is your own self. And I mean not some wussy egoic self who's always bitching about not getting chicks or always thinking about perpetual lack. I mean the self which has reached emancipation from all those unhealthy thought patterns, who is completely comfortable with his thoughts and feelings, who sees abundance instead of lack and opportunity instead of defeat. His self opinion matter much more to himself than some chick's. A person of action, not rumination. You my friend - don't look too emotionally healthy considered your history of complaining about the other sex on the forums. I see you mope too much - in fact all the time. You know about all this pickup stuff and talk about what's "alpha" and "beta" but the truth is that real dudes hardly talk about this crap. They see a girl - they make an approach. There is no thought or shame, because they aren't afraid of rejection. They don't fear rejection because of the fact that their own self opinion matters more to them than what others think. Win or lose, still a champ, hah! They see something they like -they go for it. It isn't rocket science. I bet a ton of chicks probably even digged you at some point or another - except that they were waiting for you to make your move when you didn't. Analysis will kill romance man.
  7. Levels of Consciousness

    Hawkin's message goes nicely over the new-age sort of hippie crowd, where he preaches about ideals and love buddhism and love etc.. However to people who have the most meager of scientific understandings he is found out to be a sham. "Dr." David Hawkins is not even a real doctor - his degree comes from a diploma mill which was giving out phony degrees, and was shut down a long time ago. His techniques do not hold true to the impartial standard of a double blind test although he claims it does. Hawkins claims that any solid or mental construct will always hold the same ratings on your scale for everyone - however this is idealism and not truth reflected within impartial studies taken. Those "numbers" on the scale you mention if you read his other works also reflect his own self-idealized standards and political beliefs. For example, Hawkins rates George Bush on a scale of 400 - when majority of the people as he claims never reach above 200. Does this make GB a more "enlightened man" on an exponentially higher level than the rest of us, or the sanity of his decisions more palpable? Hardly. I used to like the man and his works, but the longer I read and studied about his work and his group, the more I realized that, like his qualifications, the quality of data that I gleaned from the man, or his group, was all make believe, and how easily people can fall into that whole sort of hippie guru babble kind of mindset that is really strong in his group. The emotional content of his works are no doubt quite arousing and his premises, interesting. His methodology however, is pseudoscience at best, and I do not believe the man should be considered an authority on how to "quantify" consciousness.
  8. I forgot to mention I was practicing reverse abdominal breathing as technique. In my own experience its a more difficult technique but nevertheless still rewarding. My teacher said that it could be achieved either way through either reverse or normal abdominal breathing so yes there should be many ways in which someone could go about it. I'm just speaking about my experience though, because sometimes talking can do more harm than good. There are so many names to everything and like "fire path", "wind technique" etc.. I find the names confusing but I find that its easy to get when one gets down to the mechanics of the practice. Anyway, you say you've done "turbine" or what you call it. Is this anything similar to what J.J. Semple calls his "backward flowing method" of a hundred days, and "reversing the flow of the chi?" I also have to mention something in slight disagreement with the OP, when he states that to just breathe abdominally. I have trained to breathe deep abdominally so that every breath I take automatically creates belly movement but not chest movement. Does this mean that every breathe I take creates more chi in the dantien? Not really. I have to stress that there is a certain type of consciousness one must achieve before even thinking about gaining proper energy into the dantien. I've met a lot of folks who were trying to do the same technique I did but had no success even with the deep breathing. They all seemed to be the overly rational type who loved to talk and read books, and I think that was part of the reason why they didnt get far with the particular technique I was using - because they preferred mental activity to absence of it. There's a certain state of consciousness in my experience that one has to get to before the technique can ever be called effective. You can't exactly describe it.. and it is much more subtle than just abdominal breathing. Also response to starhawk : I have to agree with you to a certain extent but I have to mention that there is no hard definition to what constitutes a "full dantien" as well. For example, my dantien and your dantien should be relatively well developed and by standards of several schools as a "full dantien" , but it seems that even thats really is a relational thing and there are many kinds of a "full dantien". After reading "Magus of Java", and seeing "Ring of Fire", it seems that even what is considered as a "full dantien" by some schools is not necessarily the same considering, that in Chang's school what is a "full dantien" is then compressed making it even "more full" - a ball of tangibly hard chi moveable at will. And if what is considered as a "full dantien" is something ubiquitous, then naturally all masters would have Chang's power. But as far as I know there are less than a hand full open to the public eye. It is just my experience that at a certain point of having enough chi in the dantien that it naturally spills over into the orbit. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is "full" because the definition of full is debatable in context of different schools, but I guess I'm trying to say that after a certain period, the chi will flow on its own regardless of what you're trying to do with it, if you gather enough. I found it was the most overt and most tangible experience I've had and cannot honestly comment on other methods being I have not experienced other methods of opening MCO. Anyway seeing that your method is different, it would be interesting to see what yours was if you choose to share it, and how it differed from mine.
  9. Most things about the microcosmic orbit that I've ever read are bullsh$t in my opinion. Especially that stuff from Mantak Chia etc, "using you intention to move energy around the MCO" etc. At first when I did not have any experience I believed all the stuff Chia had to offer. Imagining I had energy etc and then circulating it around the spine and points i thought the stuff was real. But when I experienced my own awakening of the MCO it was completely against all of that stuff that I had ever read and this made me have disdain for all these things I had read that had no reflection on to what was happening to me. When I started building It was then I realized to try to attempt to do MCO is a joke. There is no such thing as "using intention to move the energy around at will" or all that BS about "circling the energy 36 times this and and 72 timed that way" to lock it in dantien. Thats a joke. When you do MCO, you first build very hot yang energy in the dantien until the dantien does not take it anymore. It is then that your energy will spill down through this channel to your tail bone, where it will slowly rewire your nervous system and remove blockage, ascending up to your crown and then back down the front. Some people are very good at this initial step of generating energy at dantien, and some take very long. The energy first becomes hot, but then after a bit of practice you can get it to unbelievably hot. I happened to be one of the quicker fellows when I learned of other people similar experiences. This is when I learned that when you have energy, you will really effing know it. You will not question this. Your energy pops out and makes itself noticeable any time of the day even without your conscious intention to feel it or move it. You can't do the MCO without actually having the energy to move around first. There is nothing that you can even move or lock if you haven't spent considerable time in meditation building up energy that will actually circulate around these points.In my experience there is not even the "technique of MCO" or even the intention. If you just build up that energy to the point where it is undeniably tangible and not some cerebral construct that you think is there but actually isn't, the MCO takes care of you, you do not take care of it. To actually finish MCO and clear through all blockages? LOL, will probably take you years. Very much depending on the person. Another thing about the MCO BS is that you can just use your intention to do the whole thing. The energy goes where it goes and does what it does. You will ALWAYS have a lot of blockages around both your main channels where your energy will get stuck. The energy will work on that until it can dissolve it or shoot through it. It can take months or longer to break through a single blockage, and the buildup of energy can be painful until you get done with it. The thing I've never seen written about the MCO is that there will always undeniably be blockages in your channels that your energy will have to be clear before it can proceed. Theres no such thing as finishing the whole thing in a day.It can take a LONG time to clear those blockages and the energy pooling and working at clearing that up does not always bring a pleasant sensation. My understanding of the MCO does not come from any sort of book or intellectual cerebral conjecture. It comes from personal experience. Forget what you "know" about the MCO. Just practice and forget all of this book crap. After seeing my own personal experiences and comparing them with books I've read I conclude that I have been thoroughly had - a deception if you will. Nothing I've read in the books described this process accurately and to think we pay money for this stuff. Just goes to show if you don't know anything about what you're getting into you can be quite easily led off on a trail along with your money. I suggest if you guys actually want to make this a worthwhile thread you want to have people here comment with their own personal experiences, and not just about "what we know" when in fact to not experience is to not know. Fill your dam (dantien) with water (chi) and it will soon overflow into the trenches built for it (main channels). You can't do any of this if you dont even have enough water to begin with. To attempt MCO before even filling dantien is a joke - its like putting the carriage in front of the horse. No amount of prodding or visualization will make things happen if you have no juice.
  10. Mind Watching

    The thing is to have a mind that is clean from its own refuse. Without a shining light that is generated from its own consciousness the mind can not distinguish between its own filthy thoughts and emotional patterns from one that is clean and clear. This requires effort. At first it is incredibly hard to see how the mind and the thoughts produce their own pain and pleasure. But eventually the mind catches on to its own delusions quickly if it gets enough practice. The true yogin has the power of arresting his own mental and psychic pain because of the fact that he sees which parts of his mind and emotions generate destructive emotions and thoughts. The power of the true yogin is not the power of making fire with one's own hands, but stopping the bullets of one's own thoughts and feeling before they do any damage - through strength, self honesty and fierce awareness. What thoughts make me feel bad or insecure? What is causing my uneasiness, this unshakable feeling of general paranoia ? It is not easy to do this sort of training, because the mind itself resists in the same way that a sleeper refuses to awaken. It takes an unbelievably courageous and honest person to complete this step given that at any moment if one chooses to be lazy or refuse to stand strong and face one's own darkest insecurities and fears, one falls immediately back into the prior state of limbo. It is so incredibly easy to deceive one's self and yet so hard. What is particularly bad is when one has already for a split moment seen all the ugliness inherent with all this psychic garbage it has produced, but chooses to not be strong or brave enough to face its own self. ONe can choose to deny this but then has to live with knowing that ones self is a hypocrite. It's a torment resulting from clashing parts of consciousness - the passive part that wants to sleep versus the active part that has seen just what a horror things have become. This lasts forever until on gathers the courage to truly utilize self-honesty. Sleep is so much more blissful given that it is unconscious and thus non responsible, and hence a bystander in its own event stream, compared a mind that has awakened, and has seen through its own delusions and taken responsibility of its own refuse (read: crappy emotional and mental patterns), a mind that is aware completely of its own self. and as such takes care of its own psychic garbage and does its own cleaning, resulting in the clean aware light of its own being. It takes more energy at first to break through the threshold of unconsciousness to consciousness. This is where the dilemma of hard work being exhausting short term but easy long term, versus laziness resulting in easiness but suffering prolonged long term, comes into play. To keep it short and sweet, observe your own thoughts and emotions as if they were someone else's - with dispassion and not with involvement. It does not matter if you catch yourself unconscious in any circumstance- have compassion for yourself and continue on. What matters is that you practice observing what mental and emotional patterns make you lose awareness - how you feel. If your friend shouts at you do you get upset? Why? Are you reactive emotionally or pro active? Do the way others act and feel control the way you act and feel? This will tell you whether you are awake or not. When you can truly apply this standard to the thoughts and feelings of not just others, but your own self, and your own emotions and thoughts are processed and observed dispassionately before they control you, you will have a glimpse of what it truly feels to have a clean consciousness - an awake mind, free from the pain of mindless chatter and the emotional stress that comes from automatic reaction to random mental and emotional stimuli.
  11. Hold on, can me and the other tao bums laugh a minute here?, GREAT joke bro! LMAO!
  12. First of all, those "masters" probably would not like you appropriating their words to fit your misconstrued version of reality. Your attitude does not reflect one of someone claiming to be "just a student". A student is humble; and is characterized by openness to learning more. You on the other hand have a full cup, and are obviously trying to puff up your feathers. You are what I call a spiritual materialist - someone who enlarges his own ego with false spiritual accomplishments and believes that he is the authority to tell other people about everything. Second of all, more brash, sweeping generalized statements just proving how shallow you can actually be, and showing the lack of refined intellect. Did I not just say that the Eight Immortals embodied both traits of austerity and spontaneity? You are putting words into my mouth and did not even mention the other points in the post which point out the obvious flaws in your argument. How humble of you to declare your own thread as "insightful"! And you're bragging about a 90 minute meditation? That isn't anything buddy. A room does not equal a cave despite what your delusions tell you. And if you even have internet, your town isn't obviously as small as the mind which perceives it to be that way. Obviously you are sexually repressed if you have to blatantly bring up sex all the time when no one asks for it. No one was inquiring as to whether you were into women or not. Yes, why are you still posting here or even on the internet if you are going on such a strenuous retreat? Did any of your so-called masters preach a full 90-day retreat without food or water but GOD FORBID no taobums or youtube? What would Buddha think if his followers had no internet?!? wheres your "I practice what I preach?" Do you not realize how incredibly hypocritical you look to other people when you go around putting down other people's views and talking about renouncing society when you are in fact still engaging in it? I have a feeling you must like this whole idea of renouncing society because you yourself are incredibly awkward in real life situations, and people probably can't put up with your ego, based on the fact that you are keen on denouncing other people. It's easy to sour grape about living in a society in which you are not socially adept to even participate in. Going on long retreats requires an immense amount of emotional maturity for you to grow in any amount in them, and the greatest measure of emotional maturity is how you yourself interact with other people. It's like putting a little chick out in the wild before its even ready. Sure it can think that "oh I am so badass I was made for this" but when you put things into proper perspective it will just get gobbled up or die of the cold. You have to know how to handle other people with compassion and understand how it is they think and feel, before you can even begin to have a proper assessment of your own self. And unless you can do this for yourself (which is obvious that you aren't able yet), going on an actual retreat you are bound to get devoured by your own delusions and the demons of your own construction.
  13. Tulku next time you try to talk about Taoism at least get your sources right. What you did right there is the equivalent of quoting the book of Matthew and starting preaching about Judaism. I can't even be bothered to explain how non-sequitur that kind of logic is. I know you like to be the fundamentalist know-it-all source of everything, declaring everything is THIS and definitely is NOT THAT, but you don't even have a clue about what you are talking about most of the time. all you do is make brash sweeping general statements about everything which reference your belief that you think everything has to be hard core, one thing to the exclusion to all other things, and that to be something you must always be living out in the mountains in a cave, eating berries and stuff like that. or other crack statements like that the Chinese are all losers in chi, and only people in Indonesia have true mastery of chi, or that the Chinese don't know shit while everything up in the Himalayas is all perfect and the only true masters ONLY live there. How arrogant can you be? You're the only one who can't see the way you choose to think is flawed, which is why you generally meet with large amounts of opposition on a lot of the threads that you make. It's like you're some bible belt redneck talking about Jesus with the dogmatic statements you make sometimes - you tend to stereotype everything, while lacking the subtlety and wisdom to actually see the holes in the way you think, and neither do you seem to have the ability to have the humility to second guess yourself and admit that maybe you don't really know what you're talking about. For example, have you ever bothered to even examine Taoist culture? What do you know about the stories of the Eight Immortals? Probably little to nothing, even though they permeate Taoist culture thoroughly. They are at best an oddball bunch of people who one way or another, through sheer foolishness and coincidence stumble one way or another into a way of becoming an immortal. They are generally portrayed as a nonchalant bunch who are fond of food and drink, and represent spontaneity just as much, if not even more than austerity. You will find these things if you dig up the stories. The Eight Immortals transcend sterotypes, being that they all are from different walks of life, and represent pretty much any kind of average person - not even half of them had to go into the mountains, give up food or regular life or any of that stuff that you're preaching about. But then again you probably would not know of these things, being that you had to quote something Buddhist just to talk about Taoism. Buddhism can approximate, but it can never represent the true essence of Taoism. Buddhism does not equal Taoism and I would not be as arrogant as to the conclusion that I know everything about Taoism just because I read a scripture from Buddhism. You want to be an authority, tulku? Go and achieve something with all that knowledge you believe you have. Go away to those mountains that you so desperately believe hold the truth to everything you think is there. And get away from us mundane regular chi folk posting here on taobums. Go and live in that cave, and dont eat food and use the internet like all us regular folk. Do you practice what you preach? This is the question. You like to lecture us all and teach us about these things which you think you know so much about. So I'm guessing as you are such a master you should go and set up your own school. Go around and try to teach people your own system of chi. let see how well you hold up to the likes of Ya Mu, Li Ping, the people from KAP or fivelementtao or hundun. Let's see how well you do then.
  14. New Interview With Kostas Danaos

    I wonder, where exactly did we get this info that John kicked out all the westerners? From Jim? because I do not recall Kosta admitting being kicked out.. but sort of got implied anyway. His "Don't hit the snooze button" article comes off to me as bitter. extremely bitter. He totally misses the point that people are some people are really ready to give up the mundane life in search of something higher, and instead tells us to participate in society etc. He's trying to convey a message of "fuck off Mo Pai is not a viable alternative anymore so all you leave me alone" and then PROCEEDS to post a picture of the greeks and John underneath. Not exactly the most coherent message. I think the man just genuinely wants to be left alone. Considering the fact that he'd never be like John, being reminded of it everyday by mopai wannabe's probably isn't a pleasant experience. I also agree with an above poster. Kostas would not dare have people like us interview him because he would be picked limb from limb with nothing to hide. Nobody gives a shit about his little crappy martial art or his views on karma etc. In the interview were presented the lamest questions ever. Karma this karma that, stop jacking off people! Dumbest questions ever. What people really want to know is what happened with the mo pai. Also, one must wonder what happened to Andreas as well. From my understanding he actually lived in Indo for quite awhile.
  15. New Interview With Kostas Danaos

    I question his authority and knowledge because it doesn't add up. It this color - oh wait it's another! you can explain it away, but what is the purpose of backtracking like that in the first place if he knew exactly what he experienced in the first place? All of a sudden firsthand experience is wrong? In 3rdlevelmopai's interview, he explicitly states that the full out levitation is a flat lie. He states that John is only capable of considerably lightening the weight of his body, but is NOT able to flat out levitate in the air as stated in Magus. I think that this man would know ,considering that his level was higher than Kosta's, and was the first westerner to be accepted under mopai, before both Kosta and Andreas. Question is, why would Kosta state something like this if he was not telling the truth? In a fit of "posterity" and "solidarity"? Probably not. This is where I start questioning things. And Neikung? Neikung is not a book made for any real purpose. It's nothing but complete fluff material , uses fuzzy logic and conjecture to try and convince the reader that what he says there is de facto. Look at the abysmal reviews at amazon. "Teachings of the warrior sages"? there were NO teachings there whatsoever, just Kosta pulling at straws to try and make a meaningless new book, get a ride off the readers of Magus, and gain reputation for himself off of mopai. I believe there was a reason he'd go out and let a book be published like that with such a misleading title. If it's not about money or prestige, then what? To tell the truth, I actually liked Kosta's interview; he gave off a nice energy there. But I don't think that he should be considered a complete authority for these things the way that people give it to him. The story of that lineage is probably a little bit deeper than what people give it for. John probably had good reason for kicking out foreigners, could be something to do with the potential for abuse, coupled with the way a western mind generally thinks.
  16. New Interview With Kostas Danaos

    He originally said it was JC whom told him it was his dan tien spinning that he hears while meditating on the beach; in this interview Kostas changes the story to some kind of meditation teacher who isn't JC. He lied about the colours of the chi charged ping pong ball in the first book. He lied about JC's levitation power in the first book. Gotta embellish to make that money. He also was obviously denying that he knew Sean Deanty.
  17. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    Perrenial one upsmanship. Mental masturbation at its finest. *fap fap fap fap*
  18. New Interview With Kostas Danaos

    Kostas is a liar.
  19. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    He who makes a show is not enlightened. He who is self-righteous is not respected. Great intelligence seems stupid. Great eloquence seems awkward. -TTC
  20. I agree with vortex. Question begs itself, makes no sense.It's like asking "what if the night was dark?" meh.
  21. Tradition and Lineages

    Haha nice one Hundun. +1.
  22. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    Unless you are involved with a tradition that actively talks about and defines what is exactly "yin" and "yang" chi, i find that maybe you'd find it better to not diagram as what is exactly "yin" or "yang" chi. For example, each organ has its own brand of chi. Heart, Liver, Lungs, and so on each .As you work with the lungs, the liver, the heart, the kidneys, you'll feel exactly what their chi is really like, and it isn't exactly are purely definable as "yin" or "yang". I mean you could take the scholarly route and say lesser yin or greater yang chi etc, but that is useless in my opinion, because to actively understand the properties of the energies in your body, it is best to feel and experience them deeply, over making labels as to what exactly they are or not "yin" or "yang". Unless you are following a specific tradition that defines these things in its own terms for you, there is a multitude of things and feelings which could be considered yin or yang. It is the dynamic interaction and transmutation of an organ's chi with and towards other organs that is the important thing to get. There's more than just two kinds of energy in your body; there are many. Paradigms can limit understanding sometimes, but only if you let them.
  23. Sexuality & the Sage

    I was wondering.. what do you bums think is the most Taoist way to handle things considering sexual attraction? Lately, it just seems that it seems to be a problem of mine lately.. I find myself needlessly obsessing over attractive women, and the passions that are stirred up are difficult to put down.. and no matter how much i try to "go with the flow", it seems that its my sexuality is what is always causing disturbingly passionate emotions, that somewhat affect my peace of mind, causing my mind to linger on the past, or obsess over controlling the future. My last relationship ended rather sourly. My main squeeze was a very attractive woman and it was very passionate, but it just didn't last because she just wasn't the kind of a woman that could work things long term with me. I know that she's bitter and hurt, and it just seems that its hard to leave any kind of relationship without pain in someone's heart. It's hard since I am that much of a horndog and thus get into all these relationships with sexy hot women with little long term potential, but it would be nice not to hurt people anymore and not have to fight with your significant other because of big differences in character. Lately changes within my life have allowed me to distance myself quite a way from civilization and practice my neidan full time, but every time I seem to go down from my mountain, I seem to encounter some attractive woman and with that it is hard, because then I will know that I want her. It just seems I am angsty over my own attraction towards women, as when I desire someone I wish I didn't, it feels like torture, because my rational mind has no choice in the matter and the emotions rule solely. and when I act upon those feelings there is always the chance of rejection, which then my mind seems to endlessly beat itself about over with. its uncontrollable. so in short, even seeing a beautiful woman is a sure shot to get my mind and emotions in a knot whether I want to or not, and unless I cut all my ties with the whole world, this seems something that I have to deal with. It sucks not having a say as to who you're attracted to or not, and sometimes extremely much so. Damn hormones. You just are, and there's nothing you can do about it. And if your heart yearns for someone against your better judgment, where is peace? I've read the TTC and found that Chapter 3 has some say on this : "Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the heart." I see the wisdom in this and have been trying to do this, avoiding these disturbing emotions of sexual desire by avoiding women, but its not as easy because there are always circumstances that shove one back into the world at the least expected times.. So.. How does one person come to terms with his overpowering sexuality? Is the sage's only way to do so is to remove one's self from the cause of all these things? Do all people wishing to achieve a high spiritual transformation always hide from the sexuality that will stir their heart? that would mean living in a cave on a mountain or a forest, and although there are merits to that, there must be more practical means to do things with. . ?
  24. New John Chang Video Surfaces

    More Pie Guy you might want to fight fire with fire and create a dozen fictitious accounts as well, all pretending to not be you, all with two posts also. Mo Pai wannabe baiting once again. somebody should shut this thread down because all its gonna be is some flame war between More Pie and some other accounts all protecting lucas's agenda. a mod should def look into the IP's of all these accounts, and ban the IP's who are found to who use multiple accounts with fictitious entities. There is no new mo pai video. There is no secret manuscript for sale. retard who opened this thread obviously is baiting people. Who wants to spend money on a wild goose chase, anyone? I will be accepting donations starting today. Go home, people.
  25. Damaging Dantien

    I've observed that within certain practices regarding the cultivation of energy in the dantien, it seems like a universal rule not to put dantien training and sex nearly in the same box. I've heard in the longmenpai you are not supposed to practice a week after you have sex? and many systems seem to have a rule about such things. From everywhere I see it chigong + ejaculation = bad. So, don't you think that its possible to damage your dantien or that sort of thing? or at least put stress on it. I'm sure that the higher methods of alchemy all have their dangers, and sometimes irreparable damage can be caused to oneself during certain stages if one is not careful. And sex is probably one of them given the fact that it seems so common a rule in many systems. What do we know about the mechanism between pulling energy in the dantien and ejaculation? I'd like to know what some of our other bums know that I myself might not. and specifically how sex and the pulling chi into dantien= a no no, at least for a specified time? and no, none of that mantak chia stuff, sadly i'm not a fan of his work, and wouldn't like any of it mentioned here.