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Posts posted by Alethaeia

  1. aside from the sporadic yoga / tai chi / qigung, i have one steady fitness plan:


    fits in my pocket and only costs 7 bucks for a new one : )

    along with being an obvious flexibility and calisthenic workout, it's quite meditative for me

    i anticipate being in great shape well into my 70s largely because of this simple toy

    : )


  2. srsly -_-'

    i'm hopeless for a good action/adventure RPG

    i do have a few complaints about skyrim, like no acrobatics/athletics >:(

    and over-simplification of the more technical aspects which get me all wet...i love the in depth technical points of rpg games

    however i LOVE the skill tree - now we actually have to BUILD a character! bout time! ( i played Diablo II for 6 years )

    and also i enjoy the fixed levels of world creatures, like bears -- if you wander down the wrong trail, you can get killed in one hit by a high lvl monster. that's how it should be; oblivion really pissed me off with the dynamic leveling system, it drove me crazy that the same rats i met in the sewers lvl 1 were now lvl 20 with me and still provided a challenge. ugh. stupid. aaaand they finally have some decent vioce acting now.

    anyway YAY SKYRIM <3 IT"S SO PURDY ^___^


    but yeah, back on topic! Hayao Miyazaki is the PWNTZ0RZ! err, that means he's really good ^_^

    the only miyazaki film i haven't seen is Castle in the Sky, or perhaps some of the Lupin stuff, which was before he joined Studio Ghibli....


  3. funny you mentioned closing your eyes...

    when i used to run all the time (30-40 mi./week) i would close my eyes for as long as i could without getting really scared, then open them for a moment, very much like what you described

    but breath every 32 steps?! that seems pretty long...

    i have been working with breathing in 4 steps / out 4 steps = 8 step breath, feels good probably because it's the first time ive ever structured my walking with my breath

    i want my legs to be healthy and they still need some healing

    step by step...

    • Like 1

  4. i have been an athlete all my life

    my knees have seen far too much abuse, from aggressive bike riding, skateboarding and snowboarding to track running, basketball, and of course the random jumping around that any active child will do

    such intense activity has taken it's toll, as i struggled for many years with intense knee pain (osgood-schlatters, we think)

    this has led me to be a very mindful walker, as even normal walking was agonizing for much of my life

    with my health practice and better diet, i have had much less pain, but then again i'm not pushing myself as much as i used to...

    i am curious if there are specific ways to walk which can heal and straighten the legs and offer sustained output of energy, e.g. walking 10+ miles in one day

    any input is welcome


  5. Gerard thank you for that article, it was very informative, on a mental meditative level

    i especially enjoyed the reflexology chart - i look at those whenever i can

    on a more physical level, in the body, i am curious if there are any specific techniques or motions which produce a healthy way of walking that can be sustained over long distances

    ...i suppose i should just make a new thread about this

    indeed i think i shall

    thanks again Gerard, i welcome any input you will have for the new thread, and i hope i haven't taken this one too far off course : P


  6. ... If I can ever pull my free time away from Skyrim, lol.

    oh my GAOWD don't even get me started....


    I also despise cutsy type anime, and I face slap to Avatar-Air Bender. Air Bender just seems like it's on the same level of Pokemon to me. :-(

    sounds like someone has lost their inner child ! Wake up shleepyhead ! ^____^



    i totally forgot about Cowboy Bebop! one of my very favorites <3

    i guess i have simple and child-like taste : D

    but isn't that one of the core qualities of the fire element?


  7. Avatar is the best cartoon ever made . . . but i wouldn't call it anime

    Yip Yip !


    i recommend Shigurui

    it's set in ancient japan, centers around a small clan of samurai

    VERY graphic and violent, but the imagery, perspective, philosophy, and techniques are spectacular

    it portrays quite accurately the culture of japan as far as i know(which isn't very well)

    it's a pretty intense show, only 12 episodes or so, twenty minutes each

    the first five minutes of the first episode will let you know if you're into it

    cheers to good cinema


    • Like 1

  8. beautiful thread!

    Gerard, i especially enjoyed your post about Zhi, i really needed to hear that, as i am working with balancing my Zhi currently

    at the end you mentioned walking meditations?

    i might make a new thread about this, but i thought first i'd ask you

    how should one walk? i try to keep my steps in time with my breath, and i'm curious what you Bums think?

    thank you


  9. I think the just drink on weekends and not too much approach is a good one. In anmy case, that's what I am settling for!

    that sounds healthy, moderation is one of Lao's three great virtues, is it not? : )

    How regularly do you drink?


    i drink a couple times a week, no schedule really

    i try not to get too tipsy, it's usually destructive for me to fall too far out of control -- i have alot of fire >: )


    also i forgot to mention my very favorite drink, which for me is a rare treat -- Port 'The Philosopher's Wine'

    man i love that stuff <3

  10. I didn't realise that western systems of astrology add the numbers together too

    they don't... astrology and numerology are two different things

    they can and do shed light on similar archetypal patterns, to be sure, but one does not include the other, at least not in my understanding

    why do some people use their western birth numbers in eastern systems?

    because the website they used likely has a conversion calculator translating the date to eastern calendar

    Would you say there is no mystical element to astrology whatsoever then?

    well...not exactly : P

    Certainly mainstream magazine horoscopes depict it as 'mystical' and it generally has a lack of credibility due to this mystical association.

    yes and this is the type of over-generalized understanding that i seek to shift into a more comprehensive and holistic way of thought, by observing that:

    ... the patterns which emerge from observation of the skies do not become apparent very readily -- not the small day/night/week/month patterns but the big patterns. It seems these big patterns take lifetimes to grasp and generations to document. This puts us face-to-face with the big mystery... so surely there is actually a mystical aspect to astrology- not in any derogatory sense but in the sheer expansiveness of thinking it takes to comprehend such patterns

    yes, this is exactly what the mystical aspect of astrology would be -- the intuitive understanding of our connection to our environment(the Universe)

    keep in mind that astrology happens in the human mind, based on our observations of our reality;

    the patterns that the planets illustrate are exactly the same archetypal patterns of the human creature(as above so below)

    this is where potential connections with numerology and other systems of astrology will arise

    we're all viewing the same Reality from differing perspectives, and these systems of analysis are filters through which we can gain logical understanding, on our path of liberation

    a truly liberated being has no need for these systems, they rest in a 'higher' unitive awareness all the time


    you ask good questions : )


  11. hmm it seems to me that you have a few misconceptions about astrology and numerology

    astrology is not a mystic art

    it is a cold hard science of observation and documentation

    the locations of the planets are documented alongside earthly events, and the patterns soon become obvious

    western astrology is completely different from chinese astrology, the former did not evolve from the latter

    i wish i knew the chinese system half as well as i know the western, as i could then be of better help in this instance

    as for numerology, one does not take only the last two digits of the year of birth, but adds the entire birth date numbers together e.g. 11/13/73 1+1+1+3+7+3=16 1+6=7

    hope this helps

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  12. ps. No diss of intellectual boobs they are cool too.

    round royal rubles, bright bubbly bosoms, heaving heaps of heaven

    ah yes, to touch, to taste, to tap the divine flow of life giving liquid

    when not so muddled and muzzled, the mammarian musings are a fine delicacy, quite a treat indeed

    /dao of derailment




    as for laotze, he is very much alive in 'spirit' whatever that means to you

    the wisdom of the tao is undeniable, except perhaps to an intellectual boob

    so many of us are too lost in our heads to see the living wisdom of those words

    but that's the work - to liberate all beings from such boob-dom

  13. Ah thank you for those links, a beacon of light in the fog...

    As for where the vibrations are coming from, well that will take me time to find out.

    I'm much less concerned with knowing where they 'are' than i am with how i can use them.

    They seem to be ever present; i've got worlds of time to listen.

  14. When i am in a perfectly silent place ( a gift that i ravenously enjoy ) i can hear two distinct tones.

    These tones are coming directly from the Earth, as i have heard them in many widespread locations.

    One is a low hum, very low, as if an air conditioning unit were running on the other side of a wall, and i've mapped it to the note B on the musical scale.

    The second tone sounds exactly like a crystal singing bowl, and matches middle E on the piano.

    B-E : ) That was a fun little epiff 'ny i had a couple months ago.

    There is a third, i'm not fully tuned in yet, so i can't say too much about it: it is a shrill noise almost how you hear from an old television, but not nearly so unpleasant. This one i haven't yet mapped, but suspect that it is a high octave of one of the other two. Further investigation most definitely pending.

    Anyone still with me ? Just checking in with a conscious community to see if this trail has already been blazed.

    Thanks guys

    Be well

  15. Well yes; and no.

    I suppose i was using the term ascension to reference the natural process of evolution.

    My goal is to live naturally in the flow, not having to struggle.

    Ironically, effort confounds this. Ah, the paradox of the Tao.

    Perhaps Emergence would have been more accurate.

    It's wonderful to have been welcomed despite my novice wordsmanship : P