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Posts posted by ramus

  1. Agreed...you know, people always say that what makes a master is skill in the basics. Practicing high level stuff only gets you so far when you haven't yet healed, integrated and centered yourself.


    Plus, you have low quality foundation stuff and then you have high quality. XSZ does a great job of healing the spine, which is the basis of our well-being. I would rank it in high quality, because it actually accomplishes what people are wanting from "qigong".


    pilates is better......

    and more simple!

    and more interesting :)

  2. practice "in kung":

    breathe and think you have to remove the dots between navel and the point opposite the spine ....

    exhale and imagine that this "center" sucks magnetically colon.

    In addition to these points later connect the dots between the head and point between anus and genitals short a rope slightly moved forward, again same thing, the center draws them.

    matched celibacy of 5 months and have a "tan tien ".....

    and you will have saved $ 1300 not declared on taxes.

    plan go there and do not overdo it, the breath must not be forced, but natural !!!!!!

    the breath of life comes from the body, from head, fills up the tan tien and leaves you from the bottom up.

    are really only two things to do, let them.

    tell me if you do not understand.


    practice is ultimately similar to that mentioned by Mantak Chia, do not make the orbit or other practices and who know that only needs to build this center, whose value is dubious to me anyway.

    Oh,................... David told us that we could have trouble with this practice: clotted blood in the form of a black belt in the abdomen ......... if we should leave immediately ...... the slope and go by his master ......... unknown secret to remove the death penalty immediately .........! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Needless to say that no sane person would do this practice without such a teacher near you!! so I think nobody has done this absurd practice, and therefore remains immune from possible criticism david sula validity of this absurd teaching .......

  3. wow, this guy Verdesi then live's in another kind of world <_<



    considered that when we train together in the gym at one point he showed me the "ancient Chinese exercises" that would make my body stronger, but not big .........

    a year later I discovered that these strange exercises were simply those of kettlebells and other mixed martial arts workout or simply functional, used a pendulum movement with ballistic, the pilates exercise some, and some exercises for the abdomen with classic wheel ".....

    In short the usual teasing, passed off as great secret Chinese ...... operating only with some kind of chi kung practice .....

    besides this we have the nonsense of his touch electric, available at $ 250 a trick on the internet.

  4. Please, please do me a BIIIIG favour! Do not call the guy 'Dr'. He is not one and he does not even have a degree!



    he is not graduated !!!!!

    the "degree" that he has taken is one of those at a distance, those universities that practically sell the title ............. In short we are not talking about a real and serious universities, which have been accepted by employers ........!

  5. Playing devils advocate (cause he's more fun to play with) one thing that impressed me about Verdesi is he inspired people to engage in long hard practice, far beyond what most Western teachers require. Maybe its because he's charismatic or its a byproduct of charging so much, but he got his people to work 3,4 or more hours daily.


    That's quite an accomplishment. One that will lead to gains no matter what your practice is. Even the people who leave his teaching dismayed are probably better for it because they know the discipline of long practice.





    practiced and pay me ......!

    better for a few years .....!

    maybe you come from "my" teachers, I ask other good money ....!



  6. For those who do not know the lies David or his students have told, which have been proven to be false, I guess you are new to the Taobums' forum, so please look through the many discussions in this forum about David, Seandenty, John Chang, Wang Liping, Jiang, and all the bulls@it about sucking Chi from bulls. Maybe the reason those sessions are so costly is because the bulls used are wagyu cows...or commonly known for Kobe beef. I guess many people do not believe David or his stories is because...I don't know....maybe it's all the lies he told.

  7. So, to summarize, my point of view on the practices that David Shen says of practice and even teach:


    The street lighting has nothing to do with the school of thunder and lightning, is highly detrimental to the body of the practitioner,


    is extremely dangerous for its practitioners and those close to the practitioner,


    power generated is completely dissociated from the knowledge and character of the person, then an evil person could reach the heights of this practice,


    practice is therefore to serve a hypertrophic ego that believes that it is so important to have to live forever


    generates power and increases selfishness and egocentrism, gives the possibility not to look to their personal growth that is replaced by growth of ego


    In practice, it repeats the myth of the Tower of Babel, the practitioner tries to rise from the bottom up with its own strengths and build a being that is beyond the laws of nature, we try to construct a devil can be so compact enough to be harder than the scythe of death, the guardian of the threshold,


    this practice is not therefore considered the importance of the spirit that is the true ruler and tries to replace it by the ego and the proposed evolution of the spirit replaces a personal and necessarily short-sighted


    Besides all this, when David (and for me would be the best, since the character) was not reached actual powers of energy, then it could use some trivial tricks to generate the electricity that I also have heard,


    However the fact that David now has moved in the tradition of MIAO is probably a marketing move, just to have a greater chance of having students and to broaden his target presone poor but present in more than


    the fact that he can talk about lighting and want to give an initiation of this is, in my opinion, ludicrous, in fact only an enlightened would do something like this and he is not.

  8. So, to summarize, my point of view on the practices that David Shen says of practice and even teach:


    The street lighting has nothing to do with the school of thunder and lightning, is highly detrimental to the body of the practitioner,


    is extremely dangerous for its practitioners and those close to the practitioner,


    power generated is completely dissociated from the knowledge and character of the person, then an evil person could reach the heights of this practice,


    practice is therefore to serve a hypertrophic ego that believes that it is so important to have to live forever


    generates power and increases selfishness and egocentrism, gives the possibility not to look to their personal growth that is replaced by growth of ego


    In practice, it repeats the myth of the Tower of Babel, the practitioner tries to rise from the bottom up with its own strengths and build a being that is beyond the laws of nature, we try to construct a devil can be so compact enough to be harder than the scythe of death, the guardian of the threshold,


    this practice is not therefore considered the importance of the spirit that is the true ruler and tries to replace it by the ego and the proposed evolution of the spirit replaces a personal and necessarily short-sighted


    Besides all this, when David (and for me would be the best, since the character) was not reached actual powers of energy, then it could use some trivial tricks to generate the electricity that I also have heard,


    However the fact that David now has moved in the tradition of MIAO is probably a marketing move, just to have a greater chance of having students and to broaden his target presone poor but present in more than


    the fact that he can talk about lighting and want to give an initiation of this is, in my opinion, ludicrous, in fact only an enlightened would do something like this and he is not.

  9. So, to summarize, my point of view on the practices that David Shen says of practice and even teach:


    The street lighting has nothing to do with the school of thunder and lightning, is highly detrimental to the body of the practitioner,


    is extremely dangerous for its practitioners and those close to the practitioner,


    power generated is completely dissociated from the knowledge and character of the person, then an evil person could reach the heights of this practice,


    practice is therefore to serve a hypertrophic ego that believes that it is so important to have to live forever


    generates power and increases selfishness and egocentrism, gives the possibility not to look to their personal growth that is replaced by growth of ego


    In practice, it repeats the myth of the Tower of Babel, the practitioner tries to rise from the bottom up with its own strengths and build a being that is beyond the laws of nature, we try to construct a devil can be so compact enough to be harder than the scythe of death, the guardian of the threshold,


    this practice is not therefore considered the importance of the spirit that is the true ruler and tries to replace it by the ego and the proposed evolution of the spirit replaces a personal and necessarily short-sighted


    Besides all this, when David (and for me would be the best, since the character) was not reached actual powers of energy, then it could use some trivial tricks to generate the electricity that I also have heard,


    However the fact that David now has moved in the tradition of MIAO is probably a marketing move, just to have a greater chance of having students and to broaden his target presone poor but present in more than


    the fact that he can talk about lighting and want to give an initiation of this is, in my opinion, ludicrous, in fact only an enlightened would do something like this and he is not.


    My experience of David is that he does not even know to be a good friend, let alone be a teacher.

  10. So, to summarize, my point of view on the practices that David Shen says of practice and even teach:


    The street lighting has nothing to do with the school of thunder and lightning, is highly detrimental to the body of the practitioner,


    is extremely dangerous for its practitioners and those close to the practitioner,


    power generated is completely dissociated from the knowledge and character of the person, then an evil person could reach the heights of this practice,


    practice is therefore to serve a hypertrophic ego that believes that it is so important to have to live forever


    generates power and increases selfishness and egocentrism, gives the possibility not to look to their personal growth that is replaced by growth of ego


    In practice, it repeats the myth of the Tower of Babel, the practitioner tries to rise from the bottom up with its own strengths and build a being that is beyond the laws of nature, we try to construct a devil can be so compact enough to be harder than the scythe of death, the guardian of the threshold,


    this practice is not therefore considered the importance of the spirit that is the true ruler and tries to replace it by the ego and the proposed evolution of the spirit replaces a personal and necessarily short-sighted


    Besides all this, when David (and for me would be the best, since the character) was not reached actual powers of energy, then it could use some trivial tricks to generate the electricity that I also have heard,


    However the fact that David now has moved in the tradition of MIAO is probably a marketing move, just to have a greater chance of having students and to broaden his target presone poor but present in more than


    the fact that he can talk about lighting and want to give an initiation of this is, in my opinion, ludicrous, in fact only an enlightened would do something like this and he is not.


    My experience of David is that he does not even know to be a good friend, let alone be a teacher.

  11. Interesting.

    So, the person zapping doesn't even need a ring or anything?

    How would it work? He's got the box on his belt. Then let's say with the right hand he's touching the other person's finger while at that moment he's activating the electricity with his left hand.

    Something like that?

    Can the person doing the zapping also feel the electricity or only the one on the receiving end?


    REALLY INTERESTING, MAYBE JUST DAVID USA this trick, maybe she has learned in his travels by a few "magician."



    I was amazed that this strange transmission of electricity, so painful, had not even had any of spiritual activity or energy, I know at least one exit from the body while sleep, ANY TYPE OF CHANGE IN MY LIFE ..... NOTHING NOTHING!!

